At the Churches Catholic Church Sixth and C Streets Mass Sunday morning a 9 o'clock. Sunday School after Mass con­ ducted by the ladies of the church Rev W. J. Meagher, Pastor. l*hone Medford 3208. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner No Main and I-aurel Sts Dr George W. Bruce. Minister The Sunday Church School meets at 9 45 The morning ser­ mon is at 11 o'clock on the sub­ ject. "The Races of Men". The pastor will make use of an appeal ‘ ing picture of "Jesus and the Rac­ es of Men." The evening sermon is at 7:30 on the subject, "The Visible and the Invisible " The mid week servee of Bible Study and Christian Fellowship is each Thur at 7:30 p. m NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH CONORBGATTONAL 717 Siskiyou Boulevard Clarence F McCall. Minister 9:45 a.m. Bible School, with Mrs. Glen Prescott. Supt 11:00 a. m. Worship Servee .the pastor giving the sermon. MODERN love in a blackout ! Don AMECHE • Joon BENNETT Sun. Mon. Tues First PRESBYTERIAN Church North Main at Helman Rev. Howard G. Eddy. Minister A cordial welcome to all visil- rs. Bible School at 9:45 a. m . Wirt M Wright. Supt. Classes for all ages. Junior Church at 11 a m. for junior-age children. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sermon- "Rich- He Became Poor." Special music by the vested choir. Mias Come Florence Allen. Director early and enjoy the organ pre- lude, Mrs J. W. McCoy, organist Evening servee at 7:30 -sermonic study in Luke. "Preaching in Gal- • ilee." TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev A N. MacDonnell. Vicar Feb. 14-Sixth Sunday after Epiph any. 8 a. m. -Holy Communion 9:30- Church School 11:00- Morning Prayer and sermon. Wed. 9:30 a. m. -Holy Communion . » AMI* WHITE SOLDIER <.IN I X '.III I li VI* WM*N MET LAST FRIDAY VIAR’.IAI.I, E. MOODELL I.El I FOR NAVI I I BBUA1 AT METHODIST CHl'KCH f WHEN IT COMES ! The regular monthly meeting It was announced Thursday by of the Women's Society of Christ­ Headquarters Camp White, that ian Service of the Methodist the trial of Pvt William I. Bry­ | Church met last Friday in the son had been concluded. Bryson parlors with Mrs George was tried on January 29 at Camp church White for stabbing of a staff Mason. president, in charge Af- ' ter the business meeting a fine 25 sergeant last November 15, in the Greyhound Bus Tavern at Ash­ cent luncheon was served at noon land. Ore. The general court mar­ by the hostess committee consist­ tial sen ence given Byron was that ing of Mesdames Bergstrom, (Ai­ Wenner, McNair, he was to be dishonorably dis­ der. Leonard, Schilling, ami Miss Ada Huntley charged from ihe service, to for­ After lunch Miss Frances Ikidds JAMES HANKS NEWCOMB feit all |»ay and allowance due and spoke of the activities of the lo­ Funeral services were held Weil to become due. and to be confined cal USO At 1:30 Mrs. Homer1 nesday morldng at the Lit wilier for 16 years The record of the Billing,« devoted a few ntnutes to ease now goes to authorities for Funeral Home for Janies Bunks the work of the prayer circle general review and approval. Newcomb. 67, who passed away The Bryson case is the first followed by devotions led by Mrs Feb. 8. The remains will be taken C K Pratt Mrs W A Stratton general court martial to be han­ to Fort Jones, Calif for burial assisted by Mrs James Lennox died by the service command unit, He is survived by his widow und Mrs. L. H Gallatin, and rs R E Camp White. Ore two sinters, Mra. has Cong le of Newbry presented the second chap­ Medford News Williams. Oregon and Mrs Chas ter of the study book. "The New Rose of Hornbrook. c*alif Earth Wherein Dwelleth Right- For Sale Or Trad«. For Acreage,- • eouness." Mrs Robert Lytle gave Good Income l*roperty Now loor heulth Thia is a splendid opport unity for children to enjoy a worship sir- vice planned fbr their age with in­ teresting expressional activities S R Morris is reported to be improving from a serious attack of the flu DOG LICENSE DUE! When trouble come* to you —and it will, in some form —see that it is lightened by the benefits of adequate in­ surance. your insurance Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main V ion week programs on the noon and evening farm hours. From Thursday, February 11 to Friday, Feb. 13, inclusive, programs will deal with vegetable crops, livestock food preservation, and poultry pro tluction, ending with a message from Governor Earl Snell Sat. at 7 o'clock. NAT CHEAPER 11 U I BIGGER . JUST BETTER! Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza Phone 3281 Mi«« Gcneveive McGee of Klam­ ath Falls spent the week-en 1 In ! Ashland with her parents. Mr and 1 Mrs A O M Dr Mattie Shaw and Mrs Grace Pellet left the first of the week for Cathedral City. Calif Published every 'lliurs. ay ut IU7 East Main H . Ashland. Oregon by Charles and Ruth Gillen Entered as second-class matter In the post office al Ashland. Oregon February 15. 1935 umici llm act of March 3 1879 Nnlw.1 Ipilon rates: 82.00 pri year E X T E It TAIN M E N 1 Phone 7561 rriday Saturday “The ISLE OF MISSING MEN” UITH JOHN HOWARD IND HELEN GILBERT UNO “The PHANTOM PLAINSMAN” W ITH The Three Mesquiteerg 'I* I lies, M m 1 MAIS, *1 ANDREWS J SISTERS la • ’ .** 1 f Born to Mr and Mrs. Norman Driver on Feb. 8. a daughter G. R. Carter, County Clerk •I AI'TOMOIHIJC FIRE I N S U R A N ( E "That you can depend on” ) ) 10C <=»c 10i°r a Co»*"*' s^\oc KOAC TO AIR ALL OSC-UO HOME BASKETBALL GAMES series from Eugene. Broadcasts will begin at 7:50 o'clock with play by play descriptions starting at 8:00 KOAC is completing an ex-, tensive schedule of 4-H moMlizat-] Mis Arch Barksdale has re- turned from u visit with her pnr- ents in Ix>a Angeles Cliff Bauyhman visited with his non Corporal Junies Baughmnn In San Francisco last week License—$1.50 Aft Penalty after March 1st- $2 j 00 Total cost after March 1st- 3.50 Get it now and save $2.00 FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main St. at Seventh Charles E Brown, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a*, m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a. m. Young People's and Junior ’ Missionary Society at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p. m Mid-week prayer meeting, at at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Song and Hymn practice, Fri­ day at 7:30 p. m Come and worship with us the beauty of Holiness .— ---- _e--------- KOAC, the state-owned station, will handle the complete schedule of games by Oregon and Oregon State college on their home floors. The two remaining games between I these two rivals will be broadcast February 19 from McArthur Court in Eugene and Feb. 20 from the j state college gymnasium. Feb. 23 and 24 the OSC-WSC series will be broadcast from Corvallis andj the 26th and 27th the WSC-UO' SOUTHERN OREGON MINI It Marshall E. Woodell of 285 Beach Street, registrar of SUE and family left Tuesday for Ev­ erett. Washington where Mrs Woodell and small eon will remain for the present From there Mi Woodell will take the train to Tua con, Arizona where he will re­ ceive a month's I railing before going into active duty in the navy He iates as u Lieutenant. Junior guide First Church Of Christ Scientist. Pioneer Ave.. South Sunday morning service at 11 o’clock. Subject- "Sour’ Sunday School at 9:45 a m Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o'clock. Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and Holidays The public is cordially invited to attend these services, and to use the Reading Room. Let us be counselors. Thursday, February 11. 1043 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 M ET Z DON’T TIRE YOURSELF t Trying to do it 7771 and let our laundry i vagon pick up your washing** we’ll do it for you. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Wirt M. Wright, Prop Phone 7771 HEALTH £ ACCIDENT Wednesday & Thursday Mid-week Special M. T. BURNS ON THE PIABA Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday IM I I ) ) ) )l WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ! MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION ( ENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. Western Thrift Store ) 30 North Central Ave. ( ( (live Her Flowers for Valentine's Day Potted Plants, Cut Flowers And Corsages » —Delivery iFiLoi^nsirs “Flowers For All Occasions” 271 MORTO X STREET Phone 4161 : 31 Water St. t