SOUTHERN OREGON MINER. Ashland, Oregon I C NONE I St. Josephs A1PIRIN l I LSMSilT HUÍS *1 lg> Immortal Youth There is a feeling of Eternity in youth which makes amends for everything. To be young is to ba as one of the Immortals.—Hazlitt. i TOUR OF DUTY: HAVING TROUBLE WITH RATS AND MICK? Two or three treat­ ments drives them out permanently. Write McCleUan. the Bat Maa. Bos 436. Myrtle Point. Oregon. YOUR ASSURANCE OF QUALITY VITAMINS can keep his eyes open or focused on a target out there in the open bow—with the fierce wind blinding and bayonneting him—is something I do not savvy . . . Th. powerful gun kicks Die way Joe Louis punches and shakes you violently the way Lew Fields shook Joe Weber . . . At any rate, there you are out there under the huge propellers - several feet ahead of the pilot—alone . . . Except for the hurricane-tcmpo’d wind and perhaps a Nuzi sub hiding below. Instructions 7448 contains directions tor varied bedspreads, dressing table skirts; accessories; materials needed. Send your order to: Krwlng (‘Irete Needier raft Dept. 117 Minna Mt. Nan Francltro. Calif. Envióte 19 venta (plus one cent to cover coat of mailing) tor Pattern No.......... Name . Addrrt« The name GROVE’S on every package of B (Mtnplen Vitamins is your bond of assurance—a symbol of guaranteed quality. Unit for unit, you can't get finer quality vitamins. They're distributed by makers of famous Bromo Quinin« Cold Tablets. GROVE'S B Complex Vitamins sre economical! Regular size—just twenty-nine cents. Large size, mors than a month's supply—only one dollar. Get GROVE'S B Complex Vitamins today! 35 -• Wf > ff> ‘ 8» GROVES B COMPLEX VITAM I N S Duplicates Teacher—Why, Mary, that’s < queer pair of stockings you have on, one green and one brown. Mary—Yes, and I have got an­ other pair just like those at home. Young Helle CHE'LL fancy herself quite young lady in this lovable dress with V-neck and cute bodice treat­ ment. The tiny puffed sleeves and sash will make her look still more feminine and irresistible. ; ASK ME ? ANOTHER lame • - f helmet containing snd some dark specs . . . I just sat there wishing hard that they’d get lucky . . . Now and then the Captain brought the plane down to a few feet over the water—to circle over oil specks . , . They are really huge gobs of scum from tank­ ers and ships, they said . . . Some­ times it might be from an ill-fated merchantman, but I heard this is not always the case. Cow's Grave on Map The only animal whose grave has ever been designated on the map of its country is Buzoe, a pet cow that died of old age in the Gibson desert of Australia in 1876 while she was with a party map­ ping the territory, says Collier's. "Buzoe’s Grave” was indicated on the original chart and, consequent­ ly, the place was included on many maps of Australia published in the past 60 years. I k wot