VOL. Xll ASHLAND. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1943 With Simplified Form Only 6 Things to Do It s no nuuiuiy gon is stealing IIMIlUl Wl'IltllVI / r r The Allies are slowly bill ly making progress on al funds but the Dure says nerds is the last 15 minutes r 1 « There is no synthetic rubber to plug the bottle-neck Too much sir In .Washington, and no lire» t<> hold H 1040-A For Incomes of $3,000 or LESS Received from Wage», Salaries, Dividends, Interest and Annuities >ur name, address, and occupation, (g) Your dependents. No Difficult Figuring NUMBER 3 Indicate your family status, your income. /CJx Subtract your credit for dzpendents. 6 Read your tai directly from the table. No Complicated Calculations It I apfMirent that I fellow condemned to "Htrelcl I temp" will soon stretch Abaca A I huiu is being produced in Panama to replace hemp us rope fiber. 1 1 111 Now we have cuff leas trousers and rubbcrlcjui automobile« But cheer tip, some of these days We will have a mustuchli-M» Hiller »nd u volcelcsM Goebels 1 1 1 Uncle Zeku nays one welcome shortage the war effort has brought about la the noticeable scarcity of ahle-txxllrd panhand- lers. 1 1 1 Prices of sofhc commodities have not only hit the ceiling but liounccd through the skylight • WESLEYAN SERVICE Gi ll.I) MET WITH MIHM WHITSON The Wesleyan Service Guild of the Methodist hurch met Tuesday evening with Miss Gladys Whit- son The business meeting folowed the chicken dinner and social hour ut 6:30. M ims Ollie Depew reported on "China and What the Methixl- IstM Are Doing There, " Of great interest to the group in connection with their study of racial relat- ions was u review of McKinley Helm's txx»k, "Angel Mo’ and her Son Rolnnepew. Edna Goheen, Jeanette Smith Carrie May Smith, V > > The showman ladies resorted to by Home preachers to ait tact crowds. In our opinion, pli KM-th all understanding In a rvi'ent las iic of the CHILOQUIN RE- VIEW’, we noir the announcement i < Past" by Iterskovita: "Drums trombone section of the orchestra, mighty caravans that conquered Missionary Society met Thursday Tuesday evening from a two day and Shadows" and "Negro Folk Rex Underwood, symphony con­ the Great American Desert and afternoon at the home of Mrs Bible Conference of Methodist Mary Higgins. Songs as Sung by I .end Belly" by ductor and professor of music, an­ peopled the fap Pacific slopes. ministers held in Roseburg. Miss I-ottie Beswick of Bellview Lomax: The Souls of Black Folk’’ nounced. Henry Newton was able to re­ Ed. Note- This is one in a series and Mrs. Sarah Clark of Ashland turn to work yesterday after sev­ by DtiBois Mrs Chas. Inseley of Roseburg of stories commemorating the called on friends in Talent Sunday eral day.s absence because of ill­ For Sale Or Trade For Acreage,- visited her long-time friend Mrs Old Oregon Trail Centennial. evening ness Good Income Pro|ierty Now I4MM- C. A. Heath last Saturday. Mrs ---------- ♦—,------- cil. Consists Of luirge Store Buil­ Inseley and her husband recently FRAXK VAN DYKE RETURNS Dr. R E. Poston attended a Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. ding With Living Apartments, returned from an extensive trin | Chamber of Commerce meeting in Leighton of Camas. Washington, Public Scales, Garage, Anil Ser­ where they visited their three sons Frank Van Dyke, local at’ornev, Salem this week. , a son. Mr. Leighton was formerly vice Station. Call At 61 N. Main in the army stationed in camps in who has been in (Officers Training football coach in Ashland. Street Or On Sundays At 187 Oak Texas, South Carolina, and South in California, has returned to fill Henry Metz is out of town for a Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Street In Ashland. his place in the state Legislature. . few days this week. Dakota. . Owings on Feb. 6, a daughter. Use the Simplified form 1040 A -You can qet it NOW from your Employer or Your Local INTERNAL REVENUE OFFICE Library Notes KILLS WORLDS BIGGEST BEAR -----•---- ---- •-----