» SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 OCI) Official Likes Food Guarding Plan HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS HOME RUN Of LAUGHTER! NOLAN LANDIS SARA AUGOOO FRAWlfY FKHTHtC fROMTISIti Sun. Mon. Tues POWERFUL ROMANCE! GENE TURttfY GEO. MONTGOMERY LYNN BARI GEMS OF THOUGHT FAILURE OK SUCCESS When unconscious of a mistake, one thinks he is not mistaken; but this false consciousness does not change the fact, or i s re­ sults; suffering and mistakes re­ cur until one is awake to their cause and character—Mary Ba­ ker Eddy. I firjd the great thing in this world As not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.—Oliver Wendell Holmes. How much easier our work would be if we put forth as much effort trying to improve the qual­ ity of it as most of us do trying to find excuses for not properly attending to it.—George W Ball- Failure indicates that energy inger has been poured into the wrong channel.—D. Brande. There is only one real failure in life that is possible, and that is, not to be true to the best one knows. — Farrar. PRACTICAL HEALTH HINTS Something unusual In tile way of civilian organization to protect foodatuffa in event of attack by gas was unfolded to Major G E • . . det By Dr. lamen A. Toboy San Francisco, when lie conferred receutly with chemiata of t Hi­ l> EGUl.ATION of American most economical and abundant ' I A .IS till- Al I . >1 ! I. foods. foods division ol tile state de - tion taken by the newly appointed In addition to Its food energy I’EI.K XXS KI X XX il l». |>ai-tment of agriculture. 1’KOl N( K 4.KIZZl.ll-.> Major Arnold 'learned that the Knud Administrator of the Fed values and both building piotoi*«. era I Govern­ enriched bread contains th. Im Coach Wayne Scott's Klamath division fieldnuMi, subject to call ment. Because pot tant B vii.itiuns. tillin' m Falls high school basketball team day or night, have received care­ of the increased riboflavin, mid nuieiii, as well .> ran Astounds Grizzlies all over ful instruction in wiiat to do to importance of iron, call lum, and phosphoi us F'ui the place to wui 45-35 Friday guard fooiis m case ot raid These bread in our all practical puip>» .667 ited the USO center Thursday af­ 4 cent of all our white bread had as returns of stale bread , Grants Pass Hom«* slicing of bread should •> .667 ternoon. Mr. Mvers is on the staff been thus enriched by voluntary 4 Roseburg be no hardship Un-'iri i bread yf the Medford USO. 2 action of the bakers, who aie ulso .333 4 Ashland keeps bett«r. Honien ,k< i> sh ,-ild, Mrs. Benny Fontaine, a mem ­ 2 bearing the expense of this ini .333 4 Medford provement in our stall of life however, be careful not to cut Twice stopped by the Grants ber of the Medford USO staff Enriched bread remains one of our themselves. Pass Cavemen, the* Ashland Griz­ visited the Ashland USO Thurs­ day evening. Mrs. Fontaine is zlies will try again Friday night PI.AXS I OK ORF.GOX when the two teams meet on the leaving Medford next week to take SOME SENSE (EX 1 EXNI XI. I XDEKXX XX Ashland junior high floor. The a position in the USO at Nor­ us ME NONSEI.XSE "Father, whui Is meant by the The “Oreg, it Plan I game, to be followed by a prelim­ wood. California The junior hostess executive term 'dipkimauc phriuu-oiogy' ’ servance of the Old (I j urary. will start about 8 o clock "My son. if you tell a girl that Centennial 1843 1943" On paper, Jerry Gastineau's committee convened last week for team has a chance of upsetting a supper meeting during which time stands st til while you gaze given wuh* circulate the high-flying Cavemen this time they made plans for smaller group into her eyes that's diplomacy schools of i ri-gon mid Ashland has twice beaten Rose- discussions during February Miss But, if you tell her that her fac«- states I ha been « the h-Hihng <'lm.u’ors berg, who in turn, halted Grants Mary Jean Hendricks was chair­ would stop u clock, taut isn't Inpt and elsewhere, and 1 Pass in a brace of games last man of the meeting Work for the coming month will be mapped out The wanton hills he naked U» «•d mi I r<- trame: * it I A ill week. the breeze, encan Pioneer Traili Each having won four games, by the smaller groups, and an­ T..e w.>-.«Is and thickets now tion The Oregon C«> luncil, Am- Grants Pass and Roseberg are tied nouncements of their plans wil be ..re ail unfrocked. issued later. encan Ptoncer Trails Association for the leadership of the league The USO weekly bulletin was Bai. ar« the Limbs of the shame­ which formulated the pl.ui, anil with Medford and Ashland tied less tr«*«*a. distributed over town as usual the Centennial Arivi «ory Com- for second place with two wins ,\o wonder that the corn IN Wednesday by members of the mission a|>|«>inted by the gover apiece. Ashland and Medford will .•«nocked Anon nor of Oregon, have passi«! this clash on the Medford court Tues­ Camp Fire group. This month th«* Junior High school group direct­ day night to break their tie. The too best subjects for con­ on to the tenchers < if Am< ri a ed by Frances Wort will do th«- Who will la* Interi-sti ed in this service. I-ast month it was done versal ion are talking shop fuid gri-at national ot icrvnnci* to HERE FOR TXXV GAMES mak.ng iove. by the Camp Fire girls of th«- purpose «M the Oregon Plan is to basketball Humboldt States Washington school under direc»' A gentleman in the optica) bus- teach A mcncaniiim to American team from Arcata will invade the tion of Doris Hitchcock. iijess v. as instructing his son in through iietivithu Dr lair of Coach Jean Eberhart » The bulletin, from its printing the te< unique of chiseling a fair Southern Oregon College of Edu­ to its distribution, represents the and honest price out of a custo­ Àssi. cation quintet for two games in attention of a wide group of volu­ mer. He said, "Son after you have pl'l, V the local college gym Friday and nteer workers. Miss Marian Ady fitted the glasses to a cuattmer, Saturday nights. of the College art department and tile customer asks. What's In a previous two-game series drew the decorative designs Mrs the charge' you should say: at Arcata Humbold, won the first Frances White of the college sec-' " 'The charge is ten dollars one by 15 points but the Sons rvtarial department directed the Then ¡siuse and watch for th«* took the second one in a close con- typing and mimeographing. Miss flinch. test. Fay Harkins addressed those cop-1 "If the customer d»a-s NOT Coach Eberhart says his team is ies sent to a specified list of of­ flinch, you say. "That s for th«- in fine shape after their gruelling ficers a Camp XVhite. frames: th«* lenses will be an<» h«-r go with the Harlem Globe, rot­ Tuesday, 8 p. m„ Mrs XV. C. Hen dollars " ters and are eager to come out Albert is in charge of a program "Then you pause again but on top in the Humboldt aeries of music recording, the listener's this time Just slightly and again This presents an excellent hour. you watch for the flinch chance for Ashland fans Jo wit­ "If the customer doesn't lunch, ness some fine college basketball Corporal Lee T. Witty of Camp you say , Each.” —•---------- White visited with Mr. and Mrs. SOLE REGISTRATION You can t kiss a girl unexpect­ T. L. O’Hara last week end DECREASES THIS TERM edly. The nearest you can conn- I » Mrs. Harry Travis is in San it is to kiss her sooner than she At the close of registration for thought you would the winter term a total of 142 Diego this week • studen.s had registered at the "How kind of you,” said the Lee Burns of Antioch. Calif., Southern Oregon College of Ed- girl, "to bring these lovely flow­ and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford and ucation. This is a decrease of 36 per cent over last year's total of son spent the week end with ers. They are so beautiful and fresh 1 believe there Is Mime dew Judge and Mrs. M T. Burns. 221 for the same term. on them yet.” The enrollment of men students "Yes,," stammered Die young Mr. and Mis. Art Cooper of dropped 44 per cent as opposed to embarassment. a decrease of women studems of Weyhaueser camp visited in Ash­ man in great "but I'm going to pay it off land Tuesday. 30 per cent. Most of the 47 men morrow " • students now enrolled are current- Mrs. Jesse Lilly is visi'ing in ly enlisted in some reserve pro- "Hello, Coach" Stockton, California. gram. “I thought you • First-year students totaled 53 drink while In training Dr. Charles Haines spent three and is a decrease of 46 per cent; I "What makes you think second-year students totaled 49, a days in Portland last week on be«*n drinll'.ng. Coach’ decrease of 19 per cent; third- business. "I'm not the Coach year students totaled 14, a de­ Miss Frances E Dodds, director crease of 71 per cent. If a fee of fifty cents were In the lower division and teach­ of the Ashland USO center has charged to see the sun riiie, nine- er education groups. 86 students moved to her new apartment at tenths of the world would be up are classified as junior college 900'4 Iowa Street. Mtss Dodds in the morning Anon and only 56 are classified as formerly lived at the IJthia Hotel • teacher education. Junior college Soph: Did you ever tuke chloro­ Every failure Is a step to suc­ form ? students dropped only 8 per cent where the teacher education jtrottp cess; every detection of what Is Frosh: No, Who teaches it? false directs us toward wna: is dropped 56 per cent. This term a total of 41 different true; every trial exhausts some No matter how much you like students are enrolled in the Sec­ tempting form of error. William a parade, it's no fun when they Wh ewell. retarial Science curriculum. drill in your mouth I lie Government Regulates Bread X I N XI E N I • 7.*111 i :;\.ay 1 CAiiGER IN H lid- PACIFIC X'. Fl II Devine .XI. o RED RIVER U". XX I I'll P *tl Röderers 3ÍOÍ1. - IÌICH. b ’ tl • à • In ijS (h\ IA “Moscow Strikes ck” Of'¡ria1 Pictures < f a 11,«» »Siti * ’ t t «1 Î “The OLD ”?MESTEAD” Will! h Ivirv and the Weax er Bros. Matinee Saturday i <■ liiniiii is Sundax W IXiugty of Oakland, is «pending a couple in Ashland caring for Fred Mlltrnbergcr. wh«> has been editor <>f the Miner the past year, is opening a j«>b shop on Kist Main street The prefix Mac i.«i a G.ielle word meaning "son ' ( ( ( (Jive lier Flowers for ' alrm inc's Day 'ÿ- i TIME TO PLANT AGAIN NAT CHEAPER ” V I BIGGER . Rose Bushes, 29c and 59c Potted Plant», Cut Flowers And Corsage» JUST BETTER! Fertilizer, 15c Bag Seeds for that Victory Garden Wardrobe Cleaners J. V. W. 5 and 10c STORE On the Plaza J Phene 3281 —Delivery “Flowers For All Occasions” 271 MORTON STREET Phone 41(41 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )