SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Thtirs. at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ¥ Entered as second-alaaa matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 * TELEPHONE 8561 "THE TRUTH WILL. United Nations Are Blasting The Axis Powers As Defense Plants Are Working 24 Hour Shifts Thursday. February *1, 1913 AUTOMOBILE like I \ s I li A N C E That you can i I i -| h - ii n number are employed In England Russia. Canada and Australia are also employing many women. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, after returning from his gruelling experience in the South Seas and his Ilnmlng Every United Stativi .consumption of inspection of fighting fronts, is the only man who has in money saved, and in the greater variety and better eggs in lfMO was 311 per capita Wrdnemla> mid SiHunlm said what the American people need to hear in con­ quality of products and merchandise offered. com[mred with the Record high of Xitra Retail stores never before faced such problems as 342 in 1937 and the jjccord low of nection with production problems. In the newspapers 270 in 1935 today. Securing goods for distribution requires ex- , and in the news reels he said that if the soldiers could be transferred from the hell-holes they occupy on the pert knowledge, foresight and an understanding of For the first time In more than battlefronts, to our factories, and if the employees in laws and regulations here-to-fore unheard of in this 12 years. Russian furs wtll be auctioned In New York Rainbow Gardens the factories could be transferred to the hell-holes, pro-- nation. There is one request that merchants now make of duction in this country* would double in thirty days. 137 Main St. Thomaa Jrffcrnon ut oft'-n call- By the tone of his voice and his expression, you all consumers: Between now and the time full war «1 the god-father of the United , could see that he was disgusted with the Pollyanna rationing takes effect late in February, don’t hoard. Stax-e marine band The merchants ask this because they are cooperating talk about workers at home being classed as filling one would be huccmm C u I In with the government to the utmost to avoid disruption the If future A gissi line is the Mhorteet ins­ “battle stations.” let him-make the mont Captain Rickenbacker emphasized that nothing the of consumer supplies. Merchandisers, no matter how ef­ of the present Mary Baker Eddy tance between two ilaU-a people in this country can do will in any measure equal ficient, cannot distribute products that don’t exist. what the boys on the battle lines are doing. They don’t Lend-lease and military demands have made deep in­ I hç VUorld’s News Seen Through get overtime pay and they work day and night if nec­ roads on supplies of all kinds. It is up to the consumer to cooperate in dividing what is left. essary. T he C hristian S c ienc e M onitor 111 An International Daily Neu *l>al>er The people agree with Captain Rickenbacker. Just Pabtokot by itti < IIRISTIAN M If \< I PUBI l-IIISt. SOI It TV RICKENBACKER SQUADRON because some of us wear “tin hats” at home, we don’t One. Norway Street, hmton, Ma*a