VOL XU NUMBER 2 New Plan Opei.n Way Ft r New Navy V-l Enlistment Cdumbia River’s history Tdd I or nmny years th«' Oregon, the (licit River of th«' mm e or leait a mystery plorera s.ill«*«l past fts mouth It their »«'arch for the Non hw«'s frit n Is mid loy«il sup- pasfWlge llecetB the Spanish ex In- di t»-«'l«,<| th« AMhlmid mat vicinity plorar, thought I 'i..i', h the eohiiniix of tin- Miner river but was too timid to ut Tlie War lias brought iilsiut li-irip ptlHHHge of Its t U t'G u l«'ii ' liliinV ehnngi■•« Familiar fit<'«*s lire bii Captain John Meat' s, famous I'ngliah pilot, was convlnc » mia «mi;, m-si« «-ly it burrtiiesa house tin* river’s mouth was but In town « un *4,i.«t tin- sunn' p'-r Honnei iu I'lland Io the north In* n olia i r.t in I I'nll- ti I men. C i | h ' IXsapointnK'Ht Tie great I <■ throng our at recta, lire grim Vnneotlver p»«h.ied II hv «lecturing mind« is of war old r ■it there was m> such str« «m. We an- glad to greet hl 1784 Cnplatn l< >tH'r’ Grav WO rrh-nda for theij worth comm uid of the Lady Wa.stiing- uni­ are gi ld to welcoin«' th toii ii ninety ton s'oop, trilled Into ta k formed stningciM who Illg up the cudgel that w< may nil Oregon harbor, mid 'I'llIam'Htk Bay < in«- csituiui- t«> enjoy homo, w.iom he had sent liberty graaa ami wa er WII» Newspapers «-verywher«' lire native* »ml Gray named fei Ulg th«' vicissitude of war, Murderer'* Harbor. tloning mi«l freezing, but Four years later Gray rid lltwd '«> re-catabHeti in e<> far t" the Northwest coast In <«m- Conditions will permit th«' tn and of a larger , up th«' Colimi- t'H'in The Miner has heli iiia, after having carried the Community. ■ rican flag around the world winter.d at Clay«s{Uo where Illis IMI THAT built the Advcntur«' the first An. (By OI.D TIMER* «•rican ship to be built on th«- Pac­ ific coaat To th«- Editor: In th «• spring of 1792, he rutiled !«•»•ut th«- propar length <»f a can flag. J 1 allied «mir took ¡Hawes»non in t he name r of the wink week. i Uni e«l Stat es of A er‘irli i. F a I- / / / dently Gray was ncd fillìllk ar with way th«- Ruadan» can count Curver had gr iven it, the name must ium I captar«'! Nazis he nsiti'ed th’r ri iver for Oregon for adding machine innnufac little vc•SSCI, Co! I imbla his staunch jeoJoue, in obscurity am! povor- left a precious heritage * proud ci i •, virion and daring t thud wiu • FOSillGNs Oi’EN It usai a •nd < ( Hi Nl.TII WORK T even get I einent ha* releti' ly been fluid«' of mrfflrr.rrtiun fbr clrrirMl < r i positions in the cent il ami county Senator Ingalls one I the I 'CHlogU«' Slid departments of the Stat«' Board ”7 <>n the Mount have Health an I the Crippled Children’s xihtic» Judging from Division of Ui«* University of Ore- n Me li« al Sch'xil Vn'ancle* in «•vernili, the SrruiU this type of position have be«» fre­ wrong quent in the last year due tc war conditions Opportunities for p»;r- him Gaydn.. manent appointments tn this inter­ mouth-1 esting field of public health work are now bet <-r than ever before. / * * The -Merit Sv 'fern Council ha « And the groundhog saw bi* Stated that personnel Is urgently sluulow li­ r-r-r' iie«xie«l to carry on Oregon's pub­ lic health services wiiich have CONTAINER ORDER greatly Increased in volume and AW M IS Ul’B WORD importance. Application f«>rms may be H«'cur- bruit and vegetable packers and atMppcr» and box manufacturer» « h ! from county health «leptir meni* who attended the hearing th«- ¡«uit or hx-al U. S Employment S« rv- week to discuss what aliould be ice Offices, or by writing to the «Ion«- in th«- Oregon standard con­ Merit System Supervisor. P < ' tainer ait nation in relation to th«- Box MX. IN>rtland, Oregon, Closing war effort were of opinion that date for filing applications I» Feb- standards of fruit and vegetable ruary 8. 1943 containers should be revoked or sua|>en the studies of the national com­ change" llnnncii give us the mnn- mittee dealing with simplification. cy nereis.ry Io win thia wn r. So Either the department can re- stnrt today investin'’ in your coun­ voke standards not Included In try's War Bonds w tli ten p rcent ui the nationally approved Hat or rc- more of your timings. voke all standards or put the whole standardization program in «s>l<| storage uu'il after the war for national war regulations will tak<- precetlence, bclteves Plant t’lilef McKennon, who conducted the hearing. * w ★ Will _ _ BONUS ★ J D. Mncki«' returned to Ash­ land after a vacation In California Mr Muckle r«'ports that shortages in merchandise are becoming acute In the niHlcr state Mr .Kerrigan, wife, children and his mother are in Ashland. While here Mr. Kerrigan Is operating the Intertype for the Minor. • The word Khaki comes from a Persian word, "khak," meaning dust. I (O WIN THIS WAR. EVERY MAN. EVERY WOMAN. EVERY CH/LD HAS A "NA/C TO FORGE. . . . LACK OF A FULL MEASURE OF WORK, OF SAVING AND SACRIFICE,OF WHOLE-HEARTED DETERMINATION — ON THE PART OF ANY ONE OF US ~ HAA.&iGAPS OUR FIGHTING MEAT. J Ih attic «[Hike to S. tudents at that college ,• morning on the sub- l'« rt Burns The Glory i c of Ulcrature. Thé Service Men’s Wives Chib Meets t Lt It MEETS The Service Men's Wives Club let this week for their regular et to gether, at the Ashland club iiu.se. Tuesday a half past twel­ ve 1Nventy-scv«m attended and en­ ’tart Burns' ¡niems from joyed th* well-balanced food pro- ii *or «AMiasion.- The business meeting was pre- > the | sided over by Mrs. Evelyn Bur- audi- ' t«»n. After the luncheon the mem- bets engaged in social games. The regular meeting is on Tues­ day at twelve-thirty sharp, and all army wives are invited to at- tend. • DO VOI R PART These services will be co The individual ci izen can help daily at 7:30 p. nt. At 1 relieve the wartime medical prob­ m ho is giving a series of leu Here arc suggestions: Choose nic.isigei on Uie subject y->ur physic tn «•»!■<•'uly aid stick Ho y Spirit." to him Make apjx>intments for i’vt. Gray. 95th Div. visits as early as possible. When­ White, will give a talk Illi ever advisable visit the physician's by drawings flf the Free M office Instead of expecting him to young people’s society call at yi ii r home. Write down all Sunday, February 7. You irnpor ant facts you want to tell ol«l uro cordially uivited. him. Tell him all symptoms which Rev. Charles E Brown, Pastor have any bearing on your physical • welfare Have confidence in him. LAST RITES I1EI.D FOR Write down his orders and make NATHAN MESSENGER Graveside service* were I in sure you understand them. Pub­ lav lic cooperation can go far toward the A.’hl tnd cemetery We eliminating the "doctor shortage.'' nf crmion for Nathan M< of Gold Hill, whose tragi occurred last Friday. He was killed Instantly wh< n the automobile he was driviti wus struck by a Portland bout ti Southern Pacific passenger train ut Zatcher cronslng, near the Del Rio Orchards. Decease«l was <>f his death He World War I t' overseas a» a i: of Engineers He V. th«' American P. W. Survivors include his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. M< .icnger of Marshfield: a brother, W .1. Mes aenger of Gold Hill: sisters Mrs E. A. W i : ti ..\. vh The agriculture's food stamp plan, operative In Oreg« • for three yours. will bo sits >endi I for th duration on March 1. Eligible uxors will be able to purchase stamps until February Cletus M Stone, a grandson of Frei| Miltenburger, arrived in Ashland Thursday morning from , Wishful thinking will nut hc.p you Long Beach, California. Mr Stone, who Is in the i mivy. to buy that new furniture when the \\nr is won. But your money sated is accompanied by his buddy Ken- in War Bonds will. Join the Payroll no h N. Coffman ship cook, , sec- Savings Plan nt your ofHce or fac­ ond clasp. Th«' boys are enrout«1 tory. Let's "Top that Ten Percent,’’ to their homes In Portland on 0. A, / UffurhHint furlough. Ilf STATE LEGISLATURE TO INVESTIGATE FIRE SEATTLE Although oi pa­ tient yet r< mined to be a cd for, cen er of interest o snrburban sanitarium fire claimed 30 to 31 Ilves here Sun- r had switched to Olympia and day, th«- state legislature. There were 49 residents in the sanitarium which became a blaz- liig inferno after a wildly flying h ii of a match, wildly flying near an oil burner. • ASHLAND MAN PROMOTED AT ARMY AIR BASE Army Air B:i."e Blythe, Calif., Sergeant Gilbert L. Huck. 27. son of Mi and Mrs. William F. Huck, of 263 No, Moan >in Ave., Ash- and Ooregon. has been promoted to staff sc lr-cant. Sergeant Huck entered the army in April. 1942. He is now as- signed to the guard squadron at thip desert air base. • TO START M ORE It is expected that work wall he started shortly on the al era­ tions and improvements on the Civic Clubhouse USO headquart­ ers. Attorney W. M Briggs is a new member of the USO council. • E. B. HUNT PASSES F Ig.ir B. Hunt. 81. died Mondnv at his home on Van N''ss avenue Surviving are two sons Harrv E.. Loa Angeles, and William, of Ashland, I ASHLAND U.S.0 NEWS NOTES Ado|«Uon of a plan for admitting sele< t< "I senior high school irtu- dents to college befor«- they grad­ I SO ( OI st II. ADDS uate from high school will also NEW MEMBER [icrrnit some t«i »ill get into the The USO Council met M< .1 y navy V-l r«-««'rve program, ac­ evening, February 1, with all mem­ cording to animuncement here by ber» present, including the new E. B Isernon, ri-gixtrar and a member, William E. Brings, city member of th«' campus military at orney. The Council welcome«! the new member and depressed programs cornmitte«'. Under present regulations the pleasure in having the services of V-l program is «?pen to boys un­ Attorney Briggs. der 18 pr««vil syst'-m, selecte«! high sch«Mj| word from Federal sources con­ senior* who ar»- in the upper 20 cerning fund» per cen of the boys of their class Dr. Poston reported that e»ti- as to scholarship may be admitted mates of other needed improve­ to college and receive high achouf ments and alterations have been credit for gra iuation for the work received. done there. Elmer C. Biegel appeared before Oregon State college is arrang­ the Council to report that bids ing to register such boys a* are for the work would be submitted hitercstc-fl on March 15 a’ the within the next two weeks and atari of the spring term. As moon hopes actual work may start by as they register for college they the end of thé month. will i»e eligible to enter the navy Mr. Briggs offered the USO V-l program if otherwise quali­ office the use of a typewriter, fied. Before enlistment s were clos­ which the Council accepted with ed here, 418 »indents had been in­ expressions of gratitude. due «-<1 into the various naval re­ The matter of evening or lun­ serve programs. cheon-hour meeting was discus­ The arrangement for early col­ sed and remained undecided lege entry by selected high school though the luncheon-hour meet­ students also make it possible for ing was generally favored. The some of those who complete their next meeting will be called in junior high school year this spring March. Members present were to enter college either in the sum­ Mrs. Will Dodge, chairman, Mrs. mer session or next fail. The plan Charles Haines, Dr. Ralph Poston, agreed upon by a committee ap­ Theo. Norby, William M. Briggs, pointed by the state depar ment and Miss Frances Dodds, Director of education merely constitutes a of the Ashland USO. general recommendation, however, and ls not binding on any high FORTY SOLDIERS AT school or «»liege. I SO AFFAIR • Fifty-five persons, visiting sol­ < ill K< II <>i ( HRIST TO diers and junior hostesses, were HOLD EVANGE1JSTIC .MEET served at the Ashland USO Sun­ The Church of Christ will be­ day buffet supper; approximately gin an evangelistic meeting Sun­ forty of this number being men day. J. Earl Ladd of Grants I’ass, from Camp White. will be the evangelist. Evangel­ Mrs. Charles Haines was in ic Ladd held a very successful charge of planning and preparing revival here about fifteen years the buffet, assisted by Mrs. C. ago. Since then he has held meet­ E. Dalkenberg and Mrs. Clare ings continuously in the states Scott. west of the Mississippi He is a Five frosted cakes had been dynamic speaker and Bible tea­ made available for the affair, do- cher. nated by George Nichols, T. L. O'­ Kenneth Knox, minister of the Hara, J. W. Sullivan, C. E Dalk­ Central Church of Chris:, Med­ enberg, and Mrs. Ida Crandel. ford, will be song-leader al id 90- The Sunday buffet supper is an ioist. institution at the Ashland USO. Services will be held nightly, except Monday, at 7:30 through LOC AL HOSPITALITY TO the month of February. The pub­ SERVICE MEN lie is cordially invited to attend. I Miss Frances E Dodds, director • of the Ashland USO, reports that TO OPPOSE TAN families in Ashland frequently ex­ Ashland city council at the tend home hospitality to service met mg Tuesday night voted to men, and that report from the the lit a: ing is held on the bill im- men is always of a pleasant visit the hearing is held o nthe bill im- and—to the cantonment man— poaing a tax on municipal utili­ that rare joy, a home-cooked meal. ties. The league of Oregon cities Recently Mr. and Mrs. William is urging action against the meas­ Briggs of Bellview entertained ure. i three soldiers from Camp White «--- at Sunday dinner The guests were NEW OBSERt VITON POST Pvt. Ralph Rughard, Pvt. Paul City council has given consent Sedan and Pvt. Bill Richman. to the erve ion of an air raid ob­ Mrs. Leonard of 311 High street servation station near the golf entertained three soldiers for din­ course clubhouse, where telephone ner Sunday, Pvt. Eugene J. Loe and electrical connections can be ber, Cp. Eugene Strazalika, and used. Cp. Dick Proce. Mis» Dodds states that a sol- W. T. SNIDER DIES diet guest can usually be con - W. T. Snider. 21. died suddenly tacted through the Ashland USO. Tuesday at his home on Iowa street. Surviving are his wiow his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sni­ ISO HOSTESSES der of Oakland. California, a sis­ ANNOl N( EI> The USO an ounces the following ter. Mrs. Bonnie Tingley and bro­ ther, Roger Snider, bo h of Oak­ names, hostesses for the month of February, at the information desk. land. Monday, February 1-8-15-22: NEW MEMBERS INITIATED 2 to 5, Mrs. Frailees Hunter. 5 to Tin- Beta Chapter of the Phi 8, Mrs. Dan Kay. 8 to 10:45, Mrs. Bet a Sigma, teachers' honorary Alice Peil. at the Southern Oregon College of Tuesday. February 2-9-16-23: Education, has initiated four new 2 to 5, Mrs. H M Schilling, 5 to members into their society. 8. Mrs. -Wilmer Hilt. 8 to 10:45, Membarship is based upon char­ Mrs. Harriet Hastings. acter. scholastic standing, and Wednesday, February 3-10-17-24 only students registere.i in teach­ 2 to 5. Mrs. Be hel Hart. 5 to 8, er education are eligible. Mrs Albert Leonard, 8 to 10:45. The formal initiation was held Mrs. Pat Dunn. Tuesday evening. January 12. at Thursday. February 4-11-18-25: the home of Mrs Mildred Schultz. 2 to 5. Mrs. Ben Willard 5 to 8, The new member.» are Elva Mat­ Miss Marian Ady. 8 to 10:45, Mrs. thews of Days Creek. Barbara Mc­ Norma Stearns. Lain of Klamath Falls. Bettie Friday, February 5-12-19-26: Brown of Medford and Gloria 2 to 5. Mrs. Gladys Crandall. 5 to Raniele of iAnglois 8. Miss Virginia Whittle 8 to 10:45, Mrs. M P. O'Hara. Saturday, February 6-13-20-27: 2 to 5. Miss Jeanne te Smith, 5 to NOTICE 8, Miss Edith Bork 8 to 10 45, Miss Edna Goheen. Having taken charge of the Southern Oregon Miner, Febrti- Sunday, February 7-14-21-28: try I, 1913, we will not be rö­ (Continued on Page I* •Vomdhlc for any Indebtedness The Rev. J R. Turnbull has re­ Incurred by anyone previous cently returned from Portland, '«> aforesaid date. where he attended .» conference ' HARLES M. GIFFEN for pastors. Ijist Sunday he wis Itl TlI M. GIFFEN guest speaekr at one of the kchurches in Portland. •F T