t Thursday, January 28, 1043 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Thura. at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Entered as second olasa matter February’ IS. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act ef March 3, 1879 (bi Advance! SIX MONTHS »150 0KB TlAl i-’iK) (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 MIDWEST FARMER NEW CORN CHAW TZ1 Aahland'a curfew ordinance will be lifted for students who attend the I'leaideiti's birthday Hall at tire Elks Temple, January 30, with pertniiuuon of parents. The curfew hour will be extended to 1:30 a.in. Melody Ashland high school'* Kin^i will piay tor the dance, wtucn will be sponsored by the Admis Chamber of Commerce, sion will be $1.10 per couple, Proceeds from the annual bull are devoted to prevenUon and cure of infantile paralysis FRED MILTENBERGER Publisher * Curfew Lifted For Birthday Ball Patrons "THE truth will Hath are at BATTLE Peabody, Christian County farmer has set a new world's corn yield record of 191.64 bushels per acre in the Illinois state-sponsored an­ nual 10-acre yield contest. The new corn king did it with a combi­ nation of good farming, Funk's “G" Hybrids and “some darn good luck." Dr. J. K. Holbert, nationally known corn breeder, stated that Peabody’s feat would have been ut­ terly impossible with the Hybrid seed generally in use no longer than five years ago. SAVE GAS, TIRES AND YOUR TIME! BANK BY MAIL ATTLES these day* are fought in the air, on sea, on land—aud with the help of the Nation's communication line*. Operator*, handling the greatest volume of calls in the telephone'* history—calls dealing largely with war and war production—occupy > ★ The First National Bank-By-Mail Service is especially useful for people who find it difficult to do their backing in the time that is available. It's easy to use; simply mail deposits in our special envelopes provided at all branches. a “battle station" of vital importance. You can help them to bring Victory closer. "Sausages for breakfast! Sau­ sages for breakfast! I can »mell 'em!" Small Joe came tumbling downstairs fastening the belt of his shorts as he came. He made a bee­ line for the kitchen Pop was al­ ready sitting at the table, reading the paper, while Mom held the han­ dle of the frying-pan over the stove Small Joe came close and sniffed the delicious (moke, wriggling all over with early-morning joy. "Better be thankful for them while i you can still **• them." One glance at Mom s face told small Joe this was one of her tight-lipped days "Not a dr- o of coffee in the houae. and n - su ir left to put in it if there was. Son e war!" Small Joe kept still. "Leiter for you. son." Pop said in his quiet voice. Small Joe made a leap for Ills place at table There it was. a private personal letter for him alone propped against hi; milk glass "H Billings Agency REAL ESTATE arid REAL INSURANCE Phone 6781 41 East Main Amen: Hay yea. Take your chance In War Stamps. The lessi you esn do is the most you can buy In War Bonds. I S 'I rrat»ry\Def'artm,nl Two Important Facts ! Asthma Mucus Loosened FirsIDay Funeral Services conducted by us are always a beauti­ ful tribute te the memory of the dear one—an<| they are always baaed on a fair monetary charge for the family. For Thousands of Sufferers g * ' - V • • ■ U. J. Trwvry Df^rlmgni • * - ST; ■*' Choking, gasping, wheezing spasms ot ronehlal Asthma ruin sleep and *nergy. In- -dlents In th« prescription Mendaeo qalck- clrculat« through th« blood and common­ ly help loosen th« thick strangling mucus the first day, thus aiding nature In palliating the terrible recurring choking spasms, and In promoting frttr breathing and restful sleep. Meadaeu Is not a smoko, dope, or In- J-rtlon. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of sul- fersrs. Printed guarani«« with «ach packaca ** . • 1 ♦ Mrs Utwiller DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Close—Phone 4541 i