VOL. XÏI ASHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 194.3 CAMP WHITE NEWS NOTES THE rwoSSROADS ARE BARE GEOFFREY F. MORGAN FORMER JANITOR NOW COP Star KP of Sunday afternoon at the USO was Pvt John F Uvera, who evinced such skill in taking over the new task of bread slicing that In record time he hs l turned ou>‘. enough thin slices to ma ko all the sandwiohes needed for the Hunday evening tiuffet service Pvt. Ever» stated that he had learned to cook at home; he duce not like to cook by the look or re­ cipe, but prefers to improvise This occasion was INI. Evera flrr visit to Ashlan I He stated he liked the home atmosphere of the Ashland USO Being from Lincoln. Neb hr approved of the week-end snow which, he. said, reminded hint of home NEW YORK CITY—Pleasure cars on Times Square were scarcer than hen’s teeth on the morning after the OPA’s emergency order, banning the sale vf gasoline to holders of "A," “U," and "C" ration curds, wont into effect. Once jammed with honking motor cars, "Ths Crossroads of the World” was quiet with only a few scattered taxi- cabs, trucks and busses in tight. Reluctant to use the little gas they ■eight have left, New York’s motorists took to the subways as soon at tl.< order went through. Seventeen states on the Esstern seaboard um aflectcd by the ruling. «All «.OES ON IN THE SOLOMONS IUSMU IS1 j « f « bh Í í L*U •«.•U» • • Bui'dcn Re'igion Re 1g ou* I ar ilys < C ici , l’ie World’s Bar er To j.o F'tiilTif the Ciurel Muet go Deeper. TEN DAILY LECTURES ON “The Holy Spirit” MON'DW THROUGH FRIDAY AT 10*30 A. M. Rev. A. J. Bentiie, Evangelixt FREE ..METHODIST EAST MAIN AT SEVENTH ASHLAND, OREGON CHURCH Former A.H.S. janl’or, Richard CreHHe, is now a member of the city police force. He han patrol dutii* and radio car work. Vernon Rush, new high school janitor, has been with the school system for at least 12 years Be­ fore his present Job, he was Jan- ‘ it<»r ait the Lincoln school. 9 CHURCH OF CHRIST, Heron. I mid B Street* Bible Behold. 0:45 a m. AdilitliMial stars will be placed u|K4i thr service flag and dii'ica- tril during the opening service of tliu school MCllNING SERVICE, 11 00a m. S< i mon, "What Is The Church Like?” 7 c J in’ !,* Church v.lll nice w > di i ir Adul service for a recogniza- I on servic ■. m.xtlan E’d ivur f< J. h tors id 111 h School young People nd Victory for Young Peo i and adults ut 6:30 p.m I ,‘vcnlng fk rvici 7:30 p.m. < ilistiin- Emlervor Day- will b< obacrvx.i w|th special number» by l ie young people. Sermon, '"The 1 luntlln of Youth". Earl F. Downing, Ministei Ruth B-ill and Martin WIMae. UNCLE JACOB SAYS— two Junior High Sri >o| Camp Over heard two rubbms. walle Fire Gir:«, coni rib treif i Miro Mrlirtjf the tn MWcs in the cherry effort, by tree, one said- I see t’yat they ar< thia wc«*k o the distributing and j the USO g' mg to ration chernea this ye*r weekly bull, tina -bout the ether replied. I have A-book city, despite Iridi weather. ready mid if them birds over F uglnnd don't like our cherries, Don't folget the Ball rwillup Cherwlllop :z$per and Dunce apon wired by the Girls* League is scheduled tm Wednes­ day, February 24 It will prececd the last fiasket trail game with Medford which is the 2fl. Basketball boys, their fa hers, coaches, and the members of the Downtown Quarterbacks Club will be honored guasta. For a small ad­ mission price the entire student txniy may attend the dance which is followed by a supper and pro­ gram. At a meeting held January 18 the girls were add reste d by Miss Patricia (èeiser. school nurse. She spoke on Boy and Girl Relation­ ship. Camp White, < i t gun, Jan 25. Artillery firing will !>• u mlui .• I on llu> B.igle Hinge of t'limp While reservation J.umnry 25 to 30 inot naive, It was announced t > iluy from headquarters Firing will be < iriird on between the hours of 12 noon mid *1 p. m Bea;lc range is ilofllle.l us tin- ’ire I nine miles north of .Medford that lies in a rec migle six mile wide to the west of Rogue river mid extends north 10 miles from tin mouth of Uttle Butts* creek. Military and civilian | h rsnnnol are warned to stay out of them< i unless hey have business Range guards will lie posted to enforce i*vt. tieraid Mclntyie of Ctdcago, a fellow viator, declared the occa­ sion might be ids birthday too. and ckümixi a gixxl share of the cake Both boy* reported they had tx*rn coining to the A m I i I. uu I USO regukiry every week end. that they have been in thr Service since last fall They rounded otli the party by a ikmuico with the Saturday evening fortune teller and reported the nwult as encour­ aging, prognostication having in­ cluded a "tui uurly trip, a big suc­ cess in life, and an increase in this order NUMBER 1 I The regular meeting of the Service Men's Wives Club conven­ ed this week in the USO center dining room at a covered diah lun­ cheon with twenty-two members present. Former chairman Mr«. Wesley Cartwright having moved away, a new chairman was elect­ ed. Mrs. S. H Bur on, from Mich. The co-chairman is Mrs. Ju Lus Sahara from Chicago; the treas­ urer, Mrs. Frances Hunter from New Jersey. After a short business meeting the club played cards. New members attending this mee­ ting were from widespread regio­ ns of the country. They were Mrs Betty Lee Hubbard, Mrs. Louise R. Orkin, Mrs. Harry Rhodes Jr„ Mrs. Helen Shirk,, and Mr«. Fran­ ce« K. Will«. The chairman issued an invitation to all army wive« newly arrived in Ashland to attend the next meeting at 12:30 Tuesday in the Ashland USO Center “Fir” is flyin; on all the fight­ ing fronts of the Uni ed Nations, thanks to the men of lumber in West Coast woods and mills ac­ cording to Geoffrey F. Morgan, manager of the Douglas Aircraft Company’s speakers bureau, who will address the luncheon session of .the West Coast Lumbermen’s Association, a Tacoma, Friday, January 2b. Mr. Morgan s subject Miss Frances E Dodds, USO will be “Air Power for Victory” director of Ashland, announces Nationally known in education, a that the USO would greatly app­ world traveler and a former mem­ reciate the loan of a sewing mach- ber of the California legislature, ineand a victrola. The victrola is Mr. Morgan has in recent years especially needed for the Listeners won note as a lecturer and writer Hour on Tuesday evening. on Indus rial production for war Need for a sewing machine arises in the air. ‘ frequently. Anyone having either • of the above in working condition LOCAL GIRL ACHIEVES MANY which can be spared temporarily HONORS IN UNIVERSITY to the USO is asked to call Miss University of Oregon Jan. 27 Dodds at the Ashland center. Special to 7he Miner— Miss Jean Fiideger, of Ashland was recently The Ashland USO is sponsoring appoin t-d to the position of co- a ball,the Winter Formal, Wed. chairman of the luncheon comm­ evening, January 27. Plans for ittee for Dads’ Day, 1943. 1 the affair are in the hands of the Celebrations will be held on Feb­ I executive group, headed by Miss ruary 13th. Mary Jean Hendricks assisted by Miss Frideger, a junior in business Misses Marie Pochelu, Madge administration, is a member of Mitchell, Dorothea Burkett, and Phi Theta Upsilon, junior wom­ Margaret Barnthouse. en's honorary, and was executive The plans have been outlined un­ secretary of Homecoming week­ der the general supervision ■ of end. She is activity editor of the Miss Virginia Hales and Mrs. Oregana, university yearbook,and Frances White, sponsors of theJr. is a fashion wri er for the Emer­ Hostess League, and approved by ald, student publication. Miss Frances E. Dodds, director ----------- •- . of the Ashland USO. WENDELL WEBB SPOKE AT i The commi tee announces plans UNIV ERSSITY OF OREGON are going through for elaborate More than 75 newspaper rep­ decoration* Refreshments of ice resentatives attended the confer­ cream and cake will be provided. ence which centered around the Contrary to previous announce­ place of newspapers in the war ments the ball will be held in the Honored guest was W’endell Webb Ashland USO clubhouse. Associated Press Correspondent, who covered the battle of Midway The Ashland USO reports the Webb spoke at an assembly Thurs enlistment of an army wife as a to University of Oregon students volunteer worker in the USO a- as well as at the afternoon sess­ tong with local women who are ion of the press conference. standing by. Mrs. Frances Hunter is doii^g her bit on the home front while her husband, Lt. Alex. Hun­ ter is serving with the Engineers 91«t. Division. Camp White. Mrs. Hunter is doing regular shift in the USO hostess work, and in addition to thia.has been ass-'it- ing the USO office by d< ing extra typing or other clerical work in arrears ___ * Miss Frances E. Dodds, direct! r of the A; bland USO has urged that girls s'?n up for the Camp White dance February 11. This dance is the Valentine Sweetheart Formal.at Service Club Number 2. The Ashland USO Club House was the scene of a birthday party Saturday evening, honoring Pvt. Hu. h McNabb who hails from Harrisburg, II’inoise. Pvt. McNabb proclaimed a deligh ful time, the bir-hday cake "wonderful", and stayed for a dance after the cake waj distributed. • — We had some snow the other day- We had a warm rain- Nbw the snow has gone away. Wimple ----------- DON’T FORGET THE BTG D ANCE JAN. 30 AT THE ELKS HALL • JUST DUMB