Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 21, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, January 21, 1943
Healing ProfeNNionN Need I-II Mobilization Week
III Oregon Feb. I to 16
Women, Doctor As sc ils
A »tute Wide 4-11 club MoHlizit-
tlon week for Oregon Ims been
set for February H to li, un­
nounera ii. C. Seymour, state
club leader aj Oregon State col- i
In a radio uddress over »la ion
Wil. SI I .HIll.H. |>| II (• ilun Ing,
prominent local chiropractor ap­
praled to young ladles io Ine
middle west to consider nursing
us u patriotic endeavor because
"nurses can do more to add Io
the comfort or ei soldier (hull u
Mun intent on the wlcntlfic ilea
truclion of disease, has overlook­
ed the fact that Nature bus en­
dowed woman with the qualities
of mo.herhotsl which give her an
udded effectiveness In curing for
the sick mid suffering. "'Im
soothing touch of u woman's
hands", Or Hur ring declared, "is
a boon to all mankind "
He Itiudrd tin* 2,000 women
doctors in the Chiropractic pro­
fession and urged ilie young la­
dies In the uir Audience to con-
aider tills field of natural tlicru-
peu tics un In need of their "na-
turul talent."
A program much like that fol­
lowed In 1942 cal)» for 4-H duo
agents, local haders, and club
members themselves to try to in­
form others about the ptogress
and achievements of 4-H club
work and the great need for ex-
panding it this year. With 'he
nation, and even the world, fac­
ing an unprecedented demand
for farm products, cl i . j members
are being depended u, i to make
a real contribution to the food-
for-victory program, aays Sey-
Service clubs are being urged
| to feature 4-H club in their pro-
I grams .that week, as are granges,
I "TA groups, and churches Some
communities are planning to hold
achievement programs to make
awards to club members for out­
standing work last year. A spe­
cial 4-H club Mobilization day
radio program will
from KOAC January 25 a 7; 30
followed by similar ones from
other radio stations
Potato Price Ceilings
Clarified, Says Jackman
Recent OPA n-gulatlons have
clarified the po ato price ceiling
situation somewhat, «ays K R.
Jackman, extension crop» special­
ist at Oregon State college
The maximum price allowable
on U. S No. 1 Netted Gems or
Burbanks in January is »2 25 per
hundred This is the price f o b
shipping point In some instances
dealers are paying this amount
to farmers, although in other
cases some deduction is made
for local handling and loading
Specified premiums are allowed
for special packs such as where
ail potatoes are above a certain
If farmers sell direct to re­
tailers instead of to carlot dis­
tributors, they may charge the
basic ceiling price plus transport-
aiion costs, plus 25 per cents pe
hundred. If sales are direct to
consumers by
canvas, the ceiling is the basic
figure plus transportation, plus
$1 per hundred, says Jackman
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Chiropractic Physician
Chiropractic service free to En­
listed men
Office 244 Hargadine Ph. »321
M in Mary Work», known an «
Grandma Winks. passed away ut
the home uf her son Howard on
Wugnei Creek Wednesday evun-
inv She hud lived In the Rogue
itiver valley for many years, com­ i
ing to tills place from Missouri
Funeral services were held at
the Conger funeral parlors on
Saturday afternoon
wus made in ihe Stearns Ceme­
tery al Tulcnt.
Mr. an<i Mis Walter Wolford
and son Henry of Aahlund spent
Saturday with Mrs. Wolfords
jmrents, Mr. and Mrs Lee Loper
Mrs. Roy Kates returned to her
homo Sunday afternoon from the
Community hospital in Medford
where »he hail been a |»tlcni for I
the jseat two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs George Holt of
Creecent, Oregon returned to
their home last week They visited
relatives here during Ihe holidays
and the following week.
Mr. amt Mrs T. J. Stillwell
were business visitors in Ashland
Mr. mid Mrs. Fred liodapp of
Cen.ral Point visited friends in
Taient, Thursday.
Page 3
and there is nothing that adds as much
RKO film player, hold* the first of the new glass milk bottle* on which
are Inscribed an appeal for War Bond purchases. The campaign is
sponsored by the Treasury Department with the cooperation of the
dairy industry. It is estimated more than 12 billion milk bottles are
circulated yearly, each averaging more than 35 trip* between dairy
and consumer.
Mr. and Mrs Alfn-d Norria al­
tended the Townsend dance ai
Ashland Tuesduy night.
Jacksonville won a thrilling
game over Talent Friday night
oy u score of 30 to 25. Tile game
was fust and furious with Juck-
sun ville taking the leu-l froni
Talent in tne second quar er and
kept ahead by a few points for
the rest of the game. Referee
Roland Parks of Ashland called
many fouls on the hard lighting
The Jacksonville second
team won a well played game
from the Taient second team in
a preliminary.
l-ee Harold Smith, Camp White
soldier and Polly Anna Han
We rv married last Week
Hart is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Luther Hart and graduated
from the 'Paient High school in
the 11M0 class.
Mrs George Newlin attende!!
church in
Ashland Saturday
Electricity offers you
real comforts of
Home . . .
comfort to the home as modern electrical
You will appreciate the economy of elec­
*Z4e cÄw«e tyiotd
By Mrg. Julia Kiene
Westing house Home Economist
the extra energy he uses up. hi*
Meals At All Hours
pail must contain additional
HERE is more to thia business lunch
and vegetable*—he need* all
of "meals at all hours” than fruits
vitamin* he can get. To safe­
meet* the eye. You'vs an obliga the
guard his rest, tuck a “don’t dis­
tion to yourself as well a« to the turb” card above the door bell, and
war worker* in train your friends to time their
the family who
man production phone calls accordingly.
Thia may come as a jolt, but—
linen at odd bourn
of the day and for maximum nourishment, do cook
vegetables meal by meal. It may
repare them all at
Thumb* down save time to prepare
on eating at all once, but it doesn’t save health.
hour*. You, too, Warmed up leftovers have lost
munt have three most of their vitamins.
well - balanced
meals a day.
Chill eon Carn*
Don’t ever nibble
Tuu-up Salad
Knrlrhed Whit* llr-ad
nnd call it a meal.
•l>»ep Olah Flum Pi*
On the other
C*r*al Drink
Mrs. Kiene__
hand, if tempted •Deep Dieh Plum PI* Recife
*4 teaspoon cinna­
to join the family at odd meal» for I ropa uniwretenad,
the Hake of sociability, »kip the *, chopped
% UNuipoon nutmeg
rup 11» hl oorn
rich foods and stick to fruits and
2 table* poona
shorten in«
vegetables. Too much food is an
Add corn
Wash, pit and riiop ,
-------- ----------
unhealthy as too little.
and epic**. Four into a »hallow.
Save some time of the day for ayrup
»r*aae<l baldns dieh. !><» the plume with
rest and recreation. Ever. a few the 2 tablrwpuvne ahortenins. Coyer with
minutes for your very own helps th* cruet.
you to forget your problems mo­ NOTE: S cup* of canned or etewed plume
may b* used, in which caa* do not add any
mentarily and you come back to other
them with new enthusiasm.
WEEK: Meal Planning
A night worker rates special
consideration. To comoensate for Blue Print
Ashland Light Department
“Your SERVICE Department
Remember- Chevrolet
Service ////Makes
of Cars and Trucks
U O. M Reynolds of Grants
Paas Visited friend» in Talent
Saturday evening He lived in
QOMKTIMES a hair style is like a
popular dress style becoming
to many women, simple enough to
wear at borne yet pretty enough for
visits and meetings. That's the kind
of coiffure pictured on this page.
Guy Colby of ITioenlx was u j It's new but not extreme, becoming
business cailér here Saturday of-, to almost every age and type of
Talent for several years.
Mr. and Mr». Clarence Homes
and daughter Clarice of Ashland
visited relatives here Sunday af­
Mrs. Ivan Blackwell <rf Ash­
land »pent Monday afternoon in
Talent visiting relatives,
Help a man in uniform enjoy
hia leisure hours. Give your
good books to the 1943 VIC­
Leave them at the nearest
collection center or public
face, easy io fix yourself. The little
aide rolls give the new "upped"
effect that looks so smart and neat;
the center hair Is arranged in soft
waves that extend over the brow,
so that the general effect is not
too severe. A woman with very
Htralght hair needs a good perman­
ent ns the basis for her hair do,
but anyone who has naturally curly
hnir can easily set it for h >rself In
this charming manner — provided
her hair is in healthy, manngeable
Before you start trying to ar­
range this coiffure or any other new
effect, however, you must be sure
that your hair is healthy and man
ageable. If you feel that your hair
IM a little dry and lustreless, ata,'
at once to get it into good condi
tion. One of the ttint steps towar-
this lira in frvqueut, proper wash
Ings with the right type of alian*
poo. A favorite both of bafrilrcHner»
and of women Who act their ow»
hair is Special Drene, the liquid
soapleaa sham|>oo with added hair
, conditioner. Because thia shampo-i
la HoapleHa it cannot leave any slick)
soap film on tbe hair to dull its
lustre and color; instead, aueb a
shampoo gives the hair extra lustre
and enhances ita natural coIm.
Rest of all, the added hair cor di-
tioner leave» the hair in a delight
fully manageable condition so tbai
it will fall easily into the lines <>t
a new hair style, Willie the hair la
still damp it can be rolled up at tbe
aides upon curlers or strips oi
cloth; then the top hair can be
brushed’ into waves that are held
in place by combs or metal clasps
—or it can be set in pin curls that
can afterwards be brushed into
soft waves.
In addition to frequent washings,
healthy hair requires a good brush
ing every night—one hundred brush
strokes clear to the ends of the
hnir. This distributes the natural
oil of the hair evenly and also helps
to keep the scalp in healthy condi­
tion. Massaging the scalp with the
fingertips before a Special Drene
shampoo 1» also helpful, as are oc­
casional hot oil rubs before a sham­
poo. Such care, plus n good sham­
poo every week or so, will create
shining, lustrous hair that can
easily be arranged in pretty coif­
fures such as tbe one pictured.
✓ Check one/ rotate tires
Check lubrication
✓ Check engine, carburetor,
Check steering and wheel
Check clutch, transmission,
rear axle
Chevrolet dealers have had the broad­
est experience—servicing millions
of new and used cars and trucks.
Chevrolet dealers have skilled, trained
Check brakes
Chevrolet dealers have the leader’s
"know-how” in servicing all makes.
Chevrolet dealers have modern tools
and equipment.
Chevrolet dealers give quality service
at low cost.