ASHLAND. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1943 VOL. XI OSC Honor* Ace Grad; • ?<> Million Pounds Metal Ashland Postoffice Often College Honored Also Collected by Chev. Dealers On Saturday Afternoons ASHLAND U.S.O. NEWS NOTES MI m Frances E. Dodda, Aah Ittiwl 1)80 bulle- tina be distributed In I'luup Whit»' Inalead of th«* uauul 300 weekly. 75 ENJOY KANDWHHEM— Heventy-flve visiting añidiera enjoyed aandwiciiea und cotte«* in th«? Ashland UBo Center Sunday at the uauul buffet supper. The men apreail their own sandwiches and carried their own dishes to the kitchen. Junior ho«« tease a were present to help the soldiet guests serve the supper. PICTURE* SHOWN— Featured now on the bulletin board of the Asiikuxl U8O center are prints of the pictures taken <>t U8O activities, by Bob Kent. Heve ral orders for reprints have been made. NUMBER 52 New President of Federal Council of Churches, Bishop II Hl Georg«? , Tucker, heud of Episcopal Church, wants unite»! Church action for for victory und just peace. • ——— Annual Pre** Conference To Open Friday, Jan. 22 ‘ U of O„ Eugene. Jan. 20 Th«* 25th annual Oregon Press confer- ■ cnee will open on the University | of Oregon campus Friday, Janu­ ary 22, with representatives from most of the s ates leading papers ' expected to be on hand for the MONTHLY PLAN COMPLETED two day session. Mary Conn Mrs. Paul Finnell, chairman of i Brown, K< dmond. is president of Refreshments Committee of the the association. Nearly every diacusrion oy con­ USO, has announced the monthly plan for providing refreahmenta ference representatives will cen­ for USO week ends Th«* first ter around some phase of the week was taken care of by the war as it affects the press in Trinity Guild. which «ionatrd general and Oregon newspapers Ui Repr«*senlatives of homemade ctKtkles i aúlles of th«* par icular Presbyterian Church provided various war agencies, including cookies for the second week, la­ the censorship office, office of dies of the Mrthodiat Church the war information, WI’B und OPA. third w««ek The Hospital Auxi­ will b«* on hand to answer ques­ liary Sewing club will meet at tions the USO and bake doughnuts tor Featured speaker for th«* meet­ the fourth week end The ladies ing will be Wendell Webb, As­ of tile Chris;ian Science Church sociate! Press correspondent who will provide refreshments for the covered the battle of Midway. fifth week end. Governor Earl Snell and retiring Mrs hlnnell asks anyone will­ Governor Charles A Sprague al­ ing to donate cookies, to call her, so are expected to appear on the t«?epbonc 3451. program of the journalistic gath­ ering WIVES CLUB MEETS— ------------ a ...... - The Service Men* Wives club West. Point, Annapolis met Tuesday at 12:30 for a cov­ Examinations Feb. 6 ered dish lunch and social games Fifteen members were present Civil Service examinations for The business meeting was con­ ducted by Mrs W«*sley Cartright, the purpose of aiding members of who announced that wives of all Ccngress In making d***t gr,allot s officers and enlisted* arc invited to the United S:ates Military an«l to attend the club meetings each Naval Academies have been poet- Tuesday at 12:30 sharp, at the ponoi from January 23rd to USO clubhouse in Idthia Park. , February 6th. Congressman Har­ Also, women of Ashlund are in­ ris Ellsworth states. The change vited to Join the group on Thurs­ ' in date is requdlted by the War More time is re­ days at onc-thir.y for the physi­ Department. cal training of k««ep-fit hour. quired for that Department to This activity is not limited to determine the number appoint- service men's wives, and «»thers : ments available to members of will tie welcomed. For this ac- | Congress tivity slacks should be worn Accordingly. Civil Service ex­ aminations will be held February EXECUTIVE MEETING HEI.D I 6th in the post office building The Ashland Junior Hostess in cities in the Oregon Fourth Ix-ague officers held an execu- I Congressional District listed by tive meeting at a dinner in the the Civil Service Commission, Eugene, Marshfield, Plaza Cafe. Wednesday, January namely; 13. Among the problems con­ Roseburg and Medford. slderAd was tile President's Ball, Th«* exact number of appoint­ which falls on January 27. It ment* that will be made from will be a formal affair, and it the new Fourth District has not was decided that a larger hall yet b«*en determined, Congress­ than that of the USO club house man Ellsworth says, but author­ will be need«*«! Margaretta Barnt- ization to take the Civil Service housc was put in charge of In­ examination will be sent anyone vestigating the possibilitlM for eligible if application is made larger accommodations An or- Such applications should be ad­ chestra will be secured for the dressed to Congressman Harris occasion if at all possiblt* Marie EILswiuth. Ib'ile OffiM Building. Pochelu was placed in charg«* of Washington, D. C., and must be decorating the hall, the decora- received by him not later than iions to be in the national colors I January 20, 1943. of red, white and blue. Candidates for admission to thc Methods of (contributing to the Military Academy must be bc- natlixial fund of returns front tween the ages of 17 and 22; for the ITeaident's Ball will be the Naval Academy, between the worked out later. ages of 17 and 21. Candidates Present at the meeting were for both Academys must never Mary Gean Hendricks, Presidimi; have been married. Marie Pochelu and Madge Mit- cheli, first and second vice-presi- dents; Ddrothy Burket, ■ecretary; Upton, director of the USO Virginia Hales and Frances YMCA unit at Medford. White, Junior hostess chairmen; The Coordina ing Council meets Margareite Barnhouse, and di r- subject to call, on an average of ector Frances Dodds. once a month. It was announced that 36 jun­ ior hostesses attended th«* dance Two visitors from the Klamath at Number one Service Club at Commandos stopped recently at I the Ashland center, Miss Dorothy amp White, Wednesday evening. Gilchrist and Miss Shirley Me- ATTENDS MEETING— Monigal. Miss 'Frances E. Dodds, USO Two sailors, Jim Cleveland and director, attended a meeting of j Ed Ihiniels, both first class bug­ the Coordinating Council In Med­ lers who are on 15 day leave, ford this week. Discussion at the »topped at the Ashland uso meeting turned on recreation at ' Thursday and were treated to Camp Whit«* and vicinity service 1 coffee and cookies, They were clubs, dances and other programs on their way back to boat in of interest to service men, San Francisco harbor, They A special guest of the meeting have been stationed tn Iceland. was Major Anderson from Fort | Miss Julia Hollick gave twelve Ix*wis, who was one of the speak- j jars of fruit juice to the USO •rs. Another speaker waa George [ recently, DETROIT, Jan 18 More than OREGON STATE COLLEGE Tile special “Hom«-«<>ming" stag«*d . 120 million pounds of scrap me­ h«*re in honor *ague, patriotic with a distinguish«! service alliance of American motorists award by the United Stat«*» trea­ supported by Chevrole dealers, sury department for service» ren­ the scrap drive has been a con­ dered already in th«* war waving.*« tinuing operation, under the gen­ Ix»nd and stamp drives. Jmmc- eral super-inion of William E. iatcly following the special con­ Holler. Chr zrolet general sales vocation where this was present­ I manager. ed. individual students and »tud- Cumulative totals through Nov- ent organization» purchased more ember show that the dealers have than *14,t the U. S.