Thursday, December 3, 1042 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 TALENT NOTES a busbies« trip to Crescent City broke |ix»se and he fell about 20 year. Registration fees for the ten TRAFFIC FATALITIES MEAT RATIONING— feet to the ground His physlcan month period this year amounted over the week end. LOWEST S!N< £ MARCH County Agent R. C. Fowler re­ Mr. anil Mrs. Isitham Me 1 reporter! that he received several to S3,330.234.0«i compared to Talent Methodist Church ladles ports the meat situation compli­ of the WSCH held u bazaar in I Jowell of the Brugg Orchard I Hinall bone fractures tin his back S3.278,622.07 last year. Traffic fatalities in Oregon cated with nobody having a clear the City Hall Tuesday afternoon moved to the Brophy place near but not serious • during the month of October were view of what to do. It is ex­ M in . Clarence Hunter and baby Psalm Krings Pea<* Aprons, tea towels, a quilt and the Anderson Creek school Satur- reduced 35% under the toil for pected there will be some kind Joyce of the Pioneer road visited fancy work were on sule i <|uy October of 1941, Earl Snei), Sec­ of adjustment soon on butchering To !\avy Secretary Mr and Mrs. Will launb of her parents, Mr and Mrs Will Byron Seaman, who was born McKeesport, Pa , Secretary of retary of state, disclosed today. and selling. A number of farm­ in Talent und lived here many Reese Creek were guests of his Bates last Friday. the Navy Frank Knox was so , The months toll was 26 deaths, ers have hogs ready to kill and '1 he play "Oper And For All” years and attended the school brother Tom l^nnb and Mr. and worried over the safety of the compared to 40 last year. market but are waiting further presented by the Mrs. Roy Estes Friday afternoon Student Body here, passed away nt the hoNplial Monday, October 19, saw the United States troops being con­ in Misiford Wedneruiy evening af- I Mrs. Andy Carol and son Pvt. will be given December 4 at 8 voyed to North Africa that he greatest number of deaths for any instructions, the county agent said. The ter a Hngering Illness, Funeral Crit Carol and daughter Ester pm. in the Talent gym could hardly sleep fent Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Archie Estes at stratiQns will In urging pedestrians to increase perty near the Voorhres crossing be available early Talent Elizabeth with his wister Mrs | in December, but all motorists their caution while walking at north of Phoenix last week. Ijeatning and family. Mr Ralph Jennings is recover­ The early mailing of Christmas j should bear in mind that the 1942 night. Snell pointed out the fact Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton ing at the Sacred Heart hospital packages and mail is stressed by plates must be left on their cars, that dim-out regulations, now in are the parents of a baby girl from injuries he received last Jay Terrill, local jxistmaster. The : it was announced today at the affect in many Oregon towns and born at the Community honpltal Friday when hr fell from the holiday mailings are expected to I secretary of state’s office. cities, meant less artificial ilium-, roof of his barn. He wuH mend- be unusually heavy this year and in Medford weighing 8 pounds. For the first time since Oregon ination at many street intersec­ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hart made Ing the roof when the ladder the curtailment of mail trans­ i started issuing annual license tion. Therefore, he said, pedestri­ portation due to war operations ! plates, no new plates will be Is­ ans dressed in dark clothing are will prove a serious handicap that sued to motorists whose cars more difficult to see. Persons on can bi- partly overcirme by doing ! were registered in this state in foot should wear something white, the Christmas mailing early. If | 1942. They will receive instead carry a folded newspaper or a so desired pacels may be marked ! a sticker, commemorating the scarf or display a lighted flash- When trouble comes to you "Do not open until Christmas " j one hundredth anniversary of the light so that motorists can see —and it will, in tome form Mrs. M P. Dunn and Mrs ! great immigration to Oregon in them in time to avoid accidents —see that it is lightened by William Dudley and daughter i 1843 This sticker is to be placed at these intersections. Wednesday ev-ning meeting, the benefits of adequate in­ ATTEND THE ( III Ki ll OF —•------------ which includes testimonies of Wilma of Medford called on i in the upper center of the wind surance. VOI R CHOICE SUNDAY Mate (telephoning from store): shield, directly behind the rear Christian Science healing, is held friends 111 Talent Friday. Marline, I hope you and Sassie Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clair view mirror. at 8 o'clock. I-**t us be your insurance Motorists were urged to make are being good girls while I am Reading Room open daily from Varney of Applegate a son Nov. counselor». 2 to 5 I’M except Sundays and 18 at the home of Mr. and Mrs their applications early this year away.” Marline: "Yes, we are. And, C. E. Reaves of Talent. His in order to avoid the mail rush Holidays Grandma, wer’e having more fun. of the holiday season. Stickers The public is cordially invited name will be Clyde Harmon. must be on the windshields after We let the bath tub run over and to attend these services, and to January 1, but they may be at­ are playing Niagara Falls on the use the Reading Rixim. DECREASE IN MOTOR stairway. * * * VEHICLE REGISTRATION tached any time after Dec. 15. ------------ •------------ CHURCH OF ( IIR1NT Dan and Bill, both old and deaf, There were 421.495 motor ve­ Necond and B htreet* hicle« registered in Oregon at the met on the road. Dan had a fish Earl F. Downing, Minister end of October this year, figures pole. Bible School 9:45 A M. "Going fishing?" shouted Bill. Morning Service 11.00 AM. compiled in the office of Earl "No, I'm going fishing," yelled Snell, secretary of state, disclosed Sermon "The Lordship of Christ Dan. REAL ESTATE and today. This is a decrease of 2 % laird of Our Possession.' REAL INSURANCE “Oh, I thought you were going from the same period last year. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Phone 8781 41 East Main fishing,” answered Bill, hobbling Registration increases were re ­ with Young People's High Schisi! aJong. corded for Busses, which went up V -/ und Junior groupe FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 29 •/,, and light delivery trucks, Money Back — If This Recipe Fails Evening P M Service 7:30 Pr,n L ‘ n 5 U Oootf new* travel* fut — many of th» thou- J. R. Turnbull, Minister Ooos new* travel* tul—many of the thou- which increased 287 units. Uaie jour work done RIGHT at — aanda _ of „■ folk* who now take l»mon juice Bible school 9:45 a. m, C. E Sermon "God Bless America", Private passenger cars totaled tor rheumatic the Home of Better Printing--------------------- *** pain—have found ' that * by “ StereopUcan slide song service. Corry, superintendent. addins two tablespoon full of AUenru to one 339,008, compared to 350.291 last THE NU N ER PRESS Cottage Prayer t*b:»*po*nful of Lemon Juice In a flau of Meeting Wed- Morning worship, 11:00 a. m Relieved in 5 minute* or water, they ret faster relief for the aches Young People s Union 7 P m niwday 7 30 P.M. double your money back and pains caused by rheumstlsm, lumbago It’s no surprise either, for Allenru is a YVy.*n -xr.u itooi.cb arl.l r*uw, painful. awff00.00 NO AGENT WILL CALL The only peraon who will ever call IsAcrl on you about thia amaring new kind of Family Life Insurance is tel Dssth vour ti emlly mailman. So fill out coupon and get full detalla and " r^bS^ST.TifvriTirninT.niM-ca-i tai Daattl a*«*M*tf »I i FRFE INSPECTION COUPON'^’ MAIL TODAY! 7 L i A DAY THAT'S GONE! ) A day that’s gone—happily and forever—from the calendars of many sensible housewives is old Blue Monday, the weekly washday; the pestifer­ ous span of eight or ten hours of back-breaking labor. Try us next time on the family washing, and see how much we can save in time, money and work. Addr»M———- ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 .«UM ( JUST CALL 7771, THAT’S ALL Wirt M. Wright, Prop. Man»« — ) ) 31 Water St, ( Flowers For All Occasions” 271 MORTON STREET Phone 4161 ) )