Thursday, Nov. 2Ü, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER We Are Thankful! Page 3 18 L'.O. Alumni War Victims lo ite Honored JUST MAKKIED For the past, for great men with "Russel,” aaid little Thelma, “you clear minds and noble ideas and said you wanted shin bone soup, V ae O., Eugene, Nov, 19 - with loyalty that often made . Eighteen University of Oregon I didn't remember down at the Is them seal their faith with their I alumni have given their lives thus butcher shop, just what it was, lite blood and I showed the butcher my shin Wednesday far in helping to protect the na­ evening meeting, ATTEND THE CHURCH OF For the present, for leaders that tion against Axis tyranny, it was and he guessed it all right.” Volli CHOICE TH ANKN4IIVl\G which includes tcatimonioa of can plan and never grow weary, officially announced by the alum­ "Humph,” grunted Russ, "I’ll be Christian Science healing, I m held for boys that can join a suicide ni office this week. Each of the darn careful what cuts of meat I at 8 o'clock. Margaret turned off the hum­ brigade when nrciwsary and men will be honored by a gold ming vacuum cleaner, and specify in the future.” Reading lUairri open daily from who can say to a prisoner, "No, star act in a large new service straightened the slipcovers of the 2 to 5 I’M except Sundays and I can't kill you: we don't d<> flag which will be hung from the armchair and the daybed that she • Subscribe for The Miner today. Holidays had pushed up to go over the rug. things that way": for a General ad ministration building. The public is cordially Invited Then she stood quite still in the MacArthur, like Lee and Jack- to atten% these services, and to 'Hie service flag was presented doorway and looked at the small son, wbo does not have to hate use the Reading Room to the university by alumni and bedroom with its southern expos­ bis enemies and who can re­ » s . students who contributed >81.42 to ure. It was as neat and imperson­ al as a pin. It might never have port: "We treat our prisoners a "penny parade" at the annual been lived in. Tne door stood CHURCH OF CHRIST Chiropractic Physician with the respect and considers: iMM ond and B Streets Homecoming football game Satur­ open on the clean, bare closet. Chiropractic service free to En­ tion which their gallantry so Earl F. Downing, Minister listed men day. A new star will be added Tnere was not a pennant, not a well merits", Bible School 9:45 A M. Office 244 Hargadlne Ph. 8821 for each alumnus killed in the team picture. not even so much 'Dial our President can say that service, officials have announced. as an old Arith­ Morning Service 11:00 A M metic book left we have no designs upon the Soruiun ' rhe Ixndshlp of Christ Those listed by the alumni of­ to show whose lands of other peoples and that laird of Our Possession of fice as having made the supreme room it had a commentator can call us, the once been. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. sacrifice are Ensigns Verdi Sed- people, to witness such a prom­ Margaret with Young People’s High School erstrom, formerly of Salem, ani ise. That the President of the stared at the and Junior groups. Eldon Wyman, Portland, killed at FIRST HAIT1RT CHURCH Uhillipine Commonwealth can walls, the furni­ Eveiung Service 7:30 >* M. Pearl Harbor; Captain Dale Las- J. H. Turnbull, Minister ture, anddeeply, keep nis country's anniversary Sermon "God Bless America", Earl G Williams, selle. Captain Bible school 9:45 a. m, ( C. E slowly, she real- within our friendly borders and : dtereoptican slide song service. Cadet Leonard Dalllf, Captain Md- ized that no • Ashland’s Printers Corry, superintendent. that we can plan with him and I matter what Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed­ win E Swanson, all of Portland; Morning worship, 11:00 a. I m with all oppressed peoples for 1 Second Lieutenant Ernie Robert­ lodgers with their own trinkets Young People's Union 7 ] P- tn nesday 7:30 I’ M. final victory. pictures might occupy it, she Union Thanksgiving Service at son. Cadet Leonard Gard, Colonel ana Prayer, praise and Bible study would always see it the old way. That we may know the truth the Presbyterian church 10:30 James A Meek. Charles F. Goet- It was the old way that she saw it hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, about our defeats as well as our tling, Harold C. Jepson, Captain now. Thanksgiving morning. A pair of hard-worn gray 111 victories, about ourselves as well Harry Q. Findley, and Cadet Her­ pants lay on the floor where they sss as our enemies, so that we need bert Jones, all of Eugene; Second had been dropped Three base­ CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE not sacrifice and pray in blind Lieutenant Edwin? Morene, Reed­ ball bats were stacked with a fish­ Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Bertrand F. Pelrraon, Tastor obedience us cur enemies must. sport; Naval Cadet Donald Rock­ ing rod in the corner. A battered Mass at V a. m. Bunday. Fourth and C Streets red cap with a letter on it lay on >44 That we are not only expecting well, l’ilôt Rock; Lieutenant Kent the bed. And through the bed, as Church school 9:45 a. m. to win this war, but more than Stltzer, Colorado; Cadet Byron though it were transparent, Mar­ TRINITY KPMCOPAL CHURCH Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Rev. A. II MacDoniirll, Vicar ever in the history of the world, Vandenburg, Sacramento; and garet saw another bed, smaller, Departmental meetlnxs at 6:30: many groups and individuals Lieutenant James O. Reed, Ray- and with high slatted sides. THANKSGIVING DAY Junior, Young People, Adults. Asked after a fire or wreck She put the vacuum cleaner are planning to win the peace. mond, Washington. 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion Evangelistic service, 7:30. away and went down to her desk is as to whether the property Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ For an abundance of and Sermon material in the sitting-room. She took the was insured. This individual A group or men at the club fifteen dollars rent that the new 9:30 A. M Holy Communion nesday evening. things to share with all the suf- query indicate« the import­ lodger had paid that morning in were discussing the color of their raun* SUNDAY IN ADVENT I fernng people of the earth. ' ’ ' ance of adequate insurance. 8:00 and 11:00 A, M Holy THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH For our faith that the Ruler of wive'a hair, and Jones was the advance for the room, and added We have for years written to it, from her purse, three dol­ Communion the universe is a God of right­ only man who couldn’t remember. lars and seventy-five cents more. insurance on the property CONGREGATIONAL 9:30 A. M Church School eousness and that it Is His in­ He decided to rush right borne Then she drew out a sheet of pa­ 717 Siskiyou Blvd. of most of the wise people 4 4 4 Clarence F. McCall, Minister tention to establish justice and find out.Dashing into the living per and began to write on it, of Ashland. Let us also slowly, gravely. FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE that it is our high privilege to room, he found his wife sitting 9:45 A M Bible School, Mrs provide protection to your “ To buy a bond to help train a E. .Main «uid HUkijou Blvd. cooperate with Him in this en­ on the davenport; he looked at young man to replace Don, Jr.— holdings. Glen Prescott. her hair, and cried: L. P. Furman, Paator terprise. 11:00 AM Worship Service killed on June 6th in the Battle Sunday school 9:45 a. m. "Brown” of Midway.” Clarence F. McCall wih Sermon. Morning worship 11 o'clock. (Letter from an actual communication i ---- •------------- And from the davenport came in the »st Aiea of the Treasury Department./ I C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ a surprised voice: ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ FREE METHODINT CHURCH Second Victory Garden "Now, how did you know I was Help our boys. Make certain low at 7:30 o’clock. East Main Street Conference Soon at OSC here?” the wage earner of the family C. A. service and choir practice Charles E. Brown, Pastor joins a payroll savings plan and 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bunday School, 9:45 A. M The second annual victory gard­ tops that 10% by New Year's! Bible study and prayer meeting V. 5. TrraJwrj Department Morning Worship, 11:00 A, M en conference to lay plans for 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody la cordially Invited Evangelistic Service, 7:30 P. M continuing war-time expansion of "I wonder whether Bill will REAL ESTATE and to ail services. Jr. Missionary Service, 6:30 I’M home production of vegetables REAL INSURANCE love me when I’m old." Young People’s Missionary Six:. and small fruits has been called Phone 8781 41 East Main "You'll know pretty soon now FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Meets at 6:45 P. M by William A. Schoenfeld, dean CHURCH dearie. ” assured the other. Midweek Prayer and Praise and director of agriculture, to ------------- •------------- Howard G. Eddy, Min later Service. Wed. 7:30 P. M meet at Oregon State college Fri­ Bible school at 9:45 a. m , Wirt Hymn and Song practice, Friday, I envy the beasts two things | day, December 4 Representatives M. Wright, sujierintendent. ¡--their ignorance of what is said at 7:30 P. M, of 16 state organizations, associa­ 4 4 4 about them, and their ignorance » » » tions, and councils have been in­ of evil to come. Relieved in S minutes or FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST double your money back SCIENTIST FIRST METHODIST CHURCH vited to participate with the ------------- • ------------- WTwo nr-u atootcli arid num painful »uff.-xat - O.S.C. Extension service in the For. N. Main and laurel Sts. Pioneer Ave., South CHEAP printing la expensive. *OUJ’ •t”'n*'h *"'l hrartbum. dorton uuCly conference, These include state ­ Dr. George W. Bruce, Mtn later prnrr lb. tha faaiat-artlns mnllctnn known for 11 00 Have your work done RIGHT at Sunday morning service at rraptocM’ir falirf— madlrlnoa ISa thoao In M-m wide farm organizations, federal Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. by Dorothy Greig the Home of Better Printing—— .¿L0,.,*’*'1’* Y*”11»'" brine« comfort In a Subject "Ancient and o'clock or arndd. jour noon back on return of bottla Morning worship 11 o'clock. and state agricultural agencies, THE MINER PRESS 1 JUiy to ui. 25c at al] druggists. Modern Necromancy. Alias Mea- OTHER need to say. "SundSj Evening Service 7:30 P. M. anti labor organizations, as well mcriatn and Hypnotism Denounc- supper is the perfect meal at Midweek Bible study hour and as consumer and home interest ed.” which to show off your special trick praiae service is Wednesday eve­ groups dishes.” I thought of that the other Sunday Schl at 9:45 A M. ning at 7:30. The 1942 Oregon victory garden day < when mixing these waffles. program has been remarkably successful, says Dean Schoenfeld, but a still greater need looms for more victory gardens in 1943. It is hoped that out of the experi­ ences of the past year constder- MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER aple improvement can be included in the program for the coming \ IT AMINS—All Types at Lowest Prices year. War Plant Worker Buy» Bond» The program for the confer­ for Warrior Hutband The Store for Every Need ence calls for discussions ii u ring You will be surprised to see so many items that Although she hns two children the forenoon session, followed by to support on her wages as a pow­ you can buy at small cost. appointment of working commit­ er press operator at a war plant, tees to meet in the early after ­ Mrs. Mabel W puts 18% of her noon, and the adoption of their pay every week into War Bonds reports comprising a complete through the Payroll Savings Plan Mrs. W. thinks of every bond program. Made with tomato soup they had she buys in terms of what it can ------------- •------------- lovely flavor and a faintly rosy do for her soldier husband out in color, too, that was most appetitlng. • Subscribe for The Miner today. Australia. "Already." she says, Then as a final touch I topped "I've bought Jim n Garand rifle them with crlap bacon — and the and a gas mask in War Bondi. I Bonds. But you can stretch your­ family loved them. Maybe yours feel I'm helping to bring him back self a bit more—make a few "sac­ will, too: rifices"—and reach Uncle Sam's safe and sound!" ' IM cup« flour (pastry) goal of 10% for War Bonds every U teaspoon soda You Can Spare 10%! payday! Sign up today with the 1Y4 teaapoonii baking powder Maybe you can't save as much Payroll Savings Plan where you Pinch of sail H cup milk as 18% of your salary in War work! Dr. C. C. Dunham MINER PRESS THE FIRST QUESTION Billings Agency Sunday Supper brings Cream Tomato Waffles Acid Indigestion served with bacon strips M WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ! 18% OF HER PAY GOES INTO WAR BONDS Western Thrift Store 30 North Central Ave. Asthma Mucus ¡Loosened Fini Day i For Thousands of Sufferers Je Who Laughs—-Lasts! ....RND, DURING THE ENEMY FUR. RTTRCfC SINGLE-HANDED,SHOT DOiNN ZU JRP ZEROS.... THEREFORE, t HRYE BEEN DELEGATED TO RWRRD YOU J N THE RHHE OF THE UNITED STATES Choking, (lipins, wheoiins «p»smi of Bronohtoi Aolhm* ruin deep mid enersv. In- rjcdlcntf In tho proscription Mrndaco qalck- r drculoto through the blood and common­ ly help loown tho thick ktrnnallns mucus the first day. thus aldlnc nature In palliating the terrible recurring choking spasm.«, and In promoting freer breathing and restful sleep Mendaco k not a smoke, dope, or In­ jection. Just pleasant, tasteless palliating tablets that have helped thousands of suf­ ferers. Printed guarantee with each package —money back unless comnletsly satisfactory. Ask your druggist for Mendaco today. Only «0c. H cup condensed tomato soup • (Just aa it cornea from the can) » e fill out coupon and get full detail» and FRb.E -■>• •■ -r _ —______ — — — — — —I I I II il 1REE INSPECTION OOL/POI^ MAIL TOOAŸ! 1 •n »tfMOW . CUilVililMi RtSARVt lift IMSUBSMCS CO. 111 State Straat. HammaaC. ta««M 1' t I Jr's'