Thursday, Nov. 20, HM2 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 1'lu> iMcl* are: we are and hope allow his draft registration card. classification* to be manufacturing armament* ITioae with u u><< *ar gre wer* carefully chocked, and whars nut having scrap drives every a criminal background was shown The value of manipulative 1 day, consequently a surplus must they were not employed therapy In the armed forces is U. of O., Eugene, Nov. 19 The be built up. Does it make any The food situation, too, conies Published Every Thur*, becoming more apparent every 25th annual meeting of the Ore­ difference whether it is stored at in for Its sliure of attention This FREI) MILTENBERGER at 167 Bast Main Street day. Dr. Waldo G. Poehner of gon Press conference will be heat the school yards, junk yards or one Is designed to create the im­ ASHLAND, OREGON Publisher Chicago, president of the National on the University of Oregon cam­ in much-neeued space al the de­ pression that the governinunt is Chiropractic Association, declared pus January 22 and 23. Eric W fense plants? Of course it was an permitting food profiteering. in an address before the recent Allen, dean of the school of innocent remark and no harm in­ Entered as second-class SUBSCRIPTION IH.MOil—That canned pineap­ annual ednvention of the Florida journalism, announces here Mon­ tended. but I suggest that ■Olile matter February 16. RATES ple is being hoarded by the brok­ Chiropractors Association, at St 1035, at the postoffice at (In Advance) day. The winter session of the of us should read and. think more ers and wholesulers until higher Ashland, Oregon, under Petersburg. I Oregon Newspaper Publisher*' as­ and talk leas. SIX MONTHS $1 50 prices are possible. the act ef March 3,1879 Recalling the statement by sociation also will be held at that The important part about It all ONE YEAR $2 00 leading FACT—On* of our Charles H Payne, co-inventor * time, he said l Mailed Anywhere in the la that we must earn to atop this re|K>rt firma wholesale grocery the famous Army jeep, that • Newspaper problems a raising i kind of talk. If we cannot say United States) TELEPHONE 8561 chiropractor should be standard out of federal regulations, such anything creditable about oui that it ha* not u ainglo tin of equipment with each car.” Dr. ! as priorities and materials and prosecuUon of the war, let's keep pineapple. Under the Ol'A ruling SET YOU UREE the truth wii . i .4=? psrosntag* Puehner aaaerted that in the*e supplies, are expected to be the I still. Surely our coup in North only a certain days of mechanized warfare it Is main topic of discussion. Ad­ Africa is sufficient to keep con- canned goods Is released at reg­ evident that a man skilled in the vertising problems in wartime al vernations lists busy for some ular intervals. For iiutlance, those who have pineapple stocks on I correction of dislocations. sub­ so will come in for considerable time to come. luxations and bodily strains is a| discussion. Vicious rumors are being re- hand are not permitted to release much-needed specialist A large number of discussion jxirted to the rumor and propa­ any for wale until next month He pointed to pilot», para troops, groups, enabling publishers ano ganda division of the Slop rpeatlng and report such Oregon tank men and jeep crews as others an opportunity to exchange state def emu- council every day rumors you hear to Mr. David ■ "those in the armed forces es­ ideas, will mark the program thia Some of them start innocently Robinson, manager of the rumor pecially needful of chiropractic year. Dean Allen said Plan* to | enough from small incidents that and propaganda division of the ■ care.” have several nationally promin- have no bearing on the war Oregon state defense council, lo­ Dr. Poehner said the increasing ' ent speakers here for the confer Their constant repeating magnl- cated at 101 Oregon building, number of requests by servicemen ence also are being worked out. ... flea their importance so that ac- Portland. Oregon, or to your local and officers for an expanded ------------- •------------- Others are I defense chairman : tual damage la done health service, including chiro­ Traffic Death Kate Much I the result of well-laid plans of practic, and the numerous re­ enemies, through fifth col- I________________ Better Than Year Ago I our velations by various chiropractors umnlsts and short wave radio. in the armed forces of the es­ Here are some of the more re- AUTOMOHHX FIKE Oregon's traffic death rate for tablishment of "barracks clinics" , cent rumors that the first nine iqonths of 1942 was INSURANCE to satisfy their campmates, are 1 ported: indicative of the popularity of 8.1 persons killed per one hundred "That you can depend on" Here is one with a definite Axle < million miles of travel, figures manipulative therapy. coloring, designed to create fear LET US GIVE THANKS Alluding to a volunteer chiro­ compiled in the office of the state and dissatisfaction with our local practic corps, composed of nearly traffic safety division disclosed to­ defense setup: Thanksgiving appeals to all and there is none SO 1,000 licensed practitioners, the day. RUMOR—T5iat a abort time ago | poor and none so badly affected that they do not have NCA president said the accept­ This rate of 8.1 is a decrease Axis airplanes were seen taking ance of the group as commission­ of 27 per cent from the rate for pictures while flying over Port- | something for which to return thanks. HEALTH A ACCIDENT the comparative period a year ed officers in the Medical Corp* LITE land at dawn, That our plane* The first Thanksgiving Day in our own loved would be hailed with approval by ago. The September rate was 7. did not go up until after the al­ representing a drop of 57 per cent country was kept under the most unpropitious circum­ the various armed forces.. from the September death rate leged aerial invader was gone ON THE PLAZA FACT—A thorough investiga­ stances. There was a scanty harvest the first summer, Dr. Poehner revealed that a last year. brief on the Chiropractic Corps, tion among proper officials proves and the pilgrims faced starvation unless supplies could which has been organized by Col. The decrease in the death rate that there were no Axis planes be brought from England. Frank O. Logic of Iron Mountain, for the nine-month period con- over l*ortiand. therefore no need has been completed and trusts with the drop in traffic, as for our defense planes In the midst of such surroundings as these Gov­ Mich., will be presented to the proper shown by gasoline consumption fl-« This one has as its purpose the ernor Bradford wrote, “The harvest being gotten in. authorities in Washington, D. C., gures. The travel cut amounted | creating of friction between local to but nine per cent, compared sent four men on fowling, so that we might after a within a few days. residence and shipyard workers In the meantime, the chiro­ to the 27 per cent reduction in who recently were imported from more special manner rejoice together after we had practic the death rate. profession will continue Reduced speeds on rural high­ out of town. gathered the fruits of our labors.” free treatment to al) members of RUMOR—That 95 per cent of ways, care in driving due Thus while “sickness lurked and death assailed and the armed forces, a service in­ to the greater the men recently employed by need to conserve equip ­ at the 1941 convention the Oregon Shipbuilding corpora­ Money Back —If This Recipe Fail* foes beset on every hand.” the first governor of New- augurated of the National Chiropractic As­ ment combined with the slight re­ tion are parolees and exconvieta, Uooa n»wt lf«»»to lul—many o( th« thou- duction Ln travel brought about aanda of folk* «ho no* l»k« !•■»<•> lute« England inaugurated the first Thanksgiving Day in sociation, Dr. Poehner said. i tar rhaumallc pain—ha»« found that FACT — -Out of 2500 worker* the lower death rate, it was said two tablaapoonfula of Altonrv to <■>• -x--------- •------------ the year 1621. sent here only one was a parolee »doing ------------- w_. tabl*»p.«nful of Lamon Julc« In ■ (laai of wator. lh*y «•< tutor raltot tor lb* aclwa Turkeys Lead Specialty and he wax not found guilty of I was going to write that joke Thankfulness is rooted in the spiritual transforma­ and pain» cau»«d by rh«umall»m. lumbago crime. A simple method It» no turnrito «IlMr, for AUaaru la • Animal Output in State about the mouse trap, but It's to aheinous II r«ar old formula to -anav« rhrumaUa tion of man’s nature, and springs from that simplicity- was used to check every one of uh«» snappy. and pain» tn fact—it it do«» not h»lp of faith which sees in all things a loving Father’s! Oregon's turkey industry has the applicants. Every worker - your mon»» back What could b« falr«rr ------------- •------------- O«t Allonru lodar at any ll»a *rug(l»l Only tender care. It is not strange, therefore, that great grown to the point where it leads “I don't like the- look* of that who was selected was asked to M cant»—Do It Mow. other specialty animal in­ makeral?” gratitude to God is found among those w-ho outwardly all dustries in Oregon in income by have the few-est reasons for Thanksgiving if judged by a large margin, according to the "Well. lady, if it's looks you're after, why don't you buy a gold­ the material comforts of life. latest summary of production and fish?” income statistics in this field just ------------- •------------- Let us pause then and count our blessings and we released by the O.8.C. Extension w-ill find, in the face of whatever reverses, sorrows or service. HAVE YOU HEARD? We derm It a «olrnui pri­ disappointments life has brought us, that there is The extension bulletin giving I heard it again from a fellow vilege to relieve family and the information is No. 608 by M bus passenger while I was on my much for w-hich we ought to thank the Creator. friend« of worry and detail D. Thomas, L. R. Breithaupt, and way to the office We were pass­ —by Old Timer. the hour of nee« I when N. I. Nielsen, and is one of the ing one of the numerous scrap arise*. We «■onaldrr It a regular series of annual publica­ from piles that are still tn evid­ •acred duty to rondwt a tions recording statistics on crops ence in various part of the state •ervlce that I* a fitting not fully covered by federal re­ The talkative one made this time­ EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED tribute. ports. The current bulletin cov­ worn remark: "If we are so short Mri Litwtll«r “It is hard for us to get out of the habit of ex­ ers turkey, fur and game farms, of scrap, why haven't they picked pecting things'to happen to other people, but not us.” apiary products, and a summary that up?” The surprising part of DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER cash farm income in Oregon it all is that thousands of word« How very true is this statement. We did not expect of were used explaining this idtua- by sources. We Never Close—Phone 4541 Japan to attack the United States; we did not expect Oregon’s 1941 turkey crop tion during the recent •crap drive. Germany to ride through Czechlovokia, neither did we brought the largest cash farm of record, amounting to expect to resort to the rationing of our commodities income $6.860.000 ~ industry In this and resources. We sort of expected that our men state has The grown considerably would be trained for defense measures but we did not since 1936, when the income was expect to send troops abroad; we did not expect that only $2,850,000. The trend has been toward larger flocks but the shortage of food and materials would ever touch fewer farmers engaged in the us in America. business, the bulletin reveals. By the largest production In the We do not expect our coast to be heavily bombed far state is centered in the Willamet­ and we do not expect Germany to last many more te valley counties, with Marion months. We do not expect Japan to make further county in the lead Closely fol­ gains, neither do we expect to suffer very extensively lowing Marion in volume of pro­ are Lane, Linn, Douglas. through food shortages, but things have happened and duction Yamhill and Clackamas in are still happening to us and we feel the inevitable order. Southern Oregon Miner Annual Oregon Press Need for Chiropractors ., _ _ ...... i i In Armed Forces Apparent O'MIRNMKW 1O Ue lii'lll At U.O. Camp Jun. 22-28 ★ ♦ ★ M. T. BURNS Lemon Juice AT HOME 1$,' »rllT0 REL,EVE RHEUMATIC PAINS Duty and A Solemn ★ ★ Privilege | ★ Litwiller Funeral Home Efficiency, Convenience And Economical when any unlikely possibility appears. We have learned to accept a good many unexpected situations and the fact that “anything can happen’. But, in all our “wishful thinking” the habit remains—we still ex­ pect things to happen to others, but never to us. ¥ ¥ * NOT SO BAD There never has been less poverty in any land at any time than in this land today. Never before have so many people lived as well as we live. ' And this is because with all our getting we have been getting under-standing. We have found that good wages, make good business—make the wheels of commerce go ’round; that funds well spent for public improvements return to us with added benefits; th? i the Golden Rule works in business disguised as Square Deal economics. As the years come and go the world grows better. One by one it is breaking the shackles of great evils which have bound it for ages. The next one to go will be War. ★ ★ ★ Many a two-car garage is built on a one-horse salary. ★ ★ ★ A careless man and a good job are soon parted. “FOR SALE' Miner office. VANISHING ELASTIC A rubber band Mac, snide used in tha trick; it > «lipp'd Only electricity gives so much efficiency beauty and convenience for SO LITTLE you can cook, heat water, refrigerate and do the many other things about the house with electricity at still further savings! See your electrical dealer today and learn how much electricity can add to your home comfort. Thckiad i. Ashland Light Department Your SERVICE Department”