ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1942 VOL. XI -------- , Two CookN Held In E o I noii Deaths ASHLAND U. S. 0. THE FRIENDLY CLUB NEWS NOTES _ ... _ ——— —- -"in r - - • .... , NUMBER 47 . ~ —* A Happy Thanksgiving Drive Begin» To Enroll More Women for WAAC h Elks Benefit Huge Success Following, an Investigation in Emphasis was p:aced on "worn-| the deaths of 47 patients and en in the war” this week as re­ serious illness of more than 400 cruiting representatives of the Approximately four hundred others at the state mental hos­ I women's army auxiliary corps be­ and fifty Elks and their guests Ashland UHO committee chair­ pital at Salem, where by mistake gan an intensive drive to enroll1 crowded the club rooms of the men and Co-chairmen gave a two- roach jKiison wua used for egg patriotic women from all walks local Elks lodge Saturday night way covered dish luncheon, Thurs­ powder in a scrambled egg dinner. I of life in the WAACs for assign­ in the annual stag benefit. Much day noon, at th« UHO clubhouse, Mrs Mary O’Hare, chief cook, and ment to duties previously per­ credit is due Sid Reed, local sec­ in imnor of Mrs. Helen Hinull and A B Mr KU lop. assistant cook, formed by men needed now for retary, and, the committee in Miss Cura Lane, UHO Directors face criminal charges active service, Colonel J. J. Ful­ charge for a well planned and Mrs. Hmall left Ashland, Thur*- An information has been made mer, district recruiting officer for executed program. day evening tor u month's slay against Mr McKillop charging in­ Oregon, revealed. A hilarious crowd of turkey in liarttord, Connecticut. voluntary manslaughter. Mrs In announcing exisiting open­ buyers kept Henry Enders and his O'Hare facesu charge of accessory Miss Lune, Substitute Director I ings in the WAACc, the colonel assistants running at top speed duruig Mrs. aiuali s absence, after the fuel, she sgid that af­ pointed out that women without to provide raffle tickets while comes to Ashland from Duluth, ter the patients had become ill technical and vocational skills are those prefering a slower pace Minnesota Hiie is an experienced she realized that a mistake had being sought as well as those found valuable prizes in chickens UHO worker having served on the been made but wus too frighten­ skilled in professions and trades. and potatoes at the Beno table. UHO stuff in Tacoma, Washing­ ed to tell the hospital authorities Primary qualifications for enlist­ Other games and amusements Two former residents of Ash- ton and has also been connected ment In the women's army re- . were in progress at all times. VUr/i > ? 1 quire that applicants be citizens with the UHO in Jay Cooke Park, land, Murlon O Bates and William At eleven o'clock the call to J w rjiiL bl 1» Minnesota. , Moore, are listed amoi.g the 47 of the United States, between tbe “Let’s eat” sent everyone to the I y ' f Wir?- A. ©*14 poison victims. Ninleen were piesent for the ages of 21 and 45, of good moral r* jM basement tor the crab feed. Mr. McKillop has coiffesM-d luncheon and an Interesting dis­ character and physically fit. • Y. J Following this was a highly that he sent George Nosen, of Those without skills will be cussion followed with each chair- entertaining floor show featuring Medford, a patient, to the base ­ enlisted as “ basics “ and will be partl- man giving re|»orts on her ment for milk powder. Nosen assigned to military tasks which the Joe Young entertainers from cular area of UHO work. appurcutly mistook the poison, a do not require specialized or vo­ Portland in Oriental and Hawai­ Forty-six Junior and Hrnior common insectide, which is simi­ cational experience. They will be ian dances, electrical steel guitar The the lar in appearam e to milk powder UHO Hostesses attend»«! supervised while performing their music and magician acts. Formal L*ance at Camp White When Noaen returned with the assignments and be given every program concluded with the sing­ last night. Il was a beautiful powder, McKillop said he dumped opportunity to prove their capabi­ ing of God Bless America by the crisp night for the ride into Camp It into the mixing bowl contain- lities to qualify for specialized entire gathering. and the "rain god” answered u ing the egg yolks. Some indication of the finan­ training. The deadly substance number of prayers by checking Enrollee who exhibit leaderahip cial success of the evening is the downpour which made the covered by an attendant characteristics will be considered shown by the fact that ninety- formal dresses safe for the trip. ticed a "strange taste“ for assignments as duty leader* six turkeys were sold. Those This dunce wils held at Service vised the patients in her ward and non-commissioned officers af­ who failed to get one take com­ dub No 2 where another formal not to cat their dinners. ter they have completed their fort in the fact that their money Simultaneously, in five widely dance is to be given on December goes to provide a happier Christ­ basic training course. 17. Miss Rena Hemenza, Henior separated wards, patients were Colonel Fulmer advised all mas for some needy family Hostess in charge, extended a stricken with bewildering sudden­ women who are able to meet the through the Elks Christmas chari­ cordial invitation to all hostesses ness primary requirements to visit ty. Dr. John C. Evans, superinten­ ut A ah land, but they must have ------------- •-------------- 'for His gift to us as we realize their nearest army recruiting of­ WHY GIVE THANKS an admission card to enter Camp dent of the hospital said “Mr that one-third of India's millions fice or write recruiting head­ LAID TO REST— by J. R Turnbull White Dances and these cards ~lcKlllop broke a hospital rule go to œd hungry every night. quarters, 323 main post office, Mrs. Barbara Brown, 86, who FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH may be secured at the Ashland! in sending a patient to get the Many a Chinese mother has fill­ Portland, for complete informa­ died at her iiome on Fifth street UHO. Henior Hostesses who ac-. milk but he was busy and I un­ last Wednesday afternoon, was An American explorer away In ed her stomach with clay in order tion and application forms. companied the girls were Ma­ derstand that this has happened the heart of tbe Amazon jungle re­ to give the sense of fulness, that laid to rest Saturday afternoon dame*: Norby, White, Addy. Bent­ before with other members of the ceived a radio message bidding her children might have the few in the Linkville cemetery, Klam­ ley, Lockhart and Misses Nichol­ staff and other patients.” ath Falls. Deceased was a native him return home. It was a long grass-roots to stave off death a --------- e-------------- son, Gough and King. of Canada. She bad resided in trek to civilization and the call' little longer. Not until this war LET IS GIVE THANKS Miss Virginia Hales, Ik-an of Ashland three years. Surviving was urgent. He called a native is over and it can be told shall Women, HUGE Is in charge of are two sisters Mrs. K. E. White­ chief and arranged for carriers we know the awful, fearsome On Thanksgiving day, we have the Ashland Junior Hostess Bur- line, Klamath Falls; Mrs. Agnes The first two days they made ■nder the iron heel of the Axis For their fall ceremonial. Nobles much for which to be thankful,' eau. Her rapid progress under his urging oppressors. But with our Thanks- of Hillah Temple and other Nichols, Vancouver B. C. personally as well as nationally , The third morning the natives giving we must have a keen sense shriners will gather in Ashland passing is mourned by many Ash­ TUA N KSGIVING MOST We have called upon GOD for1 hung around camp and made no hunger that plagues the millions on November 28, under the leader­ land friends. many things in the near past, and PROMINENT IN ------------- e-------------- effort to proceed. When asked uf our responsibility to al) of ship of Illustrious Potentate, NATIONAL HISTORY we shall need him desperately in why Uie daisy, on* replied ? “White these. I George P. Taylor. Hpedal honor TH1H AND THAT days to come. Let us give Him (By Old Timer) man, we are waiting for our souls We give thanks, too, for those will be paid to Nobles of Hillah A spirit of thanksgiving is this day in thanks for His bless­ the armed To the Editor: impressively eloquent, not in ings bestowed upon us each. — I to catch up with our bodies. In the freedoms of which we apeak all Temple serving in Limes prosperity, but in periods friends, food, rainment, and the rush and pressing demands of wur too often glibly and unthinkingly, forces, The program for the The filibuster tactics of South­ of (Milnful adversity Following comforts and conveniences of life, j it behooves us to take time out for those freedoms are rooted in ceremonial is as follows: ern Senators over the poll tax to allow our souls to "catch up Christian faith. For example, the 1:30 p_m.—Golf at Ashland Golf the winter of Valley Forge in Let us thank Him for the stead­ bill recalls the acrimonious debate with our bodies " Such a time is first amendment to our constitu ­ Course 1778. when the army had dwind­ fastness of our National life in over the Alldrich-Vreeland finan­ Thanksgiving. tion, that which guarentees re­ 2:30 p.m.—Registration of can- cial bill in 1908. Senator La Fol­ led to 4000, continental money danger and adversity, for the ligious freedom, was added be­ We give thanks because life, didates, Lithia Springs hotel. was worthless, and supplies for National will to uphold freedom lette, almoat single-handed, con­ property, money, talents, all we cause of the representations made 4:00 p.m.—Business session, ducted the longest filibuster on soldiers were almost nil, Wash­ is self control. by the Baptists of Rhode Island. Masonic Temple. ington proclainmed a day of "O Praise the Lord, for it is a have are come from God and pros­ He took, the floor and record. Thanksgiving, Signlflcantly, all good thing to sing praises unto per by his blessings. We talk as if That is why we, who are called 5:00 p.m.—Social hour. held it for 18 hours and 28 min- Baptists, are ready to give life lf- the war years of the Revolution, our God: yea a Joyful and pleasant we were OWNERS of this great ' 6:00 p. m.—Turkey banquet, utes. However, to he failed land, when we are really only need be for the right of every Masonic Temple. 1777 to 1783, were years of thing is it to be thankful." block the passage of the bill. American, whether Mahommeden, special thanksgivlng proc Ia­ Rev. A H. lire Donnell TENANTS. “The earth is the 7:30 p.m.—Parade, from Temple » 1 1 Catholic, Jew, Protestant, or Lord's and the fulness thereof. ” mationa in the struggling colo- ------------- •------------- to Third and return. Divan, Band College football used to end on Baptist, to have the right of free ­ Besides he provides the sunshine nles The first thanksgiving on CHURCH OF CHRIST Patrol, Drum Corps, Nobility, Thanksgiving when a bunch of and the moisture to germinate dom of worship. *• a national scale was in the year BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 A M Candidates. pigskin artists were “graduated. Yes, WE MUST GIVE I»» 1780. October 3, when the nat- MORNING SERVICE. 11:00 A M. | the seed which He also provides 8:00 p.m - Band concert at the Now, since the advent of "bowl THANKS FOR WE AKE ion had not as yet fully re- Sermon, "The Lordship of Christ- j and gives it the power to draw Plaza, Drum and Bugle corpa. contests, the lads can loaf around from its environment those en­ GREATFUL TO GOD. covered the shock of war. The Lord of Our Daily Deeds ." the institution until the weather patrol. zyme and chromosomes which Thanksgiving Proclamation, the CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, 6:30 gets warm. 8:45 p.m. — Reception of Illus- first of a continuing aeries un­ P M with Junior High School and makes a harvest possible. It is FIREMEN'S DANCE— * * » blind and pernicious egotism to Ashland fire laddies will hold trious Potentate, George P. Tay- broken to our time. was given Young People* groups. American's chest The average lor. Divan, Past Potentates and by Lincoln in the midst of the EVENING SERVICE. 7:30 P M. think of "self-sufficiency" and their annual Thanksgiving dance measurement has increased, ac- visiting dignitaries. speak of “ When I have earned, on Thursday night. It will be Civil War. 1863 And now, on The High Schoo) Girls Sexette un­ cording to a clothing item. Uncle 9:00 p.m.— Exemplification of Thursday next, an unprecedented der the direction of Mrs Koehler and produced or cultivated." The an informal affair and will be Zeke says that's not news, in view very strength with which we toil the ritualistic work, first and sec ­ thanksgiving will come as a will sing. Sermon, "The Victory held in the ball room of the Elk's of the magnificent showing our and the very breath we draw are Temple. If you are a devotee of ond sections. special service by radio from That Overcomes The World" boys have made at the front. 10:00 p.m.—Second section, Ed­ the White House for the world COTTAGE PRAYER MEETING,! gifts from Him. were one chem­ the light fantastic, a good time < » 1 in the atmosphere assured you. die Nunn, ceremonial director, to hear a service of prayer for Wed. 7:30 P. M. at the home of ical element We ought to be glad that we to be withdrawn or increased and ------------- • ------------- John Ralston. Captain of the Mrs. Sarah Haskins, the nation. are living in America. According we would perish in a moment. ------------- •------------- 'Hie county jailer at Sebring. wrecking crew. Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Ba- to a recent report upwards of ------------- •-------------- Some people would like you to We give thanks because we Fla., was pretty embarrassed last taan! And Thanksgiving! 2,750.000 homes in England and believe there is a fuel shortage live in a land of superabundance. week—five women prisoners beat City Judge Suffers Stroke Wales have been damaged by May our country never lose here in Ashland. Our hearts rise with gratitude him up with a broom and escaped. Nazi bombs. the succession and to realize M. T. Burns, city judge, is re­ < r » that the Lord of Hosts will I ported to be somewhat improved Tires may be gone and gasoline grant victory to marching arm- MARINES ON THE PROWL i following a stroke which occured going but the click-clack of Old les in times of adversity when Friday noon, Mr. Burns became Dobbin is uncommon on city her citizenry are on their suddenly ill while at lunch, His streets. knees! entire right side was affected by —Rev. Bertrand Peterson » » ♦ the stroke, His many friends Typhus and Icicles, as well as throughout the city are hoping Stalin's men, are making the go­ UNION THANKSGIVING for his speedy recoverly. ing pretty tough for the Nazis in i SERVICES Russia. Day To You All « ' ----- * Shriners to Gather Here Hovember 28 JAILERS EMBARASSED— Union Thanksgiving services will be held Thursday morning in the First Preabyterian church at 10:30 o'clock a.m. The Rev. B. F. Peterson of the Nazarene church will deliver the sermon speaking on "The Response of a Thankful Spirit.” An anthem, "Song of Thanks­ giving” will be presented by the choir of the First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Florence Allen, dir­ ector; Mrs. J. W. McCoy, organ­ ist. A prayer song for men in the services will be «ung by the congregation. A thank offering will be re- ceived for the work of the Ash- land Ministeral association. • We are Thankful to the Ministers for their literary contribution. City jailers of Missoula, Mont., are wondering about their cell bars. They locked up a soldier wanted for deser |m. Next morn­ ing the soldier was missing, two bars had been neatly severed— and a razor blade lay on the floor. ------------ 0------------ PARADE HAS GOAL— ■ Being Thankful for what you have not, is also ofen important —Buy War Having* Utaoips— Members of the A. F. of L. meat cutters union in Los Angeles and the San Fernando valley as­ sembled on I-abor day and march­ ed, led by a band, to a Red Cross station -4o donate 2,000 pints of blood. | < » r The hashing and re-hashing of war news, via the radio, passeth all understanding. i JUS1 DUMB ifUPPOtf xbu •Ayr ue Mum vuHCN your HUC6AW9 Clip « NO? ÍTIU POY BUT OHWOH E BLACK kevs? ---- •---- LOTS OF TREE— GUADALCANAL ISLAND—U. S. Marines who had just driven the Japanese from strong positions on the Matanikou River on Guadalcanal are shown inarching over what was Jap territory a short time before. Aerial bomba, shells, and finally the boys with the bayonets cleared the Nips from this particular spot» Carl Neal, supervisor of Olym- I pic national forest, Wash., reports he saw in the Quinault river area a felled spruce tree scaling 38,- 000 board feet of lumber. Neal said it would sell for >1.200 or a net profit of $400 on the single tree. a