Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER i ynRsiTv K oni * burg Hindsight On Sports Bill Stern, speaking on his pro gram "Sports Parade" over NBC for the Colgate company Satur­ day night said that the University of Georgia football team had re­ ceived and accepted a bid to play In the Pasadena Rose Bowl New Year’s Day. He also said that Boston College had accepted an offer to play in the Sugar Bowl. Stem added that these statements would undoubtedly be denied by Bowl officials but, nevertheless, he said to wait until New Year’s Day and these teams would ap- pear as stated 4 SURPRISE SEASON'S DAN Io Alli Y, Jr. - DONNA »HD HIT! • OBIT 1 I A K ( SUN • MON • TUE r soma iohn i A ck H E N I E-PAYN E-0 A KIE ’. / with SAMMY KAYE r- ««J Hit Orthtifra CELANO —Also— WORLD IN ACTION Presenting • THE MASK OF NIPPON” KARTOON — SEWS Wed’sday & Thursday Klamath Pelicans Book Vancouver Team 1 lc—2ac—40c Tax Incl. MATINEE SAf. Continuous SUNDAYS The Klamath Falls Pelicans, winners of the Southern Oregon football conference and claimants to the mythical state champion­ ship, will play host to the power- ful Vancouver Trappers on Modoc Field at Klamath Falls Friday night. The trappers have suffered but one defeat, that at the hands of Longview, in an early - season game and are said to have a tough aggreation to throw at the Pel­ icans The game takes the place of one previously announced with Everett, Wash., which was can­ celled after Everett was beaten last week. SONJA HENIL IN LATEST HIT “ICELAND” AT V ARSITY SUNDAY I Every Pay Day Dancing is excellent but I don't care for it. merely hugging .«et tu The thing I don’t iik» la the music F t exercise, — It is mu^ic. about it —Zion I V Lot’s Doublm Our Quota ni TJ / J A * ' r ANNUALCHRISTMAS a -A h BZ *•' r j i • *». «■ u* , S' > I » 1 HB 4 F » Romance and rhythm highlight Sonja limi«-'« latent screen hit ’‘ICELAND” coming to the Varnity thetarr Sunday, Monday anti Tuesday featuring John Payne, Jack Oakie and Sammy Kaye and his orcnestra. Also on the same program 1« the exceptional featurette "BE­ HIND THE MASK OF NIPPON” presented by The World In Ac­ tion; tracing the brutality of the Jap bock to the early days of history ami shows the maturing days of the fanatical devotion to duty born in the reuglou« belief that sacrifice In the cause of tna emperor is guarantee of eveilasting reward. a XA/ORLD °/ F°OD -------------------- YY = LEO REINER I luf LEO REINER -• ~ ~ - |1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Ashland :x>dge No. 944 B. P. O. ELKS Open to all Elks and t'ieir friend*. Mrmbrrn not accora- puttying guests—ask for Invitation». Proereds provide for ELKS CHRISTMAS CHARITY. $1.10 Admission (including tax) entitles you. to * CRAB FEED * D(X)R PRIZES—and 9 ACT VAUDEVILLE SHOW ---------------------- •----------------------- Same Old Story As Ashland Loses Again “THE FINEST FUN FEST OF THE YEAR” Ashland High's football team wound up the Southern Oregon conference in the cellar Friday night on the Walter Phillips field when they bowed before a super­ ior Medford Black Tornado 27 to 7. Medford kicked to Ashland to start the game and, after three tries into the line proved no good, Ashland kicked and Steve Dippie, the state track champion, gallop­ ed 65 yards to a touchdown going through the entire Ashland team team without being touched, From then on the outcome was never in doubt. Ashland’s ione tally came in the second period when they crossed the Medford goal with short passes and sheer pow- er. Medford led at halftime 14-7 The Grizzlies looked better than in some of their other games and never once gave up the fight un­ til the final gun sounded. To HELP USE UP A BUMPER APPLE CROP, PATRIOTIC AND B udget - minded housewives are MAKING APPLE CAKE, USING ENRICHED 4ÛNKSY WM IHIRODVCIP INW the eeinch cmsine at the MAUIME EEAtT Of CHAMES H IN 1511.. THE FIRST FLOUR,AMP MARGARINE WITH VITAMIN TURKEY* CAME TO A ADDED FOR NUTRITION ANP ECONOMY. K anu noa wiW Honest Reparing city OR­ ICE SÙ BUR BAh 11 ira f j Ì i ft ' r- V pju/I A A Ki « o uovtu rooM route ioTYiZ* au foufttv. aw ctw *urtland, and In the national tourney at Kantas City Lincoln School Jean Eberhart, basketball czar at our Southern Oregon College of Education, struts around town like a page out of Esquire since his story telling about “crow’s nest” basketball officiating, an Eberhart Invention, appeared in the December issue * Jerold Wilcox of Tacoma, Wash- inghton, where he is working in the shipyards, a|MUit his vacation of a week with his psrenta 8. M. Wilcox and family. Ray E. Han­ sen, also of Tacoma enjoyed a week's vacation with his aunt and uncle 8. M. Wilcox and wife Mrs. Dorothy Wilcox and duugh- 1 ter Audrey went with Jerrold to Tacoma to visit Mrs. Wilcox's sister and neices and nephews and will spend a few »lay« there before returning home to Ashland. • Friday, Saturday 4 Herb Graffis and Ralph Can- non, conducting a Sports Poll for Esquire magazine, found that fishing is the favorite recreation for most men. It was found that red cotbing worn by deer hunters protects more hunters from being mistaken for a deer than it scares deer away. 77.21% of the public voted that antlerless deer (does) should be killed in areas where overbrows­ ing and lack of winter feed caused extensive starvation. Votes also were cast in favor of players in important golf tournaments be­ ing required to wear numerals. The public, sportscasters, sports editors .and businessmen voted that sports serves best to ease the constant strain of war nerves. 4 \ 1SITORS HERE— The Asli land Grizzlies will wind up their football schedule Friday night when they play the Rose­ burg Indians, champions of their league, at Roseburg Undefeated . in league play, the Indians have dropped but one game, that to Grants Pass 20-0 on Armistice Day. Ashland l«»st to Grants Pass 33 - 0 Coach Roland Parks says the injuries suffered by the Ashland team in the Medford game last Friday were only minor ones and Jean Eberhart Tells that all of the boys will be in tip Of Crow’s Nest Plan lop shape and are promising them­ In Esquire Magazine selves to strive hard to ring down the 1942 gridiron curtain with i Jean Eberhart, athletic director win. and basketball coach at SOCK, ---------------------- •------------------------ is the author of an article on1 Costly Blaze— "crows nest" basketball officiat­ Fire starting around a furnace ing which was published In this lighted by workmen, causes! dam­ month's ESQUIRE magazine. To­ NEWS FROM age estimated between one thou­ gether with the lengthy story is sand and two thousand dollars to a picture showing Charlie DeAut- By SCHOOL I’l'E’HJE “ ATLANTIC CONVOY” the Alpha House on the Boule­ remont, Bobby Hocfs, Roland John Hml—Virginia Field vard Monday afternoon. The "Dutch" Sheidereiter. Frank O'­ house, owned by J. H McGee, Neil. and Steve Epler testing out* Un co In School had an Armistice was swept by fire from basement the plan in the SOCK gym here Day program on Tuesday, Nov­ ALMO— ember 10 The council pieaidunt, to attic. A few hours later fire last winter. broke out again but was soon ex­ “CALL OF CANYON” Eberhart tells how he turned Camille I Fruían announced the tinguished. his gym into a laboratory and numbers. Ail of the school aung Unie Autry -------------------- •---------------------- constructed a platform behind America i and The Star Spangled Banner, The churus aang Ani- 1 each backboard where the refer­ Final Standing ees were stationed . He spoke of erica, the Beautiful, Over There So. Oregon Conference At the end the plan as being the best cure andMornuig Prayer Standings for blindness the world has of the sutging, Richard Adam» w L Pct ever seen. The article states that led the school in the flag salute Wm. Holden. France« Dre and Marquer! tn Chapman Klamath Falls 3 i 0 1 000 by keeping the officials off the The program wn» held on the Grants Pass 2 1 667 floor and having them stationary playground. •MEET THE STEWARTS' Medford 1 2 333 instead of running around tends 0 I 2 000 to save the legs thereby keeping The fourth, fifth, and sixth Ashland GAMES PAST WEEK: the services of valuable officials grade pupils enjoy listening to the Medford 27—Ashland 7 longer. legends, songs and jokes on the Grants Pass 20 Roseburg 0 Telling of some of the trouble Standard School Broadcast. It Klamath Falls 40—Bend 0 with the convetional way of offi- comes on every Thursday morn­ GAMES THIS WEEK: ciaUng, Eberhart write« that ing at ten o’clock Each week Ashland at Roseburg sometimes a referee is screened Miss Woodruff shows pictures of Salem at Medford out of a play and misses the the instruments and plays them I Vancouver at Klamath Falls i action. He can’t correctly call on the Vlctrola. The children'also learn the participation sung and Buy War Bonds yli sing it with the orchestra By I Told You Sv Friday and Saturday! Last On Grizzly Schedule Thursday, Nov. 19, 1942 1 J h E RUSSIANS Agi EN JO Y IMO iw Roadside auto repairing in tne terror of tourists. They fear the worst most of the time—and get It. But this is not so at our garage, for our repair men are EXPERT. Thev know what's what’s wrong wrnnir and how to fix It—If it can be fixed at all. And the work is done with unusual speed and caro. Try UH. THE FOOD WC 9CMP THEM. THfY LIKE HEAVY SOUP fOOV9 : THICK SOUP». CEREALS AMP MEATS 'ft tritt pay t5M in War Smrinp Stamps fat tach strtnp food fact »admittad * as and asad. Mdrt" 4 WORLD of FOOD, 239 Wast 39 Strttt, New fa k, N. X CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION « (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) ■r-