SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, Nov. 19, 1942 TALENT NOTES Mrs. Arthur Dankworth under­ went a very major operation at the Community hospital Tuesday morning She ami her daughter Janrlie just returned Sunday from a 10 days stay at Han Fran­ cisco where they visited Mrs. Dankworth's brother C. C Coop­ er ami she also consulted s|M-clal- ists at the Stanford Clinic. Mr. and Mrs W. O. Martin re­ turned Sunday from a week's visit with relatives at Santa Cruz and Huy ward, California. Mr. Earl Hamilton and Rev J. Z. Walker made a trip to Cave Junction Sunday. Mrs. Milton Humllton accompanied them as fur us Grants Pass where site visited her |>arentM Mr. and Mrs. Eastman. for meat, uMM*d uwuy lust month, have re­ sided in Talent for the pust seven­ teen years. Mrs Webster plans on making Kamsui her home. Fire totally destroyed a large barn filled with hay and some farming equipment at Delbert Chuk* place located la-tween the two highway* In Talent aero** the street from the T 1 D. building on Th«- young man at our infor­ Monday morning la-tween eleven mation both did not quite catch and twelve o'clock the name of a visitor who called. Mra Jessie la wis imide a busi­ "Pardon me. madam," he aaid ness trip to Medford Monday. (Ndltely, "but do you spell it with Mr, und Mr*. Fred Hodapp of an •*'?’’ Central Point spent Hunduy visit­ lady “H-i-l-i,” replied the ing Mr and Mrs. R. F. Park* with dignity. -------- •-------- Mr. anil Mra. Charlo* Skeeter* und Mr. und Mr*., Bill Harvey of Farm Outlook For Prospect were in Talent for u 1913 Shows Many short time Sunday, Mrs Hkeeler* AduNtmenta Due lias charge of the cook house at the logging camp there. The wartime farm outlook calls ' Corp Bob Learning of Florida Ore- ! hud a fifteen day furlough and for further adjustments in gon farm business operations and spent five duys In Talent visit­ more careful planning of farm ing hl* mother Mia. Elizabeth production and marketing opera­ Learning and other relatives and tions than usual, according to a friend*. summary of pr<.>spetive conditions Bob Keith, Donald Walden and in 1943 prepured by L. R. Breith­ Theron Babbs of Talent have aupt, Oregon State college exten- been called Into the service. of Fresno, Mrs. lota Miller Calif, is visiting her brothers Mr. Guy Hamilton and Sam Hamilton und families and two sisters Mrs Will Bales 1 and Mrs. Myrtle Mra Suiter and their families Miller is a former resident of Talent. Mrs. Roy Estes left Friday I evening for Portland where she Dorothy Greig will visit Mr* Lena Tryon, a former resident of Talent, for a few day* On her return trip home she will stop in Eugene and visit her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Cochran ami family for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blake of the Talent Camp ground visited In Ashland Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Wuyne Cowdrey and family moved to Prospect Sunday. Mr. Cowdrey la em- ployed with the Skeeter's loK# ng company. Mrs. Bert Simmons and »on re- turned home from l*ortland where they spent last week. Mr. and Mrs Kay Unruh laby Of Prospect called friends in Talent Sunday. Mrs. Edyth Austin of Angeles, Cali., is a guest of and Mra. Bob laygan ------------- ASHLAND U. S. 0. The Upper Valley Community Club met Wednesday, November 11 ut the Grange Hall, Mr* F. Boe and Mr* Fred Engle were in charge of the program. Mr* A. C. Joy and Mr* John Heilmeyer were hostesses for the afternoon. Any club member or any one who can have one or more soldiers to Thanksgiving dinner can phone Mr* R D. Reynolds, President of the club. The Home Extension Unit met at the Grange Hall Wed., Nov. lb holding an all day session, Mrs Ferrel), The Home Demonstration Agent, presented the project "A Square Deal Meal", Mrs CArl Henry and Mrs Chester Applegate were hostesses for the covered dish luncheon served at noon. During the afternoon meeting the new officers were installed. The Bellview P, T. A. will hold their regular meeting Wednesday evening November 26. The pupils will present a Thanksgiving pro­ gram and three teachers, Mrs Mann, Mrs Nye, and Miss Ronet- velt will be given a reception after the program. The gas rationing board under the supervision of the teachers aided by resident helpers will be in session at the school house from 3 o’clock until 9 P.M. each day Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. November 10, 20 and 21. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Axel Jr. and two sons from Klamath Falls spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Axel Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore and daughter Barbara returned re­ cently from a week’s visit with Mr .and Mrs. Carl Moore and son of Eugene and they also visited on the coast for a few days. The Bellview pupils are enjoy­ ing hot lunches which began last Monday. Mrs. J. Z. Walker is in charge of the cafeteria and each pupil will bring 5 cent* per day to help pay expenses but pupils who are unable to furnish any money, the P.T*A. will pay the amount so that all may have the privilege of these hot luuche*. > > November 22 Sunday next be­ fore Advent. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:30 PM-Church 8chool. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Wednesday, 9:30 AM. Holy Communion. Thanksgiving Day—8 A.M and 9:30 A.M. Holy Communion and r Hermon. The twenty participants in the USO Ping-Pong Tournament have all been eiminated now, except our two undefeated players, serv­ icemen Stoner and Cruz. The tournament has been running for two weeks, add just to add to the suspense, the final match will not be played off until next Sat­ urday, the 21st. The two girls who ventured as far as the first line in the tourna­ ment were straight-way defeated. “There are some good players here, fellas, I know. I was one of | those two girls,” say* Jo Peachy, I junior hostess in charge, . The tournament was arranged under the direction of Miss Opal Untz, substitute director of the USO M > story written by one of our Vol­ unteers. Another soldier's wife through our help has landed the Job she has been so eager to find. Many little services to soldiers were recorded on report* over the weekend such as, "gave out shav­ ing kit, towels for showers, wrote a letter for a soldier, who was trying to catch a bus, to hi* t » t mother, helped a soldier prepare THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH his breakfast, discussed a book OONiiKFXiATIONAI. with a soldier, helped find living 717 Siskiyou Blvd. quarters, and started a quiz pro­ Clarence F. McCall, Minister gram ” Each one of these going 9:45 A.M. Bible Schoo), Mrs toward making Ashland USO a Glen Prescott. • second home. 11:00 AM. Worship Service The barbequed frank* for Cook wlh Sermon. Your Own Dinner were furnished * * * by MlC. Will Dodge, Mrs. Ed CATHOLIC CHURCH Doyle and Mr. Mike Tucker and Rev. W. A. Meagher, Pastor the dessert of Homemade Cakes Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. by Mesdames: P. S. Provost, F. A > > F. Whittle, Gordon McCracken i CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE and Gerald Wenner. Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor The Sing-Song ended with a. Fourth and C Streets kitchen party, eating the leftover ! Church school 9:45 a. m. barbequed franks after feeding 50 I Morning worship, 11 o’clock. or 60 in the afternoon, with Departmental meetings at 6:30: Ruodlph Haybrook of the National Junior, Young People, Adults. Fire Service, of London, England Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ as guest of honor. They all sat around the kitchen hearing about nesday evening. some of the American Recreation ! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Centers in England helping some > J. K. Turnbull, Minister volunteers in building morale in Bible school 9:45 a. m., c. E that war bound country. ( Corry, superintendent. Corp. Stanley Sheinbaum is de­ Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. veloping his radio technique and Young People's Union 7 P- m. hi* latest program “The soldiers Prayer, praise and Bible study speaks up for Home Hospitality” I hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. went on the X air this morning. 111 For it’s a meat gusty in flavor and rich in Vitamin B OTHER was Is on* of bar snorty With meat rationing, too. these moods. “Whoever «bought up recipes offer careful ways to ruaki meat go a long way. all this vitamin and minerals busi ­ ness anyway r* she demanded. Barbecued Pork Sparsrlbs t pound* «pyrerlb* "Makes good food sound like medi­ 1 tableapoon aait cine.’’ 1 tablespoon celary Med Just between us girls, It does a 2 t«a*poou* chill powder little, don't you think? 1 teaspoon paprika *4 cup brown «user (firmly packed) Instead of waxing feverish aver Mix together ths salt, celery seed, such intricacies, let’a relax and think of vitamins and minerals chill powder, paprika and brown sugar, then rub over the spare rib*. simfcly in terms of good food: Milk every day tor everyone, Broil on each side for about 8 min­ young and old. A quart for young­ utes with the top of meat about sters. a pint tor grown-upe—in foods three inches from the flams until the sparer I be are well browned. or to drink. Lot* and lots of fruit* and vege­ Place In roasting pan and pour the tables, raw and cooked—every day, Tomato Sauce over the apareriba» rain or shin«. (No, darling, nibbling Tomato Baact: 1 can condensed tomato soup raw carrota won't put a curl in your U cup water hair, just help give you keen rye­ •teaspoon* vl»«r*r sight) 2 tablespoon* brown ¿user Bake covered in moderate - Im* Wholewheat cereals and whole­ wheat or enriched .bread. (The/ll («40* F) tor one and one-half hourW make you grow, Janey, and bring banting every 30 minute*. Serves 4 to S. roses to your cheeks.) e e o' An egg a day—and count In those Baked Ham fUns used in cooking. 1H pounds raw ham, ground Butter and other spreads—every *4 pound «rush pork, ground day, too. 1H cups soft bread crumbs Meat (or poultry or fish) once a 1 can condensed tomato soup 2 egg* day Is not bard to take, certainly. 2 tablespoon* chopped onion Well, that’s good snd healthful H teaspoon salt eating. M teaspoon pepper Now on the meat question, here Combine all ingredient* and mix are several recipes for dishe* made well. Pack into a buttered ring mold of pork, suggested becar o pork and bake In a moderate oven fairly bulges with Vitamin B. (350”F.) for 4S minutes. Fill the (There are those vitaminH popping center of the ring with cooked car­ up again In the coi versation!). rots. Serve* 8. ciety service 6:45 PM., Juniors 6:30 I’M Instead of the regular mid­ week Prayer and Praise Service we will meet for the Union Thanksgiving Service at the Pres­ byterian Church at 7:30 P. M Wednesday, November 25. Rev Trumbull will speak Song and Hymn practice, Fri­ days at 7:30 P M TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. A. H. Mac-Donnell, Vicar (Continued from Page 1) IXI S SERVE PORK BELLVIEW NOTES Page 3 I : •: At the Churches 5 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Howard O. Eddy, Minister THE FIRST QUESTION Asked after a fire or wreck is as to whether the property was insured. This Individual query indicate) the import­ ance of adequate insurance. We have for year* written insurance on the property of most of the wise people of Ashland. Let us also provide protection to your holding*. Billings Agency REAL E8TATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main JUNIOR HIGH CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister CARmVAIL Bible School 9:45 A.M. Morning Service 11:00 A.M. Sermon “The Lordship of Christ —Lord of Our Possession.” Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. with Young People's High School and Junior groups. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. Sermon “God Bless America”. Stereoptican slide song service. Cottage I’rayer Meeting Wed­ nesday 7:30 P.M. Union Thanksgiving Service at the Presbyterian church 10:30 Thanksgiving morning. GENERAL ADMISSION ADULTS—22c STUDENTS—11c Come one, Come All ! Bring The Family Acid Indigestion Relieved in S minutes or double your money back s»M rau««*« painful. sufforat- and Ixanbum. d-ctora uonally mMlrlara krunrr. for mnptooiatk rvllrf—nedlrlnra Ilka thoa« In Bril-ana Tablet«. Xo laaa-ir- Brll-ana brines comfort in a Jiffy or doable your money back on return of bottle to ua 23e at *11 dru*«Uu. When rxreu >»*»•. Closed Until Further Notice UNDERGOING REMODELING AND INSTALL­ ING MORE EQUIPMENT * * * FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., South Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt M. Wright, superintendent. Sunday Morning Service at 11:00 A. M. Subject: Soul and Body Sunday at 9:46 A. M. Wednesday evening meeting, whitch includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o’clock. Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 P M. except Sundays and Holidays. The public is cordiall invited to attend these services, and to use the Reading Room. > > Watch The Miner For Opening Date COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 > F1R8T METHODIST CHURCH Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce. Minister ■ Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. Midweek Bible study hour and praise service is Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:30. ) ) * * FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main und Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman. Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. * WAIT A MINUTE!! have you heard ABOUT GUARANTEE RESERVE’S “TWO-WAF FAMILY GROUP POLICY? *f.00 A IT PAYS YOUII A, th» on« who »ppH»» iof th)» polir» «nd Il» b»n»)WlM». thlr new Two «»»" Follry pay« YOU «Ix« «ny menbw o< your Inutrrd family With on» policy ro»tin< only |l on. month YOUPSOTZCT YOUSSRt.F »toinit finonci.l »mbarratemrrtt ahoold anythin« hapion to othera tn your family — and in th« Hint FAMILY POLICY hay« (rnulno Ills Inaurane» on your own Ilf». Mail coupon today for FHF.K Inapcctlon offer. MONTH POLICY INSURES ENTIRE FAMILY IT RAYS YOUR FAMILYII * u»Ta •1500.00 Ordinary Death •3000.00 Anta Aee4- denial Death •4500.00 !f anythin« happen« to you. YOUR FAMILY ia paid tha ea»h Wna- lit« provided in thta policy. For only 11.00 a month fr«wn 1 to h Crt m« front I to B.4 can be inaurad in a SINGLE POLICY. NO KDICAI EXAMINATION. Folky Pay« Doublo and Triplo for acndental «Irath a« provided by it« terms. NO AGENT WILL CALL Tha only p»r«on who will «ver call off yon abo-. t thu amating n«w hind of Family Lifa In«uranc« ia sour friendly mailman. So Ail out coupon and «et full detail« and t RFE inspection offer,______ — — —i "uTlMfAfiTn gistnvi LIVR ISSUSAHCA CO. I I As a»e»Med Or e-ln . I tt OeaMentte nay« 1er entire I temile L I COUPON^ ).l 1 ravel Aeel- dental Ovata FREE INSPECTION MA1I IODÄY! p | 1>1 Mata S’rMt. HammaM, la«M* ri.».« .»».< T»» ’»« r.«« o’- — '"■>« ») oo • ramay Moy. •<««»•. Arft/reu - a r — Sfare : I Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. r ♦ r METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street Charlea E. Brown, Pastor FREE Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Subject, "The Wounded Christ.” Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M. Subject "Building Battlements.” The pastor will speak at both services. Young People’s Missionary So­ Flowers For All Occasions 371 MORTON STREET Phon« 4161