Thurnduy, Nov. 12, 1942 TALENT NOTES 4 C. L. Skeeters and crew of men moved the logging equipment from the McDonald Creek district to Prospect dui Ing the past week. Mr. Skeeters has constructed several buildings there and most of the crew and their families will take up their residence there during the period of the logging ojteratlons in thut district Jonah Bui rett and Bill Gleim« Hr left Momluy for the Mvrril uiea to work In the potato bar- Vest. Mr. und Mrs. Henry Currie and I family have sold their properly near Talent uml purchased u ranch near Central Point und j nioved there last week Sgt. Harland Lowe, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Lowe who Joined the service four yeura ago, is now j in India with the 4lk)th Bomb group. Mi and Mrs Lloyd Duscnberry are the proud parent* of a seven pound boy born Tuesday at the t Sacred Heart hospital Mr Ralph Brugg of Eastern Oregon visited his mother Mrs Joe Harrison and family last! week, Jean Eberhart Writes Article Fur Esquire get valuable experience for of- MXMKMXXMXXXXXXMMXXXXMXXX filiating at the same time, An- I other advantage of this new ■y- S t hs« W U stem Is that It will prolong the earning period und service to A. ■J» • ••«••»*•••• basketball, of good referees who "Blessed be the Lord God of have heretofore had their careers cut short when their legs gave out. | Israel; He hath visited and- re deemed His people, . . . that we So far, so good, for the crow's > being delivered out of the hand nest system of officiating! It ha« of cnt the later part of the week in Eugene. The Talent Grange met Thurs­ day evening and elected the fol­ lowing officers for the coming year: Master, Lloyd Lacy; Over­ seer. Elton Petri; Lecutrer, Ethel 1-acy; Steward. James Wolters;' Assistant Steward, Steve Lunak; t'* Secretary, Harry Wcagant; Trea­ I surer. W. W. Robinson; Gate­ keeper, Frank Reed; Chaplain, Rev. C. W Astleford, Jady As­ sistant Steward, Elva Newman; Ceres, Anna Lunak; Pomona, Mrs. Mabel Robinson. Flora, Mrs. Grace Rusho; Executive Commit­ tee, George Hartley; Musician. Mrs. Florence Hartley The liter­ ary program for the evening war in the nature of a birthday party with each Granger receiving a gift in a gift exchange. A beau­ tiful patch work quilt which was given to the (¡range by the late Mrs. Reese, was auctioned off and sold to W. W. Robinson, the high­ est bidder. A literary program for the next meeting will be in charge of the Grange Chaplain and will follower the Thanksgiv­ ing theme The H.E.C. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W W. Robin- son in Ashland on Tuesday, Nov- ember 10 ASHLAND U. S. 0. : At the Churches : * S CHURCH Howard G. Eddy, Minister > > > FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., Mouth Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt M. Wright, superintendent. Sunday morning at 11 o’clock Subject: "Mortals and Immor- tela." Sunday school at 9:45 Alt meeting, Wednesday evening which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at «o'clock. Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5P.M. except Sundays and Holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend hese services and to use the Reading Room. > > > FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. N. Main and Lhurel Sts. Dr. Georgs W. Bruce, Minister Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Evening Service 7:30 P. M. Midweek Bible study hour and praise service is Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:30. t » » FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. .Midu and Siskiyou Blvd. L. F. Furman, Faster Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody la cordially invited to ail services. r r v r FREE (Continued from Page 1) Harkins and Mrs. Marcella Rawe, j senior hostesses assisted soldiers search for a cook book for a two egg cake that would fit into a new pan in the USO kitchen During the day a group of sol­ diers and Junior hostesses baked a devils food cake and served it while Staff Sergeant Bruce and Junior Hostess Betty Bowling made fudge. Later Mrs. Frank VanDyke arrived fresh and in­ terested to take the place of a weary staff member and Miss Ollie Depew came with silhouette paper for the Saturday profile ' cutting. Miss Marian Ady in­ structed a group of soldiers in block printing Christmas cards A Saturday evening snack was. served of hamburgers and cookie« furnished by Mrs. Clyde Dunham Among visitors of the day were a sailor and a soldier on furlough enroute home, having seen actual warfare in the South Pacific and : Alaskan zones. The USO was de- [ lighted to provide hot showers and home hospitality. Miss Alta Norcross at the in- j formation desk in the late after- : noon reported interest in the ping- , pong games and Bernia Haight'« Music Hour, our blind volunteer's. The Ashland USO has recently been fortunate to have two or three soldier artists whose work contributed to the interest of visitors at the center. Sgt. An-. covina from Camp White made a 1 crayon portrait: another made a pencil sketch portrait, and still another picture portrayed a idyl­ lic boating scene with a uniform­ ed youth kissing a girl, very ap­ propriately named "A Soldier's Dream”. Mr. and Mrs. George Gates of Medford were recent visitors to the Ashland center. Mrs. Gladys Dooms, chairman of soldiers' service, announces a! shortage of bath towels and re­ quests that those who volunteered to give towels will please leave these at the USO. Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic service free to En­ listed men Office 244 Hargadine Fh. M21 MINER PRESS • Ashland’s Printers THE FIRST QUESTION - - Asked after a fire or wreck is as to whether the property was injured. This individual query indicate« the import­ ance of adequate in mi rance. We have for years written insurance on the property of most of the wi«e people of AMiland. Let us also provide protection to your holdings. ★ Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street Charles E. Brown, Pastor Sunday School: 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Mary Crease, Supt. Morning worship: 11 a. m. Young People's Service; 6:45 p. m. Edgar Crease, president. Junior Missionary Service: 6:45 p. m. Mrs. Cora Brown, Supt. Evavngelistic Service: 8 p. m., preceded by a half-hour of gospel song and worship. Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed­ nesday 7:30 p. m. at the par­ sonage. Young People's Cottage pray­ er meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday evening. They will all meet at the parsonage 20 minutes before this hour. » » » TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. A. H. MacDonnell, Vicar ( November 15—4th Sunday af- ter Trinity. 8:00 A M Holy Communion. 9:30 A M Church School 11:00 AM.—Morning Prayer and Sermon | Wednesday, 9:30 AM—Holy Communion. t • Closed Until Further Notice UNDERGOING REMODELING AND INSTALL­ ING MORE EQUIPMENT Watch The Miner For Opening Date COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd f Phone 6336 • THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHl'RCH (CONGREGATIONAL 717 Siskiyou Blvd. Clarence F. McCall, Minister 9:45 A M Bible School, Mrs Glen Prescott. 11:00 AM. Worship Service wih Sermon. ( ( » • » CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Meagher. Faster Maas at 9 a. m. Sunday. * » » CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. I Departmental meetings at 6:30: ~ Junior, Young People, Adults. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. Ellsworth, New Senator Grateful for Support ROSEBURG, Ore., Nov. 12 Returning to his home here from a brief business trip, which fol­ lowed his election November 3 as congressman from the new Fourth district, Harris Ellsworth, editor of the Roseburg News-Review found his editorial desk piled high with hundred« of letters telegrams from all parts of state, "I am extremely grateful the support given me during recent campaign and the messages received since my election," Ells­ worth said. "I particularly ap­ preciate the congratulations from my democratic rival candidate, Mr Edward C. Kelly, who was one of the first to wire his wishes for a successful term I hope soon to be able to acknowledge personally the many courtesies shown me, but it will be impos­ sible for me to reach all to whom I owe the dcejiest thanks. I de­ sire to assure all of my active supporters, the voters who en­ dorsed my candidacy, and all re­ sidents of the Fourth district that I sincerely appreciate their co­ operation and will strive to faith­ fully represent them in congress." Page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Flowers For All Occasions 271 MORTON STREET Phono 4161 ABOUT GUARANTEE RESERVE'S “TWO-WAY" FAMILY GROUP POLICY? ft.OO A MONTH POIICY INSUKiS tNTIKt FAMILY IT PAYS YOUII As the one who *ppli** for this policy and It' heneftdary. this new ••Two-Way” IMicy pays YOU when any member of your Insured femily dire. With one polky coetinf only fl 00. m nth YOU PROTIC T YOURSELF M.met flnanel.l emb.rr.ssment should .nythmf happen to other* in your family — •nd in the ume FAMILY POLICY genuine life Insurance on your own life Mail coupon today for FREE Inspection offer. A IT PAYS YOUR FAMILYII If anything happen* to you. YOUR FAMILY I* paid th« cash hen* fit* provided In thi* policy. For only $1 00 a month from I to A I™»"’ >•" •>- "»""*• • S'NOI * POLICY NO >00.00 MEDICAL EXAMINATION. Policy Pay* Doubto and Triple for MryOssth accidental death a* provided by it* term*. >00 00 NO AGENT WILL CALL. The only person who will ever call it. Aral- on you about this amsring new kind of Family Life Insurance it «siOMtti yout ftiendly mailman So All out coupon and get full detail* and „ (00.00 1 I vs I Asci 4*1 Dsatk I os^«r >0 a month > far snttrs tamitp. I Telephone calls play a vital part in building tanks, guns, ships, planes. They help to move Corry, superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Young People's Union 7 p. m. Prayer, praise and Bible study hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. on the wires. There must be no blocking of these war calls. Morning Service 11:00 AM Sermon subject "Bringing Up The Family For Christ." Christian Endeavor 6:30 Junior, High School, and Young People’s groups. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Rev. D. D. Randall of the American Snday School Union will speak and show pictures of the work of the Union Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed­ nesday 7:30 P.M. Earl F. Down­ ing, Minister. millions of men to the fighting fronts. War is We cannot build new lines to carry them be­ cause copper, nickel and rubber are shooting, not talking, materials right now. What we can do is to make the most of what we have. You can help by making Long Dis­ tance calls only when they are really necessary. And on these, please be as brief as you can. The call you save today may speed a plane or a tank to the fighting front. Your co-operation is deeply appreciated. ------------•------------ • | a I | to the fighting front! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH <1. R. Turnbull, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m., c. E. r v v CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister Bible School 9:45 A.M. 7 SPEED A TANK I I Nan>9 - I I I Lost and found columns of ! Tokio newspapers are crowd- 1« cd these days. Every time an American buys a War Bond, W ar C alls C ome F irst ! the Japs loss faoa. Buy ysur I THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 16% «very pay <*y. 1