Thursday, Nov. 5, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 V arsity Hindsight On Sports By I Told You So Friday and Saturday! Grizzlies Humbled HAVE YOU HEARD? A colunui devoted to the By Yreka Hi 20-14 analisi», tbs* sources, the mu­ Outplaying their opponents in every department, the Ashland Grizzlies took their third straight defeat of the season last Friday night when they were stopped in a non-conference game at Yreka 20 to 14 by the Yreka Miners Several times during the game the Ashland club threatened to score but something always went wrong with Yreka gaining posses­ sion of the ball Coach Roland I Parks' team looked good in mid bogged field but consistently down when pay dirt was near i Score at half time favored Yreka 14 to 7. Ken Caton, Grizzly halfback, Is in the hospital because of a thigh injury suffered midway in the Parks says there were game, other slight injuries but ail ex- cept Caton, who will be out for the season, will be ready for the Dunsmuir clash here Friday night. ------------- g------------- Uve, the effect and tile an- ewers to the many rumora now being paaaed. Innocent and otherwise, by word of mouth to the detriment of our war effort. FACT: This rumor ia not true, the salvage division of the Office of Civilian Defense asserts. The Japs conquered two of the world's greateat tln-producing areas, the Malay States and the Dutch East Indies. The third la Bolivia. The collapsible tooth- paste and shaving cream tubes contain a high amount of tin Be­ fore WHB required consumers to ALWAYH WORTH TIIE MONEY! turn In their old tubes, between 20 and 25 tons was being thrown away every day. FINISHING TONIGHT No rumor* ia too small, unbe­ lievable or too unimportant. The Axis will try to take advantage of all of them You can help atop vicious sto­ ries. The rumor aud propaganda division of the Oregon States De­ AtlnilNNion: Adults 15c fense council urges all loyal Am­ Children lie ericana to not repeat tales of thia ■■■■■■■■■«■■■I nature. Get the details from those who tell them to you. Find out where they got the information November 6 and 7 and report such direct to their headquarters. 101 Oregon build- t-i U1H„.c.’®** RUMOR: "An old sea captain . now. He says the boys are fight­ returned from a cruise In the ------------------------------------------------------ ing mad at some of the cracks Medlternuican on a »hip made by “SMART ALECKS” thrown their way by townspeople Oregon Shipbuilding Corp. He ! VEHK'IJC OW N ERM ARK ASKED with DEAD EXD KIDS and are going into the Dunsmuir Klamath Falls Wins salil that the welding job was j TO FU.l. OUT APPLICATIONS game to show home folks what —Aho— Conference Title By terrible, that the ship wan leak-1 FOR CERTIFICATES OF WAR they can do. There are a lot of NBCKAM1TY Ing all the way over and that the Stopping Granta Pass “LAWLESS "show me” followers of the Griz­ boat wm merely put together In The Office of Defense Transporta­ tion. Division of Motor Transport, zlies and, if talk and fire can do PLAINSMAN” Showing power which has kept that way because they figured urges that all commercial vehicle anything. Ashland high's football them undefeated all season, the they were going to lose so many owners promptly fill out their with , team will go into the Dunsmuir, -Klamath Falls Pelicans annexed, anyway that it didn’t make any applications for Certificates of | clash ready to shoot the works War Necessity and return them difference." With ('HARLEM NTAHKETT their first undisputed Southern . and get back into the win column. Oregon Conference victory bi i ...Mly Michael FACT: Thia ia one of many of to the Central Mailing Office of and TEX RITTER OUT, Box 2259, Detroit, Michigan The kinks seem to be ironed Shayne knows! many years last Friday night the aanie like that has been re­ All registered owners of trucks, out of our crystal ball for we when they defeated the Grants ported. Everyone knowa the busea. taxis, ambulances, hearses, again picked seven out of ten Pass Cavemen 31 to 0 at Klam­ hazarda of submarines and bomb- etc., have been sent applications correctly last week. The bad ath Falls. era that our seamen face who are on which to make application for ones were Washington beating In order that all operating merchant ships If our certificates The stubborn Cavemen put up Oregon State, Medford upsetting certificates may be tamed by Nov­ enemies can add to that by con ­ I Eureka, and Ashland losing to a hard fight but were thoroughly ember 15, 1942, It la Imperative Yreka. This column has picked outclassed by the sensational vincing the people that there's that the application forma prop- a hazard in the very ship Itself, , erly filled out be returned to De­ “THERE’S MAGIC 50 to date, winning 28 and losing Klamath club. Ralph Foster, who they may deter men from algning troit promptly. After November 22 for a season average of .560 usually gets away for a long run. | IN Ml SIC” on. Some actual records of Ldb- : 15 no commercial vehicles will be Here is another ten for the com- didn't disappoint his followers i allowed to operate without a with erty ship performancea ia ra ­ 90 yards for a touch- when he ran ing week-end. fleeted in the S. 8 Phillip Schuy- Certificate of War Necessity On With HUMAN FOSTER California to beat Southern down. October 22. 23. and 24. the 'J 8. ler, the S S Flaher Ames, the automatically puts The loss California at Los Angeles, Ore- Department of Agriculture will and ALLAX JONEN Each of have national farm truck regis­ gon State to finally win another Grants J "ass in second place and S. S. George Clymer. one from Montana at Corvallis, Ashland and Medford will fight these completed a voyage of from tration days and on these days UCLA to continue the Rose Bowl It out for the conference cellar 17.000 to 25,000 miles with noth­ county U .8. P A War Boards are ing more than minor repairs offering their assistance to the march against Oregon, Stanford at Ashland November 13. Quoting from Alex Ingram, chief farmers in filling out their ap­ to lose to Washington at Palo plications engineer of the Joseph N. Teal. Alto. Washington State will win Lady Luck Smiles On If a commercial vehicle owner Oregon's famous 10-day vessel, from Michigan State at Pullman. has not received an application, Medford Tiger Club after her run from the Columbia it ia requested that he immediate­ Michigan will beat Harvard at Pushed all over the field In the river to San Francisco: "The ly write or contact the Medford Ann Arbor, Illinois to stop North­ BETTE worked perfectly We District Office of ODT and he will western at Evanston, Notre Dame first half. Medford scored a 21 to engine be furnished a special form on to stop the Army, Minnesota will 7 win over Eureka In their 12th have a good ship and a fine crew. which to make request for his annual meeting at Medford last Give my regards to the boys in win from Indiana at Minneapolis, application All commercial vehi­ Scores at half­ the yard for the good job they cles even though operating on nses to new and Ashland should beat Duns­ Friday night. time was all tied up 7-7. In the have done. The ship is the talk private roads must have certifi­ heights of muir at Ashland. second half the Black Tornado of the town down here." emotional cates by November 1#; therefore, opened up a passing attack and Here are many more that has] in order that the enormous task ecstasy! So. Oregon Conference Eureka seemed to let up to en­ come to the attention of and has j of issuing certificates for the five Standings able the Tigers to gallop all over been investigated by the rumor i million commercial vehicles In the the gridiron to push over a score and propaganda division of the . United States may be issued by the above date, your cooperation w L Pct. in the third and fourth periods Oregon State Defenae council. in filing your applications as soon Klamath Falls............. 3 0 1 000 Noticeable Improvement in Med­ RUMOR: "Don’t buy United &a possible la requested .667 ford's passing defense and attack Grants Pass ............. 2 1 States war bonds and stamps; ooo- ) was noticed and the Black 2 Ashland ......... 0 you ’ ll never get your money back. ' CALL POLICE TO HAI.T. Medford ................... 0 2 .000 Tornado looks like a threat for Within 15 minutes after the The government defaulted on the SCORES PAST WEEK: opening of a San Francisco, Calif the remainder of the season IJberty bonds of the last war.** Yreka 20—-Ashland 14 department store which had The Tigers will be idle next FACT: War bonds are the vertised a sale of stockings, a Medford 21—Eureka 7 Friday night, meet Ashland at Klamath Falls 31—Grants Pass 0 Ashland November 13, and Salem soundest investment in America, had to be sent to the" police, from standpoints of both finance radio car responded, closed Prineville 32—Lakeview 0 there November 20. and patriotism. The government store temporarily and ordered the Roseburg 26—Cottage Grove 0 --------------- •---------------- did not repudiate the Liberty women Re Central Point 14—Ashland out until precautions bonds and has no intention of re-1 AJHS Meets Medford serves 12 could be taken against a possible GAMES THIS WEEK: There Friday Night pudiating the new war saving riot. Dunsmuir at Ashland The Ashland junior high foot­ bond*. Soon after the firat World war! Junior high at Medford ball team, occupants of the cellar --------------- a---------------- some people took a loss on Lib­ position in the “ - -- Southern Oregon erty bonds, but the loaera were conference, will face junior high Truck Owners Urged to the strong Medford Junior high only those who sold their bonds Mail Applications Early Bulldogs on the Medford field Fri- on a flooded market. The war day night, according to Coach bonds now being sold are non- Marshall E. Nauman, District Leonard Warren, Ashland mentor. negotiable and can be converted Manager of the Medford District The small junior team has yet to into cash only by turning them Disney Office of the Office of Defense » win a game this season and can in to the government which guar­ Transportation, division of mo- Cartoon antees payment of the sum in ­ tor transport, announces that all hardly be expected to get over and vested. plus interest up to the < application forms have been mail­ the powerful Medford outfit. time they are converted. NEWS There is some doubt in the Ash ­ ed to owners of all commercial RUMOR: "Old toothpaste and motor vehicles registered as of land den as to whether Charlie Calhoun, brilliant Ashland main­ »having cream tubes can’t really December 31, 1941. It is again urged that applica­ stay, will be able to see action be used for anything, so why tion forms be filled in and mailed . because of Injuries received two should we turn them in? The just destroying directly to the ODT Central weeks ago. The rest of the club, government’s Mailing Office at Detroit, Mich. says Warren, are in good condi­ them. (Effect): To spread doubt It is very imperative that this tion and can be counted on to do about the shortage of tin and to be done immediately as after their best against the odds facing hinder the government’s efforts, CHARLES WINNINGER A to aleviate this shortage November 15 no truck, bus, taxi, them Friday night. CHARLIE RIGGLES in or other commercial vehicle oper­ in Ntvy apprortd photo ator will be able to purchase “FRIENDLY ENEMIES” motor fuel, tires, Or parts. CLEVELAND, OHIO, OCT. 6 An award of $500 went to Lt. If a commercial motor vehicle ¡ —Capt. C. A. Trexel, (upper left), Junior Grade, H. S. Kncrr, U. S. —Also— and A. Amirikian, (upper right), of Navy, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, I owner has not received an ap-1 the Bureau of Yard» and Docks, U. New Hampshire. plication on which to apply for. OMO O’ THtlllS S. Navy Department, Washington, The subject was the design of a a certificate, he is urged to write ’ today were named recipients ot the 30-foot cabin cruiser. the Medford District Office of 813,700 Grand Award from The An award of $250 went to Edgar ODT for a special form to use James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Brooker and Loren L. Elliott, Ord­ in requesting an application. Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, in its nance Engineers, Ordnance Depart­ The Medford District Office is nationwide $200,000 industrial study ment, U. S. Army, Washington. responsible for the comercial ve­ on arc welding. Their subject was the welded con­ hicles operating in Coos, Curry, They are shown with a modern struction <>f an armored tank. drydock having an all arc welded Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, An award of $150 went to Ed­ caisson, the welded construction of ward G. Biederman, Fisher Tank Klamath, Lake. and Harney MATINEES EVERY which costs 25 per cent less than Division, Flint, Michigan. The sub­ Counties in Oregon and Del Norte, other methods. SAT. & SUN ject was the welding of armor Siskiyou, and Modoc Counties in This means a saving on caissons plate for tank production. California. built, under contract and soon to be Mid-Week Special Wednesday and Thursday Friday, Saturday IS THE KILLER DEAD or ALIVE? 4 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday MATINEE Thurs. und Sat. Continuous Sunday SUN • MON • TUE DAVIS SLAP THAT JAP/ ------•------ Stia $ WATTf ft? cost moneti I BUY u . s . waabonmitamk I I Navy Man Get ♦IS,700 Welding Award Wed’sday & Thursday » HE WHO LAUGHS—LASTS! "DUDES SLEEP PROVES COSTLY James E. Hnter and a friend dropped into a neighborhood theatre at Atlanta, Ga., to see a movie and it was so dull he dropped off to sleep, When hej awoke his bill fold with all its’ contents .including $45, was miss­ ing. ----- •------ REMEMBER THIS FACT!—A Miner Want Ad will always help you solve that "problem," Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, To Trade, Lost and Found—under such headings as these, YOUR message will be read by thousands—at a I cost to you of but a few cents. contracted for, of $5,192,000. Enough steel ia saved to bomb-proof the caissons. The 2-%-year welding study, in which 408 awards were made, indi­ cated a possible annual cost savings by arc welding of $1,825,000,000, in­ cluding 7,000,000 tons of steel valued at $271,000,000 and 153,000,000 man hours of labor. An award of $11,200, (Second Grand Award), went to John L. Miller, chief metallurgist, Gun- Mount Division, The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio. The subject was the redesign for welding of the 40mm Bofors anti­ aircraft gun made of high-strength low-alloy steels. The total saving with 35,000 unit« ia estimated at $6,000,000, An award of $100 went to Harold Nagin, Chief Engineer, Reliance Steel Products Company, McKees­ port, Pennsylvania. The subject was the design of welded girders and stringers for a military pontoon bridge, capable of supporting 60- ton tanks. Awards in Oregon were as fol­ lows: BEAVERTON:—$1.500, D. W. Wagner, Wentworth and Irwin Inc. PORTLAND:—$500, A. E. Nlederhoff, U. S. Army Engineers; $500, Lawrence Supove, Consulting Engineer; $100, L. S. Baier and Edward H. Moore. Gun­ derson Brothers and War Dept. U. 8. Engineers, respectively; $100. Ralph C. Day, Tank and Trailer Shops; $100, W. L. McCulloch, McCulloch and Sons; $100. Fred L. B. Miller. U. S. En»l- naers; $100, Robert C. Shoemaker, Wil­ lamette Hystcr Co.; $100, Harold F. Wahl, Willamette Hyster Co. WILLIAMETTE: — $100. Frank K. Zaniker, Crown Willamette Paper Co. 1