Thursday, Nov. 5, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER And«n, left for her home in lungs, creating in the latter case KKkMMMXMMXXMMMMKJiDkKkQlCXKX Santa Hosa, California la nt Wed a tendency toward shallow breath­ f At the Churches : ing and poor resistance to colds, The Methodist Yoiitli Fellow­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahn and Dr. Marsh declared. ship held a Hallow« en party at Too many people think of pos­ W»j«»>j*alm Beach to , Bellview school for an afternoon 4 4 4 “The National Chiropractic As­ meeting Mr.' Walker was highly Miami, Florida. FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE complimented for the condition sociation will do all in its power E. Mato and Siskiyou Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gillette of to popularize the new posture pro ­ he had the school building in. L. P. Furman, Paator Twin Fulls, Idaho, who huve been gram." Dr Rogers declared, "but Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stenrud visiting at the home of Mr. and the success of the movement to Morning worship 11 o'clock. Mrs Ben Webster for the past entertained a group of friends raise the health standards of our C. A. service 6:46 Sunday eve­ Saturday evening at s Halloween week, returned to their home youth depends largely on the co­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ party, Those enjoying the even­ Thursday. operation of parents, teachers and low at 7:30 o'clock. ing with them anil Mrs. Soren­ C A. service and choir practice Mrs. George Pheifer wax a busi­ son, were Mr and Mrs. Walter stylists." 7:30 Tuesday evening. ------------- •------------- ness caller in Medford Friday. Davis, Mr. and Mrs Archie Kin- SIGNAL TROUBLE Bible study and prayer meeting Mrs. Joah Blackwell of the ' raid, Mrs Help Uamaker. Mrs. 7:30 Friday evening. Trick bicycle accidents are be­ Hyatt sawmill visited relatives in Ix*wis Pankey and Miss Marie Everybody is cordially Invited ginning to occur. Mrs Colombo to all services. Walker. Talent Bunday. Fanucchi, 43. of Stockton, Calif., f t t Mrs. Mark True was hostess to The Talent school carnival held extended her arm to give a left Friday night, was enjoyed by a her birthiiay club last Saturday turn siimal stuck it into the win­ FK£E METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street well filled house. A program of evening entertaining the group dow of a passing automobile, suf- ! Charles E Brown, Pastor shsrt skits and music by the band with a 6:30 o'clock dinner in fcred a compound fracture. Sunday School: 9:46 a. m. Mrs. began at 8 o’cock. Many useful honor of the birthday anniversary Mary Crease, Supt. of Mrs. Howard Gearhart. Those articles were awarded. Marjorie “MINI TE*SERMON” Morning worship: 11 a. m. Gleina was crowned the Queen of cnjftying the dinner an«i evening Young People's Service: 6:45 hostess BY Rev. Karl O. Bayer p. m. Edgar Crease, president. the carnival. A large sum of with the honoree and Junior Missionary Service: 6:46 money was taken in that will be were Mrs, Mike Tucker, Mrs REVERENCE p. m. Mrs. Cora Brown, Supt. used for various school purposes, Clair Scott. Mrs. W D Jackson. Evavngelistic Service: 8 p. m., Mrs. Virgil Jackson and small son,, Eternal is . . . ." Prov. 1:7. Mr. and Mrs Charles Estes of preceded by a half-bour of gospel Mrs. Roscw Owen anil daughter remarked, "If you examine Crescent City arrived in the val­ Sandra. bump of reverence on SOI >nr and worship. modern head you will find it Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed­ ley Monday to visit for several Mrs Allen Miller l«*ft Monday to be a dent." Well what do we nesday 7:30 p. m. at the par­ days with relatives and friends for a few days visit with rela- mean by reverence. It ia sug- sonage. They are former residenta of Tal­ tivea at Seattle, Washington. bestive to note that the old tran­ I Young People's Cottage pray­ ent and vicinity. slation for this passage wm er meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday i» i Mrs Glen Brown and son Don­ One-Arni Book Carry "The fear of the Lord is. . . . evening. They will all meet at the Our grand-parents spoke a great parsonage 20 minutes before this ald of Tloneste, California are Menace to Health deal about godly fear. Not a hour. spending a few days here on craven fear, mind you, a feat ~ 4 4 4 business and visiting relatives that cringed and knuckled down and friends. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH The one-arm method used by in abject terror. But a godly Rev. A. H. Ma^Donnell, Vicar Mrs. V. Bullon of Arcade, Calif.' American youth in transporting fear, which, to them, was the November 8—Octave of All books to and from school was wax a Talent caller Monday after­ highest form of reverence for Saints'. auld today by a memcer of the God noon, 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. National Chiropractic Associa­ Shall wc let the dictionary 9:30 AM -Church School tion to be a contributing factor help us just here? It suggests BELLVIEW NOTES 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer in the poor health and posture of as synonyms such words as and Sermon. veneration, awe, adoration, and countless adults in this nation. Wednesday, 9:30 A.M.—Holy Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nichol and "And it is time”, declared Dr. worship. This helps us to under­ Communion. daughter of Senttle spent last Morris Marsh, of Baltimore, Md., stand something of the mean­ ere week at the home of Mr. ami "that we did something about it.’’ ing of reverence, but the ques­ NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ tion our abbreviated text sug- Mrs. Jim Tucker. Mr Nichols What to do? TIONAL CHURCH goats remains unanswered. is a son of Mrs. Tucker 717 Siskiyou Blvd. Immediately nationalize a move­ . . .’• what? Miss Aileen Inlow, who is ment among our youngsters to Clarence F. McCall. Minister For one thing it is the be- teaching in the Cottage Grove carry their school books on their thing in knowledge." One might 9:45 A.M. Church School. Mrs. schools, spent the week end with backs instead of under either arm. justly write a beatatude In this Glen Prescott, superintendent. 11:00 A.M. Worship service with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Va) make it to read Dr. Marsh contends that this regard and sermon. Inlow. "Blessed is he that has learned simple solution to problems of 4 4 4 Mr. John Heilmeyer spent last postural defects stemming from to recognize his own littleness CATHOLIC CHURCH greatness and so week visiting relatives at Wamic book loads will be acceptable not and God's Rev. W. Meagher, Pastor learned to revere Him.” And and The Dalles, Oregon. only to parents, teachers and phy­ why do we instinctively resent Mass al 0 a. m. Sunday. ass Rev. and Mrs. Edward Miller sical education directors, but to biashphemy and cursing? Isn't of Bandon, Oregon were dinner th«* children themselves. it because cursing reveals an CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor guests last Thursday evening of The most common results of the abysmal Ignorance, a woeful lack Fourth and C Street« By Mrs. Allen Miller and Mrs. R. E. one-arm carry are strains, stress­ of wisdom and knowledge. Church school 9:45 a. m. Bel). Mr. Miller is the pastor of es, round shoulders and humped the use of it a man proclaims Morning worship, 11 o'clock. the Full Gospel Church of Ban­ backs, but other more serious de­ that he has nothing of reverence Departmental'meetings at 6:30: don and a brother of Allen Miller. fects are general. Over-develop­ within him, and with sure In­ sight we recognize that as ignor­ Junior, Young People, Adults. Mrs. Mary Hushower, who has ed one-sidedness in the back and ance. For reverence for God is Evangelistic service, 7:30. spent the past several months shoulder muscles of the youngs­ the beginning of knowledge and Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ with her daughter Mrs. Clarice ters results in dramped livers and wisdom. nesday evening. And more! The fertile book of Proverbs with its ancient wis- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH dom suggests again "To r ev­ <1. R. Turnbull, Minister erence the Eternal is to itate Bible school 9:46 a. m., c. E. evil; pride, arrogance, and evil Corry, superintendent life, and , _ lying . „ lips." The In­ Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. strong, ference here is strong. Rev­ Young People's Union 7 p. m. erence is much more than pas- -------- and — - - praise, . n Jg Prayer, praise and Bible study sive adoration active campaign against all that hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. / f < God is against. To give God ___ our lip service is to be guilty of CHURCH OF CHRIST of a subtle form of biashphemy. Second and B Streets This campaign against evil will Earl F. Downing, Minister not be a futile, lonely campaign Bible School 9:46 A.M. for, (this is Proverbs again) he Morning Service 11:00 AM who shows reverence for (or Sermon subject "Bringing Up fear of, it means the same) The Family For Christ." God “has strong ground for con­ Christian Endeavor 6:30 P.M fidence." . _ ___ ____ Junior, High School, and Young To be able __ to walk unafraid through these terrify­ People’s groups. ing days is our supreme need. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Rev. Above all else we want to walk D. D. Randall of the American confidently, with sure step, know- Snday School Union will speak that there is meaning and pur­ pose in what we do. To feel, and show pictures of the work of the Union then, that in the midst of evil Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed­ we can yet accomplish lasting g«K>d, that even our smallest nesday 7:30 P.M. Earl F. Down­ ing, Minister. effort will count for something in the eternal scheme of things, that it does matter whether we worship rightly, these things, we .say, represent our need for today. Invtit And the ancient wisdom speaks across centuries as the very voice A Dime Out of of forgotten truth “the reverence Every Dollar ia of God is the foundation of the confident step, the inner assur­ TALENT NOTES 1 HE WHO LAUGHS—LASTS! ance that walks [ any tomorrow." unafraid into U.S. War Bonds Page 3 PRACTICAL HEALTH HINTS Records of U.S. to Be Filmed To insure Loss By Dr. Janies A. Tobey U.O., Eugene, November 5— BLOOD PLASMA SAVES Valuable university documents, SOLDIERS' LIVES including academic and personnel In the peaceful days of early December, 1941, there appeared records of graduates, soon will be in this column a story about the photographed on fire-resistnat blood banks of the American Red microfilm as an insurance against Cross Then loss or damage, Dr. Earl M. came the sud­ Pailett, registrar, announced this den, treacher­ ous attack on week. When completed the micro­ Pearl Harbor. film duplicates will be stored in Blood Plasma vaults here or at some other safe promptly saved place designated by the state the lives of board of higher education. The entire history of a graduat­ many valiant ing class, including both sides of Americans. Plasma, that the academic and personnel re­ part of the cords and photographs, will go Dr. J. A. Tobey blood remain­ on a roll of microfilm which can ing after removal of the red cells be put in the hip pocket. It will and white cells, has since helped be possible to store 1600 records to restore health to soldiers and in a space 4 Inches square and sailors wounded in numerous bat­ 1% Inches deep, the university tles. It will save many more registrar said. hves in our armed forces. More than 300.000 persons have donated blood for the production of this precious plasma. Among | Qrubb Florists i this legion of patriotic donors no fatalities and no serious accidents have occurred. Only about 8 per J FLOWER SHOP A GARDENS X Flowers for All Occasions 5 cent of those offering blood have been found to be unsuited as x 271 Morton Street donors. H x Phone 4161 After careful testing, the blood x ♦: plasma is dried and placed in sterile containers. It is then ready for use in transfusions to control shock and loss of blood in wound- eded or injured men. Great as has been the response to the plea for blood for our mili­ tary and naval forces, and for our fightin gal lies, even more is- needed Any healthy person be­ tween the ages of 21 and 60 can donate blood for this purpose. Giving of a pint or so of blood is a simple and harmless process, /• supervised by a corps of compe­ tent doctors and nurses. There is no pain, and the whole procedure takes less than half an hour. After giving blood, the donor rests a while, and generally is fed on sandwiches made of enriched bread and butter. Normal persons Investing in good insur­ rarely have any reacUon, and ance—particularly in War many even feel better. times—is the greatest thrift The healthy body promptly re- you can practice. You are stores its blood, although the building a reserve that donor is not permitted to contri- “rainy day.” You are pro­ bate again for at least eight tecting yourself and family weeks. This natural restoration against and disaster. You process Is aided, however, by eat­ are investing in "peace of ing iron-rich foods, such as eggs, liver, dried fruits, lean meats, mind.” whole grain products, and en- riched white bread. American Red Cross blood donor services are located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti­ more. Washington. Buffalo, Roch­ ester, Pittsburg Indianapolis, Cln- cinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, St Louis. Detroit, Milwaukee. San Francisco and Loe Angeles. REAL E8TATE and REAL INSURANCE CHEAP printing is expensive. Phone 8781 41 East Mali Have your work done RIGHT at the Home of Better Printing------ ï[■■■ a JUST COUNT the BENEFITS! Billings Agency • Subscribe for The Miner today.. ■»----------- *■ Closed Until Further Notice UNDERGOING REMODELING AND INSTALL- ING MORE EQUIPMENT Watch The Miner For Opening Date COLLEGE CLEANERS