Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 05, 1942, Image 1

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Camp White
News hems
Persons with iwrup should not ■
become lmpulicnt wnen It is not
collected ut once, Major Lymun
V. WlUiumson, Cunimp White,
Oregon, salvage officer empha-
sued today
Major Williamson, in churge of
the juckson county scrap drive,
suld "We are making every effort
to collect scrap aa speedily as
but there is a vast
amount of scrap un<l our collec­
tion facilities me limited."
Frequent inquires relative to
the location of scrap boxes in
Medford huve been received, ac­
cording to Major Williamson.
Scrap boxes for collection pur­
poses are located nt Dakota and
Oakdale, Dakota and Peach, Ouk-
dule mid
Second Street, Central and Second
and Third Streets, Jacksun and
Beatty and Central,
Maple and Bartlett,
Girl Scout hull on Eust Main,
Crater 1-ukc Highway and Jack-
son. Lindley and Reddy, Main
and Keene Way, Eust Mmn be­
tween Columbus und Chestunt,
und West Muin und S. P. Rail­
road traFk,
been very
sutisfiictory, "Major Williamson
suld. "but we should not relax our
We need every
of scrap you can find We should
continue to biuld slock plies of
scrap ull during our war effort.
When we relax our search for
scrap, we are seriously hampering
the progress of victory. The steel
mills need scrap, and more scrap."
Major Williamson listed scrap
urgently needed as follows: »crap
iron and steel, rubber, tin. copper,
brass, lead zinc and aluminum.
He stated that scrap is actually
a raw material vitally necessary
to the forging of Victory.
U HO announces that a Sun-i
day evening Musical« will be held
November 8th ut 8:00 P.M.
Tbe following program will be
"Creed” by Miss Hhirley Cush- j
ing, junior hostess, assisted by
Hal Borland.
/‘Legend«*’ by Wieriaski Vio- j
Uniat, Haralee Wilson.
"Frasqulla” by Franz Lehar— j
Senior High School.
"Gultarry" by Moazkowaki-Sar-1
a»te High School Sextette com­
posing of Sue Parkinson, Carolyn
Betty Young,
Betty Jo
Marilee Erwin and
Mauryne Buxton under the direc-i
tion of Mrs. John Koehler.
Harpist Norma Neil of Grants
Pass will be the guest artist for
the evening.
Her program will include selec­
tions from Handel, Marcel Grand-
gang, a Hasclman, Zabel a Pierne
M inh Neill will close with the.
Star Spangled Banner.
Patronesses were Mr. and Mrs. I
H 8 Aikens, Mr. and Mrs. Hom-1
er Ehart, Mr. and
Mrs. John
Koehler, Miss Louise Woodruff
and Dr and Mrs. E. A. Woods.
Dancing and refreshments will
be had after the program.
U.O. Selects Local Girl
As Secretary of Board
Oportunitles for Officer
Training Explained
Eugene, Nov. 2, Jean Frldegar
Ashland, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs I. R. Friegcr, was recentIj
named as secretary of the cam­
pus war board, newly forme«
which will
student war activity.
Miss Fridiger is a member of
Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women's
service honorary, and served last
year as executive secretary of
the University Homecoming cele­
bration. She is a junior in busi­
ness administration.
As war board secretary, »he
will assist In campus drives for
scrap, Stamps, knitting, sewing,
cigarettes, bonds, and rubber,
EDUCATION, Ashland, Oregon
(Bpl) November 2 A joint Army,
Navy, Coast Guard and Marine
Officers Board appeared before
the male students of the South­
ern Oregon College of Education
Friday, October 30. TTie purpose
of this assembly was to explain
to the men students of the col­
lege the opportunities for officer
training under the pre-induction
programm of the college.
Ensign Anderson spoke for the
Coast Guard Service and explain­
ed the Navy V-l and Navy V-7
programs. Captain Prunty ex­
plained the Army Enlisted Re­
serve Corps program. Lieutenant
Warren, representing the Navy,
indicated how the Navy planned
to procure flying officers under
the V-6 program. The Army Air
Force was represented by Lieut,
darason, who advised the men
on the opportunities offered by
me United States Air Corps to
Earl StiTil. who defeated I-ew; qualified men. Captain Torrence,
representing the United States
Wallace for governorship by a ¡ Marine Corps, explained to the
margin of* 4 to 1.
men the type of young man the
Marine Corps was anxious to en­
Captain Torrence in con­
cluding the program also gave a
most stirring talk on the need off
all military services for compet-
ent and courageous college men
in order to bring the present war
to a successful conclusion for the
United States.
The joint procurement board
will return to the college campus
Monday, November 16, for the
purpose of giving mental and
physical examinations to all col­
lege men who have elected to en­
list in one of the reserve pro­
gramme in the general pre-ln-
ductlon program of the college.
Any man under the age of 2ft
who is a college graduate who
has had at least a year of train­
ing in college mathematics or
wno can complete a course in tri-
ginometry by January will be eli­
gible for enlistment in the Navy
V-7 program, according to En­
sign Anderson.
For further information on the
V-7 program or any reserve pro­
gram, individuals are urged to
contact Marshall E. Woodell,
Liaison Officer *t the Southern
Oregon College of Education, Ash­
Harry Ellsworth, who won the land, Oregon.
Harry Ellsworth, winner over
Edward Kelly, will take position
as MMiator of the newly cieuted Dunsmuir Foe For
Grizzlies on Local
fourth district in January.
Sponsored by Mtudents of Ashland
Public Schools
1. Survey October 29 to Oct­
ober 31, 1942
2. Collection Week November
2 to 7. Note: These are explain­
ed in the latter part of this bulle
All Metals
This is Indicated on the map
in possession of principal in each
----- <—
building. EXCEPTION: Students
S.U.C.L. insiury liub
may solicit own homes and any
APiecis uinoerN fur irrui of territory outside city limits.)
An average of 100 lb. per pupil
SO.U.K., Asuiaud. Oregon (bpl)
(.Atuber 31 'like Oregon IfLiory enrolled In the Ashland Public
Club al the SUCK Jias elected Schools.
tbe following officers for the fall
term; President: 1-ola Redford of
(In City)- >5.00 War Stamp to
Ashland; Vice-president: Phyllis indlvidual accounting for greatest
Anwiiia of Rcedsjxjrt, Secretary: amount of scrap.
Evelyn Rigor of Klamath Valls,
(In each building)—$1 War
DEDICATORY NEKVK'EN HELD Treasurer: Henrietta Hail cm Red Stamp to two high collectors of
Over two hundred persons, Bluif, California; Advisor: Dr.
many of them civilian, attended
Bui table award for high room
the Indicatory Services of the Arthur S Taylor of tbe college
on pounds per student basis.
Post CTiapel at ('amp White, Ore- faculty.
gon. on
Presiding wu Chaplin John B. Dad«*' Duy Nov. 7 to Be
1. Every student of Ashland
Porter, to who the Services were
Streamlined at College Public Schools will consider him­
of peculiar interest since they
self a publicity agent.
were his last before leaving for
2. Newspaper publicity will be
Blate's first
wartime handled by Mrs. Cook in Central
Highlighting the affair. Briga­ Duds' day will be held Saturday, i Office, phone 8301.
Report in-
dier Gciieral Amos Thomas, com­ Novsnibar 7, with a program teiesUng items to her, during af-
manding gcm-riil of Camp White, streamlined in keeping with condl- , lernoons only.
Have an
address in
which he
Seasonality Law to Affect
declared that the
Will E. Gibuon,
1. Every home in Ashland will
fighting Army of toay is the completed
Jackson Co. Concerns
cleanest army morally and phy- Portland city auditor and presi­ be contacted.
alcaliy of any ou earth, Invoca- dent of the Dada, with local stud­
2. When a representative ol the
Clatsop county with 30 has the
tion was delivered by the Rev. ent and faculty leaders. The foot­ home has been contacted, "Get in moat seasonal firms under the
Howaid G. Eddy of Ashland and ball gume thia year is with the the Scrap” card is filled out. One
new determinations just com-
Dedicatory Adress by the Rev. University of Montana.
will be made out for every home, pleted by the State Unemploy*
Ixiuis C. Kir bey, presient of the
Eliminated this year will be the Also, a tag will be hung from
ment Compensation Commission,
Medford Ministerial Association.
big annual banquet and in its the knob of the front door, The
but Marion county’s 22 concerns
The dedicatory act was ¡icrfornied
by Chaplin George C 1'earson ol’ .place student groups will enter- other is to be retained in the operating seasonally employ the
Camp White, and the Benedic­ tain visiting dads in houses and hands of the collector.
most workers, 7,40S.
tion was delivered by the Rev, halls, after which a night pro­
33. Card will call for the fol-
Although the number of sea­
Bender of Central Point, gram consisting entirely of stud­
Oregon. Lt. James T. Steele of ent talent will be given in the lowing information: GET IN THE sonal firms in the state was cut
SCRAP, Name, Address, Phone from 346 to 239 this year, Clat­
Camp White sang a solo ,
Memorial Union building.
number, approximate amount of sop lost only one concern, while
Registration of dads will start
scrap. Colicited by ---------- , of Multnomah county's 48 seasonal
Over 1100 soldiers and 400 girls at 930 Saturday morning, with the ----------school.
The tag will firms decreased to 29, employing
attended the Halloween dance the annual business meeting at bear the folowing statement:
6,889 persons. Employes of sea­
Reports of campus pro­
Thursday night October 29. at 10:30.
the Camp White, Oregon. Sports gress, with special .«tress on the SCRAP HAS BEEN REQUEST­ sonal concerns total 34,016 In
The outstanding enlisted military reserve programs, will ED HERE.
in* n . m alf.iii since the iM-ginnlng be given. Harold Nelson, Salem,
4. Cards will be collected by
The 1941 seasonality law. which
of the Ciimp, Highlights of the
is chairman of the student com­ the rooms. After a card has been affects only those concerns which
dunce were the introduction dur­
filled out for every home, ar­ operate at less than 45 per cent
ing the evening of General Amos mittee in charge, and Corwin Me
Thomas, commanding general of I-ain, Corvallis, in charge of en- rangements will be made for a of peak pay rolls .does not af­
truck to call for large amounts. fect any firm in four counties—
Camp White, and a floor show tertalnment.
------------- •-------------
which included the Commando
-------- •---------
Gilliam, Grant, Harney and Jef­
girls group from Klamath Falla,
For Jackson county 16
L*upcr Plates O. K.
Oregon, and several singing and
tinted in natural oil colors. Any concerns with 725 employes are
dancing artists.
If Used But Once size 50c and up. Greeting cards affected. Unemployment benefits
The mammoth Sports Arena was
$1.00 per dozen. Homer A. for seasonal employes are re­
decorated in a Halloween manner
A certain restaurant owner
Lee, Lithia Hotel.
stricted during the off-seasons.
and music for the affoir was partly solved the dish washing
furnished by the well-known En­
gineers Band. Men came dressed phase of his labor problems by
in fatigues and girls for the most substituting paper plates for the
part wore prints.
There were ordinary
specialty acts. In addition to the would have been well and good,
floor show, and coffee and dough­ had it ended there.
nuts for refreshments.
But soon the state department
Corporal Don Safford acted as
master of ceremonies. Dancing [ of agriculture received complaint.*!
that customers at this place were
was from eight to twelve.
being served on paper plates that
bore the marks of previous use.
The opportunity for soldiers to
Investigation was made and the
further their education by corres­ amazed field man soon informed
pondence study was announced the restaurant proprietor that
today from Headquarters, Camp
state sanitary regulations don't
White, Oregon. The Army Insti­
tute offers correspondence courses tolerate trying- to stretch
to all enlisted men who have been normal life of a paper plate.
------------- •--------------
in active service for four months
or more, the announcement said. THE MINER 1042 HOLIDAY
The enrollment fee is $2 00 per
course, and courses offered include
Patriotic and Christmas letter­
the Sciences, Business, Mechanics,
folders and
English Social Studies, Mathe­ heads,
cards. Call and see these beau­
matics, Elcctrtcnl course, and
Civil and Architectural course tiful display, or you may make
such as surveying, structural en­ your selection from any of our
stores and we will imprint them
gineering, carpentry, etc.
Various universities and col­ for you at a very small charge.
----------- •-------------
leges. recommended by the Army
(Miner Photo-Eng.)
Institute, also offer courses to
A traveling examiner of opera­
U S O Center, located in the heart of Ashlands beautiful City
soldiers, the announcement said,
The rates on these courses vary tors and chauffeurs is scheduled 1 Park known as Lithia Park, a mile long and is entered from the
Monday, . Plaza in the City of Ashland, dotted with Lithia Water fountains
to the
In to arrive in Ashland,
Oregon, the Oregon State Svs- November 9 and will be on duty ■ all through the Park, with spacious lawns, woodland lakes and
tern of Higher Education offers at the City Hall between the hours i streams, bridle trails, banks of brightly colored flowers, paths,
correspondence courses.
of 9 a m. to 1 p.m instead of , grottos and a Zoo which makes the U S O a haven of beauty for |
Information concerning corres­ closing at 3:00 P.M. according our soldiers here at Camp White, who ail marvel at it. These
Boys are from the eart, south and middle west and never dreamed
pondence study may be obtained
to a recent announcement re­ of going to a Garden of Paradise that we have here, also the fine
at the Snecial Services Office at
Secretary of ' treatment they receive at the Headquarters of the U.SO. Mothers
Camn White, south Headquarters leased from the
¿need never fear of their Boys going astray or getting lonsaome.
State's office.
Ashland U. S. O. Center
In the race for city council,
Lloyd Selby was high man, poll­
ing a total of 819 votes. W. J
Daugherty was second with 798
and J. A. Putman was third with
747. W. J. Crandall was fourth
in the three-man contest with
66« votes. Daugherty and Cran­
dall were candidates for re-elec-
These candidates were re-elect-
ed without opporttion:
J. <4-
Adams, City Recorder; Gertrude
Biede Easterling, treasurer; W. W.
Robison, R. E. Detrick and Louis
Dodge, Park Commissioners.
Keaolutiona Adopted at
War Emergency Meet
At a War Emergency Confer­
ence for School Administrators
held In Salem October 26 and 27
the following resolutions were un­
animously adopted;
1. There be more state support
of education.
2. The Federal
work through the state depart-
men Is of education.
3. The High School Victory
Corps be adopted and adapted to
the local school situation.
4. Pre-induction training shall
be provided for high school jun­
iors and seniors. Federal funds
should be made available for ad­
ditional costa,
5. There shall be Increased em-
phasis of the physical fitness pro-
gram of the public schools.
6. Length of the school pro-
gram shall be maintained and
care should be exercised in de­
termining what constitutes an
employment emergency.
7. High schools should grant up
to two units or four credits for
military service.
8. Certification requirements of
teachers be so adjusted that in
an emergency it will be possible
to qualify teachers who have the
proper training and qualifications
for positions in Oregon schools.
6. The proper military and gov­
Gridiron Friday Eve ernmental authorities should con­
sider and determine the defer­
With three losses and one win ment of instructors essential to
charged on their season record, the educational program in iti re­
the Ashland high Grizzlies foot­ lation to the war effort.
ball team will come back to Wal­
--------- «---------
ter Phillips field next Friday SIGN OF TIMES
night to battle Dunsmuir in a
A poster on a 1929 automobile
non-conference game. The Calif­ parked at a curb in Detroit,
ornia club hasn t done so well in Mich.: "Do not collect this scrap
the Northern California league .—I still drive it"
this season and should be a good
match for Roland Parks' boys.
Word comes from the Grizzly
(By Old Timer)
camp that the Ashland outfit is To the Editor:
more than angry at their miser­
No doubt some of the defeated
able showing so far this season candidates entertain feelings akin
and now claim to have the kinks
to that of an editor friend of
ironed out. They aren't promia- mine who figured as an "also
ing to win from Dunsmuir but ran" in an election,
Queried az
say they will not let the home to how he felt, he
replied: “I feel
folks down again, Coach Parks like Lazarus; I’ve
been licked by
has •pent a busy week drilling doge."
the team in new plays and polish-
r < r
ing up the old ones and a differ-
Civilians sacrificed their trouser
ent outlook is being held at the cuffs as a war economy to save
high school.
However, the barn door
Parks says, with the exception front and bell bottomed trouser
of Ken Caton who is hospitalized of the navy lads remains un­
the team is in good shape with scathed.
» » »
ready to take over at a moment's
Goering warns the Germans of
the scarcity of meat. Uncle Zeke
The reserves have had two opines he'd like to prenare them
games with Central Point for ex­ for the wust—only there isn't
perience and some of them are any.
knocking hard at the door of first
» » v
string berths.
Mussolini has discovered that
Friday night's game will be the if you bet on the wrong side in
second home appearance of the war, you don’t get a chance to
Grizzlies with the third and final hedge.
showing scheduled for November
» » v
13 against Medford for the con­
A noted English woman sug­
ference cellar position. Friday's gests that Hitler should get mar­
game will start at 8:15 p.m.
And so, no doubt, carry
------------- •-------------
the war right into his home.
Only a few days remain in
which to apply for three posi-
tions to be filled soon by the
State Unemployment Compensa­
tion Commission and U.S. Employ­
ment Service.
Applications for
the examinations which are to be
given November 21 in several Ore­
gon towns, must be filed not later
than next Monday, November 9,
with Prof. William Griffith, Su­
pervisor of Examinations 7QJ
Spaldinf Building, Portland. Jun­
ior employment officers are to be
selected for 22 local offices while
the collection attorney and hear­
ing stenographer will work in
Salem. Pay runs from $140 to
$250 a month.
Some one ought to start a
‘ ’
of commercial print-
—.. —we
----- ..
welcome the
Everyone must do his bit, but
so far no man has started knit­
ting socks for the W.A.A.C.
» » »
When that Second Front is
cooked by the Allies, it will not
be to Hitler’s taste.
♦ ♦ »
"Time Tempers All Things",
said the phiosopher. How about
razor blades’
< < r
Old King Winter wreathed Old
Grizzly's brow in white Tuesday.
< r r
Roses are red, violets blue,
sugar is scarce and coffee soon,
/• 1 1
Verily, many are called
few are chosen.
Doni forget to pay that elsc-
,tioQ bet. '