Page 4 Thursday, Oct. 29, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Hindsight On Sports VARSITY V By 1 Tolti You So Friday and Saturday! SHI'S TSUI TO THS RIO WHITt ANO BLUII Flu* VAN HEFIJN VIRGINIA GREY in “GRAND CENTRAL MURDER” SUN • MON • TUE 909 MOSt • It will be a big occasion for the Grants Pass Cavemen come Fri­ day night when they meet the powerful Klamath Falls football team for the southern Oregon championship. This is the first time in several years that Giants Pass has not been kicked all over the park by every opponent in the league and they are out to make the most of it. Last year Klamath Falls. Medford, and Ashland tied for first place honors and left Grants Pass sole occupant of the cellar position. The Pelicans from over the hill rate a slight favorite to cop the crown because of their weight ad- vantage and the fact that they _______ . are undefeated and untied so far this season. The Cavemen, while not having such a heavy backfield, has a line that will probably be able to hold it's own against the Peli­ can's hard-charging forward wall. Grants Pass, too, is unbeaten but has two ties marked up against them. These are that surprising 7-7 deadlock with the powerful Marshfield eleven and a 6-6 knot with North Bend. And the last feature in favor of the Klamath gang, but far from being the least, is their ability to shoot in almost unlimited reserves while the Cavemen do not have such a lot of subs of string caliber. Ashland and Medford fight it out Friday, Nov. 13. to see which club gets the cellar position. They are evenly matched and. like the Klamath-Grants Pass game a hard fought battle is expected. Hindsight brought his prognosti­ cating percentage up to .525 last week with seven out of 10 being correct. Here is the dope bucket •UWtSSf BOB HOPE for the coming week-end: Califor­ dash on the Klamath Fails turf nia to win trviii Oregon at Berke­ 1< nuay nig nt to determine the ley, r urdiiain to smear bl Mary a Souuiern Oregon high school at .New lork, Oregon btate to get cUumpiumdnp. Both elevens are uaca ui the luimmg against Wash­ unueuien Hus season. Grants Puss ington al beaitie, bcUA to lake nas been lied oy luarsiuield and 1 jMiAAXXXKeJNMlSXAkJikWAAMXA.« anomer step toward the Ko* Aorlli ueuu while beuUng Meu- f LKST PtUUMBYTMMIAN Howl ut tile expense of ts tanlord lurd and Asli land. 'Ine fell cans 30c lie at Los Angeles, Minnesota to have won all their games, havUig Howard U. Eddy, Minkler stop Northwestern ut Minneapolis deleated Grunt Higu of Porllauu, Soldier«—-20c Noire Dame to win from the Redding. Eureka. Ashland, anu i | « » » Navy, Michigan to beat Illinois at Meiord in that order. k Ulbl' CHURCH OF CHRIST Ann Arbor, Klamath Falls to win 1 he odds are slightly in favor of SCIENTWT ALWAYS WORTH THF MO.NKY! the conference championship from Klamath Falls due to their sup­ Pioneer Ave., suutli Grants l ass. Eureka to beat the erior weight advantage although Bible school hl W;4ô a. m , Wirt listless Medford Tigers, and Ash­ the Cavemen are not midgets 1 M \v right, superinivAdcnt FINISHING TONIGHT land to win a close one from themselves. Then, too, there are Sunday moratng Auvices at U i Yreka those* two tie s against the Pass 1 o'clock Subject: "Everlasting ----------- •------------ Mid-Week Special record while Klamath has kept al) 1 Punishment.** opponents from even coming close. INJURIES PROBABLY Sunday School at 9:45 A. M Wednesday and Using the same opponents as a WILL KEEP CALHOUN Wednesday evening meeting, OUT OF FROSH GAME comparison, it is hard to figure 1 which includes testimoiUee of Thursday Because of injuries suffered in who might be the winner Klamath 1 Christian Sutonce UsaUntf. k held the game with Grants Pass Cave­ Fails won from Ashland 26 to 0 1 at 8 o'clock. Admission: Adults 15c kids last week. Charlie Calhoun, while Grants Pam polished the ' Reading Roohi Open daily from Children I lc Gnzxlies off 33 to 0 The Pelicans star backtleki ace of Leonard 1 2 to 5 P. M except Sundays and Warren's junior high foot bill 11 whipped Medford 32 to 0 while ' Holidays. team probably will not be able to the best the Cavemen could do was The public k cordially invited see action with his teammates to­ 12 to 6. to attend these services and to night (Thursday) on Walter | This is the first time in several use the Rending Room Phillips field when they seek re­ years that Grants Pass lias had * * * venge for an earlier defeat against the privelege of playing for the FIRST METHODIST CHUllCU the Klamath Falls Freshmen. crown and they hove no intention (Jar. N. Main and Laurel si». and Other than this, Warren says his of letting the championship go to Dr. George W. Bruce, Mlnluier squad is in good shape and pro­ Klamath Falls. At any rate, it Sunday Church school 9.45 a. ni. mise to do their best against their I promises to be a hard-fought con­ Morning worship 11 o'clock. test from start to finish and re­ heavier opponents. Union Servius 7:30 P. M The probable starting lineup ports front the KUHS officials Mm week mm« study bum and will find Jim Merriman at right indicate that a capacity crowd end. Wilbur Taylor at right tack­ can be expected for this crucial praise service k Wednesday eve- le, Gordon Peterson at right tilt. I I guard, Bob Frazier at center. Friday, Saturday Glen Speece at left guard. Bob W ALTER L. SMITH PASSES— FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE Miller at left tackle, and Joe E. MMn and Siskiyou Blvd. Walter L. Smith, of Medford, Lambert at left end. In the back- died last Friday at his home in L P. hurmau, Pastor 44 field will be l>vn Hainey at Berrydale. Mr. Smith was born Sunday school 9.45 a. in. quarterback. Tommy Newton at in Pendleton, August 21, 1896 and Morning worship 11 o'clock. with right half. Jim Jandreau at left was 47 years old , He was mar­ C. A. service 6.45 Bunday eve­ half and Dommle Provost at full­ ried to Miss Mabel Stallworth of ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ BRENDA JOYCE back. this city on May 2, 1918. Mr. low at 7:39 o'clock. ROBERT LOWERY ---------•---- ------- C. A. service and choir practice Smith was laid to rest at Centra) CONFERENCE TITLE .»» 7:30 Tuesday evening. Point. TO BE DECIDED I n Bibl« study and prayer mseting BIG GAME FRIDAY ('HEAP printing ie ekpenslve. 7:30 Friday evening. und Everybody to cordially Invited Two great high school football Have your work done RIGHT al RANGE BUSTERS teams, the Grans Pass Cavemen the Home of Better Printing----- to all services. and the Klamath Pelicans, will Miner office. r r r FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, Monday Kaat Main Street Charles E. Brown, Pnator and Tuesday Sunday School: 9:45 a. m Mrs. Mary Crease, Supt. Morning worship: 11'a m. Young People's Service. 0:45 441 p. tn. Edgar Creese, president. Junior Missionary Service: 6 45 with p. m. Mrs. Cora Brown, Supt. ROBERT STACK Evavngeltotic Service: 8 p. m„ ANN GWY.NNE preceded by a half-hour of gospel song and worship. Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed- ■ needsy 7:30 p. m. at ths par-1 MATINEE so nage Young People's Cottage pray­ Thurs. and Sat. er meeting at 7 IQ m Friday SUPPORT A ROGUE RIVER VALLEY MAN WHO CAN evening. Tuey ;wiR all meet at tbs Continuous Sunday HELP ON BILLS AND APPROPRIATIONS ON CRATER parsonage 2Ô minutée before 'this hour. b LAKE PARK. CAMP WHITE AND OTHER SOUTHERN £ A tthe Churches CARROLL IBL f dvor'fc “Vengeance of the WEST" "“•“’“ tu , PARACHUTE KURSE" MEH OF TEXAS” i ING TO IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION. NON EMBER4 AND 5 KELLY S S -e« w of e i