Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Question-Answers On Rent Control Act VARSITY Thursday, Oct. 22, 1942 still battered and bruised from ahellucking at the hands of Kla­ math Falls, took a 33 to 0 confer­ ence drubbing at Granta Paas last Friday night. The Cavemen, all in good shape, ran "Ifte lighten­ ing" around the Grtzxly ends and shot pasaea and charged the line until the final gun went off Report from *he Ashland camp I indicate that Coach Roland Parks ' was not at all pleased with his team's performance and «ays they will undergo Intensive drills in preparation for their next game, with Yreka there Oct. 30. Yreka, | has not lost a game this year and lead« their conference. Hindsight On Sports I Average Home Has Nearly 1,000 Lbs. of Iron & Steel LITHIA lli«u«e I'urntshlns» mid other This is the second oi a series i‘», plumbing and healing <* wnaL tne rent was on Marcn 1. watching the Uclans slaughter the ni>'nt and other Iron and steel dtappointing Bears of California 1942? use.I In building the home Itself 21 to 0 at Berkeley last Saturday So. Oregon Conference A.The Rent Director acts to and the 30,000 tans there saw a "Wo «-It«* th«*se figures" .Miijot Mid-Week Special fix tne maximum rent. Williamson »n|«|, "to show that a Standings fine example of team work, both Q. How is the rent deter­ on offense and defense, on the large supply of worn-out metal Wednesday and w L Pct. ««quipment may he In ><>ur klt<*hm. mined if the quarters were vac­ ]>art of Babe Horrell's team from 1 000 0 Klamath Falla .......... 2 ant on March 1, 194.*, but were LA attic, cellar nr cle»et». One old Thursday Grants Pass .............. 2 0 1.000 metal rented between December 31. 1941 bed In the attic »III account .000 With 2 Ashland 0 AdmlMNion: Adults l&c W ’ ateifield handling the and Marcn 1, 1942? ,000 fur 40 pound» nf »tool »critp. A kicking ana passing enures ana Medford 0 2 A. Tne last rent charged in Snelling »tel spring mattress will add Children lie and bulan doing tue GAMES PAST WEEK: the two months prior to -March pounds of scrap- enough foi ALWAVN WORTH TIIE MONEY! Grants Pass 33 Ashland 0 running, the Uclans present a line 1, 1942 is the legal rent. Grants Pass Froah 13 Junior Hi 6 several helmet» u»o<| by our s. I Q. \X hat rent is established backiieid and the line charges Klamath Falls 33 Medford 0 finishing tonight «tier». An old kitchen stove stored if uie quarters had never been hard and tast and all afternoon Roseburg 12- University Hi • In your cellar »III provide a» much tney haa the jump on the Califor­ 44 ranteu1 tfefore October 1, 1942? ns 2&0 pounds of Iron uml »teel Marehfleld 24 Mvrtlo Point 0 A. The landlord must petition nia tot ward wail. And tne Bruin s GAMES THIS WEEK: for bombs. the Kent Director tor a legal pass defense was someunng to Eugene at Klamath Falls ABBOTT AM) "Hmall<*r»item» which may 1» watch. True, the Bruins yet nave rate. ready to bo scrapped are HI'lNBor». MedfoYd at Bend Washington, plus Q. What is the legal rent if Stanford, Oregon 1/3 pound eu 1«; electric­ Iron, it the quarters were not rented be­ and Southern California to meet pounds; umbrella, « t pound»: tween December 31, 1941 and betöre they can claim the Hose SCRUBS- WIN EASILY spring» fre tn an ol«i upholMteri-il March 1, 1942, but were renieu Bowl bid but right now you can FROM CENTRAL POINT chair, 5 pounds; Wantetrnnkel, J mark down the UCLA eleven as The Ashland high school re­ pound». after March 1, 1942'.' boys not quite good A. The legal rent is that Hindsight's choice for the Pasa- serves, "We urge housewives to mnk • enough to make the first team, charged for the first rental which, dena snow come Jan. 1. Friday, Saturday survey of their equipment to »<• * in turn, is subject to approval Back in our own backyard, organized their own squad Tues­ a » hat part of It 1« »ulttihlv for bein.f or adjustment by the Kent Grants Pass and Klamath Falls day night and gave the previous­ ■erapped. Every pound thu* Director. will fight it out at Klamath Falls ly undeafeated Central INMnt high obtained will help Inervase the team a 13 t<>0 defeat to football My lease will soon expire. Q. for the southern Oregon confer­ show Coach Roland Parks why output of »led needed t,,r win- Must I sign another? ence championship Oct. 30. This A, If the tenant had written game should be a great thriller some of them should be given first nlng the war." I’uison« »1th 1 inolal tu contribuí - lease and wishes to remain in the since both teams have not dropped team berths. FAY MCKENZIE In the second quarter Calvin should contact the Camp White quarters, he must, at the request a game, conference or otherwise, IRIN BARRY I >321, Extension of the landlord sign a renewal ot so far this year. Both play non­ Ross got away for a right end 8a I lune officer nt 413», or R. <». Plus run that saw him gallop 25 yards Fowler, county the lease for the period in his ex­ league opponents next Friday piring lease or for one year, night. The Pelicans have the edge 1.25 which covers lease is in effect. Sickness, Accident Toll ROMANCE! Q. What happens in the case got setpped on 26 to 12 by USC. warning to nil persons responsible cost of printing and binding' public gatherings In the Ore­ Holders of the original book of a house which rents for >100 a The season average now shows 30 for A »pedi,I H|ipi25 during tne r*.. Institute of Life Innuranee. Ursina ern Defense Command, lie pointed only $25 during the remainder of low 10 more that should boost them to exert «*very pon»lble effort out that failure to comply could LINOTYPE THAT ONCE the year ? the percentage some more: In n nntlon-wIde i-nrnpnlgn to result In a ban on highly SPOKE GERMAN* GOES A. In cases of seasonal rents, Oregon over Idaho at Eugene, easily reduce th«- srent toll of workers' publicized, s c h e <1 u I e <1 football ON THE SCRAP HEAP! landlords may petition for an Oregon State to get back in stride live» through »li'kiie»« and n< < I- games and slmllnr gatherings at adjustment. against Washington State at Cor­ th«- last minute by the army OMAHA. NEB NEB. In the past the dent. OMAHA, Q. On March i 1, 1942 I charged vallis. UCLA to be the first to linotype in the Omaha Daily 3 40.000 Mx-m<»iith *1*011 >40 per month 1 for an unfumihsed beat Santa Clara when they play ITribiite 1 "spoke German." Now I "llurliiK the next »lx 1 rltl< In addition to obtaining army n apartment. In May 1942 I fully at Los Angeles, California to con­ is being scrapped ami in the month» of the war, war. some »<>me 24O.OOU furnished the apartment. Can I tinue her losing streak against approval, all night gatherings In future it will speak a language Amerli-nti worker» may «nay lie I»* . « xpi »peel­ the combat area lying west of the legally charge 1 more rent? Washington at Seattle, Southern that Nazis can understand even ed to dlr.” the Inxlltute nay«, A. Yes. but the Rent Director California to get the best of the Cascade Mountains, must also be better. 10% of these live» •If only may reduce it later if the increase Stanford Indians at Palo Alto, approved by the Civilian Defense The linotype 1» being given to could lie »av«* O. Spltzbart, newly appolnt- Tribune and six other Ger­ >,»00 light tank* or 2,400 fighter tenants. Now I do. Can I charge Minneapolis, Ohio State to eke ed Hanlon offlcer between the Mate Daily man-language newspapers in as piano» each year. Minh of the more than the fixed rent? out a narrow win over North­ defense council and the military many cities. »Ickne»» and acclilent» leading to A. No, not until you get per­ western at Evanston, Duke to command, should be advised of Mr. Peter haa had offers to buy mortality can lx* prevented If extra mission from- the Rent Director. the time, place, approximate num- beat Pitt at Pittsburgh, and Iowa the typesetting machine but felt precaution« are adopted by nil Q. I have substantially increas­ to win from Indiana at Blooming­ her of persona expected. and de- that its 2,400 pounds would beat worker» to guard their health unit ed the furnishings in my apart­ ton. All are Saturday afternoon tails aa to the pollclng arrange- serve the country by going onto protect th>-m»e|yea agalnnt «<•<■!• ments over that which I provided ments «veil In advance of the the scrap pile. games. 50 on ford last Friday when the Pelt­ containing much valuable meta) March 1, 1942. Can I get a re- cans gained some sweet revenge scrap, were added to the big Vic- —Also— duction? by stopping the Medford Tigers tory Salvage Stockpile at First and A. Yes, if you petition the 32to 0 before a stadium full of C. streets by The Selby Chevrolet Rent Director. company. cheering fans. Q. What does the term "fully These will be broken up and There was no doubt as to the furnished" include? outcome of the game from the shipped out at an early date. The A. All facilities for modern time both teams took to the field stockpile, added to constantly by Wed’sday & Thursday living except silver and linen. although Medford did make some the donations left In the Victory Q. In March 1942 I rented to good gains but failed to provide Blns. In certainly getting to be a my sister for >30 a month a type a serious threat for the hard-hit­ monster collection. of apartment for which I got $50 ting Pelicans. from other tenants. She has since PAULETTE GODDARD SPEED Medford travels to Bend Friday moved out. Can I raise the rent night for their annual clash while LIMIT RAY MILLAND on this apartment to >50? Klamath Falls entertains A. No, not until you get per­ mission from the Rent Director Eugene Axemen. MILES “FOR SALE” cards at the GRIZZLIES HAMMERED BY GRANTS PASS 83—0 Miner office. The Ashland high Grizzlies, JE * vn* . .»u • ■ Buck Privates” “Her First Romamce” ‘Remember Pearl Harbor’ “Man From Bodie Lure of The Islands” KiuGn Greyhound SCHEDULES CHANGED ‘Men of The Flagship' z PllM The Office of Defense Transportation has ordered bus COMPLETE WINTER AUTO SERVICE companies to reduce operating speed to 35 miles per hour—we are complying with this order. This requires thousands of changes in arrival and de­ Every Wednesday Night MOVIE MONEY AUCTION MINER OFFICE HAS VISITOR Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall of Charleston Oregon spent a few days here in Ashland visiting old friends and Mr. Hall’s old stamp­ ing ground The Miner. Leonard was wearing the uniform of the Coast Guard. He is stationed at Coos Bay. Mr. Hall said that he likes the service and being out on the water,but was homesick for a good old wiff of printers ink again. When asked to bring in a few Japs(as there is open season on them) he replied I want to get V the limit for myself first. parture times for hundreds of cities and towns. New timetables must be prepared and printed, but due to Drive in here for a THOROUGH JOB. You’ll the great amount of work involved there will be some- discover as so many drivers have that you get slight delay in the issuance of new schedule folders. prompt service, very CAREFUL work, and fair prices for tho four critical year» ahead I Leadership that gets things donel ____ Please consult your local Greyhound agent for in­ formation on schedules. * b U k CT• • • GREYHOUND CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE I - ■ • V V w 11 a n ro * um , ★ GOVERNOR * AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) i____________ I J "SntH Cftt Jhings Done" (Pd. Adv.) 8n«ll for G ot . Com., Jorry Saylor, 8«c, Platt Bldf., Portland K K i P B U Y I N r ' R BOND«