Thuruday, Oct. 22, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Pankey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MINUTE HERMON Mary Crease, Supt. CHURCH OF CHRIST Hteurud, Mrs. Horuson, Mrs. Morning worship: 11 a. m. Second and B Street» INDI« INION Haynes, Mrs Minnie Wooden, Mrs. Young People’» Service: 6:45 Earl F. Downing, Minister double-minded man | Text: "A Mark* Walker, Mrs. Beth Hamak- p. rn. Edgar Crewe, president. Bible School at 8:45 A. M. er, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wallis and la unstable In all his ways.” Jam«--, Junior Missionary Service: 6:45 Morning Service at 11:00 A. M. 1:18. Mr and Mrs. Archie Kincaid. p. rn. Mrs. Cora Brown, Supt. Solo by Betty Jo Burns. Sermon, Walk back 4>i« reatauiam aiid stage depot, TALENT NEWS Evavngelistlc Service: 8 p. m., j "Spiritual Priorities ” • mt- to th« o up. i uklu uy v. »». or., «vus preceded by a half-hour of gospel Christian Endeavor for Junior», OREGON HOY A WINNER boyhood. It uuigiui izett 4 ucstluj n.^ot. song and worship. , High School and Young People, L. G. Frink suffered painful tee» uuiiais in IllcnelM unii scvtiul season, aa far ua swimming la con­ Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed­ 6:30 p. M Injuries Hutu relay u.1 the C. L. cerned There you atand. clothed nesday 7:30 p. m. at the par­ Evening Service, 7 30 P M The .Skeeters gurugc by being st tuck cui .0011* ui cigarettes were laaeii. In natur>''a garment», on the bank sonage. song "Just As I Am" will be pan­ on luc icg by u Heavy hammer ».»ti unte wan iiisuu by ivmu«ing • towieeu Hom u rear wmuow. rue of th« creek. Dark, cold waters Young People's Cottage pray­ tomimed by six girls. Sermon. and will be unable tu work for u state putiee ueId an investigation. push Idly by. You ahlver and pre­ er meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday ‘ Millions Now Uving Are Already few day». I .tu ti «ce ut Hie gui giura nave aa pare for the breath-taking plunge. evening. They will all meet at the Dead.” Waiter Wolford left Suturduy 1 yvt ueeu luunu. "On-, two, three," you count, hold. parsonage 20 minutes before thi* Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed­ to work in the |N>tato harvest in Mr. aim airs. Billie Breese ut Ing your noae with one hand, th« hour. nesday night, 7:30 at the hdme of the Klamath country. fun itamalu spent Hie weeK end 4 4 4 other hand p<4nted toward the Mrs. Gosnell, 145 B Street. Mrs, Mary Higgins is visiting in 4aleni and on Wagner «.reca. ------------- •------------- forbidding water». Then you back TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH her duughter and sun-in-law Mr. Mrs. i*oi eat Jenrunga spent a off to au. vey the situation again. Rev. A. II. MacDonnell FOR SALE-- Kodak, 620 with un ner Or you pretend a Kras* burr is Range Finder. FREE BOOK on October 18—St. Luke’s Day. Valley View district. nusoaiid who is employed in gov­ atu> k In your foot, But the pose how to make good pictures, also a 8:00 A M. - Holy Communion Air and Mrs Jake Gingerich ernment work, near biiaanville. will not laat long. You ar» not a time set given. 9:30 A M -Church School California. returned home Sunday from Dori», alnale. No, once again,—"One, two, 11:00 AM. Morning Prayer Price only |30.00,this offer is limit California where they visited Mrs three.” But your courage ex­ and Sermon. ed. Homer A. Lee Lithia Hotel. Itr.i.l.t 4»,u Gingerich'» parent» lust week plode- like a pricked ballon. Then, Wednesday, 8:30 AM Holy C. L. Skeeter» has completed a piercing yell, a »Uddcn above by Communion Mr. and Mrs. Koacoe Applegute logging operations tor the sum­ and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bennett aom-oiK- behind, and you are In. fit mer in the Wugncr Creek urea weie dinner guests, Sunday, of Mr. All of which 1» to aay that the NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA- I und will move his crew und equip­ ' and Mrs. Leu Potter and lamily of double or hvided mind never geta TION AL CHURCH ment to the Proapect urea for Medford. 'Ine dinner was m the anywhere It 1» always balancing Clttftmc« F. McCall. Minister the winter. ; honor of the Wedding anniversary precariously between two possible 717 Siskiyou Blvd. Mrs. Alberta Cunningham of of both Mr. and Mrs. Applegate choicea,— this hat or that one, this Plymouth Guild will be held at Seattle spent several days lust and Mr. and Mrs. Potter. dress or the other, tills thing to the home of Mrs. Van Weger 380 week at the home of her brother I •ay or the other. The moments i Liberty St. on October 28, 1842. Kenneth Wean us returned to L-iii Frink and family. The man, who 1« adequate­ alii* by. and eventally a life slips Camp last Friday after spending 4 4 4 Mr. turd Mrs. Jack Brewster a two weeks furlough nere wiln by. But the great decision is not ly protected against mis­ and fumlly left Sunday morning ills patents, Mr. and Mrs Theo. CATHOLIC CHURCH made. fortune, is the wise man for Dubuke, Iowa, where they Weanus. Kenneth had fallen and Walter Derry, Portlanu, Oregon, Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Tills ia a day, pre-eminently, of who is planning for his fu­ make their home. Maas at 8 a. m. Sunday. and broken both wrists and had waa declared a winner in the recent great decisions to be made, Not nation-wide Victory-Ehie Contest. A > > ture. Why not let us set Mrs. Astleford left Thursday just been released the frotn Signature» of sponsors determined only the master statesman, not CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE for Kansas to visit relatives Hospital an insurance program fitted only the general pondering the the 10 winner» who were given a Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Mr. und Mrs. Bob Keith of M r. and Mrs N. B Hull were trip to the Dairy Cuttie Congres», possible movement» of the troops, to your particular needs? Fourth and C Street« S<-uttle arc visiting Mrs Keith's: dinner guests, Sunday, of their Waterloo, Iowa, by The Borden but the common, ordinary man A few 6 today may save Church school 8:45 a. m. parents. Mr. and Mr» Ed Board­ daughter and son-in-luw, Z.rr and Company. Walter was presented must make and abide by these you *1000 tonight. man un<| other relatives in Mrs. Robert Dodge of Ashland. the star Victory Jersey bull. "Vic- greut decisions of the heart and Morning worship, 11 o’clock Talent. I M a . ri " c . ’ ’ pictured with him, by Departmental meetings at 6:30: mind. For the final Issue of the Mr. and Mrs R. D. Reynolds Mr. und Mr». Wayne Condrey spent a few days last week with Mr. T. J. Law, of Lawbrook Farm, centuries Is found a» much in the Junior, Young People, Adults. Gresham, Oregon. The official pre- und two children Carl und Shirley Mr and Mrs Melvin Conley Mrs. ittltudes of the last and least man Evangelistic service, 7:30. ★ und Mr and Mrs R. F Purks Reynolds attended a shower while Mentation was made by Governor aa in the turn of a battie. To gain Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ George Wilson of the sUtc of Iowa. spent Sunday at Prospect visit­ tlii re, given for Mrs. Conley. Both nesday evening. the whole world through conquest ....------ *-.... ......... ing Mr. and Mr». Roy Unruh. Mr and Mrs. Conley accompanied and to lose our own »oul through r r r VOTE 310 (X) YES SAVE Mr. and Mr». Glen Brown and the Reynolds home to »pend the indecision Is to lose everything. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Ot It STEELHEAD TROUT To unthinkingly tolerate every­ »on !>alc of Ttoneste, California week end. J. R. Turnbull. Minister The Wildlife Federation is thing Is to stand for nothing, It Is were here on a combined busi­ Mrs. Reynolds iz in Ashland Bible school 8:45 a. m., C. E. ness and pl«Nis4Lnt trip last week. this week taking care of Mr. G. fighting for the conservation of to be perpetuaaly in a state of Corry, superintendent. th<- gameat of all game fish the I i suspended Mrs. Mabel Stone of Syracuse, j W Butler, while his nurse Mrs animation or, more REAL ESTATE and Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Kansas, arrived here Tuesday Scroggins is away on a vacation. ateelhead, Tn opposition to the ex­ properly, it 1» to exhibit the ex­ REAL INSURANCE Young People's Union 7 p. m. ' in- Joitation by a few commercial Mr. ami Mrs' D F Koi th and evening to visit her mother, Mrs : treme of indecision. But. to be Phone 8781 41 East Main tereots who would entirely ex - Prayer, praise and Bible study sons Jimmie and Donnie have John Webster and other relatives. | able to say, for example. ”1 know terminate irteelhead trout. hour, 7 :30 p. m. Wednesday. Mrs. Stone plans on taking het moved to Cottage Grove where Oregon la the only state in the in whom 1 have believed and am mother back to Kansas for a visit. ' Mr. Korth is employed. Union that still permit» taking of persuaded that He is able to keep Mrs Webster was formerly from i Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelley of game fish with net» that which I have committed unto Kan «as. Ashland have rented their place 5Th<- ateelhead is Oregon'» Him HKainst that day” Is to be Mrs. Sam Jlamllton Is spending and took possession last Tuesday greatest advertising symbol. freed from that double-mindedness the week in Medford visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Shelly have*recently May we request your careful that rob« u» of our powers, that WITH MODERN from New study of thus measure and your thwarts our hope and leaves us a son and daughter-in-law Mr and moved to Oregon Mrs. John Hamilton and her •on Jersey. EQUIPMENT conr.'deration for conaervation of little farther from home today und daughter-in-law Mr. and The Birthday Club met at the one of Oregon» greatest heri- than we were yesterday. This 1» Mrs Ray Hamilton, Mrs, Hamil­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter tage». You just can't be wrong the supreme decision awaiting our | ton has been ill and ls convsles- Davis, Sunday, honoring Mrs. H. to keep what we have . . .There's verlct today,-¿-this full commit­ Permanent PRICES! I L. Pankey and Lyda Katherine always an opportunity to ex- ment of ourselves to the calling of ring at their home». Mr and Mrs 1. Sutter of iMvis with a covered dish lunch­ ploint . . . but you can't car “ * bring ' _ God. Once surrendered to Him. Kansas have moved into Mr*, eon served at noon. Those enjoy, back the fiah after they're gone. without reservation, the rest of our Mary Work's house after living ing the day with Mr and Mrs Watch your ballot closely— life is made simpler, stronger. the past few months in Medford. Davis and the honorees' were Mr. VOTE 310 (XI YES The thought has a final con­ sideration. "No issue.” someone has raid "Is ever settled unfl) It is r settled right.” The last word about man Is that he was created for God. Until man recognizes PICKUP AND DELIVERY 65c that fact and affirms It in his every breath he is as the waves of the sea. torn forever between the pull of the earth and the attrac­ tion of the moon, He is a double- Phone 6336 823 Siskiyou Blvd minded man. and a double-minded * * * man is a tormented man, unstable in all his ways. There ia, of * « * course. a way out. Paul auxgests a * * It. ''This one thing _ __ ______ I do. ” he says. In that direction is stability and About People You Know It’s Sound Business To Insure Billings Agency CLEAMIML SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS Here’s another reason why we will keep ’em rolling! On July 31, 5,137 Southern Pacific men were serving in our country’s armed forces; on August 31, 5,836 men; and on September 15, 6,214. That’s a lot of men from one organization! I I To these men, the ideal of service Is nothing new. Railroading has always inspired devotion to duty, and a con­ ductor wears the stars on his sleeve just as proudly as a sailor wears Ms "hash marks.*’ We aiis these men badly, for wa worked side by side with them. We also miss their long training and experience in railroad work—training ana experience that just can’t be replaced overnight. But we’re going to do our best to back these men up, wherever they may be. Tha War Bondi you buy At the Churches 5 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., South Bible school at 8:45 a. m , Wirt M. Wright, superintendent. Sunday morning service at 11 o'colck. Subject: "Probation After Death ” Sunday school at 8:45 A. M. Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8:00 o'clock, Reading Room open dally from 2 to 5 P. M. except Sundays and Holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend these servivces, and to use the Reading. Room. We who are left have the job of getting troop*, equipment and war materials over the line to the places where they’re needed, wbttt they’re needed. And # FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. Dr. Georre W. Bruce, Minister Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m Morning worship 11 o'clock. Union service 8 p. m. Midweek Bible study hour and praise service is Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:30. So If you see an extra glint of deter­ mination in an engineer’s eye, or a pas­ senger representative on the road night and day accompanying troop trains, or a section hand swinging his pick as if A the ballast were full of Japs—you’ll know why they have a personal interest in this war, and a personal determine* tion to do their part to keep ’em rolling. will buy four 37mm. shall*. post-war automobile*. The Friendly Southern Pacific v 4 A FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman, Pastor Sunday school 8:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. On* $18.75 War Bond ona of thoia twall naw > FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Howard G. Eddy, Minister though the traffic peak in the next few months will be the greatest we have ever faced, we promise our men in the service that we will not let them down. now will halp pay for A j It takes 12,000 telephone calls to build a bomber! rev FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street Charles E. Brown, Pastor Sunday school at 8:45 a. m. Mrs. Mary Crease, superintendent in charge. Everyone welcome. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Sunday School: 9:45 a. m. Mrs. And it takes a lot of calls to build ships, tanks, guns ... to move millions of men and the supplies they need. With vital telephone materials drafted for the duration, additional lines cannot be built at this time. But war calls must go through. So will you, please: Ask yourself, every time you are about to make a long distance call, is this call necessary? And when you do call, please be brief. Your assistance, and your understanding of the magnitude and importance of our task in keep­ ing the telephone lines clear for war calls, are deeply appreciated. Your help makes it possible for us to be of maximum service to our Nation.