VARSITY T Friday and Saturday! Red blooded ADVENTURE AXIS-SPAWNED TRAITORS fIROSID! PRESTON FOSTER • BRENDA JOYCE L Berlin Correspondent SUN • MON • TUE a WAR STORY THAT TAKES YOUR Hindsight On Sports Roland Parks' Ashland high football squad has nothing what­ soever to be ashamed of for losing 26 to 0 to the mighty Klam­ ath Falls Pelicans here last Fri­ day night. Instea«i .they should be proud of the showing they made against overwhelming odda. Outweighed 26 pounds to the man. the little Grizzlies, most of them inexperienced in high school football, made the huge Peicans fight hard and had Coach Frank Ramsey looking at his hole card throughout the first half. Hind­ sight doubts if ever an Ashland team t«x>k to the field that did more ball hawking than the Grizzlies. They seemeii to know every minute where the ball was and throughout the game con­ sistently recovered Klamath fum- : bles and, at times, made nice gains through the heavier Peli­ can forward wall. Ever since football season start­ ed, the 1942 edition of the AHS eleven has had stories of the ex­ ploits of the "great little team of last year that beat Medford but it might be some relief to this 20-13" shoved down their throats year's copy to remember that the “great little team of last year" was also beaten by Klamath Falls 26 to 0. depart- The prognosticating ment of this column is get ling a thorough going-over so far this siXson. With 14 picks out of 20 going haywire already for a sea­ son average of .300, there has been suggestions that we should crawl in a hole but here we come up again with ten more for this week-end. Here they are: Oregon State over Santa Clara at Portland. UCLA over the dis­ appointing California Golden Bears at Berkeley, Washington State over Southern California at Los Angeles. Stanford over Idaho at Palo Alto. Minnesota to hit their stride again against Nebras­ ka at Lincoln, Michigan to beat Northwestern at Ann Arbor, Illi­ nois will take the measure of Iowa at Iowa City. And, in the southern Oregon conference, Klamath Falls wil make •'jnihee- meat" out of Medford at Med­ ford, while Ashland is dropping another conference tilt to the sur­ prising Grants Pass Cavemen. ------------- •------------- FOR SALE 4 or 5 room, radio style. Oil Heater with 52 gal. drum, pipe and fixtures. Cost $78.00. Used about two months, good as new. Only $50 00 cash Moving into heated apartment. Call at Miner officer. HAS WFDDINt; IlECORJ» The Rev. A. E. Clemen» of Tren­ ton. Mo., recently performed the marriage service for Boneta Shep- pard and her husband. In 191» he performed a similar aervlce for Boneta's mother and father and in 1895 he was the minister at tho wedding of Boneta’s grand-par­ ents. , : ! | i > ---- - »------- • The Miner for Quality Printing. r 1 Four Officer Candidate Schools ENtablishhed cial contest which has signs of being a rough and tough battle from beginning to end since neither team intends to be out- played or outfought, It will be gin at 8 o'clocck. By I Tol«l You No ■ Thursday, Oct. 15, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Klamath Beats AHS 26-0, Ties League Southern Standing»: Elect i * GOVERNOR * 'Snell Sets filie ft Dee»' (Pd. Ad». I Siu-Il for G ot . Com Jrrry Saylor, Is««-., Plait Bldg., Portland Ashland Grizzlies to Play Grants Pass Fri. Battered and bruised from their game with Klamath Falls last week, the Ashland high football team travels to Grants Pass for another conference game Friday night against another team which will outweigh them. Coach Roland Parks says all of his team is in good shape and promises that they will strive hard to get back in the win column at the expense of the Cavemen, who startled the state prep circles last week by tieing the highly-touted Marshfield eleven 7-7. Grants Pass, who has had dif­ ficulty filling their schedule, an­ nounced this week they will play Klamath Falls at Klamath Falls October 30. Roseburg at home Nov. 11, University high of Eu- gene on Nov. 20. and Roseburg at Roseburg, Nov. 26. Favored Pelicans to Play Medford Fri. i Oregon Conference w L Pct. Grants Pass 1 0 I 000 1 0 1.000 Klamath Falls .000 0 1 Asli land - 0 1 .000 Medford _ Klamath Falls gridiron A huge machine, unbeaten In tiiree ataila, added another scalp to their cre­ dit on Walter Phillipa field last hTnlay night when tney trounced a badly outclassed Ashland high squad 26 to 0 before about 1600 rauid fans The Grizzlies held their throughout the first half made the big Pelicans use all their trick* to lead 7-0 at the rest period. Ashland had all the breaks throughout, recovering many Klamath fumbles and being ever alert but the great weight advantage held by the Klamath county club waa too much and soon began to show. Coach Frank Ramsey threw more reserves at the Grizzlies than were on the whole Ashland squad. Ralph (Baldy) Foster and Dun Mast sparked the Klamath attack and Barney Riggs was by far the outstanding Ashland man Many times it looked like Riggs wouldn't get up from the pile-up but he always managed to regain hl» feet and make anoth­ er brilliant tackle. Several time* he saved his team from another tally against them by bringing his man down after his teammate» had either missed the tackle or didn't have a chance to get at them. Little "Mark" Marquess showed up nicely on offense for Ashland. The Pelican's starting lineup outweighed Ashland's 1H pounds to the man and, including ail substitute* for both sides who saw action In the game, Klam­ ath Falla held a 26 pound over. all average. SCORES PANT WEEK: Klamath Falls 26 Ashland • Grants Pass 7 Marshfield 7 Klamath Frosh 27—Junior Hl Roseburg 12 -Cottage Grove 7 The Dalles7 -Bend 7 Talent lS Gold Hill 12 GAMES THIS WEEK Klamath Falla at Medford Ashland at Grant* Paas Medford JHS at A ah land JH8 ----------- •-------------- « Are You A Landlord? Are You A Tenant? Klamath Falls and Medford high football teams, bitter rivals for several years, Will fight it out Friday night on the Medford turf in an important Southern , Oregon conference clash. Medford, usually one of the state's strongest teams, has won only from Yreka so far this year I while losing to both Marshfield and Grints I*ass. The Pelicans have won all their games, having beaten Grant high of Portland. Redding, Eureka, and Ashland. A huge crowd is expected to be on hand to witness this cru- If so, you wiU be Infcweoted in * serie» of artAcloa to bo published in The Miner. Rents In this district have been cut, under the new federal rent control law, back to pre­ war level». Both landlord* and tenants have rights and obligation» an- der thia new war measure. These articles, written hi an eaay-to-understanding a t y I e. will acquaint you with three right* and reaponalbBitiea. Read them, starting today In The Miner. I Branches oi th«* oifl<< r Can­ didal» Hvhool, Artn> Admlnialru Uuu Nc|ioo|a, haw nevii ratablishsil anti numbered, Il was announced recemly iron« Headquarter», Camp While, Urcaon. They arc N'onh ItauulH ami i< ultursl Cullasi*, Fargo, Norm Mau., Branch No. 1; M A HiilV Al College, Ul'illUVl, low . No . I| University of Brunch Galli»« lile, Florid a. l- lurida, No. 4, und MIxMlaxlppi Branch Stat« College, Stark till«, AlUx., Branch No. 4. Allotment of «lUOla» tor Hie tirai claw« al euch of these schoo lx ha» already been mude, primary ml»»lon ol the The Candidate richodla I» to Officer produce olHeera cu pable of pvr- tormina efficient «luti«** In Arno administration. All enlisted sonnel are eligible. hence school provides an eacellenl portunlty lor men otberwl»«' qualllleu who have herelofor,* been barrod lor some physical dliMlualitii'atlon from attenuali* « al any arm) candidate school. Although not essential, college training or practical experience In burnii»»» administration, peisun- n«-l management, imlusmui «-ng.- aiuto «r invitili,, buone «lenirmi. uainimaue.iw , tri»..«- Education, •«»* mg and uthv« «lUaitfi* alluna arc to be taken into vons»derauon in Hi«.* Mrlecllon ui appllcunla. ¿leas and quarters are furnish« I prospettivo uiflcvra at ilio mur schools. The 1V42 Ashland junior higu football teeuu, under lue direction oi coach Leonard, will open men uoine footoall seajui ou Waller Pnilnpa Held Saturday afternoon at 2:bU when they meet the Grants rasa Frosh. Coach Warren says he knows I nothing of the methods of attack employed by the Cavekids but says they must have something lor they hold a win over Medford junior high in the only game played to date. The Ashland Grizzly cubs were defeated by Klamath Falls Juniors at Klam­ ath Falla last Saturday 27 to 6 Warren says Klamath employed damaging end runs to win but claims to have this fault corrected now. Only two lettermen. Bob Fraz­ ier and Charlie Calhoun, are out for the junior team. Warren says Calhoun, who will captain ilia treten** SKY-SCORCHINO THRILLS! w to Olio PREMINGER * J. Canol BAER m»oT Friday, Saturday Juniors Open Home Season Saturday L u * 1 fllORTY UIOOLLEY RODDY mcDOUIALL nnne baxtcr ALWAYS TIIE BENT WK CAN OBTAIN. ------------- •------------- 1 i i1 LITHIA SAVE a»«' »° I OUR STEELHEAD Wed’sday & Thursday TROUI ! T he O ffice of D efense T ransportation states that week end travel must be reduced. Only so much trans­ portation is available, and war service must come first. ____MANS Transportation facilities arc being stretched to the limit. The time has come when every American must real­ ize that pleasure travel is a peacetime luxury. Greyhound is committed to the vital job of provid­ ing one service only— essential transportation. New buses are difficult to obtain. Unnecessary bus serv­ mands of the armed forces, war workers, and others who —Also— LUPE VELEZ LEON ERROLL in “MEXICIAN SPITFIRE SEES A GHOST” • _____ ____ Every Wednesday Night MOVIE MONEY AUCTION 1 ice is being eliminated to meet the ever growing de­ v-Z MUANDONUVT must travel to help win the war. Hundreds of our men, who used to serve you, are now in the military service (and we’re proud of them) creating a serious shortage If You MUST Travol, Follow TI mm Suggestion*: Ride on Tuesdays, V-dssesdays, Thursdays — leave week ends for men in uniform and war workers Get tickets and information well in advance. Take as little baggage as possible. of trained personnel. V», •(linai iipleita- non with profìit lor • 11* te ba (ilnid b, "net llahing" fot ih» flmnl ol gami bah — our ataalhaad. Pia, flit with thè bora in tha atavici, whili they'ri ewiy, io tha, ma, And thair “Il il 1 h •• d" wht, tha, tura again. r FOSTrONi UNNICISSARY TRIPS « GREYHOUN (XI YES >