Thurwduy, Oct. 15, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know The Extension Unit will meM' KXKMKXXMMKlMMXKKaaKKXKMXM in an all day aeaslon next Wed­ |g s nesday Mr« Walter Hash and Mr«. Vincent Lanini will be hoat- eaae« for the day. and those at­ tending are asked to bring a meat dish or naiad for the covered dish The ho«te««e« will Fl KMT CHURCH OF CHRIST luncheon. SCIENTIST demonstrate "War Substitute«” Pioneer Ave., South and Mina Ferrall will be there Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt for the morning, A large atien-' dance 1« urged for thia meeting M Wright, superintendent. Sunday morning service at 11 as the members who are interest­ of ed in the Extension work will be o’ckxsk. Subject: "Doctrine asked to register so that when Atonement." Sunday School at 9::45 A.M. the gas rationing goes into effect Wednesday evening meeting, the work can be carried on thru which includes testimonies of correspondence instead of holding their regular meeting«. . Christian Science healing, is held I at 8 o’clock. i Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 P.M. except Sundays and Holidays, I The public is cordially invited to attend these services, and to 1 use the Reading Room. At the Churches | 1AU.M NEWS Hill moved into Mi. und Mrs. Mr. Mr an<| Mi« A. Chapman, who Elmer Cook's apartment. Rose is employed ut Putr's guruge have been living in Mrs Work*« und service station. house, have moved into C. E. lx.well Burnett ; it«« returned t.uiuucr ■ i'*uuM, recently vacated home from the Community < hos- by Mt und Mr«. Leioy Olsen who pita) In Ashland aftrr being con­ moved to Xunsmi lined there for tile past week. Mr. John Vvebaier paaseil away Lowell received Injurie« from a suddenly ut in« home Friday fall at the Suncrest Orchard. evening ut 4 I'M Mr und Mrs Mrs. Charles Skeeters and Mrs. VYebHhr cumc here from Kansas Art Black were Ashland vlsitoi« lb years ugo. He 1« survived by Friday. his wife Anna Belle ai^ u «on Mrs Lloyd Newlin of Keno Mon VvcbNter und daughter Mrs. | visited her futher iMpi mother- !■:> Logan 01 Talent Also a in-law Mr. and Mrs. George New­ •lepaon und «lepdaugliler who re­ lin last week side in K uiihun Funeral services —•------------- were held ut the Litwillcie Fun­ BELLVIEW NEWS eral Chapel on Tiowduy afternoon ut 2 o clock. Interment was Mr«. Arthur Bailey and infant made In the Mountain View ceme­ ' son, which wus born lust Friday, I was removed from the hospital tery ut Ashland. A «crap pen tor the collection I Monday to the home of her par- of scrap metals has been erected ' cuts Mr. and Mr« John Simpson. in u lol adjoining Phelfer's gro­ The baby weighed 6 lbs. and 13 cery. Scrap iron Is collecting ozs. and ha« been named Roy rapidly, but plenty of room for Oswin. Mr. and 14 ra David Walker and more and those wishing to take a «lap ut the Japs by the »crap two children” Delore« Jean and David Jr. returned to their home route, should get busy, Graveside services were held in Seattle after «pending a week Thursday ut 2 30 P.M for Mrs j at the J. Z. Walker homp. Mr. Henry Stenrud, who under- Della Abbott Wuikcr Who passed , away ut her home in Klamath I went u major operation ut the Fulls, Saturday at the Steanls I ’ Community hospital several day« cemetery at Talent. Mr«. Walker I ago was able to be moved to hi« is a former resident of Talent home last Saturday and is re­ and leaves a large number of covering satisfactorily. Donald F Korth and Warren friends and relatives who mourn E. Siebert left last Sunday for her passing arc em­ Among those who went deer Creswell where they hunUng over the week end was ployed in the lumber industry. 17ie Dead Indian 4-H club mem­ Roy Kates. Stanley Bobbin«, Mr. bers carried away several prizes A Jenkins and Hugh Combest. Mrs. Cynthia Keith la «pending from the County 4-H club fair a week in Orville, California held at Medford recently, Helen visiting her duuifhtcr and family. Kruger won 1st prize on her Mr. and Mrs. Grace Selby, who bread making and 2nd prize on have operated the grocery form­ canning, 1st on her pig and 3rd erly The Tryon Mercantile, for prize on showmanship on chicken. Paul Selby of Medford for the Henry Lanini took 1st prize on past summer, are moving to Med­ his pig and wood carving. Pearl ford this week and will be em­ Henry took 1st prize in canning ployed at the grocery owned by and also won several prizes on Mary Jean i’aul Selby, known as The Home other club work. Henry also brought home a num­ Grocery on East Main street. An open meeting was held at ber of prizes from her club work. Mr. and Mr«. Chester Applegate the City Hall Wednesday begin­ ning al 10:30 A M on aubatitu- visited Buck Bear Sunday who tea. A covered dlah luncheon was is confined to his home with a broken leg. served at noon. Mrs. Allen Miller i» emloyed Mr and Mrs William Sommers and son of Prospect were week ut Metz Variety Store. end guests of Mrs. Sommer's par­ Earl Emmers left Sunday night ents Mr. and Mr«. Archie Estes for Fort Lewis, Washington to rn- Mr. and Mrs Russell Bcttner te| the U.S Armed Forces. Mrs. of Solona Beach. Calif., have pur­ Emmers will remain with her par­ chased Mr«. Emma Moore's ranch ents Mr. and Mrs. Warren who south .of Talent on the old high­ are lining on the Taylor William« way. They do not plan on moving ranch. until a later date Mrs Roy Crow, who han been Mr. and Mrs Roy Unrub and seriously ill and was in the Com- baby of Prospect «pent the week munlty hospital for a few days, is able to be home again and is end in Talent visiting friends. Mr. and Mr« L Rose of Gold Improving satisfactorily I i 0 I IF YOU FAIL SOME BOY WILL DIE! Which puts it up to you! Monday starts the big scrap metal drive. And you, as a businessman, have a double job to do. Clean out your home—and scour your place ★ ★ ★ I I ★ Calamity doesn't pick favorites! Misfortune hasn’t singled you out as an excep­ tion ! Be wise and protect yourself with good Insur- ance so that no matter what happens, you, your family and property will be fully protêt-ted. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main -J WITH MODERN . EQUIPMENT SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS Flirr ► _ IB IQ Ww 25c u- 8- SAVINGS STAMP WITH EVERY $1.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—50 cents ■ I1LL cash and carry. PICKUP AND DELIVERY 65c COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 Wings of Victory Electricity helps make America’s war planes some of the world’s most deadly weapons. Here are a few of the ways in which G-E equipment serves in the air. 9:45 A.M. Bible School, Mrs. Glen Prescott, Superintendent. 1. Lamps are the eyes of the plane 11:00 A M. Worship Service, I at night, ranging in size from Sermon by the minister. cockpit lamps no larger than a pea > > > to landing lamps of more than half-a-million candlepower. CATHOLIC CHURCH Radio combine« the voice and the ears of the plane, allowing com­ munication between the pilot and his squadron, and the ground and sea forces. Rev. W. •». Meagher, 1’aator Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. ass CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Departmental meetings at 6:30: Junior, Young People, Adults. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. And when you see the stockpile grow—for the mills to take when it’s needed — be glad that you’ve done your part...that your work may have saved some boy from a needless death! ★ Your No Exception ! NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCH Clarence F. McCall, Minister Boulevard and Morton Streets of business, factory, office or store . . . for every single bit of scrap. ★ err TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. A. H. Mac Donnell 1 Permanent PRICES! CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets Earl 1 Downing, Minister A Seventh Sunday Loyalty Re­ vival will begin this Sunday. Bible School 9:45 AM. One of the goals of the Loyalty Revival is to double our September at­ tendance average. Morning Service 11:00 AM Sermon ‘.The Loyalty For Today". Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. with Young People's, High School and Junior groups. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. This service will begin a series of spe­ cial features to help revive Loyal­ ty. The sermon subject is “If The Dead Could Speak" and the special feature will be the answering of questions in sealed envelopes without the one answer­ ing touching the envelope. This will show how it can be made to seem that the dead do speak to us. Cottage Prayer Meeting. Wed­ nesday 7:30 P.M. RALPH BELLAMY has an usual romantic role opposite Irene Dunne in "Lady in a Jam”. Patrie Knowles, Eugene Pallette and others are in the cast of the comedy production, produced anil directed by Gregory La Cava. October 18—St. Luke's Day. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Wednesday. 9:30 AM.—Holy Communion. r r r FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. R. Turnbull, Minister i ★ Tin- enlist«- I men ut Camp White, Orexon enjoyed another gala darning party at Service Club Number Two ori Thursday night, October Xth, sponsored by an Engineer« unit at the Camp, Arrangement« for special enter- tainment and hoHtease« for th- dance were under the direction of Miss Rena Hemenza, Mentor Direc­ tor, and -Miss Joyce Holt, Junior Director of Service Club Number Two. [LEANING Businessmen - Let’s talk about death! Let’s not dodge the issue —let’s face facts. A lot of good American fighting men may soon have to die for want of scrap! •l Sorry to announce that Cay Hufman la «lightly indisposed. We hope to see her out soon. Church Leaders in Favor of Increasing ■ Pay for legislators I W Dancing Enjoyed at Service Club, Oct. 8 Special entertainment at inter­ mission consisted of a specialty tap routine by Pvt. Alex Colle Brusco, formerly of Earl Carrol's in Hollywood, highlighted by a military tap; the singing and pan­ tomime of Pvt. Don Safford, whose enteraining •ervlce« are much in demand; a group of lllKh church iliKnlturles hav«| » , , musl< al numbers by a novelty joined with civic oriMinlsatlons, I FMiST PRESBYTERIAN quartet consisting of concertina, woman's club«, service clubs, I CHURCH guitar, accordion and harmonica. union labor and prominent citizens: Howard G. tddy, Minister under the direction of Sgt. Rizzo; throughout the state In endorsing r < < and some enjoyable community th« referendum amendment to the FIRST METHODIST CHURCH singing. constitution providing for an In­ Lor. N. Main and ijsurei 1st«. It is planned to hold a serie« ol crease In the pay of leglstlators Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister dances every Thursday ’ evening which Is to be Voted on November Sunday cnurch school 9:45 a. m. provided enough young ladies cat. 3. Tills amendment would replace Mumuig worship 11 o’cioca. be secured to attend. the «'onstllutional provision which Union service 8 p. m. for «3 years has held th<> pay of Midweek Bible study nour and busb-lalors nt IS a day for a 40- praise senrice 1» Wednesday eve­ HERE FOR FEW DAYN__ day session ami authorize the puy- ning at 7:30. W E. Beers, editor of Lake­ rnant of I» for a «•■salon of 50 days, > > > view Examiner at Lakeview, Ore­ Mince It has not for year» been gon, is spending a few days here FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE possible for the legislature to coin* visiting ni» two granddaughters, E. Mat» Mad Siskiyeu Blvd. piel« Ils luburs in 40 day« the Mrs. Kelly Parsons and Mrs. June LEI uriuau, Pastor Feigh. After his stay of a few result has been that members Sunday school 9:45 a. m. days he will go on to Arcadia, served for a varying average of Mornlug worship 11 o'clock. SI.»3 to $1.94 a day. while their C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ California where he will pay a actual living cost ut Salem has ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ short visit with his son E. W. Beers. Mr. Beers came in to say been several times that amount, low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice "How-do-you-do,” he paid us a I attest to endorse the amend- pretty compliment—saying The ment Is 4ri bishop Edward D. 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting Miner office was a very’neat and Howard, who has iHMUed the fol- I clean office. If you know what 7:30 Friday evening. lowing statement; invited we mean . As a rule, in good many Everybody is cordially "It Is politically unwise and weekly shops, the editors' desks oeonomli ally unnountl to limit the to all service*. are piled high with papers, etc. v r < pay of legislators to a total which He has quite a time keeping tab Is hisuffl'lent to puy their uctual FREE METHODIST CHURCH on his sizzers when he wants to ttast Mam Street living expenses while attending a write an editorial, not saying any­ < iiarlem E. Brown, Pastor session of the law-making body. Sunday school al 9:45 a. m. thing about the back office, which ’The present limitation in pay Mrs. Mary Crease, superintendent is pretty much like the front of­ fice, is cluttered up with paper makes It impossible for a man or in cnarge. Everyone welcome. woman to serve the state in a law­ Morning woramp at 11 o clock and linotype metal all over the Mr. Beers publishes an making capacity unless possessed Bunday School: 9:45 a. m. Mrs. floor. 8 page paper, each of 8 columns of Independent means and denies Mary Crease, Supt. and chuck a block with adverti«. the public of services which might Morning worship: 11 a. m. I h - of inestimable value. Besides, Young People's Service: 6:45 ing and maintains a very attrac­ tive and up-to-date place. It Is unfair to perform a public p. m. exlgar Crease, president. duty without compensating him Junior Missionary Service: 6:45 for that sacrifice. This th«- prea- p. m. Mrs. Cora Brown, Supt. FOR SALE—Pair of Police shoes, ent law does not permit. size 9‘A, hardly broken in. Will Evavngelirtic Service: 8 p. m., sell for 50c a shoe. Apply at preceded by a half-hour of gospel ”Thr«-e dollars a day for i Miner office. song and worship. •Ion that inevitably extends Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed­ days beyond the perioti for pay is permissible Is not compen­ nesday 7:30 p. m. at tne par­ sation In any true sense of the sonage. Young People's Cottage pray­ word. Proper regard for their own Interests and for the future er meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday welfare of the stat«- should induce evening. Tney will all meet al the parsonage 2u minutes before this voters to support this constitution­ hour. al antendnien." t » » t. E RE talking facts, remember! Such as the fact that steel for every tank, ship, and gun must be made of 50% scrap. And the terrible fact that Amer­ ica’s mills are starving for this scrap—without enough on hand for even 30 days more production! Page 3 ★ Watch this paper for details of the Mg scrap drive and what you must do to help NEWSPAPERS' UNITED SCRAP METAL DRIVE This Space Contributed By The Miner Bible school 9:45 a. m., c. E. Corry, superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Young People's Union 7 p. m. Prayer, praise and Bible study hour, 7:30 p. m, Wednesday. 3. Instruments are the sensitive brain that relays messages to the pilot from all parts of the ship and helps him to control the plane in its flight. the plane, pumping extra oxygen to the carburetors, giving our planes the altitude so necessary to modern warfare. « General Electric believes that its first duty as a good citizen is to be a good soldier. General Electric Company, Schenectady. N. Y. ------------•------------ The Father of Success is work. The Oldest Son la Common Sense. Some of the other boys are: Per- aerverance. Honesty, Thorough­ ness, Foresight, Enthusiasm, Co­ operation. 4. Superchargers are the lungs of GENERAL * ELECTRIC •J-.....