Page 2 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, Oct. 15, 1942 Elrst Wedding Kites Performed at Camp White Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Thur», at 167 Bast Maui Street ASHLAND. OREGON * Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the poatoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act ef March 3. 1379. Margaret Itoee M« Renna of Van Ntiys. Calif., became (ho bild« of Priviti«« Hr»l Class Muller W Peterson Thursday night at Camp White. Orinoti, In u ceremony ut i.iikM« by Serviez Club No. 1 of the ramp. The ceremony, undi-r the direction of Mrs. C. L. llop- kimt. director or Service Club N<> I, was performed at th« head- quarters chupvl mid rend by Clmp- luln John It. Porter. First ceremony which all details were handled uv an army service organisation, the ceremony Included n song by Miss Rena Semensa, senior dlreetm of Service Club No. a, and a wedding march by Miss Heckman of the Medical Division. Pvt. Raymond II. Peterson acted as beet man. mid Mrs. Berenice Itupp, Junio: director of Service Club No. 1. was brldemnld. Pvt. Al Hunger gave the bride away, and Pvt. Robert Enright was In charge of flowers fot the chapel. FRED MILTENHERGER Publisher ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) SIX MONTHS $1.50 ONE YEAR $2 00 (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 •THE TRUTH WILL SET VOL’ FREE" PLIGHT OF THE OLD INCREASING The constantly increasing cost of living is making the plight of the old and infirm, who have no way of increasing their income, worse day by day. There are but a few now who deny that the state has a definite obligation to see that reasonable comfort is provided for the old who, ui spite of exemplary thrift and enterprise in their day. have come to the sunset of life haunted by fear o want. After the war is over the sleepless nights of old people worrying about how to have food and shelter next month or next year will be multiplied by many thousands because of those who will have to go on the scrap heap in order to give returning soldiers and war industry workers an opportunity to reestablish theni- selves in civilian life. It is the _ hope of all who have _ given the subject serious, sym- pathetic thought that the Federal Government will some day deal more justly with the aged. The war situation has. however, sad­ dled upon the Federal Government such a multiplicity of responsibili­ ties and demands that Congress may not be able to do anything worth while to revamp the old-age-security program for a long / time The only safe course, therefore, to pursue at his time, in this vitally important matter is to work for it on both state and national fronts at the same time. The state is in a better position than the Federal government _ ___ ___ o ___ to do _____ something now for the unprotected old people who will be the victims of a circumstance which they cannot avoid when the war is over. When Congress takes steps properly to protect al) in old age, the people in their respective states will have to provide the money for it. We can. therefore, hasten Federal action by putting into operation immediately a state plan to be sj?jhronized with Federal law or taken over by the Federal Government. If a number of states will go as far, as any state can go by ifself, there will soon be an irresistable demand on Congress to take over the job of providing more adequately and make it possible to have protection regardless of what state one lives in after retiring. *. ♦ * There's st least on« Chicago motorist who apparently 4« m « sm '4 Intend to wait for nation «vide gasoline rationing The following advertisement wn? placed In the “bai le, and ex« hangr" column of a ChP ago newspaper "Will trade IIU« I'uikird with good tiros lui horse mid buggy.” Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic 1‘hyslclan Chlropracti< service free to En­ listed men Office 211 Hurgadme Ph. >321 a r Al'TOMOIlll.K SHUTE WROTE “PIEI) PIPER" AT “HOUR-A-NIGHT” PACE! Nevil Shute, the famous author, advised 20th Century-Fox that he couldn't go to Hollywood to write for the movies- he's much too busy designing airplanes! Studio executives, who made the film version of Shute’s fa­ mous novel, "The Pied Piper." coming to The Varsity Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, had hoped to get him to do an original story for them. But they received the message from him "somewhere in England," where he holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the English Navy. To their amazement they dis­ covered that Shute .whose whim­ sical “Pied Piper” was one of the best sellers of fthe past winter, is or withdraws services which were included in my rent on March 1, The world surface is diminishing and we are practically wiihln 1942? A. If the landlord refuses to the battle lines; our oceans are shrinking and we are practically comply with the law. consult your touching the enemy shores. We have huge freight ships and idea) local rent officer. landing docks, but the enemy has submarines that makes our convoy Q. I have been renting a flat shipping expensive; we have food and every production means and we to my father, who has a very have tanks and guns, but we cannot get them to the fighting lines small income, for $20. although quickly without heavy loss. The answer then Is, cargo planes—planes the rent should be about $40. On that will place us within the ranks of modern war fare. Cargo plane* March 15. 1942. he moved to the home of my bngher. Must I can load at points of manufacture and unload within easy reach of now rent this flat for $20 the .allied troops. Ocean transportation cannot do this, neither can A. In this case, and in h few it save the most valuable asset in winning this war-ime. We have similar cases, you chn petition the graduaed from hand-to-hand battle field fighting and defensive fight­ Rent Director for a new rate com­ ing in oceanic waters to critical air warfare. We need our battle parable with those of other unità in your neighborhood. ships but distinctly do we need an organized air convoy system. Q I signed a lease on June _ The problem of food abroad for the needs of our soldiers has 1, 1942 at a rate higher than that become as serious as their .need for weapons. The production of the charged on March 1 1942, must I I food here al home is apparently not the problem but th«* question pay this rate? A. Only as the increase ap­ ia “whether there will be facilities to process it. store it, and ship it." Here the answer again is cargo planes for they can teduce the detail plies up to October 1, 1942. From that date on you can pay only of loading and unloading from rail to ship and again to rail, delivering as much as the quarters rented it quickly and immediately to the point of need without needless for on March 1, 1942 The "froz­ storage. We certainly need cargo planes “We have the skill, mater­ en" rents of March 1, 1942 must ials. facilities and knowledge to make them, and the operating ex­ remain in effect after October 1, 1942 regardless of written or oral perience to keep them flying." Perhaps through the use of opr lease agreements. knowledge and ability we can help to end this war quickly and efe Q ’If a tenant wants to pay ficiently. Then we must put all our resources and effort toward this more than the maximum rent in one aim, regardless of the monetary cost. We must have cargo plane* order to obtain the living quar­ ters he wants, may he do so? to fight effectively and decisively—by these means ’.ve may be able A. No. The landlord cannot to end this long, hard war. receive more than the maximum rent permitted by law. For the landlord to agree to a higher rent is the legal rent?* makes him subject to civil and Question-Answers On QA. What No more than was being criminal penalties for evasion of paid on March 1, 1942, when rents the rent act. The tenant would Rent Control Act were "frozen" under this law be equally guilty. This is the first of a series of Q. What are the penalties for Q Is the tenant entitled now question-answer articles dealing to all services and equipment failing to comply or for "wilfull with tenant and landlord rights available on March 1, 1942’ falsification” of statements? under the new federal rent con­ A. Yes. if any such services or A. $5000 fine, or one year trol act which went into effect equipment have since been with­ jail or both. October 1 1942. This article deals drawn, he Is entitled to a down­ Q. If my landlord fails ith homes and other living ac­ ward adjustment of rent by the furnish services after October commodations where present con­ Rent Director. 1942 which prevailed on March ditions (furnishings, etc) are the Q. What should be my proce­ 1, 1942, what should I do? same as those which prevailed on dure if my landlord attempts to A. See your local rent officer. March 1, 1942—The Editor. charge more than the legal rent Q. If my landlord has charged 1 N s U R A N CE “That you can depend on" Health and Accid nt Ufa not an author by prnTeMion but an aeronautical ------------ ‘ engineer. ____ 2™ His full name la Nevil Shiite Norway and he wrote “The I*ied Piper" at the rate of an hour a night, after having worked fourteen hours a day on airship plans but the story of “The Pied Piper” had gotten such a hold on him that he couldn't stop writing, no mat­ ter how tired he wan and he rushed It through to completion Its success, first as a serial and later as a novel justified his late hours. As Nevil Norway he designed the famous R-101 dirigible, In the twenties, and sailed It to Canada and back on its initial voyage DID YOU KNOW There should be no double park- Ing on the streets, and only IS mln'tt« s parking In the Pinza Zone The little business man hiv hooktd up with the forgotten nun of '32. M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA "Arizona'' shown lit the IJthli last week was a great play Free Lecture on Christian Science nt Medford. October 13. -------------- •-------------- BRING YOUR APPETITE Look Before You Leap in November lly I MIN THEIDGOLD llow mnny of us are aware that there will lie an election on Nov­ ember 3? How mnny of us know the candidates' nnmen. let alone their policies? How many of us will take th«« trouble to vote on the first Tuesday In November ? The luck of Interest In politics la not surprising, when there are ad many more exciting matters to claim attention. -Hut Interest nr not. the failure of more voters tu take an Intelligent part In < boosing their candidates, in a year ns cru- culal ns this, is amazing. Congress has licen th« brunt of bitter at­ tacks for months l>e«-nuse of alleg­ ed Incompetence, but now that tha voters have a chance to change congressmen, they are apathetic —Oregon Emerald -------------- •------------ me more than the legal rate, can I get a refund? A. Yea. for any overcharges from October 1, 1942 on. Q The fopner tenant of the apartment I now occupy paid $35 per month . I moved in on April 1 1942 and was asked $40 Must I pay thia amount? A. No. You pay after October 1. 1942, the rate prevailing on March 1, 1942, regardless of who was living there. Q. I took an apartment on May 1. 1942. How can I be sure what the rent m on Mafch 1. 1942? Have your work done KIGHT at A You can ascertain the THE MINER FRESH March 1, 1942 rent by asking your landlord for his copy of his re­ gistration form or. if he refuses, L ask the Rent Director. (Continued Next Week) Red. is IT' Th!?, the most popular color of the season is seen tn coats, hats, dresses, shoes and what not. Red reversible coats are the go and topper/ and camel-hair coats are also at thè top of the list. Military attire is also being worn and red, white, and blue is always good. Practically every color is being worn this year •o girls, you shouldn't have a hard time choosing your wardrobe, Your wardrobe may be either large or small but just remember tn choosing it to choose the clothes that suit you and not the movie magazine model. Wo know how to please It with a big assortment of delicious fooda that "hit the •pot" Come in and enjoy a meal SOON! Pete’s Lunch your meeting plurr DIAL 4541 mCFUTY COUNTY COICONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Clone—Phone 4511 We’re Specialists In Farm and City Electric Service ! t ■ '.A 4 WESTERN AUTO’S CATE ANNUAL FALL STARTING OCTOBER 17 Look For Our 8 Page Circular FREE Masks WHILE THEY LAST! Of A funny face for Hallowe’en to every child who comes to Western Auto during this Sale (if accompanied by an adult.) No purchase required. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO JAMES G. MACKIE Authorized Dealer FIKE latest picture, "The Pied Piper,” co-rrarring Roddy McDowall. WE SEE1» CARGO PLANES! « RATIONING CAfH’Al/rV Don’t go drooping around in the dark when you can have your house and outbuildings served with Electricity Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department