Thursday, October 8, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ren and Mr. H. L. Pankey were al) three honored at a birthday party Hunday evening at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R Kin­ caid. Those enjoying the even­ ing with the Honorees' and Mr. and Mrs Kincaid were Mrs. Pankey, Mr. Warren, Miss Marie Walker, Mrs Henry Stenrud, Mrs, Sorenson, Mrs. Wooden, Mrs. Harnnker, Mr. and Mrs Davis and Mr and Mrs Wade Wallis About People You Know 1A1JCNT NKWB BELLVIEW NEWH Mr. W. H. l-uwrencs of Med- lord was a business caller here Saturday ail', a ! Sherurd spent Sunday ui Giants Puss, visiting his uaugiiter 1 Mrs Wayne Whitsett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bates an­ nounce the birth of a grand­ daughter bom to Mr and Mrs Ciarence Hunter Monday morning al the Community hospital In Mediord. Mr. and Mrs. Hunlei live in tile Phoenix district. air. and Mrs. Hurvcy Clift ot Crater latke visited friends ana relatives In Tulent Bunday. They uie former residents ot this place Mr. and Mis. Win. Retting, wno have lived in the Talent Camp givunu the past summer move« io aieuiord. 'they are both cm- pioyeu at Beck's Bakery, Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Aahiiutd I ««.«sully sold tneir property tneie anu moved to Talent in the camp giuund, owned by them fot lue past year or more. Mrs. May Duuuins, wno operated the camp gruuna tor tnern, is leaving Talent soon fur a new resident. Mr. and Mrs. George Pbelfei and son Jack called at the Rosm home in Bellview, Sunday. Lyate Tame of the Dead In­ dian Area was a business caller In Talent Friday. Mr. and Mrs Perry Smith re­ lumed home TuestMy evening from the coast where they speri« three days last week visiting friends Lowell Burnett was confined in the hospital last week with an injured chest, he received when he fell off a ladder while picking pears In the Suncrest Orchard. Mrs. C. C. Belby left Thursday for Idaho for an indefinite visit Bert Simmons, who was Injured by a fall when he fell at Camp White where he was working, is improved and able to take up his duties again The luulies Aid met Thunlsay afternoon for the flrat fall meet- ing Due to tire shortage they will meet only once a month, the first Thursday of every month in­ stead of the usual twice a month meetings. Booster night was observed by the Talent Grange Thursday, October 1. A covered dish din­ ner opened the events for the evening. An appropriate program followed with songs and skits Bhort talks were given by Grange Master, George Hartley. The Rev C W Astlcford and George Carter. The Talent Grange will resume meeting twice a month on the first and third Thursday of the month. The next meeting will be October 15 WITH THIN IKHI E— Tlie Miner is very happy in engaging the service of Ken Powell of Central Point American to come here and assist us in publishing our paper. We are greatly indebted to him. We are unable to get a llnotyper as yet and Mr. Powell left his own buslneess to come here and help us out Campaign for Key Collection Till Oct. 15 I ■: At the Churches i * C CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister WAR ENTREE—POPCORN Sorority rushees at the Universi­ ty of Washington at Seattle. Wash., used to get those ooooh! formal dinners and luncheons. This year they're getting popcorn balls and carameled apples. --------------- •---------------- WHAT’S IN YOUR HEUIT A MOUSE that dwelt near the abode of a great magician was kept In such constant distress by its fear of a cat that the magician taking pity on It, turned it into a cat itself. Immediately It be­ gan to suffer from its fear of a dog. so the magician turned it In- to a dog. "Then It began to suffer from fear of a tiger. The magician, therefore^ turned L It i,,.v into a mw. tiger. Then It began to suffer from fear of hunters, and the magician said in disgust: Be a mouse again. It Is Impossible to help you by giving you the body of a noble animal." The thln^ that's in your heart— whether It be courage, or fear, love or hate—niggardliness or nobility —Is going to manifest itself in your life. You can't, for long, camouflage the real you. Hamnvermlll Bond. The man with- the average men­ tality. but with control; with a definite goal, and a clear concep­ tion of how it cun be gained, and, above all. with the power of ap­ plication and labor, wins in the end.—Taft. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.—Emerson. The happy man is one who can turn a job into an opportunity. —----------- «---------------- It's commas sense Is be thrifty. U yen save yea are thrifty. War Bonds help yoa to eave and help to save America. Bay your ten per cent every pay day. ★ ★ CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor BEAL ESTATE a«4 BEAL INSURANCE Phone «781 41 I«‘ Mali J Wait, Mr. Driver ! CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets at tbt moti! What happens after that depends on all of us. If production falls and you’ve not done your part, will you rest easy? Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Departmental meetings at 6:30: Junior, Young People. Adults. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. Next week we’re starting a collection drive — to build the biggest stock­ pile of scrap metal you’ve ever seen. Then when the mills need it, we'll have it —because you came through ... for A m sake! ★ Billings Agency 9:45 A.M. Bible School, Mrs. Glen I*rescott, Superintendent. 11:00 A.M. Worship Service, Sermon by the minister. 2:00 P.M. October 14, Union Missionary Meeting in the church to which all the Women of the City are invited. Mr McCall will speak on Christian work and conditions in the Caroline Islands > > A Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. » » t ★ and YOUR property may be next—Let u* show you how you can be protected against loss with maximum economy. NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCH Clarence F. McCall, Minister Boulevard and Morton Streets I ★ Fire Sirens Blow Every 2 Minutes In U. S. A. October 11—19th Sunday after Trinity 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Wednesday, 9:30 A M Holy Com­ munion. - *4 • You don’t want production figures. It’s enough to know that 50% of all new steel is made of scrap—that our steel mills now have only enough scrap in sight to last another 30 days A TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. A. H. Mac-Donnell SOMEONE’S LIFE IS IN YMJR HANDS! armor plate to protect him from bombs and bullets. Steel for weapons to help him do the job that must be done before he can come home again. SALVAGE AND St RAP Ths urgency of the scrap sal- age drive increases as winter ap­ proached. For, in many section« of the country snow will definite­ ly retard scrap collection And our steel mills can't wait for needed scrap. Time is pressing. Our efforl must be redoubled to get In tl scrap before snow flies. W cannot let our steel furnaces Sb come idle for want of scrap. W cannot let our boys on the world's far-flung battle fronts suffer for want of weapons made of steel Stock Market at Shenandoah. Iowa, and one brought 125. More are expected to be sold after that good price. ------------ --------------------- Morning Service, 11:00 A. Sermon, “My Father's Business'. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. with Junior, High School and Young People's societies. Evening Service, 7:30 P. Sermon, "How Do You Rate? Midweek Service, Wednesday 7:30 PM Earl F. Downing. Minister. Well then... do it! TJOUND up your scrap metal — it’s Jtv needed to make steel. Steel for I The local campaign for the collection of old keys started this | week and is to continue until October 15th. The collection is sponsored by the Paper and Twine Club of America, a national or­ ganization of paper men. R. C. Wright, resident manager of Biake Moffitt A Towne, Med­ ford is in charge of the local drive. It is estimated that the sup­ l ply of old keys in the United States totals 12,000.000 pounds. Charley: “Leave all hooch Old keys contain 801% nickle sil­ alone." FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ver a vital metal needed by our Art: "Why?" SCIENTIST Navy. Charley: "Because now they Pioneer Ave., South All proceeds from the sale of have cross-word puzzle hooch.” Sunday morning service at 11:00 the metal is to be given to USO. Art: "What is that? Never ------------- •------------- AM Subject: "Are Sin, Disease heard of it.” MAYBE HE DIDN'T NEED IT and Death Heal?" Charley: “You drink it vlrtical A high wind struck the barn of and they carry you out horizon­ Sunday school at 9:45 A M Wednesday evening meeting, Earl Smith at Paola, Kansas. Two tal." which indues testimonies of weeks later he was rebuilding It ------------ •------------ Christian Science healing, is helld when lightning struck and burned Have your work done RIGHT It He had* just placed the finish ­ at 8 o'clock. THE MINER FRESH. Reading room open daily from ing touches on a new barn when 2 to 5 PM except Bundays and another twister knocked it over. ---------- •-------------- Holidays. The public is cordially invited to BUGGIES MILD attend these services and to use Bugsies are back in the mld- the Reading Room. we»' sale rings. Two were auc- Llve Shenandoah tloned at the * / r Mrs. A L Peachey und daugh­ ters Mrs. Howard Jandreau and Miss Josephine I'euchey sfM-nt Saturday at Eagle Point with Mrs. Mrs. l'eachery's mother Dailey. MINI Ti: HERMON Mr. Henry Stenrud, who under u i UN went an emergency uppendlctomy Test: “A word 1,1 season to him lust Thursday at the Community that I* weary." Isa. 60:4, hospital is recovering satisfactor­ It Weariness knows no season. ily. tak"s no holidays. It is bound by Mrs. W. Stoner returned to her no rules, recognises no orders, home al Delta, Caiif. Saturday, holds none in uWe, and cares not: after spending a few days with for name or fame. The paralysing her parents Mr. and Mr». Ed. grip of It lays hold on the ont Grimm. "bowed by the weight nf the ri?n- Mr. and Mrs. Jornnio Lan in I turici" and on him in PXHltl'd and baby of Eugene, Ore., return­ position ed to their home Huturday after The world la so full of bo many spending lust week with Johnnie’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Vincent tired, weary, und heavyladen. Th" s Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beil anl Is most easily understood Is th" I FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE daughter Judith Ann of Klamath response of others to our need". E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. Falls were week cud visitors with Their good "word in season" is our I L. P. Furman, Pastor relatives In Bellview and Ashland restoration, <>ur help and our com- 1 Sunday school 9:45 a. m. The Upper Vulley Community fort, and our strength In times of Morning worship 11 o'clock. club will meet nert Wednesday, weariness. But who are others. C. A. service 6:45 Bunday eve­ October 14th in an all day ses­ Why just you and I. For the' sion Mrs. R E 1D-I1 and Mrs. weary one I am part of that great , ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ Vai In low will act as hostesses band of "others.” At th« peril of . low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice for the day and u covered dish my soul I withhold that word that, luncheon will be served at noon, rnlgh' ring so grandly In the heart' 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting Thia is a special meeting to wcl- of some tired, beaten, discouraged 7:30 Friday evening. come new comers in the communi- one. Everybody la cordially invited ty and each club meipber is a.«k- Who qgn measure the strength-j to all services. ed to bring at least one guest and more If possible, Defense enlng uplift of a word In season | work for |he year will be plan to him that is weary, a human FREE .METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street ned and all who can are re- word spoken from a human heart? Charles E. Brown, Pastor quisited to bring knitting needle But beyond any human comfort, Sunday school at 9:45 a. na. and yarn, as knitting will be one Is the sustaining grace of God. of the projects the club plans to ‘Come unto me all ye that are Mrs. Mary Crease, superintendent do. weary and heavy laden and 1 will in charge. Everyone welcome. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ricklick give you rest." Jesus said that. Sunday School: 9:45 a. m. Mrs have rented the Paul McKennis II<- said that as the very voice of Mary Crease, Supt. place, npw owned by Mr. and God. It Is the word in season Morning worship: 11 a. m. Mrs. Mark True and will take that we would shire with you. a Young People's Service: 6:45 possession immediately. They secret we would proclaim front p. tn. Edgar Crease, president. have two sons who will enter the housetops. Junior Missionary Service: 6:45 Bellview school. When human resources break p m. Mrs. Cora Brown, Supt. Mr and Mrs Mark True made a down ur fall, when our own Evavngelistic Service: 8 p. m., business trip to Medford Tuesday strength is as a "broken spear or preceded by a half-hour of gospel Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Joy spent I »pent arrow", when life tumbles song and worship. a few * • cabin at latke I . In and a great wexrines drags us •w dOAa jn • jJtciy Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed­ O " The __ VA ...________ Als krto _______ closed their ¡down, then In that hour of need nesday 7:30 p. m. at the par­ cabin for the winter. Jesus with tender authority "Come sonage. Mrs Haynes. Mrs. Earl War- unto me and I will give you rest." Young People's Cottage pray­ er meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday T evening. They will all meet at the parsonage 20 minutes before hour. > > > If you’re a heartsick wife mother—or sweetheart... you’t do a lot to give that boy better chance to get back safe » I Page 3 ★ ★ ★ Watch thia paper ter detail« of the Mg »crap drive and what you must do to help NEWSPAPERS' UNITED SCRAP METAL DRIVE This Space Contributed By The Miner Your car will last longer and give you much better service and mileage if you come in for one of our popular Motor “Tune-Ups.” We go over it thoroughly and expertly, checking valve clearance, battery and ignition distributor points, air cleaner, engine head and manifold—all at very little cost. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. R. Turnbull, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m., c. E. Corry, superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Young People's Union 7 p. m. Prayer, praise and Bible study hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. » > e FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Howard G. Eddy. Minister CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt M Wright, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock High school Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) V J