SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, Oct. 1, 1942 i At the Churches 8 BELLVIEW NKWH Wesley llowytr, who bus been stationed st Shepherds Field. T»« since early In the spring, was re­ turned hum« last week because of III health. Mt and Mr«. Tom Hhally, who have been living In the llrub mi property, moved to California. Mr. i nd Mr« A. Graham will occupy the house soon Mrs Clurencv Homes and da ligh­ ter Clarice of Ashland visited re­ latives In Talent Monday evening. Mi. Heli Clark attended church ut Ashltnil Hundny morning In the afternoon she visited Mrs. Adu Itoss und Mrs Oldenburg ut the home of Mrs. 1 'strick. Mr. end Mrs Perry Smith’tiro »pending u few days ut Criscen' City and other points along th« coast. The Townsend Lully held ut the City Hull Inst Thursday evening wnu entertained by Mrs. Prentice's accord Ion band und speukvrs for the evening Mr. and Mr«, Frnnkle Denhitn of Medford vidted Mrs Denham's parents, Mr and Mrs, Hud y l.'utlr nb Dunn Sil left last week i the Uregon State College Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mtenrud. M so Josephine« I’eachey und Mr«. Howard Jandrenu returned la«t wwk fro niHeu«|de where they had been to attend the wedding of their brother. Llewellyn and Ml*» Joy Miller which look place -•piemh**r 15th nt the apartment l,|e<..’e||yn had already for hl» bride, Josephine acted us brides­ maid and Glen Waynebrlte was beat man. The young couple will re«|<|e at Senalde while Llewellyn Is stationed at Ft. Stevens. Mrs. F line entertained a group Bud Abbott, who bus been em­ of friends one afternoon last ployed with the Skeeters logging week with a shower. Those en­ company for the lust year, will with Mrs leave soon for Portland where h« joying the afternoon line anil the honoree were Mrs. will be Inducted Into the service. Vern Hoc, Mr». Arthur Dank­ Mr und Mrs. Wright und family worth. Mra. .Mia rhe Anderson moved Into Mrs. Clark's house Mr» Mary Huahower, Mrs j. .1 W Thursday, recently vacated by the McCoy, Mra. Helts, Helts. Mr« Mrs It It. K Benster family. Beil und Mrs i McCurdy who 1» nie of h»*r I kins spent Saturday und Hundav daughter Mrs. Vern Hoe. The af- nt Crescent City where they Joined ternoon was «pent In visiting nnnt the week end with hl« grand• Mr. an<1 and Mrs Rex Nlci-odlnns an 1 parent» Mr and Mr». Wade Wallis family l«*ft Thursday for Wake­ James left Sunday night for Cor­ field. Kansas to make th attend an all Clark ha« been appointed for th» day meeting at the Civic Club position. house in Ashland next Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brewster, of Southern Oregon Federated whu have been living In Mra. Ben Club women, each member 1« ask­ Clark« house. moved Into the Tal­ ed to bring a salad, dessert or a ent > FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. 1*. Furman, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody u cordially Invited to all services. METHODIST CHURCH East Main Street Charles E. Brown, Pastor FREE Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Mrs Mary Cresse, superintendent Ln charge. Everyone welcome. Morning worehip at 11 o’clock Sunday School: 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Mary Crease, Supt. Morning worship: 11 a. m. Young People’s Service: 6:45 p m. Edgar Crease, president. Junior Missionary Service: 6;45 p. m. Mrs Cora Brown, Supt. Evavngeliatic Service: 8 p. m.. preceded by a half-hour of gospel song and worship. Mid-week prayer meeting: Wed­ nesday 7:30 p. tn. at the par­ sonage. Young People’s Cottage pray­ er meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday evening. They will all meet at the parsonage 20 minutes before this hour. »44 CHURCH OF CHRIST Second und B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister CHURCH OF CHRIST— ................ Rally Day with a special Christ­ ian patriotic program, "Under The Christian Banner". The at­ tendance goal Is 201. MORNING SERVICE 11:00 AM. Sermon "The Faith For Today ASHLAND FRO— artd Tomorrow". (Continued from page one)' ENDEAVOR 6:30 l>onna at the Paris Opera House, CHRISTIAN P.M. with Young People's, high and whose father was the first school and junior group». American baritone > > For if they don't their heads will CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE fall. Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor He's getting everything that he Fourth and C Streets can: Church school 9:45 a. m. So he’ll have his men ready at his Morning worship, 11 o'clock. C< mmand. Departmental meetings at 6:30: He lx biting off more now* than Junior, Young People, Adults. h** can chaw; Evangelistic service, 7:30. And he better make Peace with Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ every Jew. The time is coming, don't forget; nesday evening. < < < And he lx the one that will regret. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH For God's people are the Jewish J. R. Turnbull. Minister Race: Bible school 9:45 a. m, c. E. And Hitler will pay for his dls- Corry, superintendent. grace. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Stnf Sgt. Joseph Cxupryna, is Young People's Union 7 p. m. one of many soldiers who appre­ Prayer, praise and Bible study ciate« to the fullest degree, the hospitality shown them by the hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. 4 > 4 people of Ashland, lie sent in n "Thank You" note, which was re­ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN reived by information ti os teas, CHURCH Mrs. Myrtle Mayberry, to express Howard G. Eddy, Minister hlx sincere appreciation to Dr. and Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt Mrs. C. Clyde Dunham who were M. Wright, superintendent. his hosts over the week-end. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. High school Christian Endeavor The U.S.O. wishes to take this opportunity to thank those who meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. tn. have sent In fruit Juices, fruits, -------------- •-------------- melons, and cookies, which help The majority of Chile’» residents In a big way to make our Ashland U8.Q. program u suvee»». are Catholic. INCH SERMON k~V. ROBERT H. HARPER Faith in Chrut at Our Personal Saviour. Letton for October 4: Aclt 16:13-15 Hornum 5:1-11. Golden Teel: Romani 5:1. Leaving Genesis for Studies Ir the Christian Life (Personal, Fan Uy, Church), we begin with the su preme topic, given above. The story of Lydia shows tha faith is the gift of God. He opene her heart. And God works upor men’s hearts in varied ways. It is our duty to preach the word; Go* gives the increase. Paul writes concerning justifies* tion by faith. Justification mean? pardon. Through faith man is for given and made right before God In its widest significance, justiflea tion includes regeneration. The heart is also changed through faith and with pure motives and God's help a redeemed man is able to live the good life. Faith, then, is followed by changed living. The believer may even rejoice in tribulation—rather In the victory he wins over it In many ways men achieve by over coming difficulties. Setting a pro­ peller in motion, they use the op position of the air to conquer the air. So may we overcome by the very obstacles that meet us in the Christian life. The state of the redeemed Is reconciliation with God. Formerly estranged from him by sin, they are restored to God's favor and consecrated to his will. This state is made possible by Christ’s sacrifice. If that sacrifice avails for us, we must sacrifice our lives to Christ—to be used in his service, "Freely we have re- celved,” let us freely give to him in giving to other men. --------------- •--------------- “UNDER THE CHRISTIAN BANNER" is the theme of the Rally Day program at the Church of Chrixt Sunday morning. The emphasis of the program Is Christ­ ian iltlxenxhip. The children and young people of the Bible School will be featured In song, exercises. and pageant. The program will begin at 9:45. The school has set as its altend- a nee goal 201. Mrs. Mildred Haynie is chairman of the pro­ gram committee. Mrs. John Schoenwald Is superintendent of the school, and Ear) F. Downing, minister of the church. A special invitation Is given to all who are not attending any Sunday school to come. An offering will be taken to assist The Gideons In placing 5000 New Testaments with Psalms in Camp White. --------------- •----------- .— Word has been received that Jack Williams, who left recently to enter training at Little Rock, Arkansas, is confined to the hos­ pital with illness. J V. I have been asked by the editor of this paper to write thia coulmn. 1 will endeavor to give horst sense information upon general health subjects. Relaxed healthful sleep is one of the very essentials of a happy healthful life. A good many years ago some one said ¿havt one hour of good sleep before midnight was worth two after. I believe the truth is more correct than peo- pie think. A good set of springs and a good mattress are an investment that will pay for themselves in gixxl health. With the above mentioned articles a person lay down, stretch out and re I ■ all the muscles of the body a': prepare to sleep. When the body is relaxed healthful and refresh­ ing sleep comes and gives body a chance to repair it* i from the day’s turmoil. Vitamin C is found in many of the acid fruits and is very es­ sential to body well-being. Be sure to take an eight-ounce glass of fruit juice every day. INSURANCE A little more than 81 per mo. given you legal coverage on pub­ lic liability insur­ ance. We also write («llhion, Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ ing INSURANCE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA War Damage Insurance * This will protect against direct loss or damage to property (fire and bombard­ ment) due to enemy attack. It supplements your regular insurance. If Interested in this protec­ tion, apply now as the for­ mer coverage expired June 30. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Notic to Our Customers IN COMMON WITH MOST OTHER BUSI­ NESS WE FIND THAT THE INROADS WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE ON OCR PER­ SONNEL BY THE ARMED SERVICES NECES­ SITATE A REVISION OF OIR WORKING SCHEDULE. IN ORDER TO INHERE FOR YOU THE MOST EFFICIENT AND EFFEC­ TIVE SERVICE. TO ACCOMPLISH THIS WE ARE CLOSING OI R OFFICES XT NOON ON SATl RDAY, OCTOBER THIRD AND THERE­ AFTER EACH SXTI RDAY AFTERNOON I X- TIL FURTHER NOTICE. DEPOSITORIES HAVE ALREADY BEEN PROVIDED IN SOME OF THE OFFICES AND WILL HE INSTALLED IN ALL JUST AS Ql TCKLY AS THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE. THESE DEPOSITORIES WILL ENABLE YOU TO CON­ TINUE MAKING PAYMENTS AT ANY TIME