THIS AM) THAT (By Old Timer) lie, 25c, 40c—Tax Inc. Friday and Saturday! Daa't T.ll lutai! M y Tbai sleep walker if here of ant... and I iion 't think he's To the Editor: Lt. Marvin Donerty, a inem- bet of Noithweatern university's 1936 tennis team, is commander of a P. T. boat on patrol duty in the Gulf of Mexico . . , Little Rock baseball fans gave Manager Willis Hudlin a $ 1,000 purse as recogni­ tion for a good job. Hudlift donat­ ed it to the players who, in turn, gave it to the army and navy re­ lief funds. Two second basemen were voted the most valuable players in the major leagues in 1914. They were Eddie Collins in the American and Johnny Evers in the National . . • Approximately 70 per cent of the boxing clubs in the nation have folded during the past 10 months . . . Alva Bradley, president of the Cleveland Indians, has promised tryouts to leading Negro baseball players. This will be the 20th year in coaching for Buck Shaw of Santa Clara university. He became head coach at the University of Nevada in 1922, after being graduated at Notre Dame . . . Big Six confer­ ence schools have hao 23 head foot ball coaches in the last 12 years. . --------- «--------- Medford to Tangle With Coos Pirates SOW ABD SMALL UNA MFR IT FI -------- Phis--------- “THE WORLD AT WAR” Manchuria to Pearl Harbor SUN • MON • TUE Robert Taylor Norma Shearer in “The CARDBOARD LOVER” Wed’sday & Thursday “MOREY” , Thursday, September 24, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Plus “MURDER IN THE BIG HOUSE” Every Wednesday Night MOVIE MONEY AUCTION Medford high's Black Tornado football team will blow into Marshfield for a Friday afternoon game with the strong Coos Bay tn rates, leaving Medford in private autos. It win be the first time Medford has player in Marshfield in 10 years and will be their first daylignt game since their own field was put under lights. Marshfield showed something of its strength by defeating Wash­ ington high of Portland 7 to 0 last week-end, while Medford, looking ragged in the first three quarters, put in a fourth period spurt to down Yreka 13 to 0. The Tornado comes home again to meet Grants Pass in a confer­ ence tilt Oct. 2. Lowell once defined congieaa as • mill for the manufacture of gabble. Judging from news dis- patches from the national capitol Lowell was not far wrong. > * e In our humble opinion an Infu­ sion of new blood in the council- manic body is opportune. So mote it be. » » ♦ Uncle Zeke cherishes the hope that the day is not far distant when Ashland will elect council­ men by warda and not by the com­ bined votes of the several pre­ cincts. as at present. Such a plan, he says, would work for civic bet­ terment, as each ward w\ild be duly represented In the govern­ ment of the municipality. t • f We rise to second the motion for fire drills for the city fire­ men and suggest that as their first practice the burning of the dry glass and rubbish that encumbers the city lot opposite the city I warehouse. « » » The curfew is supposed to have been introduced in!o Eng­ land by William the Conqueror Most houses in those days were built of timber. Fire was made in the middle of the floor under an opening in the roof through which the smoke escaped. The tolling of a bell was a warning j to the inhabitants of a town to extinguish their fires and lights and retire to rest. » r • If oil is where you find it. i the Russians appear determined to see that Hitler doesn't find much in the Caucasus. . « t r America Using More Soap Headline. Evidently preparing for a clean-up campaign on the Axis « * * It hasn't dawned yet on some | motorists that pedestrians have the right of way on street cross­ ' ings. >44 Verily, President Roosevelt has a congress on his hands. --------- •--------- IN COMPLIMENTARY VEIN Bon voyage to Mr .and Mrs. Crawford. Lucky Heppner to have , you and your talents. Ashland will always remember. Although I've been in Ashland a little over a month, your departure 1 leaves me with a definite sense of personal loss. The Miner has stood beside our Ashland USO as a; mighty wall of Gibraltar, always ready to support us each step of the way. Helen Janson Small . > > * There are various types of mu­ sicians, O. G., but when it comes ! to a good bantone player, we’ll be missing you. Officers of Ashland City Band ------------- •------------- VISITING MRS. KING Mr. and Mrs. Gates R. King of San Francisco are guests this week of Mr. King^s mother, Mrs. Malinda King of Bellview. --------- •--------- THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON (Continued from page one) duction must be speeded in order : favor. Longer hours of work in [ to turn the tide of battle in our 1 production factories, plus the steering of more and more mater­ ials into war production can be ex­ pected from now on. The customer will feel this tightening up as new steps are ta­ ken to conserve rubber by wider rationing of gasoline, and as more and more consumer goods become rationed or eliminated. The report of the rubber investigation shows that the rubber situation really is perilous and it appears likely that confiscation of rubber products, in­ cluding tires, will be necessary un­ less the public shows a much greater willingness to co-operate than has been demonstrated so far VISITING IN PORTLAND Mrs Margaret Rush and Miss Nell Dickey are spending a few days in Portland. They left Wed­ nesday evening. --------- •--------- TO VISIT IN SA1JCM Mrs. James Briggs left this morning for SaJem where she will visit her mother and friends for several days. --------- •--------- Every friend should be permit­ ted to have at least three fool ideas without question or hin­ drance. Bus Registration Up; Huge Gym to Open Soon at Camp White* Private Cars Fewer LITHIA One of the largest unu best With 781 buaav« iogi»l«i vd in equipped coiuulnauull spoils u.v ! Oivguu ui tn« «nd 01 Auguai, nu-tieid houses on the west coast J tncac vemcle« «hov»e