Thursday, September 24, 1942 "The habit of criticlam grows Upon ua I m < cuum - cilticiam la the caalcat thing in the world. It iloea not take a thimbleful of bialna to find fault, and tin blggext numb- skull in the world can find fault mun In the with the greateat world. We flatter ouraelvew that SOUTHERN OREGON MINER criticism la a sign of auperior in- i telllgence. It 1» not. It U uaually a aigri of bad ibannera, of lack of a*-lf-reatialnt, and of an entile Ig­ Dr. I norance of psychology." ' Frank Crane. J • M u I hwt H«« for 'Uhe Miner today 3 "I wonder whether Jack love me when I’m old.” "You’ll know pretty soon dearie,’ 'amured the other. TODAY Best wishes for success in your new lo­ cation, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. Jack Eaton i Trinity Episcopal Church, Vestry, Guild and Choir say farewell with many re­ grets to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford and wish them God speed and much success in their new location TOMORROW Christmas Gifts on Display B, DON ROBINSON Come in and buy a Bond Wallet—something new in leather, with complete register record of all bonds, at a glance. $1.25 ELECTION . . . opportunity Let's stop bemoaning the fact that we have an election coming up. We’re lucky to be having an elec­ tion. In Germany, in Italy and even in many of our Allied nations The not so cryptic letters "KF" it has been years since the people •lean kitchen police, and they have had an opportunity to ex­ •■eon It the whole world over, press their views through the demo­ vhrrevrr American lighters chance cratic method of a national elec­ « be. Every soldier who has drawn tion. Even in England elections <.F. can sympathize with the ap­ have been called off and the people palled expression of Fvl. Paul New­ haven't had a chance to vote since lin, of Marengo, Ind., as he contem­ IMS. plates the sta