Page 2 Thursday, September 24, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Miss America, I() 12 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Thun at 167 Bast Mam St net ASHl^AND, OREGON ¥ Entered as second-class matter February 1ft, 1833, at the poetoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act af March 3.187» ★ TELEPHONE 8361 C arnegie D au FRED MILTENBERGER O Q. CRAWFORD Publishers ★ "How to Win Friands and Influence People" Author •/ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR...—.... 3130 80c SIX MONTHS (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) Harry Chipman’s Wishes You Best Success THE CONqi KMT OF FEAR Unwarranted fear probably causes more distress than any other trait known to human beings. And the most distressing thing about fear is that so often it is not recognised as fear. If fear were wiped out, failure would come to few. This disastrous trait sometimes be­ gins with early childhood and remains with one through life. I picked up on the train what appeared to be an advertising pam­ phlet, but saw it was the magazine called "Talk" running an article entitled “Chldhood Fears.'* It has much of real help and I quote it herewith: *’ 'What can 1 do to help my child overcome his fear?' is perhaps the most common question that parents ask. Fears of the dark, of animals, of water, of imaginary creatures, are commonplace among children . . . habit. "But children's fears ate not bad habits, ami each one ha« a basis which patents should try to understand. "Psychologists have found that merely trying to talk the child out of his fears is of little avail. Help tn acquiring _ _ «kill«, and the confidence that comes from them, they point out, are among the best means of dispelling fears that arise through a general sense of inadequacy. % "In combating specific fears, psychologists tell us. nothing is so effective as having the chlki come to grips with the situation that causes them. But this should be done by degrees and with the help of an older person tn whom the child has confidence . . . "Parents should avoid using a child's fears as a method of discip­ line or punishment. Nothing is so Injurious to his mental health oi his sense of security. The 'bad mail' in the cellar may do mother temporary service at the cost of irreparable injury to Johnnie. "If you want your child to grow up self-confident and self reliant, don't play on his fears or wait for him to ’grow out’ of them. Help him to overcome them now.” SET VOV FREE** TIME HAS COME TO SAY FAREWELL ITH this issue of the Southern Oregon Miner, the partnership existing between Fred Miltenberger and O. G. Crawford since March 1 of this year will be concluded. This move has not been precipitated by any disagreement between partners but due to the fact that the second named party has purchased a paper in east­ ern Oregon and must be on the job there Monday morn­ ing. This necessitates a quick move, an almost sudden severing of ties which have bound us, as we had hoped securely, to Ashland and does not permit us to thank Here are some arresting sentence« sifted from a letter sent by in person all those good friends who have made our Carl Wallner of Fort Worth. Texas, to his oil and grease salesmen. ask yourself these twe questions: 1. What do I think about stay here a pleasant one. If you are one of these, please it? "Please 2. What am I going to do about it?*' take this as a personal thank you from Mrs. Crawford As long as there is a margin between what you are and what'you and myself. want to be, or ought to be, there is room for IMPROVEMENT and It is not an easy task to “pull up stakes” and leave need for ACTION." felt sure you’d want to read it. After you have read it, why Ashland. We have learned to love this part of Oregon, not I ask yourself the above two questions. to have a fondness for the people and the institutions which make this a grand place to live. Could we have chant in his desire to serve his customers as well as our way we would call this home, but opportunity has xissible, continues to carry on a “delivery as uati