Thursday, September 10, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 lie, 25c, 40c—Tax Inc. We Can’t Equal Their Sacrifices, but We Might Trv OV VARSITV [ | • Friday and Saturday! 1 I I ------------ Phis------------ Ray Bolger Ann Shirley HOUS E ;— «rwr--- HOME SUN • MON • TUE 1 ' I ’ , V ' Wed’sday & Thursday Lionel Barrymore “CALLING DR. GILLESPIE” Plus “BODY DISAPPEARS” Every Wednesday Night MOVIE MONEY AUCTION Were you brought up under the regime of wonderful Sunday din- i ners that left you in comfortable state of drowsiness for the rest of the afternoon? I was My mother belonged to the school of house­ keepers who believed in an extra­ special, one o'clock dinner that permitted her to rest on her laur­ els for the rest of the day. The evening meal was sketchy because Ella who ruled the kiechen for twenty-odd years always spent Sunday afternoon and evening with her sister and famfly. These Sunday night suppers were known in our house as *'a trip to the cupboard*' and as I re­ member them I realize that they were not unlike the pantry parties of today. Any guest in the house went along to the pantry and hunted in the ice-box with the rest o fus. There was always the left­ over roast or chicken for sand­ wiches, plenty of milk for bread and milk, pickles and celery and tomatoes in season with pie and cake and cookies and fruit of some kind to finish off with. So why don’t you have a Sunday night supper party ? If you don’t want a pantry party, have a buf- fet supper. Keep the menu simple but ade- quate. The boys will like baked I beans and cold cuts and the girls will lean towards salads. With hot rolls, relishes, and a dessert and a beverage yqu will have an am­ ple supper. An ice-box cake makes a sleh- did dessert because it requires lit­ tle last minute attention. The fol­ lowing recipe will serve eight pre- sons. Chocolate Ice-box Cake Two and one-half dozen lady fingers, *i pound sweet chocolate, 3 tablespoons water, 3 tablespoons powdered sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup whipping cream, few grains salt, ‘i teaspoon vanilla. Split lady fingers and line bot­ tom and sides of a spring form putting rounded side toward pan. Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add water and blend. Re­ move from heat and add yolks of eggs, beating with a dover beater until blended. Add sugar. Fold in whites of eggs beaten stiff and cream whipped until firm. Turn into prepared mold and cover with split lady fingers. Cover with waxed paper and chill in re- frigerateor for 24 hours. When ready to serve remove rim of form and place cake on large round serving plate. Com­ pletely cover top and sides with one cup of cream whipped until stiff and sweetened with 4 table­ spoons powered sugar and flavored with vanilla. Sprinkle with nut meats. DAD, IUAPDLY KMW UObU TO THIS BBUT, IF YOU'RE 60ÌW6 ON TUE PICNIC MTU US. UULL YOU ER PLEASE BE DRESSED NUTLX?^. I D UKE fD PRESENT YOU ID $0ME SPECIAL FRIENDS/ \l r ’fo A MATINEE ihurs. and Sat. Continuous Sunday ■ Jimmy Bierman, son of Lt. Com.' Bernie Bierman, former Minnesota coach, is an end candidate for the Iowa City footall team . . . When asked why Yankee pitchers didn't throw bean balls, Joe McCarthy answered: "We always consider that the batter n>y have a wife and family . . . More than 200 former Perdue letter winners are in the armed forces . . . More than one-fourth of the Red Sox home attendance this year is the result of the appearance by the Y ankees. The White Sox leads the Ameri­ can league in stolen bases, with Washington a close second . . Max Hirsch is trainer for one stable with plenty of exercise room. It's the 1.250,000-acre King ranch in Texas. The Chicago Bears have three men who are in their seventh sea­ son with the club. They are Half­ back Ray Nolting, Guard Danny Fortmann and Tackle Joe Styda- har. For managing the Brooklyn Dodgers, Leo Durocher is receiv­ ing $25,000 . . . Because regula­ tions won't allow a team to be ab­ sent from its home base for longer . than 4* hours, the football team at Great Lakes Naval Training station arrives at the scene of battle the morning of the game. PATRICIA DOW Friday, Saturday “HELLO ANNAPOLIS” with Jean Parker Toni Brown plus “MAN FROM CHEYENNE” with Roy Rogers (ìeorge ‘Gabby* Hayes ■A— “FOUR JACKS AND A JILL” TM- MCAVZJÓ ID Darling •• LhtvS. U. S. 1 rnuury Urfa’lmtnl Sunday, Monday and Tuesday , t—- «aki. Æ..'.' XL Copyright. IMS. N»w York Tribun* inc. Growing Fury of Allied Bombings Portends Bad Days Ahead for Nazis With terrible vengeance. Allied wing of destruction-bearing fury are unloading tons and tons of bombs on vital Nazi war produc- tion centers. Not only has Goerring—Hitler's medal bearing, pompous Luftwaffe commander-seen how wrong he was in boasting, shortly after Dunkerque, that never would a single bomb be dropped on Ger­ many's vital Ruhr district, but also the people of Germany are learn­ ing how it feels to htfwe the war carried into their own backyards, their homes. When the Nazi air force moan- ed over London on September 15. 1940, 1,200,000 pounds of bombs were unloaded. A month later to the day Coventry was destroyed with680,000 pounds of Nazi bombs. As a result of the terrible destruc­ tion inflicted on that town, '‘co­ ventrize'' was a word coined to describe almost complete annihila­ tion. Those attacks seemed to be the climax of all that Hitler said would happen. Then came the RAF's turn. Then came the time for the Na­ zi war Industries to be smashed, blasted .destroyed in town after after town. On March 28, this year, Lubeck in north Germany, a town of close to 130,000 people, was al­ most completely leveled by the RAF. In this raid 700,000 pounds of incendiaries and explosives were released. Two months later, May 30, Cologne was "visited." In this at­ tack over five times the amount of bombs dropped on London were sown over Cologne. When the last British plane had departed over 6,700,000 pounds of incendiaries and explosives had been left be­ hind. With American planes flying in formation with the British, the words of Winston Churchill, "Now it is the other way round." have an ominous portend for those in­ dustrial and armament producing centers of Nazi land. Ofcourse the above mentioned super-raids on the Reich are out­ standing because of their enormi­ ty. But time and time again heavy bombings of important Nazi naval, armament, and raw war material centers have been taken. Today the Ruhr district has been bombed hundreds of times. There seems to ; be no probability of any letup. In fact the accumulating air 1 might of the United Nations points the way to the 11,000.000 pound, or more raids which have been hinted at repeatedly by those car­ rying the war to the greater Reich. With the German air force being continually occupied by the hard- fighting Russians on the eastern front (where many of Hitler's re­ serve planes presumably are be­ ing saved for later offensives have been used and destroyed) the bal­ ance of air power is clearly swing. ■ ing away from the Nazis in the west Gradually the zone of air init- ; iative by Allied airmen is moving inland from the coast, eastward J across Germany toward the heart of that land. The possibilities of a | complete air mastery over all of I Germany by the Allies is definite- 1 ly not as phantastic as it former­ ly sounded. Such a complete control of the I air is one of the necessary steps ' which must be achieved and used ! to complete advantage before the ' actual invasion of the continent1 takes place. TB/NK yoirpt SMART ? “BLONDIE’S BLESSED EVENT” with Penny Singleton Arthur Lake Pius SELECTED SHORTS UNIQUE AFROS Futteni No. 8184—Our s|>eciallst . in pretty aprons designed thia re- I freshing, different style for all you who like gaiety in your kit­ chen fashions Six panels, each curved top and bottom, complet .• this style which fits every figure with fluid grace! A grand style to work up In cotton remnants and easy as pie to make. Pattern No. 8184 Is designed for sizes 14 to 20; 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 1’4 yards 35 or 39 inch material. —---------- ♦----- —■ • —Bay War Saving« Stamp»— Wednesday and Thursday Mid-Week Special ADM.: Aduls 15c Children 11c • 'De Miner tn Quality Printing. Fuel Rationing And the Family Washing What has furl rationing to do with thr fam­ ily washing? you ask. It might have a lot to do with it before winter is over, or even very far advanced. It depends somewhat on the type of fuel you use for heating your water. But don’t let that worn you. Fuel rationing or no fuel rationing, your lau>ndry service runs just the same, week in and week out. it is prepared to save you a lot of worry jp'er fuel and other shortages that now confront our daily lives. If you want our assistance, all you need do is DIAL 7771 and we'll do the rest. ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Wirt M. Wright, Prop. Take your pencil In hand and try your skill at either or both of the simple tasks outlined above. For Figure Folk, take a number from 1 to 9 and draw anything around It. For the Thin Man, Just draw him doing anything you please—running, walking, working, playing, etc. Phone 7771 : 31 Water St.