Thursday, September 10, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 A. About People You Know I THIS AND THAT TA1XNT NEWS Community Club Renews Activities (By Old Timer) I TV» ths Editor: 1 B SIX INCH SERMON i At the Churches ♦ ! /'A tu / w «zt /'iirru/nf CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. t t » A pain in the neck has devel­ CliURCH OF THE NAZARENE oped from the Plazu bottleneck. Bertriuid F. Peterson, Pastor Rommel has found the General • The Community club h<*hl It» Fourth and C Streets Grant tanks a general nuisance. first meeting of the season Wed­ Church school 9:45 a. m. In the face-saving venture In the nesday afternoon at the City hall. LLV. ROBERT H. HARPER Morning worship, 11 o'clock. A very Interesting program had Holomons the Japs hurl another Departmental meetings at 6:30: been arranged and was enjoyed by ear knocked off. Jotwph Sold Into Slavery Junior, Young People, Adults. ail. Mrs. Jay Terril) and Mr». We Iram something new and i I j M moii for Hept. 18: GvnewU 37: Evangelistic service, 7:30 Ralph Jennings served sandwiches Ntartling every day, says Uncle Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ Mrs Jennings is the new presi­ Zeke. For example: In hla youth, 28-8«. In the aordid story of brother» nesday evening. dent of the club. as a rising young lawyer, Gandhi • , r , was one of the best-dressed men selling Joseph into slavery, we • Mr. and Mrs W. H Lawrrnce FREE METHODIST CHURCH in Ijondon. note the Jove of a father for his of Medford were business callers Ea«t .Main Street No, Mildred, those are not i favorite »on whom his dearly loved In Talent Sunday. Mr. Utwrencs (ha Hew E. Brown, Pastor represents the Business Man's in­ echoes of RAF raids. The echoes' Rachel had borne him, the unauc- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. are from the 8. 1*. freight yards cessful ru»e of Reuben to dellvei surance company Mrs Mary Crease, superintendent • Mr, and Mrs. John Hamilton where car juggling Is in active Joseph, and the envy and hatred in charge. Everyone welcome. of men who »ent their own brother of Medford visited relatives here progress. Morning worship at 11 o'clock If that wooden traffic separator to the »lave market. Sunday Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 I words Reuben tried to save Joseph by • Mr and Mrs Allen Clark and will curb car hogs, It, in the p m. Wednesday. children of Medford were visitors i of Herbert Hoover, will ft be hailed having Joseph cast into a pit, in­ i as a "noble experiment. tending later to deliver him to hi» at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I That serpentine boardwalk will father; Judah saved Joseph from Clark Sunday. J. It. Turnbull, .Minister • Mr and Mrs. James McDowell make an excellent toboggan ■lile death by persuading the others to Bible sohool 9:45 a. m., C. E. sell him into alavery. left last week for Toole, Utah, for junior. Corry, superintendent. The burning question of the where Mr. McDonald will have Having sold Joseph to the Mldi- Morning worship. 11:00 a. m. hour, "How's your mood pile?" employment. anitea, tne wicker brother» hoped Young People's Union 7 p. m. Ashland girls appear to shy at they had hid their crime by »end­ • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey Prayer, praise and Bible study and family visited relatives at Ta­ "bottle" stockings ing the blood-stained coat of Jo­ Jupiter Pluvius wus a »aelconm- seph to their father. But we learn hour, 7:30 p. no. Wednesday. ble Rock. Sunday. A > A • Mr. and Mrs. W E Conner visitor. in this, as in uncounted Instances, and family of Ashland were bus­ that crime cannot be hid. Even in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN iness callers here Suturday night. that day it was learned by the CHURCH • Mr. and Mrs W. S. Eaton who guilty that the world is really Howard G. Eddy, Minister have resided south of Talent for quite small. At the present, with Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt many years sold their property improved communication, it is M. Wright, superintendent. and moved to Klamath Falls. They Reduction in the I'qcific Tele­ marvelous how quickly and surely Morning worship at 11 o'clock. will be greatly missed by their phone and Telegraph company» crime is detected and the guilty High school Christian Endeavor neighbors and friends In the common stock dividend for the brought to justice. meets at 6:15 p. m. valley. I current quarter from $1.71 per Tne wicked brothers thought Evening service at 7:30 p. m. -- ‘ -I ... >■ ... »--■) . ........... • Ralph llarnson of Sprague Rlv-1 share previously paid to $1.25 has they had covered their crime and * * > er was a Talent caller Sunday. been announced by N. R Powley, that they were rid of the dreamer FUIST CHURCH OF CHRIST • Keith Thorson left Thursday president, loiiowing the meeting and his dreams. But as an old SCIENTIST for Vancouver, Wash where he Sept. 3 of the company's board of hymn has it, "God moves in a Pioneer Ave., South has been employed Mrs Thorson of directors The preferred stuca mysterious way his wonders to Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. and children will leeave as soon as dividend remains at 11.50 per perform." In succeeding pages we Sunday morning service at 11 arrangements for living quarters share. shall see how God used even the o'clock. can be made there. "While the volume of telephone evil plans of the brother» to work Subject: Substance. • Lottie Boswick of Bellview and traffic la of record proportions,” out nls own plans for his people. Wednesday evening meeting, Mrs. Floyd Clark of Ashland President Powley »alu, "the revul- called on friends here Sunday. which includes testimonies of tar it increased operating expenses, HI.U K DAWN • Mr. and Mrs George l’heifer substantia 1 additional carrying Christian Science bealjng, is held Continued from page four and son Jack a|>ent the two-day charges Hue to unprecedented con- i at 8 o'clock. bone about the side of the fracture. holiday at Gold Beach. st ruction expenditures, increased Reading room open daily from "Some waddy kicked by a horse,” • Due to so many students work­ labor costs and heavy increases in 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and Dave thought. "But how come he ing In the fruit the Talent schools, the forthcoming federal taxes holidays. scheduled to open Sept 14 will clear ly indicated the necessity for was ridin' the trail up there ? And The public is cordially invited to open Sept 21 A shorter Christ­ the action taleri by the directors • if hi» horse slipped, where’s the attend these services and to use mas vacation will be necessary be­ in reducing the dividend on the I horse ?" The water was washing over the the reading room. cause of the late beginning The common shares. i grade teachers are as follows: Mrs "It is ex[>ected that the new skull, alternately exposing and re- NEIGHBORHOOD 'CONGREGA­ veaUng it. Dave put his hands be- Cecelia Fiflcld. Mrs Marjorie Bi­ heavy taxes will be relro-actively TIONAL CHURCH den, Ellen Mallery, Betty Walsh effective to January 1, 1942. and neath it and lifted it clear. Then Clarence F. McCall, Minister and John Myers. High school fac­ since the tax acccruala in the com­ he whistled. (TO BE CONTINUED) ulty members arc. Roy Parr, prin­ pany'! financial statements have I Boulevard and Morton Streets ------------- •-------------- Bible school, 9:46 a. m. . Mrs. I — — — —™, -. cipal, Marjorie Votah, Olivia Clay­ ocen made at the tax rates lm- ' Glen Prescott, superintendent. pool. Frances Goldy, Mrs. T Lu- posed by the 1941 Revenue act, it JAMES McNAlR MOVES Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair talked I Worship service 11 a. m. sermon ellen and Harry Meyers. la necessary now to take steps an­ • Mr. and Mrs. Connie Waite and ticipating the further tax liability with their »on James over long by Rev. H. S. Wanamaker, former children of Nevada arrived in Tal­ fur the year 1942 is to be distance telephone Monday eve- minister of the church, » » » ent Sunday Mr. Waite will leave imposed through congressional leg­ nlng. James had previously sent [ for Portland where he wil join the islation. These new taxes from all his parents a wire stating he TRINTTY EPISCOPAL. CHURCH Rev. A. H. Mat-Donnell navy Mrs Waite, formerly Helen Indications will cut deeply into would call them that night. He was in Indianapolis and called to Sept. 13—Fifteenth Sunday aft- Cooper, will remain here the company's earnings. • Mr and Mrs. Roy Estes and "The company is devoting ev­ tell them that he was being moved er Trinity. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Mr and Mrs Ben Hart »pent Run­ ery effort toward playing its full to a point in Wisconsin. day on Huchleberry mountain and effective part in the winning Church school 9:30 a. m. brought home a fine amount of of the war. Its resources, facilitie» iti«s. War calls come first. Our Morning Prayer and sermon berries and personnel are dedicated to all- every endeavor is devoted to that 11 . o'clock. • Lloyd I -a mb visited hl* father, out Viclory. We appreciate great­ end. Our organization with its high > > > Tom I-ainb and ■later and brother- ly the sympathetic understanding resolve and will-to-do can be CHURCH OF CHRIST in-law, Mr and Mrs, Roy Estes and expressed cooperation of the counted on to serve effectively Second and B Streets Monday. He left Tuesday for in­ public of our policy to keep the and creditably our nation and the Earl F. Downing, Minister »» duction in the signal corps of the lines clear for the armed forces. public.' Bible school, 9:45 a. m. with The dividend on the common classes for all ages. U. S army. Our current advertising program ------------- •------------- seeks the aid and assistance of all stock is to be payable Sept. 30. Pupils and friends of the school The old fashioned girl who used our customers to cooperate fully 1942, to shareholders of record will gather in Lithia park follow- to be on the square has been su­ in making it possible for us to Sept, 18, 1942, and the dividend the church service for a basket perceded by girls who are on the move with dispatch the telephone on preferred stock is payable Oct. dinner and picnic. bla» you know "Buy us this— traffic vital to the needs and ne­ 15, 1942 to shareholders of record Morning worship 11 o'clock. buy us that." cessities of our nation's war actlv- Sept. 30. 1942. Sermon: "Will a Man Be Saved if He Does the Best He Can?" Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. for all ages. « ★ ★ ★ ★ OFFICIAL U. S. TREASURY ★ Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Sermon: "How a Great Infidel Unconsciously Proved Bible Pro­ phecy.” Midweek service, Wed. 8 p. m I SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD i ; Phone Co.’s Common Stock Takes Drop * WAR BOND QUOTAS FOR SEPTEMBER ... FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Union service 8 p. m. Midweek Bible study hour and praise service is Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:30. FULL GOSPEL^ TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Frrman, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. ONE BUCK »T MM CATMDUMZ COMBAS EDWA1DS It seem to me that young people today have an increased respect for a moral code in regard to rela­ tions between the sexes Although their conversation may sometimes be alarmingly frank there is a quality of decency and wholesome­ ness about them which is very re­ assuring. Moreover they do not wait for the oiuer generation to i censure those of their number who are lax in morals the latter sim­ ply don’t rate with the crowd. In other words, it is no longer con­ sidered smart to be either a "wolf" or a girl of wobbly principles. However, girls have always had to face, and probably always will, some disparity between conduct which they were taught was prop­ er and conduct which the more daring of their friend» appear to I be getting away with. How can you prepare them fo< this? By neiping them to understand that the good time earned at the ex­ pense of morals is always "second oest." No young person wants to compromise—youtn has a natural scorn for "second bests." But most of their mistakes come from grab­ bing at life because they are afraid they will miss out. If Age could only pass on to Youth one bit of knowledge—that most of us eventually, get what we really want in life—perhaps they could be helped to recognize and pass up the "second bests" which crowd us when we are young. Much of the fault ties in our teaching--we dwell on the penal­ ties of not living up to the moral code when on every side, in fiction and the movies, sometimes in the lives of their fnends, they see evi­ dence that these penalties aren't always exacted. What they can’t see is the inner emptiness of those who dissipate their emotions. Be­ cause, religion aside, the value of morals is that they help us to preserve personal integrity, they keep us ail in one place, to para­ phrase the psychologists. But if we would present the moral code to young people as a dynamic thing, not as something which denies them good times but as something which builds their capacity for happiness, we give it meaning. For every new ap,. tion, every deepening of their un­ derstanding of others will enable them to hold love more securely when they find it. Or if tragedy or circumstances withhold love, they will still have acquired mental and emotional strength which will make them mature persons as­ sured of being useful and of hav­ ing friends and affection. EXAMINER COMING A travelling examiner of opera­ tors and chauffeurs Is scheduled to arrive in Ashland, Monday Sept. 14, and will be on duty at the City Hall between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch with the examiner during these hours. WEEK-END AT LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bushnell and two small daubhters spent the week-end st their cabin at Lake of the Woods. —Buy War Havings Stamps— “FOB SALE’’ Miner office. cards DRY BLOCKS Gunter Fuel Co. 42 Helman Dial 5751 — Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic service free to En- ' listed men Office 244 Hargadine Ph. $821 Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hoars 0-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 INSURANCE A little more than $1 per mo. gives you legal coverage on pub­ lic liability insur­ ance. We also write Collision. Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ ing INSURANCE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA f HE DIDN’T KNOW! His brakes squeaked—wouldn’t stop the car short of a city block; his motor coughed and wheezed and hadn't power enough to make ordinary grades without shifting to a lower gear. Yes, the old bus was about ready for the morgue when someone told him about Caton's garage at the junction of the Klamath highway with Siski­ you» boulevard in Ashland. He didn’t know there was such a car hospital in the country but now that he is driving a good-as- new car again he’s telling all his friends about it. CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) WARNING! CHRISTMAS PACKAGES for the Boys overseas must be mailed Select a Gift from our modern stock « « i Washington, D. C., Sept. 8. .—September War Bond Quota» for the 3,070 counties In the nation were announced today by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secre­ tary of the Treasury, to make up the national Sep­ tember total of $773,000,000. The September quota for the State of Oregon Is $8,750,000. In fixing the county quotas, the Treasury has con­ tinued Its announced policy of setting the monthly quotas In line with the seasonal distribution of In- come with the billion-dollar monthly national av- erage as the annual foal. The national quota for May, when the nation went on the billion-a-month annual basis, was $600,- 000,000. For June the quota was $600,000,000 and for July it jumped to $1,000,000,000. The August quota was $815,000,000, so to maintain the hillion-dollar annual monthly average, the quotas for the Fall and Winter months must necessarily be stepped up considerably to reach the objective set, V. J. 7 rcaturx Dffartmfnl Ont Buck outof Every Ten you earn should buqoinq / mto UAWir tarivfompt; the -— -------------------------------------_ Not Later Than October 1. i at Ramsey’s Jewelry Store J