Thursday, September 10, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 my alien and perhaps everyone born in an enemy country, but those people should be given jobs in our factories when their loyalty to this country is estab­ lished.. When an investigation has determined this, they could be given certificates showing that they are ‘certified” as friendly aliens and then permitted to hold war production job. Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Th urn at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON T WF-j * (if Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act ef March 3, 1879. . FRED MILTENBERGER O G CRAWFORD Publishers ★ ' H ¡«jgi rOf b Jwij® * ★ ★ EVERYBODY ISN’T RICH SUBSCRIPTION RATES tin Advance) ONE YEAR 31 50 SIX MONTHS .HOc (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) TELEPHONE 8561 ★ ABOVE J- HULLABALOO A newspaper reaching the top gins to collapse and tnc people get of the Rocky mounUdns. whei.j panicky aa the realization cornea I this writer is now perched, suys to them that they may be facing that the President Intends to tak<- hunger The government tries to definite action to stop inflation "take over," and military rule is ! before it gets out of cuntioy. L established But if the avalanche is this is so and if he is successful beyond control, no |s>wer on earth we will win the war; if he is un­ can withstand It until it rune its course New governments succeed successful, we may lose It. each other In a hopeless attempt inflation is nut Just a nuine, noi to bring some order out of the is it just a "headacne tor the gov­ chaos If the nation which la ernment and the banks." Inilaiion caught In a tornmio of uncontroll­ is Heli fol you and tor ”.«» anu ed inflation happens to be nt war, [ tor the rich man; it is wot sc than the war is forgotten there are that lor toe pour man: ihc licit no means of continuing it. If Its man s money, and his investments, enemies are "on the Job" they can mid ad the test of his wealth ills tuko over the "sinking ship' 'and . appeals, but he still has a tew as- ; meet with little resistance .The sets of some soil to keep him terrified inhabitants will welcome from starving, and he usum.y nas almost "any port in a storm “ a business ot some kind winch he This«' awful sounding nlght- can stall up again when the ca-1 they laattophe la over Tnc pool man maies are not only possible has a small taim, m u tilling ata-I the almost inevitable if a nation tion, or a lit tic s»iop, oi it, least u . ever falls victim to complete, un­ Job and tmee equate ineu.s a day. controlled inflation. They have Suddenly prices uugm to use happened before, and .they will shurply, and the dollar buys o.ily probably hap|»cn again In this fifty cents worth of goods. Next i world of ours So no matter how the Preaf. month it buys only twenty-live cents' worth. Then almost over­ dent's action should affect us In­ night it takes ten dollars to buy , dividually, or as a group, we must a cigar; twenty to buy ham mid stilt "get our shoulders to the eggs. From then on leaping high­ wheel and push as we have never er and higher almost by the hour, pushed before: because we have prices soar until it could as it did n o feed the danger zone and if we in Germany after the war take collapse we are all in It together-— the equivalent of a million dollars rich man, poor man, beggar man and thief, farmer, laborer and to buy a meal. The man with a Job is the first politician. to suffer because his employer can't pay him or even feed him any longer and he hue nothing to fall back on no farm, no shop no business, nothing InJy the memory of wages, or salaiy, which once brought health and happiness to his wife and children, but which wouldn't buy the small end of a toothpick in the inflation storm. UNITED The shopkeeper "folds up" be­ cause no one has the money to STATES pay him so that be oan buy his supplies. The filling station shuts down, and the farmer sella or mortgages his farm for anything he can get In order to buy a Tittle feed to keep his horses alive and AND to get some canned goods for his frightened family. The whole financial system be- we hear stories about how rapidly the in­ comes of this country are rising, many of W HEN us, who have not benefitted by this war-made prosper­ ity, wonder why we have been passed by. But an analysis of present incomes in all sections SET YOU FREE“ ••THE TRUTH WILL of the country, made by Dr. George Gallup, shows that there are 61 per cent of us who are making no more money than we did six years ago. The other 39 per cent ha veincreased their incomes considerably, but even with the greatest total prosperity this country has ev­ er had, about half of the nation’s families have an in­ come under $35 a week and only 20 percent of the fam­ ilies get $60 or more a week. So if your income hasn’t risen there may be some FRIENDLINESS COUNTS comfort in the fact that there are still plenty of otheis HIS column has repeatedly referred to the hospi­ in the same boat. About 15 per cent of the people are table spirit of Ashland, particularly in the un­ earning less than they did six years ago. selfish sharing of Lithia park with neighboring com­ munities or the world at large. It is a matter calling for commendaion as well as frequent comment and now, with a war going on and with a cantonment within easy reach, the value of the park is more ap parent than ever. Groups of soldiers invited to Ashland under the "How to Win Friands and Author of Influence People** program of the local war recreation committee and now responding to the invitation of the Ashland USO have enjoyed the park, as well as other recreational THEY SVCX'EEDEl) YOUNG wants to know why it la have a letter from a young man who want* facilities, and their praise has spread to the far cor­ that I people who have done wonderful things early in life are always ners of the country. In that alone lies full justification Europeans. ' Haven't Americans ever accomplished anything worth when they were young?” for maintaining the park. Its use has been more pro­ while Then he gives a few examples of what he means: Franz Liszt, nounced since the USO moved into the Civic Club Hungarian composer, gave a piano recital when he was twelve. It so well performed that Beethoven went up on the stage and is just across the street, attract more of the boys to was kissed him. Another example: John Keats, the great English poet, house, for activities at the club house, located as it died when he was only 26. understand the young man thinking as he does. One explana­ the park. So it is that whenever a few or many of the tion I can lies in the fact that distance and time lend glamour; and these soldiers come to town, the facilities offered in the startling examples of early accomplishment are passed around by park are readily put to use. Tennis and horseshoe writers and are easy to take off the shelf and reprint. became so interested in his letter that I have been going through courts are busy spots on Sunday and other days when my I notes, off and on, for two or three days, and now I’ll give you examples of what Americans who are still living have accomplished parties attract groups of the boys to Ashland. early in life. And when we attend a function such as the hos­ First, Lindbergh. All he did was fly the Atlantic when he was 25 In 190« a garage mechanic in Santa Ana. Calif., rented an aban­ tess-committee party at the USO house last Sunday doned church, tore out the front door and built an airplane of his and witness the fine spirit of friendship and hospi­ own. Not only that but flew it. He was 22. He had an airplane fac­ tory of his own when he was 26 He is Glenn L. Martin, the bUilder tality displayed between townspeople and army per­ of • the famous Martin bomber. sonnel we are more than ever convinced that a kind Orville Wright was 32 when he and his brother made the first providence guided the farseeing citizens of Ashland airplane flight in the history of the world. Robert Gregg invented the Gregg system of shorthand at in building the park and Civic Club house and that the John age of 19. Today half a million people study his system yearly. I Rickenbacher won his first automobile race when he was there should not be any question about establishing only Eddie 20 years old. a permanent USO here. When Lindbergh flew the Atlantic in 1927, a young man from Kansas City was thrilled over the feat. He got an Inspiration to draw * * T D ale ★ C abnegie F ^VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS STAMPS Subscribe for The Miner today a picture of a mouse getting into an airplane and trying to fly an ocean. The young man ? Walt Disney. The mouse ? Mickey. Disney was 26. In 1909, a young man who had been bom on a farm in Ohio, rented a hayloft in Dayton, Ohio, and started tinkering ’round. He came out with the first automobile self-starter. His first ordei amounted to two million dollars. He was 32 years old His name was | Charles F. Kettering. If my young correspondent reads this column. I think he will be encouragd. e STOP SIGNS COMING SOON EST we forget, Secretary of State Earl Snell urges that motorists practice stopping at railroad cross­ L ings so that when the new stop signs are installed it will not be annoying. Merely stopping when the notion strikes us is not sufficient, according to Snell’s view­ point, who insists that stopping at all grade crossings A' A certain physician says that is the habit to acquire in the interest of safety. more than a million American wo-i Slower speed on the highways has reduced acci­ men are over weight. These, of dents in Oregon and as time goes on the record should Health Hints course, are round figures be improved. At least the real improvement should be notable, although it must be taken into consideration Deep regular breathing La neces­ that fewer cars are on the roads nowadays. There is sary for maximum health. an occasional speeder in the flow of traffic, but by the Upon arizing in, the morning time the President inaugurates a universal speed limit one of the beat ways of clearing from the body is deep of 35 miles per hour the speed fiend will be readily i the The toxins lunga are classed as one of discernible to traffic officers and eventually eliminated The lungs are classei as one of the organa of excretion by the from the highway. many authorities of physiology. There is less danger from crossing accidents on To obtain maximum efficiency of these organs it isnecessiry that this division than on some of the other sections. This they be used to their full capacity is especially true since there is limited passenger ser­ at all times throughout the day. by sitting in a slouching posi­ vice here and from the fact that the freights have slow­ If tion you hamper the full use of er schedules than the main line trains. This does not the lungs you are keeping toxins the system that would be oxi­ excuse us from obeying the new traffic order and while in dized if full and proper breathing it may not seem so necessary where but few trains op­ had been pracUced. This also holds —yes, shell casings, trucks, field radios—a thoiiMUid other vital war requirements. erate, it is essential that the ruling not only be obeyed true in improper posture when That’s where material for the Installation of electric ranges and water heaters In standing. homes la going. To get along without some of the luxuries at home is hull one of but that we form the habit of stopping at crossings no r # e many sacrifices we must make If victory Is to bo achieved. matter where they are or what the traffic amounts to. Fats are energy and heat pro- ducing foods. They come under When we do that we know we are safe, we are helping several chemical classifications but lower the mortality record, and above all, we are digestion of these foods is carried in essentially the same manner making a direct contribution toward promotion of on in all types. There must be some the war effort, which, at the present, is the most es­ fats in the normal diet in order to have a well balanced intake of sential of all. food materials. --------- , i |-KI~«--------------n|-------iii------- M ~SS----- ■------------- TANKS ■ SHIPS PLANES-GUNS I ★ ★ ★ WAR JOBS FOR ALIENS HERE are a million and a quarter aliens of enemy countries in the United States—including 700,000 T Italians, 315,000 Germans and 91.000 Japs. No Range and Water Heater Wiring Material Available After Sept. 15 ------------- •------------- A sense of humor is the finest flower of civilization. With it one can face the world and enjoy his misfortunes, be they business or personal. Without it one would travel the road of life as though without pneumatic tires or shock absorb­ ers. ------------- •------------- “Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most im­ portant thing in life is to know when to force an advantage. Dis­ raeli. A large number of these aliens are skilled workers and could be valuable in speeding production of war materials. But naturally industrial concerns are hesi­ tant about employing them for fear of sabotage or es­ pionage. Undoubtedly there are a large number of these aliens who are loyal to this country. Some have sons “Woman, dat ain’t white mule dat bottle—dat am Pluto water. in our armed forces, some are married to native Amer­ In You ain’t gonna drink dat, am icans, many have lived here for more than a genera­ you?” "Big boy, I ain’t gonna do no­ tion. And, as far as sabotage or espionage go, many thin ’ else.” of those convicted so far have been naturalized "Yes, you is, honey, 'deed you Is.” citizens. The FBI should thoroughly investigate every ene- 9 Miner for*QuaUty Printing. The present policy of supplying range and water heater units will be contin­ ued until Setember IB, providing present supply of materials is not exhausted prior to that date. Thereafter The California Oregon Power Company will cease to supply wiring material to be used on Customers' premises for the installation of ranges and water heaters. After September IS, application for wiring insallatlons will be accepted only for those new ranges and water heaters which are Installed with the approval of the War Production Board, providing that the necessary wiring ma­ terials for these installations are made available by the War Production Board. CHECK BEFORE YOU MOVE If you are planning to move your present electric range and water heater to another house, check the wiring first. It may not tie suitable to serve your equipment. The CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY FOR VICTORY—BUY U.S. WAR SAVINGS BONDS and STAMPS