Thursday, September 3, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know Psge 5 COMMITTEEN GET lillNGM DONE > At the Churches i L. « (Continued from page <3nej Mixa Viignda Hales and Mrs. Frances White comprise the Ju­ nior Hostess committee. Overcom­ TAI.ENT NIWI turned to thrtr home Monthly for ing a shot I age of girls is the task CHURCH OF CHRIST the children to attend school. before this committee but the Second and B Street» • members report renewed interest Earl F. Downing, Minister HF.M.VIKW NLUH and better attendance. There will Bible school, 9:45 a. m. with be larger groups of service men classes for all age». coming to the center and there • After »pending the* punt month ' Morning worship 11 o'clock. are never quite enough girls to Sermon subject, ,'I Will Fear No on a trip to Tcxus mid Oklahoma, go around but the boys ale grate­ Evil." where they had a very pleasant time visiting relatives mid friend», • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis en­ ful for the girls who do attend Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Mr and Mu M W Maxwell and tertained ut a one-o'clock dinner night after night and enjoy their for all ages. company exceedingly. •on Marvin returned to their home Bunday in honor of the hbth birth­ Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Magazines have accumulated at Sermon, "How Can One Know He in Tulent lust week Their uy for dancing, and to rest the . gional conference. cer» was married recently to Jam­ recently, after visiting with Mu Juke box. * > • A staff of workers has typed es Guy Harria of Boise, Ida., at Strahans parents, Mr. and Mrs FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs Htrahan many reports, letters and done Keno, Nev. They chose for their Cliff Hazelwood. J. R. Turnbull, Minister honeymoon a trip to Boise visiting will be remembered ax Ml»« Anna other routine business, adding to Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E tij< afrit i. nt y of tin office admin­ Mr. Harris's parents going by way Hazelwood Corry, superintendent. istration under — iss Kay Harkins. of Hull larkc City They plan to • Bobby Brock returned to his Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. return to Ashland and viait Mr» Ironic in Tacoma, Wash., Saturday Mrs, Hal McNair is in charge Young People's Union 7 p. m. Harris* parents and friends before after spending the summer with of programs. This committee will Prayer, praise and Bible study going to Arizona where they will Mr, ami Mrs. W. O. Martin and confer with the chairmen of var­ other relatives. make their hon.e. ious other committees in making hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. * > • • Mr. and Mr». Don Hungate and • Mrs. Aileen Kay and Miss Marie up a schedule of events for the CATHOLIC CHURCH daughter and Mr and Mr» Will­ Walker were dinner gurxtx Bunday general entertainment of the boys, Rev. W. 1. Meagher, Pastor iam Sommers and »on, of Prospect of Mr .ami Mrs. Henry Stenrud if there is a service club, a church Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. organization, a patriotic group •pent the week-end In Talent visit- and Mrs. Sorenson. > > > Ing relatives. •Mrs Earnest Felguth of. Ash­ or un individual who wishes to FIRST PRESBYTERIAN • Ml»» Barbara Terrill is xpcml land wus a week-end guest at the be responsible for some occasion such as a holiday party, or a Sun­ CHURCH ing a few day» visiting Betty Willis Byrd home, Howard G. Eddy, Minister Nichols tn Bellview • Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farmer day evening gathering, Hallowe'en frohp oi juxt an ordinary week­ Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt • Mrs. George Thurston left Sat­ and daughter of Dorris. Calif urday for California where she »pent nut unlay with relativesI night affair of some Interest, the M. Wright, superintendent. program committee will welcome will teach MftOOl Mr» Tliur here. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. spent her summer vacation at her • Mr and Mzx Theo Wenaus re­ your participation and be happy to High school Christian Endeavor some south of Talent ceived a cablegrum from their son cooperate with you. meets at 6:15 p. m. • H. Henderson spent Monday in Lloyd that he had arrived some Mrs. Elmer Biegel and Mrs. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Ashland where in the British Isles with the ' John Daugherty have charge of » » » • Ivah Blackwell of Ashland vis­ U. S. army. They also had word publicity. ited relative» In Talent Sunday I from Kenneth Wenaus who ix in FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Jean F Eberhart ha» kindly afternoon ' training in a camp in Maryland consented to act as chairman of SCIENTIST • Mr and Mrs Lyle Tame of , that he had fallen and broken both recreation and Mrs. H B. Bentley Pioneer Ave, South Dead Indian were dinner gUMlS wrists and is confined to a is co-chairman. Bert Miller has Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. of Mrs Sue Clayton and »on Faye hospital. been placed in charge of archery Sunday morning service at 11 Friday. • Mrs. Allen Miller from San on Tuesday nights They are for­ • Mrs. H W Bussell wax a bus­ Diego arrived last week for a tunate in securing the services of o'clock. Subject: Man. iness visitor in Ashland Tuesday ' visit with her purents, Mr. and Julius Koch, veteran horseshoe • Cecil Pool a former resident of Mrs R E Bell. Wednesday evening meeting, pitcher, to supervise the "barn­ Talent now supreme secretary of • yard golf" grounds. All game which includes testimonies of thr Hosecrucian order, of San Jose VISITING BROTHER'S FAMILY equipment is used frequently. Christian Science healing, is held Calif., visited friends in the valley Mrs William A. Hugins and son The boys need not worry about at 8 o'clock. last Week I Bill of San Jose, Calif., arc guexts their picnic dinners. Mrs. Paul Reading room open dally from • Mrs Harold Netherlands of New at the home of Mrs Hugin's bro- ; Finnell has had experience in that 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and l*lne Creek was a guest of her mo­ ther, John C. Broady, and famiily, ■ line. (And boy, she can make good holidays. ther-in-law, Mrs Meda Fox, Fri­ at 220 Harrison stivet. Mis. Ha­ camp coffee! ) The public is cordially invited to day. gin's husband is a colonel in the Under supervision of Mrs. Gla­ • A large number of friends at­ regular army, having served sev- | dys Dooms, showers have been attend these services and to use tended the funeral of the two oral years in the Philippines He made available to the boys. Towels the reading room. girts, Elsie Williams and Phyllis and his family had left the islands are being contributed, a shaving Hayes who wers killed in an auto •ome time before Pearl Harbor kit provided, and a sewing kit for CHURCH OF THE' N AZ ARENE accident Thursday night on Wag­ and in this they feel fortunate for "a stitch in time." Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor ner creek Both were well known the places they had lived now are Senior Hostess Chairman, Mrs. Fourth and C Streets and have lived near and in Talent in possession of the Japs Colonel Ralph McCulloch has her schedule Church school 9:45 a. m. moat of their lives I Hagin was stationed at Manilla, filled for September two hostess­ Morning worship, 11 o'clock. • Mr and Mrs W A Woolsey : Baguin and Camp John Hay. es for the evening and night shifts Departmental meetings at 6:30: and family of Oklahoma were • who visit with the boys and look Junior, Young People, Adults. guests of Mr and Mrs Will Batea AT SHEPPARD FIELD after the closing of the center. Evangelistic service, 7:30. last week With them were Mr. James Baughman lost no time Closing hour is 10:30 p. m. except Prayer meeting 7.30 p. in Wed­ and Mrs Ira Atwell of Medford going places after his induction. on Saturday night when there is who spent the day 1 Going first to Fort lx-wis, he nun always a dancing party and the nesday evening. • Ben Hart Is using crutches as was on his way for Shennard boys stay until 11 o clock. » r » the result of stepping on a nail Field, Tex. to Join up with the U. Mrs Will Dodge is USO coun­ FREE METHODIST CHURCH that ran through his foot. East Main Street 8. army air corps, according to cil chairman and Mrs. Horace • Mrs. Glen Brown and children word received by his father, Clint Badger is council secretary. Charles E. Brown, Pastor of Ilonesta, Calif., who have been Baughman, early this week "Jim­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. The next meeting of the volun­ picking hops in the Applegate mie's" address is 407th Tech SS teer workers will be at the club Mrs Mary Crease. superintendent country spent the week-end visit­ Barracks 200, Sheppard Field house on Wednesday evening in charge. Everyone welcome. ing relatives in Talent, They re- Tex. Morning worship at 11 o’clock Sept. 9. at 7:45. Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Maxwells Return From Southern Trip SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD ! Jell view Soldier Lands in England THREE YEARS OF LUMBER WAGES AND VALUES GO UP IN SMOKE f t r TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH A. H. McDonnell, Vicar Holy Communion 8 Church echool 9:30 Sermon and Holy 11 o'clock. You are cordially worship with us. > > > a. m. a. m. Communion invited to FIRST METHODI8T CHURCH Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Union service 8 p. m. Midweek Bible study hour and praise service is Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:30. 4 A A FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman. Pastor YOUR CHILD LEARNS TO W ALK Mothers are apt to put too much importance on the age at which a child learns to walk. A light, quick, small-boned chiiu may take to his feet at 11 months, while a heavier, less active one may need ’ another six months before he can | negotiate the difficult balancing act we call walking. Nor does early walking mean that a child Is smarter than others his age any more than delayed walking is necessarily a sign of slow men- ; tallty. However, if your child makes no effort to walk after 18 months it 1» advisable to consult your doctor. One frequently unguessed cause of a child’s inactivity is that It hasn't been made worth his while to bestir himself. If someone comes to him whenever he makes a sound, if he is surrounded by toys for which he merely has lo reach out a hand, he may not consider this rushiny about his elders do as anything he is supposed to imitate. Nutritional disturbances and im­ properly assimilated calcium may be causes for delay in wanting which you will want your doctor to check. If these have resulted in faulty bone building it would be harmful to hurry the child into standing or walking Bow legs and knock knees are a frequent result of the parents' impatience to have Junior walking as soon as a neigh­ bor's child. I There are ways, however, in which you can help a child get ready to walk. Giving him plenty of opportunity to kick from the day he is bom is following na­ ture's way of making strong feet and legs. Never let the baffy wear tight stockings. Do not tuck the blankets in tightly around the baby’s legs. When the child starts to creep don't try to hurry him through this necessary stage because he gets himself dirty. Again, creeping is nature's way of strengthening the abdominal muscles. Tne op site concern is wise when the child learns to stand—that is, watch that he does not overdo this new performance for his feet may not yet be ready to carry the weight of his body. Shoes are not necessary until the baby starts to walk. They should have a firm leather sole with soft leather uppers. One-half inch longer than the baby's foot and one-quarter inch wider when he Is standing on his own weight is a safe rule for measurement. Make sure that they are flexible, wide enough not to cramp the toes, and rough enough to prevent slip­ ping. It is a godd idea to scratch the leather soles of a new pair of •hoes with a sharp knife to avoid skids. When the toddler learns to take i his first steps alone does he re­ serve this new achievement merely for getting from one place to an­ other? Certainly not- walking is fun! So give him plenty of space and don't think he is being naugh­ ty if his new freedom makes him a greater care than when his movements were circumscribed. ------------- •------------- Pelicans Turn Tables on Crates It took the combined efforts of the Klamath Falls and Dorris baseball teams, forming the Kla­ math All--Stars. to whip the Med­ ford Craters 5 to 2 at the Medford fairgrounds park last Sunday af­ ternoon. The Stars led through­ out the game with Norm Lewis, who pitched the Craters into the league pennant and President’s cup victories, giving up seven blows to lose his first Crater game this season. Next Sunday and Monday after­ noons the Craters will play host to the Chico Cubs in a brace of games. It wiM be Chico’s first ap­ pearance on the Medford diamond for a long time and two fine ex­ hibitions of baseball are expected. The Medford Athletic associa­ tion, sponsor of the Craters is endeavoring to sign other exhibi­ tion games to round out the bal­ ance of the season. ------------- •-------------- TAKE TRIPP HOUSE Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth Sylvester and small daughter, Lindy Lee, of Lexington, Ky, have taken the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tripp. ------------- •-------------- TO ENTER NAVY William G. Reed of Medford left Monday evening for Portland to take his “physical" preparatory to entering the navy. He is rated as radio technician second class. With Mrs. Reed, nee Lois White, he spent Monday in Ashland with Mrs. Reed’s mother, Mrs. Charles A. White. "FOR SALE” Miner office. cards at NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JACK- SON. In the Matter of the Estate of ANNA ALLISON FROSCH. Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the above entitled Court of the State of Oregon for the County aforesaid. Administra­ tor of the Estate of Anna Allison Frosch, deceased, and having qual-| tiled, notice is hereby given to the | creditors of, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said deceased, 1 to present them, verified as re­ quired by law. within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the office of Wm. M. Briggs, his attorney. Pioneer Building, Ash- j land, Oregon. CARL O FROSCH, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Allison Frosch, Deceased. Dated August 11th, 1942. 33-36 Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning Evangelistic service to fol- > 1 low at* 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. ONE BUCK... Dr. L. W. Staffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 INSURANCE A little more than $1 per mo. give« you legal coverage on pub­ lic liability insur­ ance. We also write Collision, Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb- ing INSURANCE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Diamonds For Christmas There is no price ceil­ ing on precious stones BUY NOW! Before another price raise. warns. ' ■ • Ramsey’s Jewelry Store Entry Ten ytuMrnilrauld btqoinq » mit II.S.WwI«n4t$ta»ri,f J** " ***•“'■■ MS — J ' Prices 15.00 to 500.00 "That's a lot of money," says Helen Furr, Eugene lumber miss to Marguerite Allen, another office employee of the West Coast Lumbermen's association at Eugene, as she points to the $350,000,000 on the llfe-slsed check made out on the First State Bank of Natural Resources. The check of course bas been cancelled, and is intended to show the actual monetary loss In lumber workers wages and values from the man-caused Tillamook fire of 19 33. Oregon has had Its best forest fire year In history, reports Nelson 8. Rogers, who believes that the low number of man-caused forest fires this year is due to the fine cooperation being given the Keep Oregon Green campaign by the people of Oregon. Two bad fire mon ths are ahead of us, a nd extreme caution must still be taken. Rogers the