✓ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 « First Lady's Kin ; ■ ■ , ■ should not be encouraged or com­ pelled to do work which deprives them ot CMeiuial care. But u such women are employed, he said, ade­ quate care tor tneir children siiould be provider!. NI NNY SIDE VP: If you ar« “the girl he left behind," you may be interested in knowing that a« least viie expert believes Uiat the women left at home have enough : to do to keep them out of mis­ chief. He is Prof. Ernest \*, Bui - gess. Univeisitiy of Chicago sociol- i agist and specialist in family re lations. Middle East Chiefs six T [ above I INCH SERMON kLV. ROBERT H. HARPER TA* Alcohol I'rithltmt P«*l end Prricnt. Lesion lor Scptcmbrr t: Crntiit 13: 13: 19:23-25; Deuteronomy 32:31-33; Amo» 4:1-7, Golden Tint: I’m Im 1:4. The 14-year-sld niece of Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, Amy Roosevelt (richt) and Patsy Prowse, Enflish refugee, living with her American grandmother, are shown on the courts of the Philadelphia Cricket club. The two girls were among 60 competitors in the National Junior Girl’s tennis tourney. BY Gen. Sir 11. R. L. G. Alexander, new commander who replaced Gen­ eral Auchinleck as chief of Allied forces in the Middle East, is shown ileft) with Lieut. Gen. B. L. Mont­ gomery. general officer command- '■•t the Eighth army, shortly after their appointment had been an­ nounced in Cairo. Veteran Battleship Launches Seaplane JANE1 CUPLEB WOMAN' of the Week: In Phil­ lipsburg. Kans., where she prac­ tices M. Townsend-Glasaen M. D..; is simply known as "Dr. Mary. Her office is a four-room frame house, and she st-es patients there from nine to six. After that her calls may take her 50 mites into the country. Her husband, publish­ er of a weekly newspaper, goes along to drive the car. Tne peop,«. of Pnillipsburg are not at an p. judiced against her because she is a woman. They aren’t even sur­ prised that she chose to be a doctor. But they are amazed at 1 her ability to carry on her stren-1 uous practice and still find time to teach first aid classes, write a book on home remedies, be a Girl Scout leader, president of the Kansas Medical Women s associa­ tion and the mother of two child­ ren. EUROPE AT WAR: According to the Belgrade paper, Novo Vreme, women are forbidden to I drive motor cars or ride bicycles 1 without special permission rrom the German military commander; ... Onions were advertised in a t Norwegian radio broadcast as be­ ing for sale for 49 cents for about 3^ ounces ... A Belgian woman kept her savings at home instead of in a bank. According to the Belgian newspaper, Volk En Staat, she was fined by the German mili­ tary authorities. TALENT SCOUT: That break in an unexpected way . . . About three years ago Helen O’Connell was singing in a small night club in New York’s Greenwich Village, ; Someone heard her and promptly told Jimmy Dorsey, the orchestra leader, about her. Who was that someone? Dorsey’s secretary. CHILD CARE: The Office of Defense Health and Welfare is at work on a program for care dur­ ing the day of the children of wo­ men employed in war work. Chair­ man Paul V. McNutt of the War Manpower commission said, in ex­ plaining the purposes of the pro­ gram, that women with children I Thursday, September 3, 1042 in the third tempri ance lessoi of the year we find that the us* of st long «li ink whs u past piob lem. Several thousand years ugo So doni ami Comunali, piospcrout cities m tile fei tile plain ui th« Jordan b«*came such centers oi moral corruption tnat their wick edness passed into a proverb. Ge­ nesis tena un of the late ui thusv cities and Deuteronomy indicate«, that drunkenness was a chlel cause of their overthrow. Tne grapes of SoJoni became "grapes of gall" and its wfne the '|>oison of serpents.” Amos drew a tragic picture ot the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the days of its decline. In na­ tural resources the country vm dot inferior to Btiiilstia, but idle* ness. luxury anti dissipation were weakening the people and the> were desun«*d to go into captivity. Many things in ancient Israel remind us ot conditions totiay. In a crucial period of our history little concern seems to be felt con­ cerning the increasing use oi strong drink. Are we so strong that alcohol cannot hurt us, s< great a nation that drink cannot lead us to ruin ? Let us now ret isct upon the late which has come u on other nations by the breaking­ down of the character oi their people. And let us strengthen our efforts against the liquor tranic and strive to pu; away an evil that will seriously affect our ef­ forts in both war and per?--e. hullabaloo hi Japan we don’t know what MI SIC IN W ARTIME In other days men mat died nappentnl and don’t care Co long away to war with theii pu. >eti aa It wna bad The British government organ« beating to the strkins of martial music The people stood on the ized lari yeai the "Commission sidewalks and cheered wildly as fol the Promotion of Muaic and the bands played "When Johnny Art." and th«' business of thia Comes Marching Home," or ''A- coninilnaion was to get good music way Down South in Dixie," or In­ into every cornet of the British ter on "It’s a Long Way to I i|>- Isles Thia is the flrat time the ! perary" and "Ovei There.” But Britlah government haa paid out > war him gon«- «out since even tne government funds fur promotion I "Over There" days, and the rattle of muaic since the «.ays of the Tu­ | of mechanized equipment haa din dors and thia meuna nearly 400 ‘ placed tin- mole stirring blasts oi veam Till old Siull.i Wails OpOTR company haa created two new , the ai my band. Maybe th«* soldlei can stand the companies in otdei to aatiafy the I chang«- he has quite a ltd of newly developed desire fol muaic I other business to attend *o; out It I ii tin* heretofore unmusical Eng­ 1 appeals that the folks who Bnua* lish We aie not in love with the Ger- stay behind and worry actually ' lequire a certain amount or music mana but that doea noi prevent ua | to keep up their moral«* Tins wri­ from appreciating their technique ter is not sufficiently versed nt m< in some things iSicre is the atoiy science ot anatomy to know Just of a prominent member of the exactly what music does to the Paris Opera comjxny who wan human body when Its owner h sent for, ufter s performance, by worried and troubled, but he- does the Geiinnn general In command know that it haa a noticeably of Baria It was early last winter m > o thing effect upon the mind when the «lamp Baria cold was be­ Anger, or gieat excitement, «r ginning to congeal the marrow in Th«" general fear, are suppose«! to "squirt" a< ■ everyone's bones renalin through the body, and It asked the opera singer If the is this chemical which maxes one Opera House "back stage" wna feel 'low" for quit«- a while aftvl comfortable and if the members the cause has subsided Maybe mu­ of the company had suitable living sic squirts honey through the ay: accommotiationa. Th«* singer told him that the members of the com­ tern. Sugar Is rationed We have not been in direct com­ pany weie living in fireleaa aj>art- munication with Adolph lately but inenta and that the "back stage" we understand that Germany Is was nil icrtsix The next day ( ’‘seething” with music; and we can arrived for the members and for depend upon it that everything the Opera House The (¡rrm»ii which happens in Germany today "army of occupation" needed good has a purpose behind it. The rea­ music, well rendered; and the gen­ son for this added deluge of music eral saw to It that they got it. In thia country more good muaic in Germany is "morale.” In Russia the ballet, th«* opera, Is being plsyrd by more good mu­ ami the symphonic concerts wen- sicians than in any other country "jammed to the rafters" ail last in the world . We can't have winter with th«* temperature often enough of It in the tough days 30 below zero and th«* German ar­ ahead It is good for the soul at mies knocking at the door or be­ any time It Is vitamin A-Z for for our morale today ing knocked from the door. Commandos Return From Dieppe Ra.il The British admiralty has released this photo, showing HMS War­ spite, battle-scarred veteran of actions from Narvik to Alexandria, launching a seaplane from her catapult at sea. In the background is an aircraft carrier, probably HMS Formidable, with planes on her flight deck ready to take to the air. The Vvasmngton Senators trying out a new "duration” ball in practice. It's center is of com­ pressed wool and it uses no rub­ ber. The war department service of supply requested the clubs to make the experiment . . . One of Washington's utility players, al­ ter playing in three different po­ sitions this year, refers to himself as the "jerk-of-all-trades" , . . The Minnesota-Illinois game on October 10 will be their first game at Illinois tn 21 years Brig. Gen. Jimmy Doolittle was a member of the Los Angeles Ath­ letic club tumbling team tor four years 1914 through 1917............. Dave Danforth, pitcher lor Louis­ ville in 1915, struck out 59 batters in four consecutive games . . . . The lowest night game attendance Leaving behind the wreckage of many German military Initallatlon* figures in Cleveland a history was and a badly scared German garrison, tough Britlah Commandos and the 5,454 who saw a recent game American Rangers returned to their invasion barges to re-embark for with the Athletics . . . For the their home port In England. The object of the raid was to teat the Ger­ second successive year men in uni­ man defenses on the Frenc h coast and to gain vital Information. Pic­ form will be admitted to Michi­ tured In this photo are members of the raiding party as they returned gan's home football game at a to their craft, carrying their wounded with them. special rate of 55 cents ,tax in­ cluded. There are seven home game scheduled FOR BAIuEz Red roan Durham bull. J. B Jones. 7 ITaza. 31 »32 THIS WEEK IN W ASHINGTON (Continued from page one) the 195,000.000,000 national income last year, Senator Taft said that income taxes were paid on only 326,500,000,000 of it. due to no taxes on small incomes plus per­ sonal exemptions and credit for dependents. "We get more money from liquor and tobacco taxes than we do from the income of 90 per cent of the people whose income is >3,000 a year or less,” said the senator. Senator Taft, who is a member of the senate finance committee which is now working out a tax program, advised a sales tax of 10 per cent, which, he said, would in­ crease the government's Income by ALWAYS over four billion dollars. "In times Y’all can dr|>end of peace,” he said, “I [ have always service. The beat materials, been against a sales tax, or any- properly prepared, served in thing like it, but I believe that n courteous manner — at war taxation should reach every price« always within your man, woman and < child in the means. That's what you get United States. at Ml ri "THIS IS A REAL FIGHT War that will b« won or loci With materials as well a* men A5; JOfG/J »» say* Paul Bunyan. "Total You oar. I run a war or war produc- •,or> without lumber and wood product* With every log that a handled every piece ol lumber or sheet of plywood delivered, the industry is taking it* poke at the Au*' Pete’s Lunch SNAKE Á your meeting place Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office Ashland Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland It* qoinq to cost Billions 4« dcltaqthebp! Vjf 1L9.WAR WMWÍ.STAMPS! General Office Medford Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! 4