Page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, September 3, 1042 New Gun for Marines 4 CHAPTER IX SYNOPSIS Marine paratrooper lakes alm with new Itclaliif submachine gun. Thio gun. recently adopted tof the V. 8. marine«, is reported to have ucen used In their altotk on the Solomon islands. Note the pistol grip and steel frame stock which folds out of the way when not in use. A Pattern No. HIM—We predict a busy career for thia yuuug two- piece frock tc. will look well In suburbs, it will serve for travel and will be a boon tor city life! Tunic lop has soft, roll-iMtck col­ lar gracefully pointed, is a flatter­ ing length and carries a pair of smart pockets The skirt Is young with Ils pleats across the front and back. Grand for washable change he has qquitc a lot of or poplin. A good style, loo. for dark linens Pattern No «103 Is in sizes 12. 13, 14. 15. 1«. IS and 20 Size 14 with short sleeves, requires 5Si yards 36-inch material I Marne............................................................ .. .................................................................... Maass er saper............................................ Pattern Ne............... Mae.............. Send IS eanta In coin, itor aaeh pattarn daalrad) to— Patricia Dow Patterns 306 W. 111b 8t., New York. N. T. Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To soothe itching, burning skin, apply medicated liquid ZEMO—a Doctors formula backed by 80 years continu­ ous success! For ringworm symptoms, eczema, athlete’s f<»ot or Dlemish« due to external cause, apply ZEMO freely. Soon tho discomfort should disappear. Over 25,000,000 packages sold. One trial convinces. Only 8M. Also GOf and |1.00. Dava Bruce, out of a job. arrivaa at Wilbur Ferris' Croaa-Bar ranch Curran, thr lorernan. promises him a job If ha can break a horse called Black Dawn. • When he aucceeda. ho discovers Curran ekireclod the horae to kill him A