Thursday, September 3, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Thur«, at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON FRED MILTENBERGER O G. CRAWFORD Publisher« ¥ ★ Entered as second-class matter February 1ft, 1935. at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act af March 3.1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Ui Advance) ONE YEAR.......... $150 SLX MONTHS....... 80c (Mailed Anywhere tn the United State«) keep things moving and care for the civic activities that otherwise would take too much time f committee- men. It costs money, too, but years of experience have proved that it is money well spent. Many a town that has let its chamber of commerce die has been classed as an electric lighted cemetery. Does Ashland want that classification? ★ ★ ★ D ale Author of C arnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People" THEY WOULDN’T MAKE 30 CALLS • • Recently I talked to one of the largest employeis of salesmen in NOT OUR BABY the world. This man tried ills hand al door-to-dooi M-Illng, and suc­ LAZA business men are expressing displeasure* ceeded so well that he later trained other men to sell the product ★ he manufactured. He is now worth millions He hires thousands of over the type of improvement being made by the salesmen every year- and about half of them fall to make the grade. TELEPHONE 8561 state highway commission through that section of the I asked him why He said the chief reason was; they wouldn't make 30 calls a day Natuiully that was not the only reason; but hr de- city. Their complaint is not witnout justification but dared SET YOU FREE" it was the chief reason They loafed; they hung around the “THE TRUTH WILL we can’t see what the council or anybody except the office; they wrote letters; they made all kinds of excuses; they re­ fused to force themselves to )a>und the (lavement untU they h*