< ASHLAND OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1942 Committees Get Things Done at Ashland Center W ashington 4 i > Washington, D. C., 1NWN8- The questlon of “baiunce" in war production of geltuig iuw malei- lals, parta, production maghine» and labor all meshlng tugether to turn out the goods which are needed most continues to be thè greatest problem In reaching tue hugs goals which have been set for this year. In a recent summary of the situation so far, Donald Nelson, chairman of the War Production board, said uiat total munition production waa up 10 per cent in July over June and is now pro­ ceeding at u rate of 3% times that of the month before Pearl Harbor. Although Mr. Nelson admits it is going to be a difficult task to reach the goals set for this year, he ia still hopeful of attaining them. "Study of the results." said Mr. Nelson, "reveals that production la uneven in relation to schedules In some cases July production outstripped the forecasts; in oth- ers the forecasts were not ap- proached. Even within certain cat- cgories, such as ordinance, we find ____ _ as between var­ unequal progress ious types of equipment. Particu­ larly is it Important to keep the production ot finished weapons and their component parts in step "We must make sure that we produce promptly those most im­ portant fighting weapons the serv­ ices must have; in addition, we must speed up the slow Items and alow down the fast ones so that the unbalance which now marks part of the program is brought into adjustment." Analyzing the July production, Mr. Nelson said that aircraft pro- • duction had increased over June, sithough the production of com­ bat planes was "not up to ex­ pectations.** Ordinance production waa said to be up 26 per cent higher than June, ptoduction of medium tanks wae up 35 per cent, production of light tanks was up 15 per cent, production of anti-aircraft guns was up over 50 per cent, produc­ tion of naval vessels waa up 22 per cent and production of merchant ships up 6 per cent. "For the next few months," Mr. Nelson warned, "aircraft produc­ tion is not expected to reach the production planned eaalier in the year, due in part to the difficulty of balancing so vast a program. Various efforts are being made to improve this condition, and pro­ duction in the latter part of the year is expected to show a marked increase." Getting accurate statistic« on production, as well as on the real national income and the channels through which money ia being ex­ pended is becoming Increasingly difficult. The War Production board naturally doesn't want to Inform our enemies as to our ac­ tual production, so it releases only comparative percentage figures rather than actual production fi­ gure«. As far as war expenditures and their effect on national in­ come are concerned, the figures are changing so rapidly that any study is out of date almost before it Is released. An unusually fine picture of the national income picture, however, was recently worked out by the de­ partment of commerce and «hows that the national income for Ap­ ril, May and June was about 31 per cent higher than it was for the same three months of last year. This means that at the end of June the annual income to the peeopie of this country was at a rate of about 17 billion dollar« greater than a year ago. Of this increased income, it WHS found that a large part of It wan going into saving«, including war bonds. In 1041 about 10*4 billion dollar« were put in saving«, but at the end of June of this year, the total savings were at an annual rate of over 24 billion. Thus a large proportion of the increased income at that time, waa going I into various forms of saving. The figures show that increased taxes have done little to check the ris- ing tide. It Is the realization of the fact that taxes have riaen at a much slower rite than income, and that the actual spending power of the peeopie 1« continually increasing, which haa led to many warnings against rapid inflation of prices on consumer goods unless more ade­ quate means are provided to drain off this increased income in the face of growing shortage in goods available for purchase. A sales tax is getting more and more consideration as a means ot meeting this problem and at the same time increasing the govern­ ment’s income. Speaking or) this subject recently, Senator Taft of | Ohio pointed out that at nresent. two-thirds of the people of this country are paying no taxes. Of, Continued on five I 1‘rogrt‘NM Mudi* ut USO lirudquurterN During I’¡iht Week Is This the Second Front Route? N gi LAM i; BRISTOL Number 36 It Isn’t Such a Big World After All! When one is wearing the uni­ form of Uncle Sam he question» not the time he is scheduled to leave nor where he may go. He is ready to go any time and where he goes is not a matter of his choice but that of bis super­ iors. Capt. James C. Givens was stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss. His brother, Lt. John M. Givens, was at Fort Walters. Tex Both received orders at approximately ceived orders at approximately the same time to move. Ail they knew was that they were headed for Oregon. There were two army camps in the far away state, but since neither had in­ formation relative to the other's move the thought had not oc­ curred that they might come together there. It was a happy reunion of the Givens brothers when they met at Camp White. And the Joy was heightened when they were assigned to the same regiment. Captain and Mrs. James Giv­ ens reside at the Caaaloma Court in Ashland. The Givens were originally from Bowling Green. Ky. Business Men on 1 Plaza Ask Change In Traffic Plans Objection Raised to “Islands” and Strips Put in by State Plaza business men Tuesday Astilnnd women are demonstrat­ SOUTHAMPTON evening presented a petition to the ing their ability to get things done city council protesting against the in connection with Ibe UBO center “islands" and traffic control strip, at the Civic Club house During installed by the state highway de­ the past two weeks numerous com­ partment as part of the Plaza im­ mittees from the volunteer work- provement project. The petition eis have been busy with the result was signed by all business houses that facilities for entertaining the of that area. soldiers are greatly improved and The petition stated: “We, the ( the center presents a business-like tenants and property owners of atmosphere. Work naturally a- the Plaza in the city of Ashland, waited completion of committee and persons inconvenienced by the appointments and when this was present arrangement of the said accomplished the women went in­ Plaza, respectfully petition that to uction. the new islands and driving strips One of the first things needed on the said Plaza be removed, waa a sign. This was up to the art except the east dividing strip and committee, Mias Marion Ady and that portion of the north dividing Mrs Victor Mills Result, a clever strip of the present crossing in USO sign erected on a post in front of Perrine's store, for the front ol the building the handi­ reason it blocks overflow drainage work of John Koehler. and is dangerous to life and traf­ ------------ «------------ Mrs. Charles A Haines and Mrs. fic; that said arrangement is a Charles W. Fortmiller have charge disgrace to the city of Ashland of the canteen .Friday nights have and depreciates the value of prop­ been designated as canteeta night, erty on the Plaza; that it elim­ and this committee haa food in parking space; that * it the club houae for parties for the I inates spoils the beauty of the Plaza and boys on those nights. There haa does not in any way safeguard been one pot luck feed add this The forthcoming double holiday I pedestrians; that it was done week the ladles have planned an -Sunday and Latx>r day—is most without the knowledge or consent Aunt Nell's waffle supper. inviting to those who would take of the people of Ashland.” 1OO Mi/et SO O Mrs. T. J. Norby, tn charge of a week-end trip and doubtless The council heeded the appeal dramatics, states that a number Some military experts are saying that the recent attack on many people will take advantage of the property owners and in­ of short skits are being prepared of it. However, transportation Dieppe by British Commando, U. 8. Banger, Canadian and Fight­ structed the city attorney to get for the near future, when outdoor ing French forces, was just a prelude to what is coming in the lines, the army and highway of­ in touch with the state highway activities must give way for in­ way of a second front by the United Nations to relieve pressure ficials are not encouraglig pil­ department. This was done, with door entertainment. The dramatics grimages on that occasion. tbe result that an engineer is be­ on the Russian front. If these opinions are right the above shown committee 1« interested In acquir­ It is pointed out that war ma­ the area in which such attacks are likely to occur. The dotted line terials are on the move every day. ing sent to Ashland to confer with ing a wardrobe to further their Indicates the route taken by the forces which raided the French There is no let-up for holidays. officials and petitioners. work and already have a goodly Work on the project continued amount of costumes, some com­ port of Dieppe. Sundays or any other occasion Wednesday, the crew filling in the plete and some otherwise, but all Troop movements and munitions islands with gravel and oil. Just worthwhile little numbers for fu­ have the green light over every­ what action the engineer will take ture stars to shine in Rummage thing else and it is essential that remains to be seen, although it is sales have a definite appeal tor all transportation lines, already the hope of both the council and this committee and its members badly overcrowded, not be faced the property owners that some­ haunt these places with satisfac­ with additional burdens imposed thing more satisfactory will be tory results. by those in search of pleasure. worked out. Mrs. W. D. Jalkson had a com­ Patriotism inspires most of F. W. Ackerman of Pacific plaint to make about the appear­ Shortage of rubber is becoming Greyhound Lines, principal passen­ our actions these dajs und the more acute as the weeks pass and ger service in this district, offers ance of the grounds She was del­ motto "Keep 'Em Flying" waa signs daily are pointing to" an ev­ some suggestions to those going egated as the flowers and grounds the motif prompting a unique chairman The next day men of the entual curbing of all types of ser­ away over the Labor day week- display in the window of Ted’s ;>aik service cleaned the lawn and vice dependent upon automotive < end. He says: Get full informatian Feed und Seed Store. trimmed the ahrubbeiy ami point­ 1 delivery. John E. UUkinsom, imsAager i an trips and schedules in advance; ed up the grounds Man ted a window display ex- Several months ago dairymen of purchase tickets now to avoid the The home hospitality committee, pressing his patriotic emo­ Along in September in the year this district cut deliveries to every last minute rush at the depot; Mrs Walter Redford and Mrs. tions. How could he attain other day.. This move caused no take as little baggage as possible; 1972 from some federal peniten­ Frank Van Dyke, is endeavoring thul expressicHi through the particular inconvenience to custo- take short trips in preference to tiary would walk the man who to provide more invitaUons for use of his products he has for mers and doubtless has extended long ones; if possible, leave be- during this month would be so un­ boys with week-end passes. A few sale? He thought. He set the life of delivery truck tires ap- fore Saturday and return after patriotic as to aid the axis by set­ boys are being entertained at din­ about drawing a design on the ting a forest fire. From U. S. preciabiy. Monday. ner but more invitations are need­ floor of the show window and Most Ashland business houses Attorney Carl Donaugh s office Now comes word that creamery ed to spend the night in Ashland kept at It until he got what operators are falling in line and will remain closed Monday and contra word that a convicted sabo- homes lor the boys who have Sat­ looked like an alr|»iane to him. who set *-- — * have agreed to work out plans to doubtless many people will make teur, including persons — urday night free. After completing the design save mileage in the procurement of short drives to nearby favorite fire to war materials, including During the week the house com­ he worked in the lettering in forests during war times, is liable mux and cream, thereby putting haunts for a final season outing. the negative, much as print­ mittee has had the drinking foun­ ------------•------------ to a fine of $10,000 and 30 years themselves in line with creamery tain in the hall fixed and an ice er’s type, attaining well-nigh in prison. groups in several other counties GRAND JURY PROBE ASKED box installed, a lock repaired, a |>erfect results. All designing The provisions of the Sabotage that have taken definite steps to IN DEATH OF TWO GIRLS light globe here and a window was done free hand. avoid duplication of truck routes A coroner's Jury heard evidence Act are fairly inclusive and cover pane there attended to. Mrs Nor­ The next thing was to fill in as result of war necessities. Friday evening on the death of destruction by fire of supplies, ma Stearns and Mrs. O. G. Craw­ the design. He used alsike clo­ Elsie Williams and Phyllis Hayes, materials and resources which are Locally, it is announced that ; ford are this committee, ver seed for the background two young Wagner Creek girls, needed by the armed forces. While creamery operators have lestiict- Mrs. C. C. Dunham, in charge und filled in the plane design and recommended a grand jury it has not been necessary to try ed deliveries of ice cream and oth ­ of the information desk, has ar­ with timothy seed. Result—an er products. Word has been eman­ probe. The girls lost their lives in out the Sabotage Act here In Ore­ ranged her schedule for the month airplane which one could al­ ating from Washington that house an automobile accident on the gon. U. S. Attorney Donaugh let of September. This calls for one most picture as on Its way to deliveries will be cancelled, and Wagner Creek road near the Fred it be known this week that he lady for each of the three shifts Tokyo. And it might he said , that deliveries to business houses Goddard place on the night of would not hesitate to apply the a day, 2-5, 5-8. and 8 o'clock until the filling in process was free will be curtailed. This condition Aug. 26, when the driver, a youth Act to anyone caught starting cloaing time generally 10:30 While hand for he used no tools to apparently has caught up with 15 years old and not possessing a fires upon the public domain. the schedule has been filled and spread the seeds whkdi form a H. E. Waterbury, Multnomah Ashland, particularly in connec­ driver’s license, lost Control of the published there is always a need covering one-fourth of iui inch county chairman of the Keep Ore­ tion with fewer deliveries to bua- car, resulting in it upsetting in an tor substitutes More volunteers deep over the entire design. gon Green association, asked U. irrigation ditch. iness houses. are needed. This task offers an Written testimony by Capt. S. Attorney Donaugh whether in Restaurants and other place« opportunity to get acquainted Staats of the state police showed his opinion the more severe pen­ serving beer no longer receive with the boys from Camp White, that the car went 161 feet off the alties of the war-time Sabotage their consignments from regular as they bring their problems and Act could be applied in the case distributing trucks, but must re­ road, crashed into a poet and of fire starters in our forests. The questions to the friendly woman then veered 25 feet into the irri- ceive them from the car. Bakery Major Edward A. Rein, Camp at the information desk federal official responded that White chaplain has been assigned wagons and other distributing gation ditch. Continued on page five such was his interpretation and Evidence submitted to the Jury ------------- •------------- to the Chaplains' School, Harvard trucks still cover their routes in undoubtedly such a person would showed that the accident ___ was University, Cambridge, Mass, for this area. find himself in serious difficulties caused by reckless driving and ex­ ------------------- •------------------- a course of instruction ,it was an­ with federal officials. cessive speed, the boy acknowledg ­ nounced today by Headquarters, “This is war." Donaugh stated, ing that he was driving 35 or 40 Camp White, Oregon. "and anyone who wilfully starts miles an hour and must have lost Closing of the Lithia hotel din­ Active in the Officers Reserve I'liiH ■fflP control just before the accident a fire in our forests is lending ing room has presented a problem corps for 12 years. Major Rein ^IUD IOr OOlUierS definite aid to the enemy because happened. to two Ashland organizations served with the CCC, Reserve I Opening of the Central Point, Serving on the Jury were Clint such a fire could destroy valuable which have made that «pot Uieir Camps and with the C. M T C. Ore., Community Service club for timber needed in the war effort, meeting place since either club He came to Camp White from Ft. the Camp White personnel, under Baughman, foreman; J. G. Mackie, and would take loggers and lum­ John Daugherty, Jack Young, Har ­ was organized The Lions have Stevens, Oregon, where he went the sponsorship of the Disabled ber-jacks from their important Job been meeting there for over four on active duty in 1941. Before en­ Veterans of that community, was ry Stearns and Paul Beare. of production, and smoke from ------ -—e------------- years and the Rotarians about one tering the Army he served parish­ announced today by L. P. Mathes such fires could lend cover to ene­ FATHER DIES AT LAVA year. es in Minnesota, California, Idaho of Central Point. my-planned air_attacks. We can HOT SPRINGS, IDAHO At the Lions meeting Tuesday J and Washington. He is a native of not afford to pun our punches, and Backed financially by the entire evening a committee was appoint-1 Ritzville. Wash. C. R Ramsey returned Tuesday will most certainly use every wea­ citizenry of the little town, the ed to make arrangements for a Major Rein Intends to resume club provides a’ complete recrea-1 from Lava Hot Springs. Ida., pon to fight saboteurs.” meeting place in the future. An his duties at Camp White some ------------ •------------- tlonal program. Pool tables and where he was called Aug. 26 by effort will be made to acquire a time in October. games of all sorts are available. the fatal illness of his father, ATTENDED GRADUATION hall where a caterer can serve the Magazines, writing equipment and Truxton Ramsey. The father pass­ AT STOCKTON FIELD dinner. It is stated that the Ro-1 ed away Saturday and memorial I Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair re­ lounging room also are provided. ELKS PAY TRIBUTE tarian« have some such move in services were conducted at Poca-1 turned the first of the week from TO DEPARTED MEMBER Enlisted personnel are Invited to mind, too, so the work of these tello Monday. Stockton Field, Calif., where, last Ashland lodge No. 944, Benevo-1 avail themselves of the club facili­ civic groups may continue unin­ Three children survive, Leonard ; Thursday, they attended gradua­ L. Ramsey. Klamath Falls; Mrs. i tion ceremonies for a class of 250 terrupted. The Lions were able to lent and Protective Order of Elks ties. ------------- •--------------- meet at the hotel Tuesday evening paused in lodge session last night Vera Hardy, Pocatello. Ida., and I Army Air Corps cadet9, of which when notice was served that the to pay tribute to the memory of JOINS NAVY C. R. Ramsey, Ashland. their son James was a member. ------------ •------------ In the list of navy recruits pub­ dining room would be closed, due a departed brother, J. A. Hanna, Upon his graduation James re­ to difficulty ni obtaining compe­ whose death occurred at punsmuir lished from Portland the first of COGGINS LEAVE ceived his wings and was commis­ tent help. | last week. the week was the name of William i lnur voggul . sioned a second lieutenant. Mr. and Mrs. AI Arthur Coggins Mr. Hanna joined the local lodge The Rotarians solved their prob­ Ray Alves of Ashland. In company have gone to Berkeley. Calif, to Upton Close, author and author­ P1”” went to the make ------ ' lem for this week by having a in 1908 and had been a faithful 1 with his mother. “ Bill" their - home. — They disposed ity on the Far East, delivered the picnic lunch meeting in Lithia member throughout. He was a lo­ city last week but i* had »■ not inti nt ­ home on Grantte street. address, stating that this was the park. | comotive engineer, serving on the mated that he was contemplating Prior to leaving Ashland they largest class to receive its wings Ashland-Dunsmuir run many entering the service. He is a grad­ ------------- •------------- were visited by their son-in-law and commissions at .Mockton years before retiring a few years uate of Ashland high school, AN OVERSIGHT and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. Tom Field. Oath of office was adminis­ ago. class of *41 and was a student of Dandles, who were enroute from tered by Capt. D. W. Lyman in In mentioning W. A. Snider’s de­ ----------- - •------------- I Southern Oregon College of Edu- New York City to their new home the first graduation ceremonies of parture for Portland laat week, | cation the past year. the Miner stated that hia brother. NOTIC’E TO THE PUBLIC in Portland where Mr. Landles aviation cadets ever presented by Robert Snider, would look after There will be artillery firing on has been engaged to direct the radio over the Pacific coast. distribution of Snider Coffee com- the Antelope artillery range from LEAVES FOR SOUTH Jefferson high school band and Mrs. James McNair, who pre­ pany products. That in true, but 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Friday, Sept. 4. | Mrs. W. A. Snider left tc orchestra. ceded Mr. and Mrs. McNair to the statement should have includ- Antelope Creek road, also Dry for Los Angeles to spend a ------------ •------------ Stockton Field a few days, ac­ ®d the fact that Robert Snider is Creek road will be closed to the weeks visiting relatives Fire loss on the farm each year companied her husband to Stout an experienced coffee blender and public Friday afternoon and all friends. She expects to join would run into enough money to Field near Indianapolis. will also continue that branch of persons are cautioned to stop when Snider at Portland as soon ------------- •------------- pay for the building of at least the business. , . challenged by range guards. guarda. living quarters are available, six modem warships. • Subscribe for The Miner today. NAZI-OCCUPIED FRANCE Unique Display Featured in Local Feed Store Window Tire Shortage Felt In Many Lines ----- •----- Major Rein Assigned To Chaplains’ School Lions, Rotarians Seek New Quarters Central Point Opens ----- •----- Holiday Travel Not Encouraged ---- •----- Saboteur Faces Heavy Penalty