Thursday, Aug. 27, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 THIN AND THAT (B> Old Timer) T\j the Editor: If the sun scorched grass that fringes Ashland's main thoivugh- The Medford Craters, winners of fares could be converted into bri­ Oregon-California baseball quettes, the problem of keeping the the home fires burning would be league championship and holders of the President s cup by virtue of greatly helped. two straight wins over Klamath til It's passing stiange that coal is Falls, are making plana for several beUig imported from Utah while post-season games to be played at coal deposits almost at our back the Medford fairgrounds. The Craters are dickering with door are undeveloped. Coal selling at $16 a ton merits the appelatiun Eugene, state league champions, of "black diamonds”, and inciden­ ............................................ ............... tally should be an incentive to de­ velopment of local resources. • < » Elmer Davis, director of Information, warns us that as a nation we are not yet “ankg deep in the. war.” Such being the case, Uncle Zeke wonders what's it go­ ing to be like when we are in it up to our waist? » * * The Japanese want to colonize the Pacific. Well, they're making a good beginning they've begun rapidly to colonize the bottom of the Pacific- around the Solomons. < < < We're certain to lick the Japs eventually but, first, we must lick a whole lot of our war savings stamps. ... Real estate Ln German industrial towns is going up fast. But not in price. Craters Top 0 & C Baseball League Friday and Saturday! for a game at Medford and a semi- pro team from Poitlund al>o has shown Interest in cuming south for a clash with the Craters. The Chico Cubs are practically signed foi two games ut Medford and the Crater management plans to have about six more home games before the Craters hang up their suits. • John Bill Ricketts owned the first American circus and gave ex­ hibitions in Philadelphia as early as I792 LITHIA | Greenland ia the world's moat sparsely inhabited urea, with .04 persons u squaie mile. DO you icmeinbei when you I used to chew licorice and make I yourself believe you were chewing | E N T E it T A I M K N T tobacco? Phone 7 Ml I A smile la rest to the weary, daylight to th*