Thursday, Aug. 27, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 119 A About People You Know i At a TALENT NEWS â Grange Sponsors Party for Soldiers Atausu the Churches . w... i ■ .»ir, ilioiilsl CiillUii aural juuii Direct • i lie Un tilda y club met last Sun- Charms E. urown, ■ ustor uuy ul '1 uu springs on the Given Suiiouy scituoi at 9:40 a. m. Dpi mgs lor u picnic lunch In hon- o> oi uie ulruKiuy amuveraaiy oi Mrs. Maiy cicsAte, superintendent. Ì nose in utlen- ill cnuige. Everyone welcome. • The Talent grunge sponsored u J. u. Gowiund. 'loose Muiamg wuraiup Ut It u clock squaie dance und entertained a ounce weie tne honoree and M i s. With ine uiuigmg Uie mes- number of soldiers Thursday nigh i Gowiund aii nlamuUi Fulls, Mr. "ine Mamiesiatiou oi Dove sag'-'. i and M ia Wulter Davis and Lyda at the grange hail. i. P. M. 8. at tt.'4o p. m. wiui • Mrs. George I‘heifer and Mrs. CuUieiine, Mi. und Mrs. A. R. Kin- Miss Alice Beate, vice president. cuid, Mr. und Mia Henry Slenrud Horace Selby were business call- ers in Medford Friday afternoon. und Mis. Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. Dun wuireii, Miss Muric walker, • Ray Elates and ’lorn luimb visit­ uAia. Minnie Wooden and Mrs. ed Mr. luimb's brother. Will luimb ueui Hamuker. Mr. Go’wland wax and family at Reeee creek Sunduy. piexenlcd with a lovely gilt from • Mr. and —rs. R F Parks spent die club. The afternoon was spent Sunday at the home of air und in visiting und playing games. Mr. Mrs Lyle Tame on Dead Indian. und Mix. Gowiund are former resi- • Mis. John lluiiUlton of Mcdforu , denis of Bellview, having recently visited relatives In Talent Monday moved to Klainath Falls, • Shirley Cowdrey underwent a • Sgt. Wulter Seitz of Portland tonsllectomy at the Community is apvuamg u few days on furlough hospital in Ashland Saturday. wiin his mother, Mrs. Gertrude • Mias Valeria Whitney of the Ro­ raslz oi Asmand and with Ills yal Crest orchanlx lx taking a few brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. weeks vacation through northern Gene Beltz who have recently Mexico She plane to visit friends moved to the Seitz ranch from in I xm Angeles ami San Di<*g<> and Hornbrook, Calif. spend a week at Hotel del Corona­ • Hurry Farmer from NewHeber i.anf. spent F riday night with his do. • Mr. and Mis Floyd Lush bough lamily nere and Mrs Farmer and and family of Sturges, 8. D. ar­ small son accompanied him back rived in Talent recently to make to California for u few weeks stay. • Mis. D. E‘ Korth and sons und this their home • Mr. and Mrs luithun McDowell airs. Warren E. Siebert were bus- of the I’hoenlx area visited rela­ ineaa vial tors to Medford Monday. tives here Sunday afternoon. • Mixa Helen Dunn who has a • Mr and Mrs Delbert Clark and position in Scuttle, W'axh is spend­ family accompanied by Jimmie ing u few days with iier parents McDowell left Sunday for South Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn. Bob Dakota to visit. Mr. and Mrs Dunn, who la stationed at Wagner Clark are former residents of that Butte lookout was home Sunday state. Mr and Mrs George Clark • Mr und Mrs. Ralpn Anderson of Anderson creek are caring for lormer residents of Camp While their place while they are gone und who had to vacate because oi . • Mr and Mrs Charles Estes re the cantonment, spent last week turned to their home in Crescent with Mrs. Andersen a broiner, Mi. City, Thursday after visiting li j and Mis. M is . Bob Fowler. Both fumbles spent the week-end al Talent several days last week Crescent City fishing. Mr. and • Mr and Mrs Ben Clark —«re Mrs. Anderson left Monday morn- shopping in Ashland Thursdav mg for California where tney plan • Betty Morrow spent last week to locate. visiting her sister and brother-ln- 1 law, Mr. and Mrs Billie Breese • Dr and Mrs C F Tilton were dinner guests recently of Mr. and at Fort Klamath. Mrs. I E. Deadmond. • Billie Beeson left Monday eve- • Jack Williams will leave Thurs­ on a business trip to Portland. day night for E'ort Lewis where he • Mr and Mrs Walter Wn'" will enter the U. 8 army service. their property on the Anderson road and have purchased a home • The Bellview school wifi open on railroad avenue of Mrs. CH. . Sept. 21 Mrs. L C Nye is prin­ cipal, Mixa Borgny Rontvclt will Green. • Mr. and Mrs Clarence Homes of have charge of the Intermediate Ashland visited relatives in Talent grades and Miss Jnaigarel will leach the primary grttdes. Monday evening. Blimp Crash I This graphic photo shows a big navy pptrol blimp drifting Isilly above Daly City. Calif., partially deflated, just before It came to earth la a residential street of Daly City. The blimp was minus one depth charge and Its crew of men. ------------ •------------- "FOR BALE” cards at the Miner office. ------------- •-------------- With up-to-date methods and many years of doing the better class of printing, we are able to give you the very best for the the money. The Miner Job Department HAPPY DAZE SIX INCH # > SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD SERMON »LV. ROBERT H. HARPES in charge. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m., Sci mon, mn W l uppagex ' by pas­ tor. Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. wednesuay. Jacob had found himself in a Y. P. M 8. collage prayer meet­ situation when, as one has quaintly ing 7:30 p. m. rrigua at nome oi described it, "he couldn't stay Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Weber on Ash­ wneie he was and couldn't go any­ land Mine road. where else.” Rid of Laban, Esau was before him. But the appear­ TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH ance of angels encouraged him and A. li. McDonnell, Vicar with confidence he sent messen­ Hoiy Communion a a. m. gers to awe Esau with an account Church cchool 9:30 a. rn. of his brother's wealth. When they Sermon and Morning Prayer, i eturned, reporting that Esau was Il o'clock coming with 400 men, Jacob was You uie cordially Invited to afraid. Still depending upon the crafti­ worship with us. # > * ness he had often shown, he dlvid- NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA- ed his camp and then sent rich presents unto Esau. But he a iso 1 ION AL CHURCH sought God’s help. And again, on Clarence F. McCall, Minister the night before Esau's arrival, iMimevuid und Morion Directs Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Miss "Jacob was left alone, and there Matjorie Stratton, acting superin­ wrestled a man with him until the tendent. I breaking _ of the day,” but no such Woixhip service 11 a. m. Ser- man ax had ever wrestled with mortal man before. Completely mon by judge C. O. Presnail. ~ Union young peoples' meeting subdued by the hand of God upon his thigh, the crippled man still 7:00 p. m. Union evening meeting 8:00 p. clung to God and cried, "I will not m. in the Neighborhood church let thee go, txcept thou bless me." At the end of all human effort with a sermon by a chaplain from and schemes, Jacob realized his Camp White. utter dependence upon God, and a » » » changed man limped across the HUM METHODIST CHURCH brook Jabbok that morning, with a Cur. N. Mam and iuturei Bls. changed name. For God had said Dr. iieurge W. Bruce, Minister Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m. he should no more be calle? Jacob Momuig worship 11 o'clock. but Israel. And if, as some think, Jacob was lame through life, his Union service 8 p. m. lameness was ever a reminder Midweek Bible study hour and unto him that in the hour when he praise service is Wednesday eve­ ceased to be Supplanter his new ning, at 7:30. faith had lifted ‘ him to the dignity > > > of Prince of God. And may each FM18T BAPTIST CHURCH one of us in our own Penlel learn J. M. lurubuil, Munster the truth of our Golden Text. Bible school 9:45 a. m., Curry, superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 Young People's Union 7 Prayer, praise and Bible study hour, 7:JU p. m. Wednesday. HOW FRIENDS CAN HELF Have you discovered how helpful friends can be in straightening out problems with your children? Take the ’teen-age who won’t keep herself presentable. She is scorn­ ful of the least touch of makeup, and mussy hair and droopy clothes seem to satisfy her. Of course, sometimes girls go through these stages of carelessness because they are honestly so Intent on be­ coming a second Mme. Curie or Florence Nightingale that thought of clothes and appearance seems to them in their young eagerness a very trivial thing. Other girls may be so disappointed at this age with the kind of face or hair nature gave them that they pretend to have no Interest in looks and try to be as sloppy as possible. Now here's where your friends step in! Choose the one who is the most attractive and well groomed, provided she is also a nice person—but she would have to be that to be your friend, for vain, shallow women rarely have genu­ ine friendships. Take this friend into your confidence and together you can arrange a luncheon down- , town with your daughter. Make it casual, you might better appear to run into her by accident. Ask her to wear her trimmest clothes and her very nicest perfume—young girls admire an older woman who has a delicate scent because they themselves can’t wear perfume without feeling self-conscious. Now no matter how un-dressed-up your daughter may be at the moment your friend will make a casual but ' complimentary remark about her eyes, or her facial expression or texture of her skin or hair—even nice eyebrows or dainty ears can rouse a girl's pride in her appear­ ance if they are admired by some­ one whose taste is superior. This is just a beginning, of course. If the two don’t hit it off try the plan with another friend. But if your daughter shows a spark of liking and admiration for your friend, then go on to further meetings. Have your friend drop in for a cup of tea about the time your daughter is due from school. What you are trying to do, of course, is encourage a friendship between your daughter and this older woman. (They may have known each other for years on the plane of child and adult.) Friendship blooms slowly so do not expect miracles at once. When your daughter’s confidence has been won, this friend who is clev­ er about clothes and hair and grooming can begin to make sug­ gestions to the girl about her ap­ pearance -suggestions she might ignore if you made them. This same method often works in reverse—that is, if your daugn- ter is too much taken up with her looks and neglects her brain try to foster a friendship with a woman who is both nice looking and in­ telligent, preferably one with an interesting career to her credit. Not only will your daughter ben­ efit but friends who have no daughters of their own will cherish an opportunity to have a hand in helping a young girl acquire the charm and poise of womanhood. and receive training in military drill by members of the American Legion. Some of the women now taking their preliminary training work until 4:30, begin their classes at 5. Doesn’t that make you won­ der why a few women still they would like to help more "just don't have the time? OVER THE TOP FOR VICTORY with UNITED STATES WAN BONDS-STAMPS > Patronize our advertisers. CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Maas at 9 a. m. Sunday. RANGE FIRING S4IIF.DII.KD * > > There will be finng on the mor­ FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE tar, sub-machine gun and the E. Mam und Siskiyou Blvd. small arms lunges from Aug 22 to L. P. E urman. Pastor Sept. 15, inclusive. Ail personnel Sunday school 9:45 a. m. are cautioned not to enter range Morning worship 11 o'clock. areas whenever a red flag is dis­ C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ played at the Antelope range house at the corner of Wellon and ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ Corey roads, or at the Beagle low at 7:30 o clock. C. A. service and choir practice range house one mile north of Ml), it.tiy bridge according to Infor. 7:30 Tuesday evening. mation received from Camp White Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 Friday evening. Everybody is cordially invited NOTICE TO CREDITORS to all services. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF > > 4 THE STATE OE’ OREGON FUCST 1‘RESBYTERIAN FOR THE) COUNTY OE’ JACK- CHURCH SON Howard G. Eddy, Minister In the Matter of the Estate of Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt ANNA ALLISON FROSCH, M. Wright, superintendent. I <-a.Hcl Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The undersigned having been High school Christian Endeavor ap[»>inted by the above entitled Court of the State of Oregon for meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. the County aforesaid, Administra­ * > > tor of the ESstate of Anna Allison Frosch, deceased, and having qual­ FIRST CHURCH OF (.»¿RIST ified. notice is hereby given to the SCIENTIST creditors of, and all persons hav­ Pioneer Ave., South ing claims against said deceased, Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. to present them, verified as re­ Sunday morning service at 1J quired by law, within six months after the first publication of this o'clock. notice to suid Administrator at Subject: Christ Jesus the office of Wm. M. Briggs, his Wednesday meeting, evening attorney, Pioneer Building, Ash- which includes of testimonies land. Oregon. Christian Science healing, is hald CARL O FROSCH, at 8 o'clock. Administrator of the Estate of Reading room open daily from Anna Allison Frosch, Deceased. Dated August llth, 1942. 33-36 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and holidays. The public is cordially invited to — — ' "1 I attend these services and to use By Bob Bowie the reading room. CHURCH OF* TH e ’ NAZARENE Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth und C Streets Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, ll o'clock. Departmental meetings at 6:30: Junior, Young People, Adults. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ nesday evening. “Calling Car 30. Front and Center street. Ball playing Tlnd out the score.” Page 5 CHURCH OF CHRIST Second und B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister Bible school, 9:45 a. m. with classes for all ages. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Sei mon subject, "A Trip to the River,” the last message in the i sei les "Vacation Trips with Jesus.” Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. for all ages. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Sermon, “From Cheater to Prince of God. ” Midweek service, Wed. 8 p. m. ------------- •------------- Apartment Owner: ( a stout gentleman) This, sir, is one of the finest kitchenette apartments. Prospective Tenant Well, come out a minute and let me inside. ---------- •-------------- "NO HUNTING” cards at the Miner office. _____________________ I DRY BLOCKS Gunter Fuel Co. 2 Helman Dial 5751 JANET CURLER WOMAN of the week: At 30, Elizabeth Kelsey is an internation­ ally known engineer, a bellow o. the Royal Society of Arts and Sci­ ences in London, and an associate member of the Institute of Radio Engineers and the International Television society. She is the author of a "Reference Guide to Ultra High Frequencies,” pub­ lished only a few weeks ago. Just what they have to do with winning the war is a military secret, but Miss Kelsey says that radio engi­ neers in the army signal corps should know something about tug. frequencies. Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic service free to En­ listed men Office 244 Hargadine Ph. »321 I Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 141 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 111 NOT UKE MEN: Mainbocher, Chicago-born designer who was the sensation of pre-Nazi Paris, is de­ signing the WAVES’ uniforms. Lt. Commander Mildred, director of the WAVES, has prom­ ised that the uniforms will be "functional and comfortable” and that no effort will be made to dress the women to look like men. Military drill for officer candida­ tes. she said, will also be cut to a minimum. She added that all parts of the WAVES’ uniform "not vis­ ible" will be a matter of personal choice. INSURANCE A little more than »1 per mo. gives you legal coverage on pub­ lic liability insur­ ance. We also f write Collision, Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ ing INSURANCE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA 1 1 1 • The Miner for Quality Printing. O SO SOLLY: Margaret Mitch­ ell, author of "Gone With the »»ind," has offered her Japanese doll, "Madam O So Solly,” to the Atlanta chapter of the American Red Cross to be sold to the highest bidder .The doll, gift of a Japa­ nese publisher, represents her or royalty from the sale of more than 200,000 copies of her book. Miss Mitchell at first planned to give the doll to a shooting gallery. 111 SIGNS OF THE TIMES: The Savery, Chamberlain and Plaza hotels in Des Moines have been taken over by the WAAC. They | will be used as specialist schools . . . The air force has agreed to hire women as well as men to teach radio technique to the men already garrisoned in the Stevens and Congress hotels in Chicago. T r WATCHES We have just received a small shipment of Ladies and Gents Wrist Watches- Priced at $24.75 to 50.00 111 FOOU FOR THOUGHT: Mem­ bers of the International Ladies Garment Workers' union have or­ ganized what they call the Wom­ en's Health brigade. To become a member each woman must com­ plete courses given by the Ameri­ can Red Cross in first aid, food and nutrition, and home nursing. Members of the brigade take ad­ vanced course« in these aubjecta J Ramsey’s Jewelry Store