Thursday, Aug. 20, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Against that dark background, the observance of Labor day will have a special significance in the United States this year. More than ever it will belong not to union labor nor to non-union labor, not to the A FL nor the CIO but to the American people and the peo­ I I A T U K ple of the United Nations. It will belong to all men everywhere who By LYTLE HILL work with hand or brain or heart FREE LABOR AND THE WAR for the destruction of Axis tyran­ ny and who have a deep conviction ('llAFTER VII The most momentous Labor dhy that "Free Labor Will Win." in history will be observed by the I • NYNOPNIN I ■ American peeople on September 7. On this day millions of American Dave Bruce, out of a job. arrives at workmen will signify their deter­ Wilbur Ferris' Cross-Bar ranch Curran, the foreman, promises him a Job It he mination to out-produce the s.u can break a horse called Black Dawn. labor of Axis-dominated Europe When he succeeds, he discovers Curran and Asia in the manufacture of expected the horse to kill him A girl war weapons. This »lay will be a named laris rides up. angry with Dave summons to rally around the slo­ for breaking "her" horse She refuses to S|>eak to Dave aven when he uses gan, "Fiee Labor Will Win." 'N his savings to pay off the mortgage on Donald M Nelson, chairman of the small ranch she shares with her the War Production board, recent­ foster father, a man named Bosket ly issued a report covering the When Hooker la killed by a shot fired through the window Lois has Dave ar­ progress of the war effort in the rested for murder F.neouraged by Cur­ first six months of 1942. he show­ ran. the local people have broken Into ed that American industry and la­ the jail and dragged Dave to a tree bor are turning out munitions of where they are going to hang him. all kinds at a rate almost three Among the crowd Dave sees laris American crew» of U. S. Flying times as great as that before the Fortresses are shown cycling to the treacherous attack on Pearl Har­ DiaheveJed, the clothes almost spot where their giant bombing bor. Nelson's report was no poliy- torn from the upper part of his planes await their use—somewhere ana document. He admitted that a body, Dave wax thrust forward. in Britain. These are the crews long, hard road stretches ahead "Here y'ure. Miss Lois," shouted that have probably gone into action and warned that "too much boast­ Curran exultantly. "Here's the before this, laying “eggs" on stra­ ing" about our achievements was measly skunk who killed yore dud. "Yuk ain't got ncthlug lo si y?" sarete»! Curran. tegic German towns. “altogether premature." and yo're goln' to have the honor The WPB report detailed the I of touchin’ him off, accordin' to ped to Black Dawn's side and laid toward the higher mesa FOR SAI-E Red roan Durham gains in production as follows: 1 scrub brushed his flanks, now and her hand upon his neck 1 custom." The output for all munitions for bull. J. B Jones, 7 Plaza. 31-32 A sufferer from celiac, rare dis­ i Dave straightened himself and The shouts and curses had died again he kicked uwuy a shower of the first six months of 1942 was 14 times as great as that of the ease that calls for a banana diet, looked straight into the girl's face. away into complete silence as lh< »tones At last the upper mesa little Helen Gottlieb, of Brooklyn, is He didn't want to die. but he had last scene of the tragedy came on was reached and before Dave real- entire 12 months of last year. shown in the arms of patrolman Merchant ship tonnage delivered .Andrew Radtke after he had faced death t many times to the stage Thia was the climax of ized it Black Dawn had come to a was 133 per cent greater than in brought her a bunch of bananas. flinch from it now that his time the afternoon's entertainment In standstill In front of the cabin, looming darkly up out of the 1941. Owing to shipping conditions the seemed to have come But through another moment Dave Bruce would The number of anti-aircraft fruit is now rare, and the child's his mind old Hooker's words were be dancing at the end of the long scrub. Dave slipped from the saddle rope, gurgling, and clawing help­ guns manufactured was about 34 mother was forced to appeal to the running,: "You promised me you'll look lessly with his hands in bin effort and caught Ix>ls in his arms. Hr times greater than that of the en­ police when unable to get a supply. carrie»! her Inside the cabin and ! out for Lois if anything happen» to free himself. tire previous year. i to me." The production of tanks showed , Then suddenly Lois leaped and laid her on the bunk. He heard a nicker somewhere, and Those words, cut off by the roar whnt happened next was some- horse a tremendous increase. of the explosion from the assas­ thing entirely unforeseen by any Black Dawn's trumpeting answer The production of machine tools Then sounded the thud of hoof» sin's revolver. And, "She never had man in that crowd. in the six months was 77 per cent a chance, poor kid." of that of the 12 previous months. For. with a swift bound, the girl and the stallion wax gone. Dave found the lump and lit It Somehow it seemed to Dave was astride Black Dawn behind Contrast the American picture He was surprised how hi» finger» easily if that he could go more Dave, and quick as a flush her with that of Europe. Hitler is the DAYTIME FROCK Lois believed he was not old arm shot up A blade was seen to were shaking. He looked at Lota crudest slave master in history. Pattem No. 8174--Here is ,a Workers receive the minimum Hooker's murderer. glint in the light that came from and saw that the blood WM «Still frock, which will become your amount of pay. Millions of foreign The girl was looking straight the front of the Wayside Rest Hie »Mixing from the wound In her daily standby for summer, Made workers are dragged into the back at him. In the darkness Dave rope, severed with two quick shoulder. He pulled down the stained over­ up in printed pique or a printed Reich by force, threats or empty could see the dark gray pools of strokes, dropped in a coil about alls and the soaked garment be- cotton sheer it will be the model promises. The Hitlerian labor bat­ her eyes, as if lit by an inner fire. Dave’s shoulders. you slip into foe afternoons at talions include children who, in Someone produced a rope and A low whistle from Lois' lips inath. eX|H>»ing the white flesh Of home, for shopping trips, for busi­ America. would be receiving the flung it over the bough. Rough And instantaneously Black Dawn the upper arm He dabbed at it hands laid hold of - — ness or parties. Its simplicity benefits of a greater educational iMve and faa- went into action With a mighty with the corner of the garment, makes it right for all occasions. system. tened the other end about his leap the great stallion broke and, to his relief, saw Mat the Note the clever cut which makes neck, fashioning a hangman's through the crowd, knocking men wound wax a alight one. A bullet Reports from Berlin admit the this so good for larger figures— knot. He would go to bis death at right and left. He plunged through had struck just below the collar the pleat controlled fullness in the presence of 3,000.000 foreign work­ least with dignity. the rearing horses, which were bone and seared its way acroaa bodice and the piecing of the skirt ers brought in from occupied coun- them broncs'" squealing with terror, while their the flesh of the shoulder, but it "Git one of i tries to take the place of Nazis which guarantees slimness. shouted Curran. riders frantically pulled leather In had apparently severed a amali ' serving in the armed forces. Oth­ artery in its course. The bleeding, A man leaped from a horse's order to retain their balance. Pattern No. 8174 is designed for er sources place this total as high back and led it forward. Dave Another instant and the horse, however, had almost ceased. sizes 34, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and as 5.000,000. The forced labor, in- Dave lit the kerosene stove and knew the procedure. The horse bearing his double burden, was 48. Size 36 wih short sleeves re­ . eluding 1,500,000 French prisoners would be driven from beneath him, galloping along the street, gather­ set water on to boil He went back quires 4*i yards 35-inch material_ and thousands of Russians, is not and he would be left swinging - ing his mighty muscles into an to the side of the bunk and press- classified as “foreign labor.'" the most painful form of hanging, amazing composite of speed and e»i his fingers upon the flesh about the artery Suddenly he was aware Children of 15 years and older since it took a man a full half- momentum. have been registered in Norway 1 minute before he became uncon­ The horse was through the that Lois' eyes were open and that for compulsory labor and service crowd before any man there had she wax looking at him Max Stephan. 49, Detroit restau­ scious. in Germany. Children from the rant owner, former German sub­ "You're all right, Ml»» Lois,** he But Lois drove her horse for­ recovered his presence of mind said. "Just nicked you You don't Baltic states have been pressed in­ ject but now a V. 8. citiien. who ward. "Let him ride Black Dawn," Curran was the first to do so. to labor in German factories. Bel­ was sentenced to die on November she cried, "He broke him, didn't "Stop them " he howled "Shoot mind my takin' care of yore gian girls are being shipped into 13 for aiding Peter Krug. Naii flier he?" wound? I wish, there was some the hawse Shoot quick!" the Reich to do hard labor at long whe escaped from Canada. I Curran burst into a roar of He loosed his six-gun. and a rat-1 disinfectant You ain't got none?" Lois shook her head. Her eyes hours. laughter, "That'a sure smart of tllng volley followed close upon ' yuh. Miss Dois," he cried. "Yeah. the discharge But by this time were po»ila of unfathomable gray, he broke Black Dawn, and Black Black Dawn and his two riders aearching Dave's for the answer Dawn's goin' to break him hy the were half-way the length of the to her unspoken question Dave neck!” short street The punchers on their answered It "You saved my life when It Lois bent forward and whisper­ rearing horses were struggling ed in the stallion's ear, then slip­ madly to get them under control. wasn't worth blddin' a cent in a ped to the ground. "Git him up. There came a wild dash in pursuit thousand dollars on," he said hus­ fellers,” chortled Curran. "Bruce They might ax well have chased kily. "No. I didn't kill Mr Hooker yore race is run, and yo’re goin' the wind Black Dawn was already Some skunk Shot him through the to do some real fancy high-step- past the last light of the town and window while we was talkin' I pin 'tangos Say, ain't yuh got no outside revolver range. Lois, seat­ can't say more than that You can halter on that haw»», Miss Lois?" ed upon his haunches behind Dave believe me or not just as you he continued. guided the stallion with her knees, please No, you got to believe me "He doesn't need a halter. He'll _ from a | Lois." Dave was awakening "I guess I do," I »is answered stand til) I give him the word to daze. The events of the last thirty | "I'd never have saved you me and seconds had been so monstrously go " --------*■“'* *------------------------- -- ------- Curran roared with glee. "That's 1 different from what he had ex­ Black Dawn If I hadn't believed sure some haws»," he shouted ■ pected. Now he understood He you He didn’t often make mis­ "Keep outer his way when he does | turned round, shifted a little to­ takes in judging men, Mr Hooker git to movin', fellers, because he’ll I ward the horse's withers, extend­ didn't. It was only because you move fast and quick. Fork this ed his arm to hold Lois in her broke Black Dawn. I reckon I hombre acrost him!” i couldn't stand for that not know­ place. A little cautiously, for the repu­ “Leave me alone! I-eave me ing who you were." Her voice trailed away weakly. "How long tation of the black stallion was alone!" sh»- whispered fiercelv. known to all, the group that held But Dave still held her and the have we been here?" she asked “Not more than fifteen minutes Dave dragged him to Black black stallion rushed on thtough Dawn's side and raised him, forc­ the night across the range, and to­ I'm heatin' some water to clean ing one leg across and thrusting ward the uplands, while the yells your wound. I 1 had to " "That was kind of you,” she an­ the toe of the boot into the stir­ of their pursuers died away be­ swered, with the simplicity of a rup. But Black Dawn stood like a hind them. graven image, utterly motionless, On and on through the night, child. There was not the least em­ Have for a trembling of his flanks. black as pit