Thursday, Aug. 20, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 ———-------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -———— Main body of the Commandos making the Dieppe I zards uh these cause fires which take hundred» of attack was made up of Canadians who have trained live» and destroy ten» of millions ot dollars woith of two years for just Buch an event. The Canucks were property each year. supplemented by British and American Commandos Let every American community, , . from 1» the ...111 smallest 11-1- lA-j FRED MILTENBERGER Published Every Thurs. who are just as capable, but the main job, it is said, to the largest, make up its mind that it willjick its h 0.(1 okawforu at 167 East Main Street own fire problem. It can be done- and it must be done. ASHLAND, OREGON TX Publishers was in the hands of our brothers to the north. ¥ That the attack was not a western front offensive I ir * Entered as second-class SUBSCRIPTION or even preparation for an immediate drive was the matter February 15. MJ RATES warning issued by British radio to the people of 1935, at the poatofficeat till (tn Advance) Ashland. Oregon muter ad fgfr France. Remembering another experience when the I ONE YEAR |1 SO the act of March 3, 1879. ¿j*« rfiSV SIX MONTHS 80c Commandos staged one their sorties, British offi­ * w ‘nffli (Mailed Anywhere In the cials wished the French to of withhold action until the big TELEPHONE 8561 J3S United States) "How to Win Friends and drive really gets under way. For the French to break , Author of Influence People** out now would mean greater reprisals by their Nazi "THE TRUTH WTLL^^= SET YOU FREE" conquerors and that is one thing the Allied command I A I.ITI'IX TACT GOES A MING WAY is most desirous of avoiding. ( When Jack London married, he look his wife to live with his News analysts and commentators are trying to mother, Florn Flora hail nlwuya taken care of her son, cooked for score a "bulls-eye” on the forthcoming second front, , him and looked aft<-i him Now she bitterly resented the fact that ho had brought a strange woman into Die house who insisted on which has been located all the way from the coast of > doing- for him a woman who had ahrady. as she felt, taken her France to the Allied-Japanese theater. If any of them l place in her son's affections The mother's jealous wrath broke in­ a storm of neuruathenia Nhe quarreled constantly with Bessie, have scored it will be some time before they know it. to thr wife The angry voices or these two bickering women rever­ To acknowledge such a thing would be decidedly un­ berated throughout the house, aixl diatured Jack so that he would have to stop working on his novela and dash down the street to THE OLD ORDER CHANGETH! military and about all the comfort the enemy could get his step-sister to come up and stop the snarling and snapping T STILL is difficult for many of us to realize that ask for. So it is a matter of waiting until the big push How could these distressing scenes have been avoided? Here la I the answer: twenty years after Jack London's death, his wife. there is a war going on—not having witnessed ac­ actually starts. Beanie lamdon. con'e ed t< Irvin Nt me, Jack Ixmdon's biographer, In the meantime, don’t overlook the fact that the that she should have handled her mother-in-law differently. "I tual combat—but there are events occurring in our have catered to Flora," ahe confessed, "and petted her and civil life which lead us to believe that the old order is Allies are dealing Hitler a lot of trouble on the western should made her thr boss, and we would have gotten along fine. But I front. Bombing attacks on the great Nazi industrial was so young and wanted to do things for my husband. No wo about to undergo a transformation. For one thing, it is apparent that the infiltration of centers are not lessening der fuehrer's troubles and clashed Close your eye» for a moment ami nsk yourself If there isn't some 30,000 to 35,000 men in uniform, to say nothing serve to bolster the courage of the conquered peoples An Idea there that you cun use Aie you having trouble with an older in your home, or with a more experienced person at the of the several hundred families of service men, is bound who look to the Allies for deliverance. All these fac­ person office? If so, why not profit by Bessie London's mistake Why tors combine to give the Axis high command a head ­ to bring about a change in living conditions in the don't you do now what she wiahrt she had done twenty years ago? Why not pet the older person ami let him or her be the boas? Re- Rogue River valley. Let us be blunt and say that it has ache and eventually will tend to break down the morale hiember, you will be older your.vlf some day. and when you are, interrupted the calm mein, the smug satisfaction that of their people. vou won't want the younger generation crowding you out and ne­ glecting you anil ordering you alxiut Remember, fools quarrel ami pervaded this region, particularly Ashland, where liv­ ¥ * * bicker and insist on having their way Why don't you rise above ing conditions have been favorable and where many BE YOUR OWN FIREMAN fools’ Why don't you use tack, diplomacy ami finesse? tools that fools never use It will tie a lot mor» fun It will win friends for people have come to retire and are no longer inter­ you will gain Influence; and, deep down Inside of you. you ested in seeking the pot of gold at the foot of the rain­ F CIVILIAN defense activity is to achieve maximum you; will take pi ide in the fact that you know how to deal adroitly with results, the prevention and control of fire must be people. bow. Yes, we have to admit that this new life injected stressed at all times. No one knows whether fire bombs A few years ago. In Peking. China. 1 met Ikiuglea Carr who into the community has upset the old order and that wax traveling around the world on leas than forty dollars |>er will ever rain down from the skies upon our cities, for the duration at least, old traditions, old customs month He told me that one of the moat vauable lessons he had learned, was thia: As a young lad of ten or eleven, he swaggered and habits will have to be laid on the shelf. They may towns, farms and industrial centers. If that does hap­ home from school boasting about his brilliant examination marks be dragged out of the closet later, dusted off and put pen—and never forget that it can happen— the very Hix father listened, «aid nothing, then reached Into his pocket for into use again, but for the nonce they will have to go• life of this country may depend upon the efficiency a card and on It wrote these words: "Mt him that thlnketh hr take heed lest he fall." into the discard in favor of the all-out war effort, of our fire fighters, both professional and volunteer. standeth, Young Douglas was so Impressed that he kept the card for which, in this vicinity, means co-operating with Camp If it doesn't happen, a public which is trained in the years as a book mark was the beat dose of medicine I ever took." he declared, White officials in seeing that their “boys”, who like­ basic principles of fire prevention can be of inestim­ "and "It how I needed It!" able service in reducing the vast toll of fires which wise are our “boys”, have every opportunity to become ! the toughest fighting men this nation has ever pro- occur “normally.* It has been said that many communities have re- duced. Where so many young men are thrown together in laxed their civilian defense fire training simply be- a strange community there not only is apt to be, but cause they couldn’t obtain as much fire-fighting equip- LINES WORD SQUARE there will be, things happen that are out of line with ment as they’d like to have. Any community which WILD 4y LIFE if PHIL HUMHULTOMK CO ANTHOHY the even tenor of a staid community. These boys are does that is asking for destruction. It would be very 1 « • II 1 average American youths. They are not goody, goody, fine if every town could be supplied at once with all 11 as you or I, and the unfortunate part of it is that be­ the apparatus it wants. But that is obviously impos­ ing in uniform they are a bit more conspicuous than sible And in the meantime, every community should Neither are they bad. They are apt to make slips, just be preparing volunteers to handle equipment when it comes—and to fight fire in other ways if it doesn’t civilians. 1« come. The army will look after its men as far as possible. Is Co-operation of the public is asked in the way of le­ It’s just as important to extinguish a fire which niency and tolerance. If a soldier gets out of line he starts from a faulty stove, as a fire which is started Hr re la ihr world's amallrat croa» CAMEL incendiary. _ And the most important thing of all will answer to his superior at camp. Some may become by .. an __________ ._________ „____ word punir. Kill In words accord­ This beast, 1 think, has spinal a little exuberant and indulge in whoopee on the street, is to eliminate the causes of fire. The average Ameri- ine to definitions. Thr square wil! mumps read thr same down as aeraos. yet that is no reason for condemning them, their offi- can home contains many grave hazards which its oc- And that la how he feta these humps thrn After you have aolvrd It, see If yes cers or the whole army. They probably will pay for cupants never think of. The same is true of the aver­ Illa shape la funny aa can be. can make up any food Urtier wort squares. With one or two (but never three) their fun in one way or another, so let them have a age place of business. Improperly stored inflammable 1. Propelled by oars. Bif elevaUona on his back little fun along with the strenuous work they are do­ liquids, accumulations of paper, rags and odds and On which the natives bag gage stack, >. A color. 1. Bike. ing in preparing to preserve the right to you to think ends, poorly-maintained heating equipment—such ha- Boses and bales that weigh a ton! 4. Build or raise. and act as you see fit. \ camel trader must have fun! B. Land built up by a river. Southern Oregon Miner D ale i C arnegie I I WINK yOlTRÍ, SMART? The world tempo has been speeded up. This nation of ours is moving faster than ever before. The time is near at hand when every individual will be engaged in war activity of one type or another. Thousands of new people are among us— other thousands are coming. New people bring new ideas, new methods of conduct­ ing affairs. Is Ashland going to sit back dreaming of the days gone by or join the procession and look for­ ward to greater days to come? The opportunity to make that decision is here. Which way shall we go? ♦ * * A SECOND FRONT? WHO KNOWS? HAT portion of the world classified under demo­ cracy thrilled to the news reports Wednesday that an effective force of Commandos, backed by a heavy air force and some tanks, had made a bold attack on Dieppe, France, where they gave the Nazis a taste of Allied might that is to come. It is related that the Germans rushed veterans from the Russian front in to meet the Commandos, not trusting their regular guard force to contend with the newest type of war­ rior who is displaying superman tendencies. T r frùestdly, compiti*. DIAL 4541 DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Close—Phone 4541 C.M.Lltwiller NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JACK- SON. In i the Matter of the Estate of ANNA ALLISON FROSCH. Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the above entitled Court of the State of Oregon for the County aforesaid. Administra­ tor of the Estate of Anna Allison Frosch, deceased, and having qual­ ified. notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as re­ quired by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the office of Wm. M Briggs, his attorney, Pioneer Building, Ash­ land, Oregon. CARL O. FROSCH, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Allison Froscfi, Deceased. Dated August 11th, 1942. 33-36 -•------------- Make The Job Complete ! "NO HUNTING" cards at the Miner office. You are repairing the houw—roofing, painting and otherwise ren­ ovating the exterior. Have you planned the one feature for the in­ terior that will make it a real home—installation of modern liirht- inK- Remember, ELECTRICITY gives you three services— with a facility unequalled by any other agency. If your electric service I n old anjl wearing out, have it modernized. It will bring you greater comfort and Nave you dollars in the long run. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department