SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thuraduy, Aug. 13, 1042 M Wright, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. High school Christian Endeavor meets at 0:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p m. .». a . • ♦.:*.»:'e:.e..«i*.Aj». > > > iipent the week-end with Bobby NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TA1.KM NEWS Bloc k at the W. (>. Martin home. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST TIONAL ( Ht KCll • M in Nancy Donmt, a foinier • Mr IIIHI M iH L. I'. I -• bow of SCIENTIST Clarene* T. McCall, Minister resident of Talent, I n visiting Glendale, Calif. visited Mrs. Morris Boulevard und Murton Nireels Pioneer Ave., South friends here from her home in 1'aio last wc k The Is-bows are former Church school 9:45 a. in., Mrs. Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. Allo, CmiL lesidrntH of Bellview having re­ Sunday morning service at 11 • Mi. mid Mis Foiost Jennings cently sold their ranch to Mr and Glen Prescott, superintendent. Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ o’clock. and family spent m vriul days in Mrs. Pitta Subject: Soul. descent City lust week. • Kenneth Reynolds had his ton­ mon by minister. Union service 8:00 p. m. Metho- • Mi and M in iso luu and fam­ sils removed nt tne Community Wednesday evening meeting, dist I church. ily slopped In luienl last week lo hospital Tuesday and is reported which Includes testimonies of 1 f » visit tutu p > afternoon where lie was working Mrs Sorrenson, Mr, and Mrs. A. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH ut his mill. He hud many friends R. Kincaid, Mr. mid Mrs. L. H Mr. < luude E. sayre. Vicar who are saddened by his passing. Pankey, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Park* Holy Communion 8 a. m. Funeral services were held Mon­ of Central Paint, Mrs. Harry Me Church school 9:30 a. m. day afternoon lit the Dodge Fu­ la-oil slater of Mrs. IHcvls from Sermon and Morning Prayer, neral home Interment was made Oklahoma, Mrs. Beth Hmnaker, in the Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Haynes and Lyda Catherine 11.00 o'clock by Archdeacon White LLV. ROBERT H. HARPER of Eugene. • Mr. und Mrs. Hup Thumas ol Davis, You are cordially invited to Yreka were guests of Mi anti Mrs Haar I'rartitet t'eace. worship with uh Floyd Young Sunday lotion /or Augurt 16: Cenetii • Mr. and Mis Floyd Lushbough FREE METHODIST CHURCH 26: 18-31. und family after an absence of East Main Street Golden Text: Matthew 5:9. two years, relumed to Tulent from John R. Poet. Pastor South Dakota. Contrasted with his father, who Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. fought when he thought it neces- • Mis Susan Grunt of Bozeman. Mont whs m dinner guest Sunday Bernice Beare, superintendent Contrasted with his father, who of Mr .and Mis. Jay Terrill charge. • Mrs Lem Frink nod daughter Morning worship at 11 o’clock fought when he thought it neces- Meda Jean, returned from tv ash- with the pastor bringing the mes­ nary, Isaac was a man of peace, From the wells he had reopened ingtun where she hud been visiting sage. her parents and other relatives Young People's meeting and Ju­ and from two others he had She also visited a few days in nior meeting at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ digged he withdrew, when herds­ Portland with Mrs Lena Tryon, gelistic service at 8 p. m. with men of the Philistines strove with his, and at length he won the formerly of the Tryon Mercantile the pastor in charge. e Mid-week prayer meeting at a right to dwell in peace. At Beersheba, Isaac received p. in. Wednesday. BELLVIEW NEWS renewed assurance of God's bless­ # > N ings to him and his people, and • Mr and Mi' George A ix I k - ws FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH he built there an altar and wor­ have bought the William Turner J. R. Turnbull, Minister shipped. ranch on the East Main street E. 1 Bible school 9:45 a. m., c. The story has several good les­ road and have moved into their Corry, superintendent. sons. As Isaac reopened the wells, newly acquired home. Mr. and Morning worship, 11:00 m. his father had digged, we need at a. Mio Turner have moved to luiurel Young People's Union 7 P- m. 1 times to renew the faith we have street In Ashland after having Prayer, praise and Bible study j received. However, it is also sig- been residents of Bellview for a hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. l nlfleant that Isaac reopened other number of years. > A > wells No generation can exhaust • Mi- imisy Homes returned to CATHOLIC CHURCH the truth. As every generation has her home Monday after a I tWO- Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor its problems, we must apply old week s visit with her brother and Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. J, Ei-'gar Hoover, FBI chief, is truth to new and present needs. sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jim > » » shown on the 23th anniversary of It is further significant that Tucker. FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE ■ Isaac arose from his knees at the • Mi .ix l Mis Bob Bell ami Ju- hl* career in the Justice depart­ E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. altar he had byilt at Beersheba dith Ann of Klamath Fulls H|>ent ment, as hr hands a diploma lo ose Ihr 37 law enforcement officer* L. P. Furman, Pastor to meet Abimilech as he came the week end with Ik,b's parents, of having completed a 12-weck police Sunday school 9:45 a. m. to offer a league of friendship. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Bell. academy course In Washington. Morning worship 11 o'clock. • Joan Helm who underwent an Surely the ravaged world needs C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ the man of peace. We cannot fore- ' appendectomy last week at the Some people are so painfully ning Evangelistic service to fol­ see whether a year or years must Community hospital was moved to good flint they Would rather be low at 7:30 o'clock. her home Tuesday evening. pass in the present conflict Of C. A. service and choir practice necessity we now fight, but we • Mis Gordon Grow and baby right than be pleaaant. 7:30 Tuesday evening, daughter were moved from the hos look for a decision that will give Bible study and prayer meeting every man the opportunity to pital to the home of Gordon’s pa­ Our fighting men are doing 7:30 Friday evening. rents, Mr. and Mrs Homer Grow dwell in peace, as it will give his their share. Here at home O Mi and Mis Earl Emmens and Everybody is cordially invited nation and all nations the o the least we can do I« put 10% Mis. Warren E. Seibert were bus­ tunity to work out their own des­ to all services. of our income in War Rond* * * > iness callers in Medford Tuesday. tinies unmolested. In this hope it for our nhare in America. is profitable to have before us • Gerald McCorkle of Ashland FIRST PRESBYTERIAN this ancient example of Isaac, CHURCH who won his way to peace by be­ Howard G. Eddy, Minister L Bible school at 9:45 a. m.. Wirt ing peaceable. About People You Know ; At the Churches i J i INCH SERMON FBI Chief a WORLD g-.-‘--------- bu Lto RlINfR I F° od THANK YOU SALE I n MAHD, FOOD UtUMO its Hor'oRocuttes- Bur IHt nstion ' smost ÇpVUlAR VaSTt SHOt- •LAB“ Of tHt WAR, »9 NOW ÎKY1MO OVI Pt HVORATiO MC AT«. THE RESULTS SO FMI ARE 6000 Starts August 15 Watch For Circulars We Say It With SAVINGS I p AHO AUTO* HAWi SUN RUMNIHO oh ftofAiott ro« foist yiAg«. A »TATI FAC WAV MAKi« AICOISX I SUM THt 'IFUPS, WHICH 1» MIXtO WHH CA501IHC IN A OH» - W tHWl SAHO FO MAKI HI OS lt*l IVM X* '**,7 a H e will pay >500 in War Savings Stamps for each strange food fact submitted to and wd. Ad^ AWOWjffOW. 239 Watt 39 Stnat, Naw York, N.Y. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO JAMES G. MACKIE Authorized Dealer Page 5 Little Refugees Reach U. S. Sanctuary Two hundred children, 42 of whom left parents behind in concen­ tration camps, were among the 800 war refugees who reached sanctuary when their ship docked at Baltimore, Md. Some of the 42 war- orphaned youngster* are pictured packing away a good American lunch upon arrival. Because of the danger of retribution being visited upon relatives trapped by the "new order,** the children are known only by their Lniti&Jji. ANSWERS Dr. L. W. Staffers : B 1. John Philip Sousa (1856- 1932). 2. No. They are mammals. 3. Thomas Nast (1840-1909.) 4. Gaspar, Melchoir and Balth­ azar; the “Three Kings of Co- ~ logne.” 5. Frobisher in 1576 made the first real polar exploration. 6. The Seminole Wars from 1817 to 1937. 7. 28 F. in the polar seas. 8. James I. ». The United States. 10. Tbt wall was completed in 21< B. C. It was a long line defense against invasion by the Mongolians. ------------ •—--------- Ft>R SAIJ6- Red roan Durham bull. J. B. Jones, 7 Plaza. 31-32 DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Dr. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic service free to En­ listed men Office 244 Hargadlne Ph. M21 INSURANCE A little more than $1 per mo. given you legal coverage on pub­ lic* liability insur­ ance. We also write Collision, Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ ing INSURANCE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA War Damage Insurance This will protect against direct loss or damage to property (fire and bombard­ ment) due to enemy attack, It supplements your regular insurance. If interested in this protec- tlon, apply now as the for­ mer coverage expired June Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Mali Shop Now For Christmas We have ju«t received a large shipment of LOCKETS, CROSSES, ETC. The wise buyers will select and lay back their Christmas Gifts now. Ramsey’s Jewelry Store