Thurmlay, Aug. 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Letters to The Editor VARSITY Friday and Saturday! William Boyd in “STICK TO YOUR GUNS” Pill* L k FT SWI>YSERJI KA?1 to will invite Adolph swing, session * < attend a f Capitalising the war for individ­ ual profit la inexpressibly mean Berkeley, Calif business, Now Congress has pass- Aug* 4. 1942 ed a law |>enalizing it severely. Park and Plunges Favorite Retreats LITHIA Avhland's two municipal enter­ prises, Uthia park and the Twin • • t Dear Editor: ENTERTAINMENT Those papei littered, sun- Plunges, continue to draw large Ashland has enjoyed a good I’tiono 7561 scorched pai king strip* are veil- contingent* of soldier*, not omy many years of quiet und peace table eyesores and should receive those Invited hen- by the War Re ­ Emil Ixxmard and Louis New­ But it is high time to awake to the attention from the powers that be. creation committee liut many Olli­ som are the only Washington Sen- fact that we are fighting for our ers whose leave permits them Io f f f ¿rawing more than $10.000 lives. There is no longer room in How time files! In a few week« s|Mmd a few hours in the city. America for isolationism and pre­ this season The clubs payroll The uxiih I swim and dance pro­ football coaches will begin ••re- judice. at an all-time low for the prMM gram wax curried out lust Sun­ building for next N CIUIOII." Yet some citizens would close era . . . Ben Hogan gave his caddy day, with swimming ut the Plun­ ---------- $70 after winning the Hale Amer­ their eity to the men does that ges occupying the time from 3 to include their own ? who are pre­ Gt) TO SAN Fit \N CISCO ica Open golf tournament . Mr. and Mrs. M A. Marley left 5:30, when guests and hostesses Alsab, weighing 950 pounds, is the pared to give their lives for the Friday evening for San Francisco repaired to the park to partake Damon Runyon’s smallest outstanding horse of the very freedom which they so right­ where they plan to make their of a bountiful spread prepared eously scorn by their action. day. One hopes, of course, that these home. The Mui leys moved to Ash- and served by the American l-e- For more than 10 years the land from Medford when Mr. Mar. gjon auxiliary and the Isidies of schedules of both the National and same citizens have planned an ef­ ley was transferred to the First the Veterans of Foreign Wars Be American league baseball clubs fective course of action to prevent National bunk here, and have sides the 50 invited soldier* ami (with a combined annual total of Hirorito's Hordes or the Nazi made thia their home since the the Junior Hostesses, the 25 men Storm Troopers from entering the 1.932 games) have been worked firat of the year. He held the posi­ accompanying the Camp White city, should such an unlikely con ­ out by an employee of a Boston Starring tion of pro-aaaistant cashier in the display ut the Victory House pro­ tingency ever arise. bank . . . Bob Tarleton, new man­ Ashland branch bank While not gram were served. At a time when the entire na­ ager of the St. Paul American as­ Soldiers names ap|M-aring on the I stating definitely what hia future sociation club, wears street clothes tion is united in all phases of the plans were, Mui ley indicated that roster Include the following: while directing operations from task of preserving the freedom Armon it. Hastings. Holtville, he would I m - engaged in a different the bench . , . Ray Flannigan, I and equality under which we live, line,of business Calif . Carl J. Davidson. Champion, the attitude of such people is dis ­ Baltimore hurler, received his I —•------------- Neb.; Albert Cochran, Bell Gar high school diploma in his second graceful, un-American disloyalty, VACATIONING HERE dens, Calif.; lairry Pallette, S«- and a mark of shame on a city season with the Orioles. with the railroad build­ Mr. and Mrs. Othel Ix-v and little. Wash.; Oliver lJpmsky, lx>s Michigan's football record under known for its hospitality. sons Clint and Janie» of Dunainulr, Calif., Fred Hefltner, Yours truly. ers from Missouri to the Fritz Crisler is 25 victories, five are Ashland visitors this week, Beil, Calif.; Don Safford. Portland, Viola A. Mayberry defeats and two ties . . . The Chi­ guests of Mr and Mis Clint Ore.;Gene Fawcett, Glendale, C al­ Oregon territory in plo- —•--------- cago Cardinals will play two Sun­ Baughman Mr. Lee is employed in if.: Roger Luca... Los day night games in Comiskey park THIS AND THAT dayu In the the SP yards at Dunsmuir, where 1 kina Id Hurst, Lynwood. Calif; (By Old Timer) this season—on Sept. 20 against they have resided the past year, Win. Payn, Tacoma, Wash.; Stan the Detroit Lions and on Oct. 4 To the Editor: Those Medford restaurant keep- and he and hia family are enjoying ley M Johnson ,Tacoma; Merle against the Green Bay Packers the six-day vacation the company Lindley, Eugene, Ore.; John B - ■ . Ted Lyons once went through era who refuse to serve Negro sol­ grants. Porter. San Francisco; Warren E 88 games without chalking up an diers showed a woeful lack of re­ \ • Nelson, Hollywood; Irwin M Cum- error . . . Brooklyn has been a spect for men in uniforms of Un- ILLNESS SPOIL-S VISIT mings, l»s Angeles; W H Cong cle Sam. member of seven different base­ dan, lx>s Angeles, G. ' T XV. 1: Mrs. Cora Lahr of Fresno, Calif., < < < ball leagues. I In Civil war days General Ben has been a guest at the home <4 Lynndyl, Utah: Alfred S Carr. A Butler invariably tacked on the her son Carl at Siskiyou for sever­ San Francisco; Stillman Clark. end of his war dispatches the al weeks. Unfortunately, Mrs San Francisco; Bernard Gordon. terse statement: "And the colored j Lahr has been ill most of the time, Petaluma, Calif.; Lewis E. Hugh­ as have children of the household, es, Baltimore. Md.; Lt George D Featuring troops fought nobly." all of whom are reported on the Kittredge Jr., Southboro, Mana . * < < It is revealed that Germany's mend according, to Carl I-ahr who Sgt E. I Rude, Bakersfield, Cal­ war schedule called for the cap- : was a business visitor in Ashland if; I’vt Eugene E. Evansen, Minn- O-C BASEBALL LEAGUE eapolis. Minn.William S Cluff. ture of the Suez canal in June ■ Fi day SEASON STANDINGS Calif; Ted North Hollywood, There's another schedule that is Team W L Pct. VISITED HERE SUNDAY Beall, Glendale, Calif ; Eugene F subject to change without notice. Medford 16 4 .800 M ; J C. Mr and Mrs. A. E Woodruff Atkinson, Belen, N f r * Klamath Falls 14 6 .700 and small daughter. Joan Marte, Blackburn. Tempson, Tex ; Thom­ Dorris with the greatest cast 8 IS .400 We've come a long ways. Thir­ of Klamath Falls, were Sunday as A Callender, Lincoln. III.; Rob- « 18 .100 Grants Pass ty-three years ago—July 30, 1909 guests at the home of Mr Wood­