Thursday, Aug. 6, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 I About People You Know At the Churches I : ■ ' ■ ■ . . •••»«»•««««••«•»»»a»*«*. day afternoon. The president, Wen­ NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ dell Reynolds called the meeting TIONAL CHURCH to order und attended to the regu­ Clarence McCall, Minister lar routine of business as their' Boulevurd and Morton Streets leader Homer Misire was unable Church school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. to attend the meeting. Glen Prescott, superintendent. • R 1). Reynolds mid son Ken­ Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ neth visited with Mr and Mrs ' lit • A finally reunion wax held mon by minister. the home of Mi and Mrs. Main Melvin Conley of Dunsmuir the Union Young People's xervice 5LV. ROBERT H. HARPER first of Uie week und brought lion- Wilburn on Gibson avenue Sunday. 7:00 p. m. uld Reynolds horn«' with them Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Alcocks and Union meeting, 8:00, sermon by two children, Mr. und Mrs. ixiwi ll • Mi and Mis Francis of Med­ Chaplain D. S. Ixacquernent. Burnett mid buliy mid Lemuel Bur­ ford were dinner guests of Mr AAA ’Aliraham't Intrrcrtwry Prayst. last Mrs. Homer Moore nett of Gold Hill, Nev., were pie- ami FREE METHODIST CHURCH Wednesday. Irinin for Augutl 9i Ganttia 18: sent. This is the first time In six East Main Street years that the I a mi ly have ull • Betty Dunn left Sunday for Pa- 23-33. John K. Poet, Pastor Golden Ttil: limn 5116. xo Robles, (Julif for a two weeks been together. Sunday school at 9:45 a. rn. visit with her uncle and sunt, Dr. Moon alter Abraham and l»t • Mr .and Mrs. C. o Barto) of m separated, Lot settled in Sodom, a Bernice Beare, superintendent Lincoln were shopping in 'I aleni und Mrs. Robert Peachey. • Mr. anil Mr» Ib xtcr Woodworth city so wicked that Ils name wax charge. Saturday. Morning worship at 11 o’clock • (J. A. Manning who him been and baby returned Thureday from given a vile sin. See Genesis 19:5. with the pastor bringing the mes­ u visit witii Mrs Woodworth's And God told Abranuin of hit pur- j patient at tiie Community hospital sage. in Ashland for the past two weeks parents ut Los Angeles und Mr. jxixe to destroy tile city. Young People's meeting and Ju- W ixm I woi U i ' s mother at Long Abraham prayed for sodom. He i returned home Wednesday. Mi nlor meeting at 7:15 p. in. . Evan- Manning undeiwenl surgical Beuch, Calif., Lloyd Winegurdner wus naturauy concerned lor his came home with them tor a week's kinsmen then- and he continued to’ geiislic service at 8 p. rn. . with tieulmeut. plead until God promised to wpaii me pastor in charge. • Mr. und Mn, W A. McKenzie visit. Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 and family returned pinne Friday • Mrs. I>avld Walker and two tne city if 10 ngnteous people wi n p. m. Wednesday. alter a month's visit with rela­ children from Si-atll«- arrived Sun- found tn it. Suteen years before AAA day for a two weeks’ visit with Abiaham hud rescued Lot ano tives In Arkansas and Missouri, FIRST BAI-llST CHI IU 11 • Word has been received that Mr and Mrs. J. Z. Walker and others« from the banded klngx J. It. lurnbull, Mmixter (Genesis 14:16); he may not have! Pop Godner, a former resident, other relatives. Bible school 9:45 a. m , heard from Lot since but supposed underwent th«' amputation of a ins household would number more Corry, superintendent. foot at a hospital in Klamath Falls than 10. Morning worship, 11:00 hist week. Young People's Union 7 Though a pioneer of faith (last • Mr mid Mix W M l.ufzlow lesson), Abrahams prayer for So­ who have been stopping in the Prayer, praise and Bible study dom did not avail. Some think he hour, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. auto camp for the past month left had a bargaining spirit in his Tuesday for their home in Pass- a > > playing To the author it appeal, della Mr loitzlow has been em­ AAA that Abraham's prayer failed be- TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH ployed al Camp White. cause he took too much upon him- • Mr. and Mrs Fred Cook of Kia- Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar self, nut in speaking unto the malh Fulls are spending u week In Holy Communion 8 a. m. Lord (verse 27) but in assuming a the valley visiting Mr. Cook's par­ Church zchool 9:30 a. m. knowledge of conditions. He tho't ents. Mr. und Mrs. Elrtier Cook in Sermon and Morning Prayer, Talent und Mrs Cooks puientx. there were 10 righteous people in 11:00 a. m. Sodom und there were not. We Mr und Mrx Walter Holmes in Holy Communion, 9:30 a. in may sometmies ask of God accord­ Wednesday. Vulley View. ing to ou‘ rknowledge instead of • Mr. und Mrs. IJoyd Cochran You are cordially invited to trusting to Omniscience. So the and son Keith of Eugene were worship with us. guests of Mr and Mrs. Roy Estes second failure of Abraham wax r r r und Tom iximb over the week-end stopping short in his plea .He BY RANKT ÍUPLIR • Mr mid Mi.« Lithnn McDowell thought he had reached the goal CATHOIJC CHURCH and family of West Phoenix visit­ but he had not. Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor WOMAN of the WEEK: Since ed relatives in Tulent Sunday. So le us pray in perfect humility Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. the bill providing for a women's AAA • .Jim Calvin, it foHMI lesideiit and trust. God alone knows what of Talent who has been visiting naval auxiliary wus first intro­ is bent for us. The value of prayer FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE relatives for the past week, re­ duced in congress, there has ap­ may be sadly limited if we assume E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. turned to his home in Richmond parently been little doubt that too great a knowledge of our Mildred McAfee, the 42-year old L. P. Furman, Pastor Calif . Tuemlay. needs ax we approach God. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. • Mr ami Mrs. James A Mar- president of Wellesley college, ~ Morning worship 11 o'clock. tin of s.iin m Valley Rwved into would b«- chosen as its head. Bom C. A. xervice 6:45 Sunday eve­ their new home recently pur­ in nParkviile, Mo., she wax pad- ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ chased Haivry Thompson, uated from Vassar in 1920 Since of Harvey low at 7:30 o'clock. Saturday. Mr and Mrs Msrtin are then she has worked with girl« among those who hail to sell their and women ax a teacher .adndnis- C. A. service and choir practice 7:30 Tuesday evening. farms to the government for can­ tiator, dean of women and direc- to of girls’ work for a Chicago tonment I“«- .. . Bible study and prayer meeting • Mr and Mrs Roland Purks mid church. She Is known as a cajiuble 7:30 Friday evening. administrator, although her youth ­ daughter Tammy arrived in Ash­ Everybody is cordially invited land Sunday to spend three weeks ful up[>earance, and vivid person­ to all services. in Tulent and Ashland Mr. Parks ality arc deceptive Lie the direct­ » > > is principal of the Spiaguc River or of the WAAC, she can accom- plish a great deal without ob ­ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN school. CHURCH • C. W. Holdrig e was among the vious effort an00 women already at work ax causes unnecessary strain on the post here shows that Patsy Sim­ welders, . . . The Union of South skins and makes them wear poorly. CHURCH OF CHRIST Second, be very careful about mons has a credit of 149 hours. Africa has issued a new one pen- Second and B Streets ny Mt a nip carrying the picutre of style. Chse a conservative clas- Lucille Young is second with 100 Earl F. Downing, Minister a war nurse ... A dispatch from cut, one that will be* wearable hours. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. England reveals that British wo-1 f or m-veral seasons without "re ­ ac- • Mrs. Anna Hatfield has Morning worship 11 o'clock. espied a position as clerk at the men are almost 100 per cent mo- | »tyiing." A fur coat lx an invest- Sermon topic, “With Jesus by the bi I Izod, with about half of them mint that post exchange ut CniWp White the average woman Sea." This message will be the • Mr und Mrs William Bowyer doing full time war production doesfl't make every year. first in a series of "Vacation tat and family who resided in the work. Trips with Jesus.” V V r Butterfield property left Friday If you had com-on-the-cob last HEADS “ WAR Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m BRIDEN ” : Mrs. for Jerome, Ida , to make their night for dinner and someone’s ap­ Evelyn Richman Kaahuk, whose petite failed so that an ear or two for all ages. home. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. • Mrs Harvey Lowe of Butte husband is a, corporal in the army, were left over make this corn souf­ Falls was a business caller here was recently named president of fle tomorrow for luncheon. Serve Sermon. "The Face of Jesus." i "War Brides of America." an or­ it with long rolls split and toast­ last week. Daily vacation Bible school for • Mr and Mrs James Fairbanks ganization of women who have be- ed, tomato salad and deep dish beginnners, primary, high school ■ come brides since September, 1940. hit for then home in Coalinga, peach pie. and young people's group every .SIGNS of the TIMES: Women Calif., after spending a month in Coni Souffle day 9 to 11:30 except Saturday. are working ax student conductors Talent. One and one-half cups com cut Evening * classes for teachers on Sun Francisco's Market Street • Mrs M P. Yates of San Fran­ from cob. 2 tablespoons butter, 2 cisco is visiting her sister and railway cars . . . Tile WPB. tak­ tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, 1 and others every night at 8:00 p. brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ing the dilemma of conservation I teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, m. except Saturday. Mrs. William Siefke of Eugene will teach the firmly by the horns, has prohibited few drops tobasco sauce, 3 eggs. Goddard on Wagner creek. classes. the sale by retail stores of all offi­ ------ —a—------- Melt butter, stir in flour and * » a cers' insignia for use as costume cook, stirring constantly until BELLVIEW NEWS jewelry and has ordeeed that ser­ bubbly. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE • Bert Peachey who lx Janitor at vice men may no longer give such Add milk slowly, stirring vigor­ Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor the Lincoln school on the Green insignia to their "girl friends." ously. Look and stir until boiling. Fourth and C Streets AAA Springs spent the week-end with Add com, seasonings and yolks of Church school 9:45 a. m. his family here. SUNNY SIDE UP: That the OPA eggs beaten until thick and lemon Morning worship, 11 o'clock. • William Stoner who is employed does not wish to discourage buying colored. Remove at once from heat near Edgewood, Calif., spent the of items not on the priority list is and let cool slightly while beating Departmental meetings at 6:30: weekend with his wife at the indicated by the reported increase whites of eggs until stiff. Fold Junior, Young People, Adults. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in business in what are called the beaten egg whites into cooked Evangelistic service, 7:30. E<1 Grimm. "luxury trades.” Furs, fine jewel- I mixture and turn into an UNbut- Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marlin and ry, china and furniture sales are i tered baking dish. Bake 50 min­ nesday evening. sons of Mt. Shasta Calif., spent high and apparently are going to utes in a moderately slow oven the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. be higher. But don’t be alarmed. (325 degrees F.). Serve at once Walter Davis and family and We haven't suddenly gone money from baking dish. 1 Sunday Mrs. Floyd Parks of Cen­ mad. What actually Is happening » » < tral Point joined them for a pic­ is that manufacturers of luxury Choose perfectly ripe peaches nic in Lithia park. Tuesday Mrs. items are "trading down.” Jewel­ Davis’ sister, Mrs. Harvey McLeod ers report sales of 100.000 diamond for the peach pie. Pare, cut in of Gates, Okla, arrived for a visit rings a month since Pearl Harbor, halves and remove pits. Put in a at the Davis home. She and her but most of these sold for less deep pie dish or a shallow baking mother, Mrs. Haynes, Mrs. Davis than $50. And economical furs, dish, cut side up. Sprinkle with 2 and Lyda Catherine went to Cen­ like muskrat, wolf, beaver and tablespoons quick cooking tapioca tral Point to visit with Mr. and opossum account for the bulk of and 3 tablespoons strained honey Put a dot of butter in each peach Mrs. Floyd Parks. Mrs. Haynes the fur sales. half and cover with rich pastry. and Mrs. McLeod will spend a few Put in a hot oven for 10 minutes days at the Parks home. to bake the crust. Then reduce • Mr. and Mrs. Miles Farmer and heat to 350 degrees F. and bake Mr. and Mrs. Chester Farmer of 30 minutes longer. Serve warm or Dorris Calif, were visiting rela­ cold. tives over the week-end. f * t • Mr. and Mrs. Ward Holman and Speaking of honey, here’s a re­ son Clyde Beaston and Vern Orr, cipe for a honey cake frosting who have been staying at the R. that’s really delicious. Camp White, will leave for their Boil 1 cup of strained honey un­ ALWAYS home in Los Angeles this week. til it spins a thread. Beat whites E. Holman home and working at You can dc|>end of 2 eggs with teaspoon salt Their daughter, Miss Alta Beas­ service. The lieat materials, until stiff. Beat in the boiling ton, who is employed at Medford properly prepared, served in honey slowly, and continue to beat will remain here for the summei a courteous manner — at until cool and stiff, Flavor with • Gene Seitz from Hornbrook was 1 prices always within your vanilla and spread on cool cake. a business visitor here Tuesday means. That's what you get r f f and was a guest of his mother, at You can sow radish seed, certain : Mrs. Gertrude Seitz. varieties of lettuce and spinach in • Donald F. Korth and Willis Rec­ the garden for fall meals. These tor and son Sam attended the pub­ vegetables al) like coo) weather so lic auction at Phoenix Saturday. your meeting place • The Bellview 4-H club met at . U. Í. 7 rouary VrpaitmtHl why not keep your garden grow­ ing uptil we have heavy frosts. the home of Jack McCoy Satur-1 TALENT NEWS INCH SERMON Talent Home Scene Of Family Reunion woniEii FIRST METHODIST < HI RCH Cor. N. Main mid Laurel Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday Church school 9:45 a. in. Morning worship 11 o’cioca. Sermon subject: “Lrx>k at Fhe Stars." Mrs. Stephen Epier will be guest soloist Young people's union worship hour, 7.00 p. m. Evening union service 8:00 p m. in Presbyterian church and the sermon by Chaplain Kenneth Mur­ phy, of Camp White. Midweek Bible study hour and praise service is Wednesday eve­ ning at 7:30. AAA FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., South Sunday school, at 9:45 a m Sunday morning service at 11 o’clock. Subject: Spirit, Wednesday evening meeting, which Includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o'clock. Reading room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend these services and to use the reading room. I ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! America'» attacking on both th» fighting front and th« home front today ? W« r» giving th» Aait a bittar tatta of what'» to com». We'ra fighting th» inflationary «th column that blow» pric«» iky high h«r» at horn», too. And «very on« of ua who »av»s • t leaat 10% of hia pay in War Ronda i» an important aoldiar in the attack! Join th« attack youraelfl i • Subscribe for The Miner today. Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 I)r. C. C. Dunham I N S U R A N C E A little more than SI per mo. gives you legal coverage on pub­ lic liability insur­ ance. We also write Collision, Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ ing INSURANCE Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic service free to En­ listed men Office 244 llargadlne Ph. M21 M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA HOUS E 4 GOOD FOOD ■nor fid BANK'S UNSAfCf Invest qour moHfq in United fates WAR SAVING BONDSAND STAMPS! s Yon Con Help Make Telephone Service Meet Demands of War By keeping conversations BRIEF. By being sure of your number before you call. By using Long Distance for essential messages ONLY. By using station-to-station service wherever possible for toll calls. 'i our cooperation will aid in this national emergency be- cause the demands of war have loaded our long distance lines and many of our local facilities to capacity and beyond. Materials required to increase circuits and switchboards cannot be obtained—they must go into the making of weapons and munitions. It is not now possible to build more plant. Therefore, we all are confronted with the necessity of getting the most out of what we have. In following the above suggestions, you can save yourself time and expense and you will help us keep the way clear for JFar Messages Thai Must Go Through. e appreciate your splendid response in helping to meet t’ese problems which involve the safety and security of us all. THE PAC1HC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY KEEP BUYING STAMPS AND BONDS 14 0 Til Xmas! WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK FOR HINTS ON CHRISTMAS BUYING Ramsey’s Jewelry Store •A