VARSITY Friday and Saturday! MINER IN DEPOSITORY soK PHONOGRAPH KrAXHiliS Old phonograph records arc wanted in tne war effort and to make it convenient for do­ nors the Miner has placed a box near the entrance to re­ ceive them If the records are broken, gather up the pieces and bring them in. This is a salvage campaign and the old Approximately EVIDENCE eye Jack McDonald in two straight (Continued from page 1) falls. Promoter Mack Lillard an­ St. Sgt. W. P. Choke, Los Ange- nounced that he will not hold any les, Calif.; St. Sgt. Thomas H matches for that period but will McCain, Jr. Matador, Tex.; Sgt take a trip in search of new talent. Harold W. Curry. Parma, Ida.; St Tillet had an easy time of it in Sgt. Julian M. Cardett. Oahu, H. beating the former Tacoma log­ I. ; St. Sgt. Michael Stewart Char­ ger McDonald tried repeatedly to les Fogarty Jr, Camp White. Chaplains Reim, Johnson and fell his 276-pound opponent with sonnenburgs only to bounce off Porter of Camp White were also him as if the grotesque French­ in attendance. ------------- •------------- man were a brick wall. Legitimate tactics falling, McDonald resorted ALL TRAILS LEAD TO to foul methods but got exactly LITHIA PARK (Continued from page 1) nowhere with this. The first fall went to the French monstrosity Mary Ellen Gleason. with a bear hug and press after 3:00—Auctioning of merchsn-1 12 minutes of wrestling and he disc given by Ashland merchants1 took the second after three min­ Auctioneer, Col. A. H. Dudley. utes when McDonald, attempting 3:20 -Music. Henry Murtagh. to get a body slam, fell beneath 3:30-3:45—City band. 3:45—Sale of bonds to Elks | the great weight of the freakish Tillet, with the Angel landing on lodge and City of Ashland. top and winning with a body 3:50—Introduction of oldest per- i son buying War Savings Stamps press. Joe Corbett defeated Pete Bel- Introduction of youngest person castro two out of three falls in buying War Savings Stamps. 4-4:15- First Aid demonstra-' the middle go and Irish Jim Ca­ sey won the lone fall over Pedro tion. Ned Man, assistant First Aid chairman of Jackson county Brazil. in charge of this work in Ashland. 4:15—Xylophone concert, Stand­ ard Chevronette Pat Hawkins. 4:30—Auctioning of merchan­ dise donated by Ashland mer­ chants. 7— Music, Henry Murtagh. 730—Incendiary bomb demon­ stration in charge of Fire Chief Clint Baughman. 7:45—Cutting of Victory cake, donated by Lithia Bakery. 8— First Aid demonstration, Ned Are you entitled to wear a target Mars. lapel button? At sundown—Lowering of col­ You can ONLY if you are investing ors. Camp White color guard. at least ten percent of your income 8:20—Auctioning of merchan­ in War Bonds to do your part on the dise given by Ashland merchants. home front toward winning the War. Auctioneer, Col A. H. Dudley. The target lapel button is a badge 8:45—Introduction of person 12 of patriotism, a badge of honor. You years or younger, who came the should feel proud to display it. The farthest distance and purchased a buttons are obtainable at your plant Defense Stamp. management, at the office of your Introduction of person over 12 local War Bond chairman, or at your years of age who came the far­ Payroll Savings Window where you thest distance and purchased a authorize your ten percent payroll Defense Stamp. 9— Music, Henry Murtagh. deductions. 9:15—Community singing. Enlist in the ten percent War Bond 9:30—Introduction of oldest per- army and do your part to win the on buying War Savings Stamps, War. (/..S' 1 rfatvry Dtparlmtnl ntroduction of youngest person >uying War Savings Stamps, Wrestling Out for Three Weeks MATINEES Wed., Fri., Sat. Continuous Sundays I Thursday, July 30, 1942 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 l.EAV ING NOON Mr and Mrs. Charles M Giffen have disposed of most of their household goods and are packing the remainder preparatory to leaving Ashland in a few days They expect to travel for a time looking for a new location. Since leaving the Miner the first March Mr. Giffen has worked moat of the time at Camp Vvnile and may again engage in that type of work at one of the other construction projects. ------------- •-------------- BACK FROM SOUTH Mrs Fred Cushing and daugh­ ter Shirley returned home last week-end from San Diego where they spent a month visiting They had not expected to return at thia time, but upon receiving word of the illneaa of Mrs Cushing's uncle, Harry Hurst, they decided to cut their visit short. ------------- «-------------- Nl'FFERN LIGHT STROKE Harry Hurst, manager of the Uthla theatre .has been ill at his home since Sunday, July 19 He suffered a light stroke and while his condition is not serious, he la being kept quiet with the hope that recovery will be complete ------------- •------------- THIS AND THAT (By Old Timer) To the Editor: Perhaps some Ashlanders might get kround to mowing their park­ ing strips if some scientists could announce that cut grass and weeds could be converted into rubber. f t t Congress having recessed until September, members are busy re- pairing their political fences Re­ presentatives come up for reelec­ tion in swarms of 435 biennially; senators only 32 at a time. • » • Mussolini, it Is reported. Is paid a salary of >10,000 a year Uncle Zeke thinks the Italians are over­ paying by about >10,000. » • ♦ People are asked to buy only one article at a time. Perhaps it would be alright to buy two shoes however. » » » Since all old rubber, metal, etc ., has been sent to the scrap pile, the garage is now a nice place to keep a car. » « » Now is the time the lazy man digs up that old excuse about sprinkling drawing mosquitoes. ess Travel broadens — especially your auto tires—to the completely ' deflated state. » » r Ashland's dry ice venture ap­ pears to have fizzled into thin air j , Dickinson Day Set at Medford SEASON STANDINGS Team W L Pct. Medford 14 4 .its IM17 Klamath Falla It • llorria 8 10 .444 III (Inuits Pana 2 10 It will be "Joe Dickinson Du) at the Medford baseball park next Sunday afternoon when the Med­ ford Athletic association will hon­ or Soldier Joe Dickinson who has pitched the Medford Craters into the lead of the Oregon-California league, two full games ahead of the Klamath Falls Pelicans with only three weeks remaining in the season The MMA will present Dickin­ son. who in peace-time Is under contract to the Chicago Cubs, with a token of appreciation dur­ ing the Sunday claah with Dorris and there will be a box placed at the entrance gate to receive 1“ lan­ ds 1 offering for Dickinson. Grants Pass travels to Klamath Falls for the other league gnn • laiat Saturday night at Medford the Craters beat Grants Puns 5 I ■ I and travelled to the Climate Citv Sunday to repeat the procedure 11 to 0 Klamath Falls am! Dorris divided their aeries at Dorris with the Pelicans winning the first game 14 to 8 and dropping the second 10 to 7. ------------- •------------- ATTEND DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE AT STOCKTON FIELD. CALIFORNIA Mr ami Mrs. Willard Mattson of (JOti Allison street announce the marriage of their daughter, Aud­ rey Elsie, to Lt Robert E. Nelson The wedillng wax an event of Sun­ day, July 28. and took place st Stockton Field, Calif., where LI Nelson has been receiving train­ ing In the air corps Mr and Mra. Mattson and members of their family attended as did Lt. Nelson's cadet friends man yof whom had finished their basic training and were scheduled to depart for Salt Lsike City foi bombing training, where the new- I lyweds will be at home for the duration of the training period ------------- •------------- RETURNS HOME Ward Moore who spent the past three months at the home of his daughter, Mrs I F. Andres, left Sunday night for his home in Pue­ blo, Colo. ■ win ihm sheer off ms face / tit The green apple and the small boy are getting together. ------------- •------------- Editor Southern Oregon Miner, Ashland, Oregon; Dear 8ir: Your editorial in the July 23rd i Ls-vue entitled "Does Ashland Want to Become a Blue Law* Town" was excellent. We need more of the same type of thinking to wake us up to our responsibilities as a community and as Individuals at this time To those who object to the good, clean entertainment being furnish­ ed our national protectors, wheth­ er it be on Sunday or week day, I say this—let them put on a uni­ form and serve their country. They will learn a lot. Very truly yours, R. E. POSTON President Ashland Chamber of Commerce YWl SAVINGS BONDS ¿STAMPS U. cards n.SING A SONG Of ' KITCHEN THRIFT SINK YOUR DIMES IN WAN the ; M A T 1 N E E S ¡1 Thursday, Saturday Continuous Sunday Friday, SaturdayJ; “KLONDIKE FAIRY" Edmund lxnve and Luc.Ik* Fairbanks Plus “RIDERS OF THE BADLANDS" ; with Charles Starrett Sunday, Monday and Tuesday "The Invaders' with Laurence Olivier Leslie Howard Raymond Massey Wednesday and Thursday Mid-Week Special 11 cents and 1 5 cents YOUR OWN quota, is 10%! ★ ★ ★ Lend your country 10% of your pay or have tha Natia and Japt take (not borrow) 100% t That'« what wq and «vary ona of ua face today! Victory or defeat I Buying War Bonds or »el I Ing our> aalvaa info alavery! Getting tough with ourtalvaa or gaating taken by tha Asia! Your quota—and everybody's quo­ ta—is 10% of wagaa or incoma savad in WAR llONDI and STAMPS’ Join America's all out offanaiva . . . increase your WAR ROND aav> Inga to at least 10% — NOW? Gat tha dataila from your employ* or bank, post ofhee ot othar WAR BOND sales agency . TODAY! To the Editor: Where Is our Americanism ? The soldier boys, many of them, would far rather be doing some-| thing else than this grim business | at defending us that they now are! engaged in. Let us welcome them—to our town, to our homes and to our churches They are a fine up­ standing bunch, these soldier boys of yours and mine. Give them a real, heartfelt welcome. NAN A. MOORE (Mrs. Frank Moore) You Can Get Quick Relief From Tired Eyes MAKI THIS SIMPLI TIST TODAY Eyes Overworked 7 Ju«t put two drop« of Murine in each eye. Kight away it starts to cleaoM and soothe. You get— Bad luck seldom sets long In the direction of the man who doesn't believe in it. 1 Quick Relief I All 7 Murine ingredients wash away irritation. Your eyes feel refreshed. Murine helps thousands—let it help you, too. FOR SALE—Red roan Durham bull. J. B. Jones, 7 Plaza 31-32 EVES F or Y our SOOTHU • CUANMS • RIFRUHU I Damage ff Insurance This will protect against direct loss or damage to property (fire and bombard­ ment) due to enemy attack, It supplements your regular insurance. If interested in this protec* tion, apply now as the for­ mer coverage expired June SO. We have nothing to sell but the Idea that all of us should nut our shoulders to the wheel and go all-out for America and her Allies. We know Ashland people will not hesitate to put their all into the fight if called upon to do so. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main I > ■ ■, WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS AND BONDS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giffen ; with ------ ♦ //w at Phone 1 Ml I S. JrrBjwry ¿/rpu'imr f “FOR SALE” Miner office. entertainment ; ♦ ANSWERS 1. In the Arthurian legends the cup which Christ used at the Last Supper. 2. Caviar is obtained from the roe of sturgeon fish. 3. Thousand million volts. 4. The fermented juice of fresh grapes. 5. Land snails, some frogs, slugs and the African lungfish. Baseball. 6. “ 7. Linotype. 8. Victor Herbert. 9 Petrology, a geological term. 10. Cyrus Hall McCormick. ------------- •------------- LITHIA FREE 25c V. S. SAVINGS STAMP WITH EVERY >1.50 Cleaning Order. Plain garments—50 cents cash and carry. PICKUP AND DE1JVERY 05c COLLEGE CLEANERS 828 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 0330 1