SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, July 30, 1942 ♦ About People You Know TAIXNT NEWS Hero S Wkcdî/ou&444fWdk fire warden of Bellview and hla successor has not been nutned yeu • Miss Gladys Hoadley left re- cently for Seattle where she will be murried to John Barker, Her grandmother, Mrs. Eva Hoad ley uf Idaho, who han been visiting here accompanied her to Beattie and will remain with her until aJ- L«r her marriage. < Mr. und mix Gene Hugo aim ^auy ul iiuuius aie visiuug ». .ue noine ul mis . Hugo a patuuv», -if .unu Mrs. Linuiua axei .«uiHut avenue. • Mr. and Mrs. M 1*. Franklin uud fumily of Y reka have k-uaeu kuw George 'Thurston property and will move there thia week. v junn Loper left last Monday evening tor hurt Ix-wii to be in- uucieU into liie army. • Cliarics Skeeter» and son Rich- aid made a tup to Kedding, Cam , wnere tney purenased a jummei to be used in their loading oper­ ations near Prospect. • air. and Mrs. Cecil McCarty and cmiuren left Saturday iui Dea Minni-M, lowu, to spend » Ill.T NEW» Uiouln visiung 11lends and reia lives. Mr. unu Mrs. McCarty art • Ed Adams returned from lurmeriy uf that city, . «nesting matches at Medjord • Mid Huas ul Awuland built a Monday mgnt to rind ma nuuae un new puicu ul the iionie ui Mi. lire, it wua unuul one a.-'hi. wnen and Mis. iluy Eales lust week. me Hie aiuim was sounded and • Mr. uud Mia. Huy Untun ul local vuiumetM fire figntera ruan- I'l-uMpect and Ml. and Mrs. Huaaeu ed to tne joo. Tne me wua 1' uiks spent Bunday wiui mi . unu tne crowd wax going home 1 .40. Coiialueluu>e uainuge Aiis. vtuyue Cowdrey. • Mr und Mis. Biule Breese uf done moat ut it by mhoku hurt Kiamutn apont me wei-a-end water. Mrs. Anama la in ban Fran­ ill latent. Mr. L>ive»e is eniptuyeu cisco attending aenuoi al me pie- aenl time. there. I • Mis. r red Bayliss wux husteaa • Frank Munnea Of the couat country near Eureka, cam. ia ul u picnic luncheon at her home visiting ms Llizauelli lor me Hilt Ludies club Tnuiaday sutler, IU ternoun. Tne picnic wax well ut- Dcumuig and family this week. | tended and greatly enjoyed by all • Mis G*. C. 8c i by und grandson present. jimmy Beiby relumed hume Hum (‘im o, Cum , wnere they spool • Mis McCullough and daughter Donna of Kbirnam Funs and Mrs. inc past month. Waller Bray and daughter Judy uf • Wayne Wheeler of Gallic, a Dunsmuir nave been guests uf iuruier resident called un friends their parents, Mr. and Mrs. r rank in Talent Friday. Ward the past week • Mr and Mis. Fred Kincaid and • Mr and Mrs. Q. Bernhelsel and laniuy who huvo been living in lainiiy were in Ashland butui day the camp gruund mis summer • Mts. Olive Allison spent t ui- moved into the Bpltzer ptupeiv^ week-end at with Mr. and lust week. Mrs. C. Calkins • Jack i'heifcr returned home • Mr and Mis. Don -Ward and iroin Luke ut tne Woods Batuiday daughter Dianne came home r n- alter a nine uayv caiupuig I».,. uMy i rum their vacation trip. there. • Mrs. Gladys Steward and twu • Mr and Mm W. Gran were in a an land Saturday cniidren ut Orovine, Cant, ate V le­ lung her father, Hill Crosby an d • Vernal Nebeker left this week­ end lor Buaanviiie wneie he will uther relatives here this week • Mr and Mrs Haymond Clark meet Mr». Nebeker wnu has been visiting relatives in Ulan, unu and family ut Ashland called un spend tils week’s vacatlun before Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clark Bunday leturnlng home. evening. • A small graxs fire slarting by • Ivan Blackwell of Ashland vis­ tae Southern Pacific Backs norm ited relatives in Talent Bunuay. of here was soon brought under • George Whclply sold his pro­ control by the section cicw unuer perty to Mr. and Mrs. L. Douds Mr. Cattuzzo and the Forest ssi- wnu plan un a complete remodel­ vlce crew under Max Ryce bann • ing ui me house and grounds Mr. day evening. Wueiply win move on Wagner • Mrs Dumas creea into Cliff Garvin's property. Sunday to care went to Ashland fur her daugntci —•---------- who is ill. • Mrs. John Heiltneyer returned lu her home TUeauay alter spend­ ing a lew bays wiui ner uaugiuer- in-iaw and baby at Tne Danes and witn uUier reitaives at Wamic. • Mr. and Mis. Giniam 'Turner have returned from 1 iliamuoa where they were called taxi week by me ueatn uf Mr. 'i timer» mother. • Mrs. Bess Hall who has apeiit me past two weeks with her mo­ ther, Mrs. Maluida King, returned to her hume in Oakland, CaiM. • David M Stevens left 'Tuesday lor Hermiston wnere nc is em­ ployed as a carpenter. He and Mrs. Btevens and cniidren have been staying with Mrs. Stevens' par­ cuts, Mr. and Mrs. C A. lotta who have recently moved here from Lus Angeles. • Mr and Mr». W. F. McCorkle and family were dinner guests Sunday uf Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud and Mrs. Sorenson were dinner guests of Miss Marie Walker in Ashland Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs George Yockel and daughters Louise, Edna and Inez, left Tuesilay for a two weeks visit with Mrs. Yuckel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dahl of Conrad, Mbnt. • Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bel] received a cablegram Sunday from their son Kenneth stating he was well. Kenneth is with the U. 8. Navy some where in the Pacific. • Mrs. A. K. Andrews of Sacra­ mento and Mina Marguerite An­ drew» and Mian Gene Miller of Santa Cruz spent a few days re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews. Mrs. A. K. Andrews is a sister-in-law of Mr. Andrews and was enroute to Washington to Join her husband who is in the employ of the government. Miss Andrews is a sister and Miss Mil­ ler a niece of Mr. Andrews. They returned to their home last Wed­ nesday. • Homer Moore has resigned as w • Bill Gran and son Billy, Ando- mar De Clsrck and Max Hycc Jr. attended the show in Ashland Sun­ day evening Mr und Mrs. Frank Ward and daughters, Mrs McCullough ul Klamath Falls und Mrs. Bruy ut Dunsmuir, and granddaughters Donna McCullough and Judy Bray, und Dianne Ward were in Ashland Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunaway attended the wrestling matches at the Medford armory Monday eve- ning. • Mrs Murwin Bradfield returned from a visit in Salt Lake, last 'week. • Mrs Mae De Jarnett was the first of the feminine crew at the box factory to suffer a mishap, when she got a finger cut in the saw late Thursday afternoon. She wan back on the Job Friday, the cut not being serious. low at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST CHURCH OF tilKIBT C. A. service and choir practice SCIENTIST 7 30 Tuesday evening. Pioneer Ave., South Bible study and prayer meeting Sunday school, at 9:45 a. m. 7:30 Friday evening. Sunday morning service at 11 Everybody is cordially invited o’clock. to all services. Wednesday evening meeting, > r * which includes testimonies of FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Christian Science healing, is held CHURCH at 8 o'clock. Howard G. Eddy, Minister Reading room open daily from Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Wirt 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and M. Wright, superintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. holidays. The public is cordially invited to High school Christian Endeavor attend these services and to use meets at 6:15 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. the reading room. > > > Out WAII Hilft IIS * ★ Hitler found out that his high pow­ ered mechanized and motoi ized army bogged down in the snow and mud of the Russian Winter. Al­ though our Army Is largely mecha­ nized the cavalry horse is still a highly essential factor In this mount­ ed division and in the Field Artil­ lery. The Army alsu maintains re­ mount furma where many cavalry horses are bred and raised. CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister Coaslguardsman John Cullen, who helped trap the Nazi saboteurs who landed from a sub on Long Is­ land »up« out for a dance with girl friend Alysc Nelson, lie was the first man to spot the enemy saboteurs after their landing. These select horses cost from 1100 to 1185 and our crack cavalrymen are expert riders and carry uh the traditions which have followed the cavalry from the earliest days of the Army. Purchase of War Savings Bonds will insure good mounts for the Cavalry. You and your neigh­ bors buying War Bonds and Stamps regularly every pay day can, help buy these horses for the U. S. Cavalry. Invest at least 10 percent of your Income in War Bonds. • ■ Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Sermon topic, "Are Sunday Par­ ties an Instrument of the Devil?" Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. for all ages. Evening service. 8:00 P- m Sermon, The Man Who ia Ac- ceptable to God." Midweek service. 8:00 P- m„ Wednesday. * > > chi ; k < h of THE NAz.iRF.NT. Bertrand F. Peterson, i'aator The labors of the writing man man are always underestimated. There ia more to it than the mere buaineas of typing. Occas­ ionally one must pause to think, and to a man who has been a Journalist for twenty years think­ ing becomes increasingly difficult. Heywood Broun. Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-3 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 I)r. C. C. Dunham Chiropractic Physician Chiropractic service free to En­ listed men Office 244 Hargadine Ph. S321 * Fourth and C Streets Church school 9:45 a. m. DRY BLOCKS Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Departmental meetings at 6:30: A*.»;:*».». .• * Junior, Young People, Adults. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Evangelistic service, 7:30. East Main Street 42 Helman Dial 6761 Prayer meeting 7.30 p. m. Wed­ John K. Poet, Pastor nesday evening. -, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. > > > Bernice Beare, superintendent in FIRST METHODIST CHURCH charge. Cor. N. Main and I-aurel Sts. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister with the pastor bringing the mes­ sage. Sunday Church school 9:45 a. m A little more Young People's meeting and Ju­ Morning worship 11 o’clock. than 31 per mo. nior ¡neeUng at 7:15 p. m. Evan­ Sermon subject: “Look at the give« you legal gelistic service at 8 p. m. with Stars Mrs. Stephen Epler will be coverage on pub­ me pastor in charge. guest soloist. lic liability insur­ Mid-week prayer meeting at 8 Young people's union worship p. m. Wednesday. ance. We also hour, 7 :00 p. m. > > > write Collision, Evening union service 8:00 p. Fire, Accident, Life and Bomb­ FUCST BA1*TIST CTIURCll m. in Preebyterian church and the J. K. Turnbull, Minister ing INSURANCE Bible school 9:45 a. m., C. E. sermon by Chaplain Kenneth Mur­ phy, of Camp White. Corry, superintendent. Midweek Bible study hour and ON THE PLAZA Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Young People's Union 7 p. m. praise service is Wednesday eve­ j ning at 7:30. Prayer, praise and Bible Mudy huur, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. > At the Churches i i i Gunter Fuel Co. INSURANCE M. T. BURNS » > > NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGA­ TIONAL CHURCH First Official Review of Women’s Army Clarence F. McCall, Minister ‘Boulevard and Murton Streets jChurch school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Glen Prescott, superintendent. .Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­ mon by minister. Union Young People's meeting, i'lesbyterian church, 7:00 p. m. 1 Union service in Presbyterian church, 8 p. m. speaker, Cnaplain Kenneth Murphy, of Camp White. > > > TKINITY EPISCOPAL CHLKCH i/r, Ur. < < i.inut* ¡.itHh* r». 1.. >.t > i • . V “ Mf J •' Holy Communion 8 a. in JOSEPH EASTMAN 1* ‘Church school 9:30 a. m. Director of Office of Defense ; ‘ J Sermon and Holy Communion, Transportation. 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday. . You are cordially invited to worship with us. SIX INCH SERMON 1LV. ROBERT H. HARPER Abram: A l'ionter in Faith. I.ruon far Auguri 2: Cene»» 12:1-9: Hfbrrw, 11:812. Golden Tati: Gentil» 15:1. BAXTER IS SO SHY THEY SAY HE HAS T HAVt 4 DRINKS O' CORN T" 6ET 'NOOGH COvRAÔE T'SAY Y£A OR HAY AT TH' LODGE UE ET IN'S................... Pa The cal) had its promise of large ' blessing- he would become the fa­ ther of a great nation. We may look back now, after the lapse of several thousand years, and see the record of fulfillment of God's promise in the history of the He­ brews; Abram’s faith was great indeed because he could see through his faith what now we read. In Canaan God appeared again unto Abram and gave him assur- ance of the fulfillment of the pro­ mise made to him in Haran. And when we act upon our faith, re­ newed assurance comes to us of fulfillment in God’s own time. In the 11th chapter of Hebrews which has been called the picture gallery of the saints, the whole of Abram's career is ascribed to his faith, and it is said that through it all he looked beyond the things of time to eternal things— "for the city which hath founda­ tions, whose builder and maker is God." Let us follow the leadings of faith in our own time and place, knowing that we can Bafely trust God's promises of wellbeing and happlneM. 4 4 4 CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. » » » FULL GOSPEL TEMPLE E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol- Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To soothe it ching, burning skin, apply medicated liquid ZEMO—a Doctor s formula backed by 30 years continu­ ous success! For ringworm symptoms, eczema, athlete’s foot or blemishes due to external cause, apply ZEMO freely. Soon the discomfort should disappear. Over 25,000,000 packages sold. One trial convinces. Only 85^. Also 60^ and $1.00. Mrs. Ovetts Culp Hobby, commander of the WAAC, holds the first review of the U. 8. women's army at Fort Des Moines Iowa, as 3M women begin their military training for non-combatant duty. This is the first army of its type in U. 8. history and representa the vanguard of an expected enlistment of 25,000 officers and “privates.** Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Reporting Office General Office Ashland Medford Phone 3751 240 East Main, Ashland Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD —You make it, We Record it! Attend the Victory House Program at Lithia Park Sunday Afternoon and Evening ALWAYS You can dejiend »ervic®. The best materials, projierly prepared, served in a courteous manner — at prices always within your means. That's what you get at Pete’s Lunch your meeting place where you can buy all the War Stamps and Bonds you want Ramsey’s Jewelry Store