Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 30, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
ehuse hitu for this unpleasant Joi fight and he must know that the
because he hud *11 those qualitie. people of thia country are behind
Him. Maybe not the so-called
pius great courage, economl
foresight and terrific strength ol ‘farm bloc” in congrua*; or the
ubor unloneer* but the furmere
( HEAP printing Is expensive.
uid the laborer mid the rest of
Have your work done KIGHT at
Ute American people are “pulling
unp.ipulailty. are -his uppolnt
the Honua of Hotter Printing------
inenl to office of men and women for him " And if his opponent*
Miner offk-e.
lon't believe thl* they should
regardless of their political affili
•cud the Ga lup poll.
atioue; mid his recent warnUi,
• Subscribe for The Miner today
will lose their jobs If they en, ug
“NO HUNTING” cards al the
llrndt-rxiMi'u» Groat Fight
in political activity.
—Buy War Saving* Stampa—
'liner office.
If inflation get* beyond control
Mr Henderson knows what il
i in this country, ami we lose the flation will do to our war effort
• The Miner for Quality Printing
war: It isn't going to help anyone, and to us He is fighting a gre
who 1* In any way rea|x>iisible for
such a catastrophe. to "pass the
buck" on to someone else It will
be too late for that, and those who
are responsible will be made to
take the punishment
Inflation can be stopped: and
the power to stop it lies in the
hands of the adminlatration and
, congress. At the moment, each is
or If t ATT
criticizing the other for falling
before France cent u>
to control this deadly enemy. Par
the Statue of Liberty, the gigantic
ticularly is abuse being heaped
arm and torch w«te ditplayed m
upon Leon Henderson the auniln
istrations “shock troops
Ntw York City, to raise fundi
outstanding hero in this buttle t<
among ichool . hifctrc® to buy the
decide whether or not the United
statue. The amvwai'sent hack and
States is to remain a great free
the entire lists* a Mired from
democracy. (And our freedom and
France in 188 J.
democracy depend upon the out­
/4Ff mm
We have all read about Mr.
Leon Henderson. We have read
The tires on * Greyhound Super­
that he is an alien, born in Russia
Coach give an average of 40,000 to
and sent over here to "improve"
60,(XX) nul« of Mrva*. They lave
Members of the house committee on mines and mining are shown 1 our government. That ‘ he
is a
rubber by carrying a doien tunes
watching a bouncing ball made of synthetic rubber. This ball was made
Communist - and if given any la-
before their eyes in a demonstration staged to help clear the confusion
ai many pauenger» ai a family car
titude will make himself dictator
existing regarding synthetic rubber. This ball is made of buna S., one
and consuming only a fraction aa
of this country, Sounds like a
of the two principal types of synthetic rubber.
melodrama and is.
much rubber per pataenger carried
The Henderson family have
lived In this country for 200 years.
Some member of that family has
fought in every American war
Leon Henderson was a captain in
“Fill 'er up with Helium!" uyi
the first Work! war His father
the blimp commander—but there ■
was a Methodist minister, and the
• only one gat tank in the world
son is an exception to the old ad­
with that band! Gar well» near
age With hard work and a big
Atorill», Tnot, produce almost
brain he has worked his way up
the entire world » supply of non*
through life, in the true Ameri­
inflammable kcliwn.'huw used in
can fashion, to the unenviable po­
the hundreds of blimps being built
sition which he now holds He Is a
for war wrvice.
Wilsonian Democrat in the sense
that he worked for the nomination
and the election of Woodrow Wil-
son He is a Mason
Thus endeth a great deal of
irr cm ha mt ft ht
"baloney” about a brave man who
is "taking it hard on the chin" to
save us all from horrors which we
Sun Y«t Sen, 6rM preti dent of
seem only vaguely to appreciate
to all employees in the Office of
Chins, was born io iMjr;i„//r,
Price Administration, that they
Coliform Hit IUtu*. of itsmleM
Mr. Henderson's present position
iteci (shown above), by Buffano.
requires brazenness, assertiveness,
■ I in San Francisco I Chinatown
and aggressiveness Any on® of
these qualities makes for unpopu­
larity. The President obviously
3 What itvjLhe avera
a yr rage voltage
of a flash of lOfhlning ?
4 From Whit is < champagne
made ? *
5. What animals go to sleep in
summer ?
g WI h U >• the national game of
the United States?
7. What machine is a substitute
for type setting by tjgnd?
8. Name a famouslcomposer of
light opei a ?
‘Marblehead’ Hero
Thursday, July 30, 1M2
9 What is the study of rock*
10. Who invented the reaper?
zffiOVH ¿Ae
Congress ‘Plays Ball' (Synthetic)
Rear Adm. E. J. Marquart, com­
mandant of the third naval district,
is shown presenting the navy «cross
to Seaman first class Claude Beck­
er, at the New York navy ?ard.
Becker was decorated for extraor­
dinary courage while with the CSS
Marblehead, the cruiser the Japs
couldn't sink.
‘Hazv Details
Harace Ward, known among his
associates as the “Dean of Wash­
ington's Sales Engineers.” shown
as he testified before the house na­
val affairs committee, scratching
bis head trying to recall some of
the hazy facts regarding his “serv­
ices'* which earned him about $400,-
in the past 18 months.
Take your pencil in hand and try your skill at either or both of the
simple tasks outffned above. For Figure Folk, take a number from 1 to •
and draw anything around it. For the Thin Man, just draw him doing
anything you please—rtmaing, walking, working, playing, etc.
1. What is the Holy Grail?
2. From what is caviar ob-
Printing Price Ceiling
To Be Set Soon
• ’*• • *
* -
—Photo» by K. S. Broton
1 ■ ■ dK
I ’■ ‘ -a'5®
(1) Each American fighting man requires the
work of ten in war supply and production, and
the people of the West Coast woods and mills
are in the front rank of the ten. Above, a head
sawyer and log-carriage crew start the process
of producing decking lumber for fighting ships.
(2) Ship decking, long clear lumber of highest
gradé, cut, dressed and kiln-dried on rigid speci­
fications. is carefully loaded for shipment by
rugged men skilled by long'training.
(3) Young women are now generally employed
In the lighter work of the West Coast lumber
industry. These two ladies of the woods are
bundling short lengths that may be used In war
industry housing. Practically every element of
the war effort needs some sort of lumber.
We will share a secret with you—prices will be higher
when the ceiling goes into effect. New rates will have
to be based on increased costs. Therefore, we suggest
that you look over your printed supplies and check your
needs. We can protect you on prevailing prices for a
short time only. Better order a year’s supply now.
Greeting Cards ■ Calendars
Society Stationery
We have on hand new samples of Greeting Cards, Soci-
‘ety stationery and Calendars. Place your orders now for
Christmas Cards and Calendars and get the pick. Come
in and look these samples over.
Modern Printing
The MINER PRESS is able to give you the most
Modernistic, Creative Colorama Printing and Advertis
ing in this section. Tell your friends about this.
Southern Oregon Miner
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