/ P«fwl SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, July 30. 1942 Go All* Out for Victory Buy War Saving Stamps and Bonds Every Day! Put Up Every Cent You Can Spare f / i Sunday, August 2 w fkJkai'lfo44 ★ WAR B When the United States Treasury’s It's nut a pleasant pic template, but War calls and sweat and tears.** And Medical Corps, with Its nurses and its volunteer R "Angels of Mercy,*’ needs of surgical beds for field hospitals on every front Victory House on Wheels Comes to Ashland’s Lithia Park These beds cost approximately •» each. They are the latest thing in modern hospital beds, with elevating springs In some instances surgi­ cal cots are used in temporary field hospitals and there is a folding bed which may be used in ambulances. Your purchase of War Bonds and Stamps can buy many of these beds for the Army. You'll sleep better if you know our boys have every hospital comfort. Buy War Bonds every pay day. Invest ton percent of your income. U. S. Dffrttf» Wkai'l/ou.ßiuf.Wiik ★ WAR BONDS * Essential in the equipment of ev­ ery Soldier. Sailor. Marine or Flyer la a firs* aid kit, consisting of band­ ages and antiseptics for instantane­ ous use. These materials are packed into a compact box and cost about U.K each. Gunter Fuel Co. ' * which came into use for the first time when ns used poison and mus- World War I. are much today over those used Chemical Warfare Branch ar Department issues these sks to every man in the serv- e are taking no chances. The type pictured here is the "can" and "elephant nose" mask and costs about $9.25 each. The beadgear is transparent, made of material resembling cellophane and does not cloud with the breath. You can buy two of these gas masks with the purchase of an $18.75 War Bond. We need thousands of them. Don't fail to give at least ten percent cf your Income every pay day for War Bonds Buy them at your bank or postoffice, regularly. U. S. Tntnrj Dtfrtutnt ★ ★ FRONDS Harry Chipman Dr. E. N. Terrill, D. C. Lithia Hotel Building Viik Pete’s Lunch Bohemian Club Ashland Hotel Whittle Transfer Co. Chas. A. White Jewelry DS ★ Ships of the prise the bulk in the America age displacemen and they are f hard hitting. Ocularly effective gave a good acco In the Coral Sea en cost approximately We need millions of these first aid kits for emergency treatment They are also used by Red Cross work­ ers. in field hospitals and wherever needed until hospital treatment may be obtained. Even a child could buy or more of these kits through ase of War Stamps. Buy War and Stamps every pay day invest at least ten percent of Income in these governm I ties. (/. s. y r